Asstr Party

Asstr Party


Asstr Party
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I was on a business trip to Iowa and was spending the night in a dumpy motel. It was about 10pm and obviously
there was a wild drunken party going on next door. Before I called the front desk to complain, I thought I
should knock on their door and give them a chance to quiet down on their own. When I knocked, it got quiet
all of the sudden. After a few minutes, a teenage boy opened the door and peeked out. I could see through
the door there were several other boys in the room. They looked like they were all drunk. I politely asked
the boy at the door if they could quiet down because it was getting late. The boy at the door apologized
and said they were out of beer anyway.

Just before the door closed, one of the other boys called out. Hey Mister, how would you like to get laid.
What?, I said. The other boy came to the door and opened it wide. We need some beer money and we've got
some pussy to trade, the boy said. With that, he led me through their room and though the doors to the adjoining
room. It was a bit dark in that room, but the boy walked up to the bed and pulled the blankets down. There
was a young teen girl naked in the bed. She seemed wasted. She must have been on some drugs along with a
lot of alcohol. The guy said he wanted forty bucks for her. For how long?, I asked. Half-hour the boy
said. Tell you what, I replied. I'll give you forty for an hour but only if I don't have to use a condom.
Ok, the boy said, we didn't use a condom either, so help yourself. You can do whatever you want to her. With
that, I reached into my pocket and pulled out forty bucks and handed it to the boy. They headed out to
get some more beer and shut the door to the ajoining room on their way out.

I wasted no time and got out of my cloths and into bed with her. I tried to get her to suck my dick, but
she was so gone she had no idea what was happening. I finally opened her mouth and put my cock in her
face. I tried face fucking her, but there wasn't any sucking on her end, just a gagging sound. I figured
I'd just go on to the main event. I spread her legs and started to finger her to get her wet. It immediately
became clear that she was already very well lubed up. I'm guessing about a dozen boys cum was dripping from
her hole. I got on top of her and began fucking her. Her little pussy was so much tighter then anything I
had fucked in years. All of the women my age had already had a few babies pass through their canal. I laid
on top of her and fucked away. I could feel her young firm breasts against my bare chest. The women I had
been fucking had lost all their firmness and their tits were saggy. I think she may have passed out at
some point while I was fucking her, but that didn't bother me any. I just kept pounding until I shot my
load into her cunt.

I rested for a while until I felt myself starting to get hard. At this point, I figured I might as well
have something to remember this occasion by. I pulled out my cell phone and began recording a video. I
focused on her tits, squeezing and sucking on them. Then I moved the camera to focus on her pussy. I spread
her legs and started fingering her. First with one finger, then two and then I tried to get a third in. When
I was done filming that, I pulled my fingers out and held the camera between her legs to show her wet pussy
with cum still dripping out. Then I pulled her to the edge of the bed so that I could fuck her without
blocking the camera view. I got a good video of me fucking her and pounding her. Her tits were bouncing up
and down and you could hear the squishing sound as my prick sloshed in and out of her cum hole. I fucked
her like that for maybe fifteen minutes before I came. I then took the camera and showed my fresh jizz
draining from her slit. For the final scene, I pulled her back on the bed and knelt over her and put my
cock in her mouth and jerked the last drops of cum into her throat.

I rested again for a while and I knew my hour was almost up. I pulled her to the side of the bed and flipped
her over. I turned the camera on again and filmed her as I pushed my penis into her asshole. That passage
was tight and not lubed at all. I gave my cock some spit and managed to wedge it into her crack. It was
still kind of dry, so I pulled it out of her shitter and shoved it into her cunt hole. I went back and forth
a few times and then started pounding her ass. I banged her bung hard and fast until I finally shot my
third load of the evening. With that, I flipped her back over and dragged her into the middle of the bed.
Again I got on top of her and cleaned my shit stained cock in her mouth. I guess those boys will get a
surprise taste if they decide to kiss her while they are fucking her.

I got dressed and gathered up my cell phone and headed through the door back through the adjoining room. The
boys had returned a few minutes earlier and were once again pounding beer. About time Mister, one of the boys
said as he pulled out his little prick and headed in to her room.

I must say I had a nice nights sleep after all that fucking. The noise from the party next door didn't even
keep me awake. A few months later, I saw that girl on the beach. I kept thinking back to that night I had
fucked the shit out of her. She didn't seem to even recognize me as I sat next to her all day staring.

The Little Girl and the New Year's Eve Party - A Love Story - by Alvo Torelli, New Year, 2017
Fucking A, I thought; how did I let myself get talked into coming to this New Year's Eve party?
I picked up another drink, my third already, and started wandering - not making eye contact with any of the many revelers at the New Year's Eve party. I'd tried making small talk, but I was in the wrong mood to deal with strangers. The only person I knew in the whole place was Derik, who'd forced me to come along to 'buck me up.' Couldn't he see I'd rather wallow at home, alone, licking my wounds over Sheena. Adding insult to injury, Derik had found a secluded dark corner to hook up with some redhead. They really ought to go find a room.
Derik was my ride, so I was stuck at the fucking party unless I wanted to get an Uber. But in keeping with the evening's total shit-storm, my phone was dead. Drink in hand, I decided to go search for a phone. I was pretty sure a person could still call for a cab, although I had no experience with anything but an app.
So, I was wandering from room to room, with happy people partying everywhere. I looked up to the top of a big spiral staircase and I saw a face, barely visible in the dark, peeking out around an ornate column. It was a very pretty face, I thought. But the second we locked eyes the face jerked back and disappeared into the dark. Having no luck downstairs I decided to climb the stairs and take a look around upstairs for a phone - and besides, I was intrigued that there was at least one other person in the house not engaged in the festivities. It was only after I was upstairs, wandering down seemingly endless dim hallways that I began to realize just what a castle the house was.
"Who are you?" From the darkness came a small voice, young. It almost tinkled. I spun around, but I didn't see her.
"Uh, I'm Eric," I said to the dimly lit room. "I'm sorry. I was just, uh, looking for a phone?"
"Why aren't you at the party?" Such a pretty little voice, like soft, frightened music.
"I, well, I wasn't having a very good time at the party. I guess I kind of wanted to leave."
"Uhm, it's a long story. And it's kind of personal. I mean..."
I glanced at my phone, still dead. "Is it?" I asked the bodiless, intriguing voice.
"Everyone will be kissing - that's what they do at midnight."
"Uhm, yeah, that's sort of the tradition," I responded. Who the hell was she?
"Again, kind of personal. But okay, no, no I don't. That's part of the problem, I guess." This was now, officially, the weirdest conversation ever.
There was silence for several seconds and then I saw her. She leaned out of the darkness of one corner of the room, her face barely lit by the dim light coming from the next room over. What a beautiful face! Closer now, I was looking at the prettiest face I'd ever seen. High cheek bones, a tiny, sharp nose and full lips. Thin, curving eyebrows over the biggest eyes! I may have gasped out loud, because she jerked back, just for a second, before leaning back out into the semi-light.
The girl took a hesitant step forward and her small body came out into the dim light. She was barely more that four and a half feet tall. Her hair was jet black and fell all the way to her tiny waist, with a gentle body to its thickness so that it seemed to swirl around her even when she wasn't moving. She was breathtaking. She was very young - too young. Her body was draped in some kind of diaphanous, formless white gown, multiple layers of sheer, translucent white fabric that floated about her as she moved. It hinted at the form underneath, but covered her from neck to toes, leaving only her thin arms bared.
I realized I was gaping and I abruptly closed my mouth.
"I'm Eve," she interrupted me. She blinked those big, dark eyes and my pulse skipped two beats.
"Oh. Well, hello Eve," I said stupidly. My brain wasn't working well. "Uhh, Eve...?"
"I don't have a daddy." Eve said. The statement seemed wrong somehow, but I let it go.
"You're very pretty, Eve," I said and I instantly regretted my continued stupidity. You can't tell a little girl, in a quiet, secluded, dim space that she's pretty. For fuck's sake, did I want to get arrested or something? "I'm sorry..." But it was too late. Eve had blanched and put her hand to her chest.
I thought Eve was going to bolt, like a scared rabbit, but a moment later she said, "It's almost midnight."
"Uh, sure, I guess." Ah, what a scintillating conversationalist! Idiot. I tried to recover. "Uhm, Eve, I don't mean to pry but, how old are you?"
I blinked in surprise. "Your birthday is New Year's Eve? And you're..."
Those pretty big eyes looked up at me and she bit her lip, hesitating, struggling with the answer. I didn't quite understand her trepidation. "I'm eleven, today."
"Wow. Okay. Well, happy birthday, Eve." I managed to stammer out.
I realized something very very bad. I don't know how it had happened, but somehow, as we talked, Eve and I had gotten closer and closer together, step by tiny step. I was looking down on her beautiful face. How did she get so close? Why were her lips so full and how did her dark eyes sparkle so fiercely in the low light. Why was she looking at me like I was supposed to be doing something?
I heard the first chime of a grand clock, somewhere not far away, a low, rumbling 'Bong!'
"It is," I said and somehow we were even closer. Her face turned up and tilted and then one slender hand was gently resting against my chest.
"Would, would you - oh would you kiss me? For good luck?"
"Yes. Please." There was so much longing in her childish musical tinkle. How could I disappoint such a sweet child?
I bent. Our lips touched, barely, gently. A sweet, gentle kiss for a sweet little girl at midnight on New Year's Eve. I meant to just brush her lips with mine but...
My arms went around her small body, my knees bent and I lifted her into my arms, our lips still barely, barely touching. She gave a tortured sigh and her lips parted ...
And our kiss became deep and amazing. I slid an arm under her ass and thighs to support her light body, twisting her legs to one side as her trembling arms wrapped around my neck. So small and weightless. So passionate.
Lips pressed firmly together, hungrily caressing each other. Tongues touching lightly, then exploring...
I crushed the tiny body agains my chest. I was shaking. She was shaking.
My fingers twined into her thick long hair. I drank at her mouth. I was never going to let go. I was going to...
Eve moaned and tightened her arms around my neck. Without speaking she begged for something...
Desperation grew. This was insane. What was I doing? I tore my lips away and bent to set her back on the floor. You can't be passionately kissing an eleven year old child! I told myself. You certainly can't be doing the other horrid things your dick wants to do!
I felt, rather than heard, the desperate sigh as Eve's arms started to release my neck.
'Bong!' Midnight was over. The new year was here.
For the briefest moment Eve's hands grasped my neck. Her sweet lips were just beside my ear and she whispered, almost too low to hear, "Thank you, Eric!" Her longing and my name, in her musical voice, sent a shock through my system that didn't fade.
"Uh, I guess I better get back to the party, Eve," I said. "But I'm glad I met you."
Eve just stared up at me with those huge dark eyes and nibbled nervously on her lower lip. But then she dropped her eyes to the floor, unable to look at me any more, and a look of disappointment washed over her young face. For the first time I took in how very petite, thin and young she was. I thanked my luck that no one had walked in on us!
"Okay," Eve said to the floor. "I should be in bed anyway, before mama finds me. But, well,... thank you." And then she ran off without another word, her flowing clothes fluttering around her. I saw her disappear around a corner in the long hall and then I heard a door close.
The party was just getting into full swing now that the new year had arrived. It was noticeable the extent to which people had paired off. I was just pouring myself another drink when I heard a warm female voice, with a slight, sexy accent, say "I don't think we've been introduced." I straightened and turned into the beam of a lovely smile.
"Oh, hi, uh, I'm Eric - Eric Prehn. I came with Derik."
The woman's grip was strong, but her hand was soft and smooth. "Excuse me. I'm a terrible hostess for letting you go unwelcome for so long. I'm Chloe. Nice to meet you Eric."
The woman's smile was attractive and welcoming. Under normal circumstances I would have been attracted to her, quite attracted. There was just one problem: looking into her face all I could see was the pretty eleven-year-old girl I'd left upstairs. Chloe was obviously Eve's mother, and seeing the child's face so clearly represented in her mother was jarring, to say the least.
"This is a great house," I said to make conversation.
"Oh yes, thank you," Chloe responded. "It is nice, isn't it - although it's a lot for the two of us to rattle around in. I'll miss it."
"Yes, we're moving out day after tomorrow. We have to go back to Europe - to France. We're flying to Paris."
Unexpected alarm flooded through my veins. Why should I care if this woman was moving away? I didn't want to admit the reason to myself - it was irrational, ridiculous, wrong, even dangerous. But still...
"Wow, you're taking Eve to France?"
Oh shit. I didn't just say that, did I? Crap!
Surprise, then alarm and suspicion lit up Chloe's face. "Eve? I don't think I mentioned my daughter's name."
Several lies flitted through my brain - but sticking close to the truth is always the best lie. "Oh, yeah, I met her. I was, uh, upstairs, looking for a phone and I ran into her. You know, I think she was trying to catch a peek at the party. Anyway, lovely girl. She seemed very sweet."
Chloe's eyes narrowed and she looked up at the ceiling, as if she could see through the wood and sheetrock to where her daughter was. "Zut! The little scamp!"
I breathed a sigh of relief. Chloe wanted to go check on her daughter, but I offered to fix her a drink and she hesitated, then accepted. I made it a strong, sweet cocktail. Pretty soon we were talking animatedly about her new job, her excitement to see her family in France, coupled with the pain of having to leave the United States, and selling the big house she'd inherited when her husband died three years earlier. She loved Los Angeles and wished she could stay, but without her husband's work visa they had already long overstayed their welcome in the U.S. More alcohol continued to reduce Chloe's initial reticence. Eventually I even discovered some tidbits about Eve, how she was homeschooled and sheltered and probably too naive for her age.
Chloe was easy to talk with. I even described my breakup with Sheena and I hadn't thought I was ready to talk about that with anyone. We lost track of time. The party was winding down, with only a few hard-core partiers still hanging about. There was no sign of Derik - he'd abandoned me, again, the jerk! Probably he saw me talking intently to Chloe and made assumptions.
Chloe had another of my strong concoctions before she finally made a pass at me. Fortunately, I'd been drinking root beer for a couple of hours, and as attractive as she was, Chloe wasn't the girl my brain was fixated on. All I could see was someone else's big dark eyes. I politely turned her down, on the grounds that I wouldn't want to take advantage of someone who'd had so much to drink, nor was I interested in a one-night stand, even with someone so beautiful. It really didn't matter that much. Chloe passed out on a sofa ten minutes later.
I told myself I was being a gentleman as I carried Chloe's limp form up the stairs and took her into the master bedroom I'd seen earlier. I slipped her shoes off and slid her under the covers, fully dressed. But we all know I was just rationalizing, looking for an excuse to go back upstairs where I just might, once again, run into a certain pretty little girl. And I wasn't shocked when I turned off the bedside light and turned to see a pair of big dark eyes peering at me from around the edge of the door - a pair of eyes that darted away the second I looked in that direction.
As I moved up the hallway, away from the stairs, I passed two rooms and was about to pass another dark room, with no light, when a tiny motion caught my eye. I stopped and said, quietly, "I don't think you're supposed to be out and about this late."
Eve's beautiful, musical voice whispered out of the darkness. "Do you like her?"
"Um, I guess, she seems nice enough."
"She's not. She tried to kiss you!"
"Well, yeah, but you weren't supposed to see that." God, I wanted to see that pretty face again. "And I didn't kiss her back," I added gently.
Eve's face leaned out of the darkness just enough for me to make out the perfect curve of her cheekbone and her exquisite little nose. "Why?"
"Because it's very, very bad to kiss one girl when you're thinking about how you'd rather be with another girl," I said.
I heard the quick intake of air and I could just make out the way her big eyes widened. She asked, as I hoped she would, "who?"
I paused, bending and leaning towards the darkness, waiting patiently. The beautiful child was less patient, and she soon leaned forward into the light, biting her full, trembling little lip. We were only a few inches apart. I closed half the distance. "You," I whispered.
And then I was kissing her again and her thin arms were around my neck and she was kissing me back.
I slipped into Eve's room and pushed the door closed even as we kissed. It was pitch black, but I didn't care. I just wanted to feel her little body close to me, to smother her with my warm embraces and kisses. She led me across the room, backing up and never letting go of my neck, until we ran up against a bed. Somehow she flicked on a bedside lamp and I could see her, fully, for the first time. Her beauty stopped my breath and I pressed into her, kissing her even harder. My fingers entwined in her long thick black hair and I pulled her tight as I slowly lowered her down onto the bed.
My brain was on fire. I'd never felt so passionate for anyone. I left off her wonderful mouth and trailed kisses down to her bare throat. The child pressed int
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