Asstr Phil Phantom

Asstr Phil Phantom


Asstr Phil Phantom
AnonyMPC here, still alive, with another Phil Phantom Tribute. For those who aren't familiar with these, my Phil Phantom Tributes are my attempt to honor, capture the style of and deal with themes by a prolific erotic author of days gone by. It's low characterization, high smut, and fast-paced, not much like my previous work but, hopefully, good for a good quick fap.  

You ever heard that old joke, about the girl who climbs trees? Every day she comes home with money and her mother gets curious, and the girl proudly tells her mom that the boys always bet her a dollar that she can't climb a certain tree, and she always proves them wrong. Her more world-savvy mother fills her in on the little secret... the boys don't really care if she can climb the tree, they just want to look up her dress and see her panties.
The girl's shocked, and the mother thinks that's the end of it, until the next day when she shows up with a fistful of bills again, and the mom asks about it, and the girl proudly talks about the boys betting she couldn't climb the tree. "Oh, dear, don't you remember what I told you yesterday? They just want to see your underwear!"
"I know, Mom, but that's why I fooled them... this time, I didn't wear any!"
That joke was around when I was a kid, and probably when my parents were kids, too. So the joke couldn't really be about my little Katie... but it might as well have been, because that's just the kind of girl she's always been... unaware about the underlying sexual motivations of people, and just plain gullible as all get out.

Now, I admit I had fun taking advantage of this when she was young and innocent, by tricking her into believing things. Innocent things, of course, but silly. I guess every parent enjoys that a bit, after all, we have things like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny. I used to have loads of laughs telling Katie, say, there was a Bigfoot living in the woods outside of town, and watching her stare out the window every time we drove past, trying to see him. Or that we bought her at WalMart (I photoshopped a receipt and everything), or that if she swam in the creek nude she might turn into a mermaid, or any number of other stories that crossed my mind. I once drew an X in a sandpit and then 'found' it with her, and told her it meant pirates buried treasure there. Little Katie dug for a whole afternoon! I even tried that really old one about gullible not being in the dictionary... little Katie fell for it for the minute or two it took to look up. She was trusting, not completely dumb... she'd usually figure it out she was tricked, but far too late, long after she'd made a fool of herself, and if I was the one who tricked her, sometimes she would come up to me with an adorable pout and inform me that it wasn't really true, like she now knew it was bull, but she still wanted to believe that I didn't know it was bull.
I wasn't the only one who would fool little Katie. My wife Judith played these kinds of games too, but hers were longer and subtler, and she rarely gave in and admitted it was a joke, she'd leave it to me... she always used to tell Katie I wasn't her real dad, it was a UPS guy who showed up at the right time. Another time Judith got sick of taking Katie to play mini-golf, so she made up a story that she and her gay friend Darius got banned for life from the course, supposedly because they got into a fight with a group of guys over who got to use which hole and made so much noise that the old lady who ran the place came out and screamed at them. Since then, I had to be the one to take Katie to play, because my wife wouldn't admit she made the story up. Let's see... what else... oh, for all of fifth grade she insisted she used to date Katie's teacher, and that's why my daughter got good marks... even though the young man couldn't have been any older than 10 when Judith and I got married. Anyway, my wife's pranks weren't as wild or imaginative as mine, but she kept a straight face longer than I could (I have to admit her poker face on the 'UPS Guy' story did a number on me, too.... I even secretly got a paternity test. Waste of money, but at least I can be certain that Katie is my daughter and my wife is loyal as the day is long.). I'm sure most parents would agree... it's just fun to get your kids to believe something stupid and outrageous.
It's not so fun when they get a little older and they're still so gullible you worry they're not going to be able to survive in the world. Katie falling for everything at age seven or eight was hilarious. When she started nearing puberty... well, it was still often hilarious, but it started becoming more and more a problem. The kid just never seemed to learn the virtue of skepticism.
You'd think she'd have learned, that time when she was ten years old and her friend tricked her into believing that the next Monday was Bikini Day, and she boarded the bus wearing nothing but three yellow triangles of fabric held together by string. It was modeled after one of Judith's... my wife said Katie begged for one that matched her mommy's, and she couldn't resist, even though it would be considered an pretty skimpy swimsuit on an adult. On a girl Katie's age, the design looked practically obscene, especially from the rear with just a tiny string up the butt. So of course, THAT was the bikini she chose to wear, thinking her friend wouldn't lie to her about Bikini Day. Until, of course, she boarded the bus, and froze, realizing everybody else was dressed in normal school clothes.
As fun as it is watching her get embarrassed, I felt for the girl when I learned of it... the poor dear got laughed at by the whole bus and mercilessly teased... every boy with a smart phone (which, these days, is just about every boy) got a picture, some with another boy pulling part of the suit askew by a dangling string. Boys will be boys, I guess, but a sweet girl like Katie wasn't used to that, and she was begging to get off right away. Unfortunately for her, ours was the last stop before school, and the bus driver had a schedule to keep. The school wanted to send her home early, but nobody could come get her. I was working, and my wife was filming scenes all day (she's been working on a low-budget independent film these last few years), and although she would have stopped, her phone ran out of charge. So Katie just had to suck it up and bear the humiliation until I was able to come for her at the end of the day.
On the ride home, she told me that up until lunch she was in class, bikini and all, but eventually the teachers stopped playing along and tolerating the distraction, and so the rest of the day she spent in the office, but that's actually where her day started looking up. At least she had fun there in the office. They let her help with filing, she said, which is sounds boring to me, but I guess the responsibility of doing an adult job was a thrill for a kid. The Principal must have had back problems because she said the bottom drawers of his cabinets were the only one that needed to be sorted. Though, now that I think about it, it's probably more likely that drawer was the oldest files, the only one where it didn't matter much if Katie screwed up... after all, he's got plenty of young secretaries who can do the job. One of them even taught Katie how to do some exercises named Kay-gulls, too, so if they're doing fancy aerobics, at least a few of them are limber enough to do all the filing. I'm glad she got something she liked out of the experience, because she was pretty depressed at the cruel joke her friend played and all the taunts afterwards.
I'm her dad, so I hurt when she hurt, but at least I saw an upside... I thought for sure that would put an end to her taking everything told to her on faith. But, nope, it didn't wise her up at all.
Not six months later, I learn she seriously hurt her reputation by falling for a con I remembered trying myself when I was a teenager. Only I never met a girl as gullible as Katie, so it never worked, and in this age of smartphones and Wikipedia, it should work even less. But, nope, Katie never looked something up when somebody told her something with a straight face, which is how she earned some pretty awful the nicknames and a bad reputation.
See, one day, I caught her staring at herself in the mirror, wearing only panties, and squeezing her arms tight to her side to push her breasts out as far as they would go, which wasn't far at all, she was pretty much flat as a board, but she had such a determined look in her face that I had to step in. "Darling," I said. "What are you doing?"
"Seeing if it's working yet," she said.
"If my boobs are growing. But I don't think they are."
I stared at her little nipples, which seemed to be reacting to a slight breeze, and licked my lips while I tried to come up with the appropriate fatherly advice. "Just give it time, girl. These things happen naturally in God's time."
"Yeah, but how long does it take for the sperm to kick in?"
Well, that just flabbergasted me. "The what?"
"Billy Hamilton said that if a girl drinks a guy's cum, it makes her boobs grow faster."
I knew Billy Hamilton, little shit in my daughter's class, knew his dad, too, both were always in trouble, and his daddy was practically a compulsive liar. I'd have hoped that if she'd learn to distrust anybody it'd be him. I sighed, and prepared to let her know she'd been duped. "Darling, I think he was playing a trick on you."
"Oh, don't worry, I know he was," she said, and for a second I had hope, but then she said, "Dummy doesn't even squirt yet!"
That didn't necessarily mean she knew that personally, of course. "No, I mean that thing about cum making your boobs grow, that's a myth."
She stared at me, not sure whether to believe me, but her natural trust in me made her voice quiver and lip pout out as she said, "But all the other guys said it was true..."
"It's not," I assured her, hoping against hope that she hadn't actually anything, that she was still just considering it as an option, if she wasn't developing as fast as she'd like. "It's just a line guys use when they want... well, you know."
That hope didn't take long to get dashed either. "You mean I sucked all those guys for NOTHING?"
"How many guys?" I asked, and she flabbergasted me by counting. And she used up all her fingers and wasn't done yet. I recognized some of the names from the neighborhood, kids, some in her class, some just around. "No adults though?"
"Just a few," she said. "Mister Hamilton, Billy's dad, helped when Billy couldn't give me any. Are you saying he was lying to me too?"
That was a sticky situation. If I admitted he was lying, I'd have to confront him, or call the cops, and I feared for my life if I did either. I decided it might be best if I just pretended not to have heard that. "Not everyone knows it's a lie," I said.
"Good, because I'd hate to think Mommy's movie friends were lying to me too."
That was a real surprise. Not just that gay guys would let my daughter suck their cocks, but that Katie could even take them. It's hard to imagine that sight, Katie being able to get them past her lips, as big as they are. You've probably heard people say that black men have bigger dicks, but there's also a rumor that gay guys do too, and judging by Judith's movie friends, at least one of those rumors are true, if not both... I've had it confirmed. See, my wife goes through wardrobe and sometimes even showers with these gentlemen... just to save time and water, of course, since there's no attraction. Judith has always had a low sex drive, and they obviously have no interest in her. But she's told me that all of them have huge dicks, impressive both in length and thickness. And Darius, I've seen his for myself, she pulled down his shorts to show me that she wasn't lying. It was like a Pringles container when hard, and he was hard, too, which was flattering... it's not my thing, but it's nice to know that a gay guy is turned on by my looking at him, even with my wife right there holding it. Though all the same, I'm glad he and my wife had to run off to a film a scene immediately afterwards, since I have no interest in dealing with that monster. Imagining Katie doing so, overcoming Darius' natural aversion to a female mouth by working it down in her throat until she was practically gagging, well, that's a mental image a father has trouble getting out of his mind.
Anyway, it made sense I guess that Katie would ask them... they're over all the time, rehearsing a scene (in the movie, my wife plays a slut that's dating multiple black gang members at the same time, and I often catch them rehearsing a make-out scene... I'd be jealous if I didn't know they were all strictly into men), and both me and my daughter have gotten to know them all. We even watched them film a scene, once, in my bedroom, until they decided we were making too much noise and we had to leave them alone.
Now, I don't blame Darius, or his gay friends for giving in to my daughter's pleading, she's hard to resist when she begs, and I genuinely do believe they didn't know any better. From what they told me, they were sucking cock at Katie's age and younger, and seeing as how there was no sexual gratification going on with my daughter, and they were just trying to help her development by cumming down her throat, I was mad, but I wasn't that mad. Hell, all things considered, it was probably safer with them than anybody else, except for one thing. I'm not a homophobe, but I was concerned they might have exposed her to some kind of diseases... no matter how much they assure me that they were all clean, I know homosexuals are at the highest risk for catching HIV, so I had to put my foot down, especially when it wasn't going to do Katie any good. I'm not a racist, either, but you know, I couldn't help but wonder then if some of the stereotypes about black guys intelligence are true... I mean, just simple logic, they're all gay and have sucked cock, and so if semen made you grow breasts, wouldn't they all have breasts by now? My wife doesn't like me to use racial slurs, but I'll admit I shook my head, rolled my eyes, and muttered the 'N-word' to myself after I had that conversation with them, the one where I made it clear that it was inappropriate to let my daughter drink their cum.
At least they were friendly about it, though. One of them even offered to give her a facial to make up for it... he must do that kind of thing as a day job, because he's often over giving Judith a massage (though it infuriates me when she trades her pay for a day's work on the movie for a massage... we need that money!).
All the other guys my daughter sucked off, aside from Dan Hamilton of course, still needed to be dealt with, with a little more than a friendly conversation. All those Katie could name were around her own age, no more than five or six years older, and I remember what I was like at their ages, so I didn't want to ruin their whole lives over something I'd do... but I still had to put a stop to it. So I visited each of them with a gun and threatened them that if they so much as touched my daughter again, I'd hunt them down and murder them. I wouldn't have done it, the gun was a replica. I've never shot a gun before in my life, but kids are stupid and gullible, so they all bought my psycho-protective-Dad act. And of course, to make extra sure, I told Katie to stay away from them, especially the Hamiltons, and that no matter what anybody told her, there was nothing sexual that could do anything special for her, and if anyone told her otherwise, she should ask me. That seemed to take care of the problem, she stopped sucking men off in the hopes of bigger breasts.
The damage was done, though. By the time my gullible little girl turned eleven, because of her hopeless amount of faith in people, she'd already slurped down more cum than my wife has in fifteen years of marriage (Judith doesn't like to give blowjobs, she tells me it makes her gag and is too degrading), and kids talk. You can't just back away from that, even if you stop playing the role... maybe even especially then. It wasn't long before she was getting known by cruel nicknames like "BJ" or "Cumguzzler" or "Fuckface." Even "slut", although she told me she was still a virgin, and of course I believed my little girl. She just got caught up by her own foolishness, and she sure was paying for it. Often she'd come home crying. I asked the school to do what they could to stem the bullying, but pretty soon I had to transfer her to another one, where she didn't have a ready-made reputation. Her principal tried to talk me out of it, warning me that in today's social media age, the reputation would just follow her, but I needed to give her a fighting chance.
But a fighting chance ain't much good if you've got no common sense.
If those two harsh lessons didn't cure Katie of her gullibility, I thought for sure what happened just after her twelfth birthday would. Now that was a nightmare. She didn't come home one day after school. Her classmates said they last saw her talking to a man who claimed he was searching for his lost dog, and got into his van with him to help him look for it. We were out our minds with worry, until she showed up, dropped off at a bus stop on the edge of town, three days later. They never caught the guy who did it, and she wasn't physically hurt aside from a few scratches and rope marks, but she wouldn't talk about the man or anything that happened while she was with him. He must have threatened her, told her that he could get her at any time if she said anything, and of course Katie would believe that too. All we could say for sure was that she was no longer a virgin, and, judging from the DNA in the rape kit they performed at the hospital, they did eventually find the guy's dog.
My daughter may not be very smart, but she sure is resilient. To most people, a molestation and bestial rape would wreck them, but Katie, she bounced back. After a few days, home from school while her mother pampered her, she was mostly back to her old bubbly, open self. She even wanted to go back to class.
That's the thing about Katie, she was gullible as fuck, but for all that I jokingly call her dumb... she actually wasn't stupid, not in sheer brainpower... just ridiculously easy to fool. She was a whiz at math, which they always say girls aren't good at, and her other classes had pretty high marks too. I always joked she might become an astronaut and make it to the moon, if only because somebody told her it was made of green cheese and she loves cheese. But she genuinely liked school, too. I think maybe it's because you're supposed to be able to trust the teachers, if they tell you something, it's true. She likes her teachers, and her teachers like her. A few even offer her extra credit, tutoring her after school or on the weekends at their place. Funny story about that, I got all freaked out once because I heard her talking about something she shouldn't have been, but turns out it was her English teacher, and he explained, he was teaching her the book "Of Human Bondage." I looked it up after I got off the phone with him... it's a masterpiece they usually only teach in high school. That's my girl, so book smart.
But her book smarts never corrected her natural gullibility.
So, naturally, when she told me that she met a modeling scout online who wanted to meet her for an in-person audition at a nearby hotel, I thought the worst. I mean, doesn't that just sound sketchy as hell? But of course my daughter was all excited about it, and begged me to let her go and try out to be an underwear model. Of course, I could hardly tell her that it was impossible to be
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