Asstr Pictures

Asstr Pictures


Asstr Pictures
By Chris Hailey
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Copyright 2021
Story codes: Mg11, oral, vaginal, child model
Summary: Michelle was the most beautiful girl that Mark had ever seen. And somehow, he managed to stumble into the fulfillment of his greatest dreams.
Word count: 8,120
The hero of our story, a man named Mark Harris, pulled a picture up onto his computer screen. He'd looked at this picture a lot already, and surely would look at it many more times as well. It was a picture of a girl named Michelle. He had exchanged several emails with her and her mother, and amid the conversation, they'd sent the picture.
She was wearing a bikini in the photograph, yellow against the beautifully tanned skin of her thin chest. It was the sort of bikini that was tied in a knot at the front, and he imagined himself reaching out, untying the knot, and watching as the bikini falls away from her breasts. What a sight that would be; the cloth cups of the bra outlined a beautiful set of titties, small, of course, but more developed than he'd expected from an eleven year old girl. And maybe it was just his imagination, but he was certain he could see a hint of the shape of a nipple through the cloth. The bikini also sported the small image of two cherries, just above the nipple. He had to laugh--cherries! How perfect is that? Although, from what her mother had said, Michelle herself was not a cherry girl. She'd been with men before.
The picture began just below the bikini bra, as if the person who took the photo had wanted to make sure that he could see her tits. The picture moved up from there to frame her face. It was, in Mark's opinion, the face of an angel. She held a glass of water up as if in a toast, and had the sweetest smile, pink lips opened slightly and turning up at the corners to form little dimples in her cheeks. As he looked at her smile, he imagined those lips opening wider, her jaw dropping, and his cock sliding into the warmth of her mouth. Surely this beautiful angel must give wonderful head, and now in his mind she was looking up at him with her sweet brown eyes as she sucks.
Her angel-face was round, with ruddy cheeks matched in their perfection by an adorable little nose and eyes that glimmered with her smile. Her cheeks were framed by blonde hair, pulled back but with bangs blowing in the breeze, partly obscuring the face and shining in the bright sunlight.
Yes, he realized. Yes. He pulled up an email to her mother. Yes, he wrote. Let's do it.
Michelle looked at herself in the mirror while her mom stood behind her, combing back her golden hair. Michelle practiced making faces--big smiles, little smiles, wide-eyed looks of surprise. This was second nature for her; she always wanted to be a model, and she loved to strike poses when people take pictures of her. She was awfully excited about what she and her mom had planned for today.
"Do you think he's cute?" she asked, trying out a sultry look with her tongue peeking out of her lips.
Candice chuckled. "I don't know. But I think fifty year old men prefer the word 'handsome.'"
"I prefer the word 'cute.' And I think he is. He seems really nice."
"He does." Candice chuckled again, enjoying how her daughter seemed to think that "cute" and "nice" were closely related in a man. Maybe even the same thing. She remembered back to the first man she was with, when she was younger than Michelle is now. Was he "cute?" She sure as hell thought he was.
"I like older men," her daughter announced, then made another sultry face for the mirror, biting her lower lip.
"Yes," Michelle said. "They're not afraid to tell me I'm sexy. Boys would never say that. They're too scared."
It's true; Mark had told Michelle that she was sexy, several times. And she did like to hear him say that.
"And," the eleven year old continued, "because he's older, he's seen a lot of girls my age, maybe even when they're naked, and he's smart enough to know that I'm the prettiest and sexiest of them all." She gave the mirror a big beautiful smile.
Her mom laughed. "Very true," she said. There was no point in disagreeing with the girl.
Her mom finished pulling her hair back into a ponytail, and Michelle wiped a few wayward strands of her long bangs out of her face. "It is true," she said, as much to her face in the mirror as to her mother.
Candice laughed again. "Now," she said, patting some blush onto her daughter's cheeks, "he said he doesn't want much makeup--"
"He said he likes my 'natural look.'"
"Yes. But maybe we should surprise him with a little face paint? Maybe some flowers?"
Michelle's eyes twinkled. "Some pretty flowers!"
"I know he will!" Candice knelt next to her daughter and began to draw some flowers, blue and purple, arching down from above her eyebrow, beside her eye, and onto her cheek. "There!" she announced triumphantly when she was done.
"They're beautiful, Mama! He's going to love them!"
"Yes, he is. Now let's get you dressed."
Mark and Candace had discuss what sort of costume Michelle should wear. He'd mostly just wanted her to be natural--"Street clothes is fine"--but Michelle wanted something special, so Mark found a site online that had surplus costumes, mostly silly Halloween outfits for kids. It was hard for him to select which one to get--sexy schoolgirl? Nurse Michelle? Little Witch? But eventually he settled on a belly dancer costume, in part because the girl in the picture looked to be about Michelle's age, and was quite sexy in her own right (though not anywhere near as hot as Michelle, of course). The outfit featured a delightfully exposed midriff, which he knew would be sexy as hell on Michelle, a pair of pants that were mostly some sort of gauzy see-through fabric and which hung provocatively low on the model's narrow hips. The top looked tight--too tight for Michelle, perhaps--and had matching gauzy sleeves. Clipped to the bottom hem of the top, and to the waistband of the pants, hung strings of metal bangles to complete the belly dancer look. Michelle had been thrilled with his choice, and the moment he got her approval, he ordered the costume to be delivered overnight to her house. She'd put it on as soon as it arrived, and then danced around the house, shaking her hips to make the bangles ring.
Candice was hardly a professional photographer, but she'd taken a class at a camera store a while back, and Mark had bought her a new camera and a tripod, and a couple umbrella lights. She had the camera on the tripod now and took a few practice photos of Michelle as she changed into the outfit. She figured Mark might like some "behind the scenes" pictures, the sort of "making of..." stuff that porn sites often offer as an addition to their regular sets. Michelle's never been one to hesitate about taking her clothes off, Candice liked to call her "My little exhibitionist" and the girl just couldn't help but pose a few times for the camera while she changed, including one photo in nothing but her panties. Oh yeah, Candice thought to herself, Mark's really going to enjoy this.
A few minutes later, Michelle was making the last little adjustments to the costume: pulling the top up a bit more than it ought to be, to provide just a little peek at the undersides of her breasts (damn, the girl's good, Candice thought), and making sure that the waistband of the pants hung even lower on her than in the picture of the model on the website. "I will be way, way sexier than her!" Michelle had said when she saw the picture, maybe a little jealous, or at least very determined , after she'd read Mark describe the girl as "hot." She obviously intended to make sure that there was no question in Mark's mind at all who the hotter girl was.
Then she gave her hips a shake, to make the bangles jingle, and looked expectantly at her mom.
Candice snapped a couple pictures, looked at the results on her computer screen, then adjusted the lights a bit and took few more.
Blood was already rushing to Mark's cock and he was literally salivating as he watched the download meter. It was a big file, which was good. That meant a lot of high resolution photos. But it also made the wait agonizingly long. Eventually he was able to open the file and extract the pictures, 78 of them.
By the time he pulled up the first picture, he was rock hard. It was a full-body picture of her, standing in front of the camera and giving that gorgeous dimple-cheeked smile. He immediately knew that the belly dancer costume was the perfect choice. He hadn't yet seen her stomach, and it was perfect. Thin, of course, but with just a hint of baby fat, too. He knew that baby fat would go away by the time she was a teenager; it would shift from her belly to her tits. And that'd be nice, but for now it was the perfect reminder that Michelle was still a girl, young and fresh, maybe not a virgin, but virginal nonetheless.
He noticed that the top was tight, compressing her tits more than he hoped. A girl's tits ought to be free to move, and to show off their shape. But, the advantage was that he could clearly see the shape of her nipples, little cones of flesh making their presence known through the lycra fabric. He also noticed that the top was quite high on her chest. This was sexy as hell.
The pants, on the other hand, hung very low, showing a surprising amount of light-colored skin well below her tan line. Another quarter-inch down, and he would be able to see the beginning of her public mound. The pants were much lower than in the picture of the girl on the website. Were Michelle's hips even narrower than the model's? No; she had a fine set of hips, still girlish but hinting at womanhood to come. That's when he realized that Michelle must have pulled the pants down like that on purpose.
At that thought, he unzipped his pants and fished his cock out of his underwear, and he started a slow, steady stroke as he stared at his little lover posing for him. She had her golden hair pulled back into a pony tail, a few bangs hanging to the side. Her brown eyes glimmered, her chubby cheeks reddened slightly.
He paged through the next few pictures, still stroking steadily. She struck various model poses, hands on her hips and her head to the side, then turned, in profile, then turned further, to show off her little ass. He paused on this picture. It was the most adorable ass he'd ever seen. A perfect ass. As with her breasts, it was fuller than he had expected. And just as charming.
Then there was a series of close ups of her face. For Mark, these were the most erotic photos yet. The girl had a very fuckable face. He couldn't help but start jacking harder as he wondered if she'd given head before. He hoped that she had, because he knew she would be fantastic at it.
"Can't I just take the clothes off now?" Michelle asked her mother. "He wants to see me naked!"
Candice laughed and shook her head. "You know what he wants, he gave us instructions."
"Okay, I'll follow his instructions," Michelle pouted.
Candace picked up a printout of an email that Mark had sent them. "He wants you to start slowly lifting the top over one of your boobs."
"Only one? Why not both?" And as she spoke, she reached up and pulled the top over her tits. Both tits.
"Come on, Michelle," Candice laughed.
The girl pulled the top back down, then started slowly lifting one side while her mom took several pictures. "Okay," Candace said, "stop before you show the nipple, and pretend like you don't want to show it."
"That's silly," Michelle said. "Of course I want to show it!" Her mom just gave her a look, and she said "okay..." and stopped. She did her best to pretend she wasn't going to show her nipple to him, even waving a finger like she was scolding him.
"Now act like he's convincing you to do it."
Michelle realized, when her mom said she should "act," that this really was like acting. She was supposed to play a part, pretend to be what Mark wants her to be. So she acted like he was convincing her, making a pose like she was listening to him, a little disgruntled, then like she agreed. Then she went back to the top and pulled it up until her nipple was out.
"Now pull it back down and do the same thing to the other side. But this time, don't stop, just slowly pull it up.
Michelle did as Mark instructed. She was finding that she was enjoying this, doing what he wanted, what he told her to do. She liked acting for him. As she held the top up over the breast and her mom took some pictures, she wondered if he was jacking off right now while he looked at her nipple. He course he is! She laughed to herself, picturing Mark jacking off while he looked at her nipple.
"Now pull it back in place, then take the shirt off."
"But do it slow, act like you're not sure you want to."
She did her best to act like he wanted, but she couldn't help smiling while she did it. The top was a little hard to get off, because it was so tight and the sleeves were weird, but pretty soon, she was topless.
Much as Michelle might have predicted, Mark scrolled rather quickly through the teasing photos, where she pretended to not want to show off her tits. They were good, and he liked them, but he'd been waiting for weeks to see her topless, and he wanted to get to that as quickly as he could. And finally, there they were, Michelle's beautiful breasts, completely bare. They were just beginning to leave the budding stage, a round plumpness beginning to form, though they were far too small to hang at all, sitting firm on her thin chest. And her tan line provided a sharp contrast between her paler tits and her shining bronze skin. And her nipples, her delicate little nipples, rose in soft pink cones and ended in little reddish nubs. He was jacking off hard now, imagining wrapping his lips around a nipple and sucking it in.
Candace had done what he'd asked; the first picture of her topless was a full-body photo, and he admired it all, from her naked little feet, to the low-slung pants, to her beautiful baby-fat belly and her ribs showing beneath her tits. Then the tits themselves, the finest set of baby breasts he had ever seen, and above them, her narrow chest and thin neck, her round cherub face, her dimpled smile, her shining eyes, and her golden hair.
The next picture, as he had instructed, was closer in, beginning above her knees, then the next, closer still, only her naked breasts and her beautiful face. Precum leaked from his cockhole as he looked at this picture, and he had to slow down his jacking. He had to pace himself. There were still a lot of pictures to go.
Candace focused in closer still, the next picture framing only Michelle's tits, and closer, only one breast, and then a tight close-up of a nipple. This picture, he stared at for quite a while. Mark was a nipple man, and he wanted to memorize every bump, every crease, of Michelle's sweet little teat. For the first time, he began to think of her as his girlfriend. This is what girlfriends do. They let you look at their nipples all you want.
The next two pictures were close-ups of her other titty, and its nipple, and he stared just as long at them.
"Okay," Candace said as she looked at the sheet of instructions. "Pull down your pants, but like you did before with your tits, like you're not going to do it.
Michelle giggled, but she did her best, acting hesitant as she pulled down the waistband of the pants, then stopped and made a silly face, saying "Nope!" But then she went back to pulling them down, until she was showing off her pussy to the camera. Then she shimmied the pants down over her butt, and pulled them down. They dropped to the floor and she stepped out of them. Finally, she was naked!
"Turn around, slowly. Let him admire you."
Now that was something Michelle could easily do. There was nothing she enjoyed more than being admired by a man. And she turned, slowly, and thought about Mark admiring her. She loved being naked for him. She loved knowing that he was looking at her, that he wanted her. That he craved her. And she laughed as she pictured him cumming while he looked at her, spewing thick ropes of semen into the air and making a big mess, globs of cum landing everywhere.
When she finished turning around, facing the camera again, she opened her legs a bit, reached down, and, entirely without being instructed by Mark to do it, she spread open her pussy lips.
Mark was masturbating furiously as he scrolled through the pictures of little Michelle, completely naked now, turning around to show her backside off. Jesus christ she has the cutest ass he's ever seen. And he nearly blew his load when the minx went off-script and spread her pussy lips. He tried to restrain himself from cumming, but in the next picture, Candace, bless her soul, focused the camera right on her daughter's pussy--her pubic mound bald and pale and adorably plump, her spread-open lips revealing the pink skin of her clitoral hood. It was all he could take. He gave a loud grunt, and his ballsack seized up tight and his cock swelled in his hand, and he orgasmed, shooting cum high into the air, arching, and landing with an audible splat on his keyboard. "Oh Michelle!" he moaned out loud as he continued spewing uncontrollably, "Take my cum you little whore!"
He had quite a mess to clean up when he was done.
"Okay," Michelle's mom said, looking at Mark's instructions. "He wants you on the bed now."
"About time!" Michelle said, and they both laughed.
"But you're supposed to sit up, with your legs together, looking like you're nervous about being naked on the bed with him"
"That's silly. I wouldn't be nervous at all!" But she played her role, looking doe-eyed at the camera while her mom took the picture.
"Now sit back, and slowly, hesitantly, open your legs."
Michelle played the role of reluctant girl for the camera, and had a great time doing it, although once again she couldn't help grinning. Candace was worried that Mark wouldn't like the smile, that he would think it ruined the effect, and so she encouraged her daughter to look more serious. And Michele tried, she really did, but every time she tried to make a serious expression, she started giggling, and both of them would laugh. Ultimately, Candace gave up. If Mark wants pictures of Michelle acting nervous and reluctant, he's just going to have to accept that she'll be smiling the whole time. That's who she is.
Eventually, amid much giggling, she was spread wide open, languishing back in the pillows with her arms above her head. This, her mother thought, is Michelle in her ideal state. Ready, willing, eager.
As per Mark's instructions, Candace now focused in tight on her daughter's pussy. She took a picture, then left the camera in place on the tripod and walked over to the bed.
"He wants me to spread your pussy open," she told Michelle.
"Yeah. So it's like I'm offering you to him."
Michelle got a great big smile. "That's really sexy."
Then Candace reached a hand between her daughter's legs, and put her thumb and forefinger on her pouty pussy lips, and spread them open. With her other hand, she clicked the remote, and took a picture.
After Mark cleaned up, as best he could, the royal mess he'd made, he took a sorely needed break. He went to the bathroom for a pee, then to the kitchen for a beer. He checked messages on his phone, surfed the web a bit, and then returned to the scene of the crime, anxious and now ready again to finish looking at the pictures of his little angel.
She was on the bed now, sitting up as he'd instructed with her arms wrapped around her knees, looking imploringly up at the camera. That was a really good picture. Exactly what he'd imagined, and even better than he'd hoped. After that, though, the magic of that first picture was lost somewhat, but it was replaced with something even more magical--Michelle playing the part that
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