Asstr Oops

Asstr Oops


Asstr Oops
It was early July when a group
of people stopped by asking for me. Arial was a little confused, she was used
to groups of Alphas making pilgrimages, and these people were not doing that. 
They finally identified themselves as the head coaches of the national swim
team plus the officials from the U.S. Olympic committee. 
Ariel had everyone get dressed
in a panic as she buzzed them in. Dawn came running back to where I was
working out in the pool and said, “Kris! The Olympic committee is here to see
you!” She was all excited. Sandy immediately started squealing along with Dawn
and bouncing about. Fortunately she was already dressed since we had long ago
determined that being naked while coaching was too distracting, for both of
us. I was also wearing my Speedos so I didn’t flop about as much while
I told Dawn, “Honey, could you
send them back here to the workout pool?” As Dawn ran off I was thinking a
mile a minute. Why were they here? I didn’t qualify since this was an Olympic
year and I hadn’t completed in a recognized national event.
The group filed in a minute
later. One guy looked around and commented, “Nice setup.” The one woman in
the group was too busy eyeing my pecks to look around.
The whole bunch looked a bit
embarrassed. I wondered what had happened. I could take a peek, but I was
determined not to do that unless it was absolutely necessary. I considered it
a bit unethical. Instead I asked, “How can I help you folks?”
The guy in the middle, who was
older than the rest and had gray hair stepped forward and shook my hand. “Hello,
I am Dan Fisher, head of the US national swim team, and these are officials
from the International Olympic Committee. We apologize for the intrusion, but
we have a situation that you may be able to help us with.” He hesitated.
To give him encouragement, I
said, “Uh huh.”
That got him going, “Three days
ago, all of the US Olympic swim team were disqualified except for one person.”
“Wow. How did that happen? 
Were they juicing?”
“In a way, yes. It seems that
a coach was bribed to slip enhancers into their vitamin drinks. Even if they
didn’t know about it, they are disqualified. There is no way they can work it
out of their systems in the two weeks remaining until the Olympics. It takes a
minimum of four months to get that compound flushed.”
“Damn... I wish I could help you,
but I haven’t competed in a nationally recognized meet.”
“We are having emergency trials
this Friday; we would like you to compete in them for a position on the team. 
If you are interested...”
“Are you serious? Of course I am.”
“Then we have to have three
things, a quick interview, a blood sample, and the officials here need to make
sure you qualify for the meet. Quite frankly, they don’t believe the record
you set at your high school meet and want to see you swim with their own eyes.”
“I don’t see any problems with
that. Can we use this pool which is regulation 25 meters, or do we need to
head to the high school to use their pool since it is certified?”
“Good question.” He turned to
the others and they spent several minutes arguing. He turned back, “We have to
measure the length, but this pool will do.”
While the woman pulled out a
med kit and took a blood sample, the guys measured the length of the pool with
a tape measure that was in one of the briefcases. Fisher went over to Sandy
and said, “I don’t know if you remember me, I have worked with your father many
“Of course I do.” The two of
them started talking about old times.
The guys eventually decided
that the pool was of proper length, so I got up on the block and waited. They
all took out stopwatches and a starter pistol from another briefcase.
I bent over and grabbed the
edge of the block. Bang! I was off. I was a little pissed at their
disbelief, so I swam full out. I managed to do the 100 meters in 38.92 seconds,
four seconds faster than the record I set in December, six seconds faster than
the previous record. Every one of their jaws were on the floor. 
The guys got out the tape
measure and double checked the length. Dan Fisher was grinning like crazy. 
“Provided the blood sample is normal, I will see you two days from now, this
Thursday, in Boston.”
Sandy was doing a little
private dance off to the side.
I arrived in Boston Thursday
morning. With me were Sandy, Tami, Karen, Carla and Alicia. Carla was
covering the event for her station, and Alicia was security.
We deliberately didn’t bring a
big crowd to this meet, but the girls were working on a chartered plane for the
Olympics down in Rio and getting passports for everyone. We already had reserved
an entire hotel floor and suite in a hotel on the Copacabana.
We took the shuttle bus to the
rental car place where Alicia had a big black SUV reserved. Carla and her
cameraman were picked up by the local affiliate station.
The Olympic pool had been moved
to Boston after the 2012 trials. It was quite impressive. A 50 meter
stainless steel pool, it was beautiful. As my coach, Sandy was the only one
allowed in the pool area with me. All the rest of the girls found front row
seats in the stands. There were a lot of reporters around, including Carla. 
The story of what had happened had got out and it was a major story.
I did laps for a few hours, not
really exerting myself too much, just getting used to the long pool. Since I
couldn’t kick off from a flip turn at 25 meters, my times were slightly
slower. I supposed that was why short pool and long pool times were recorded
There were several very pretty
girls competing. Apparently, the women’s team was just as decimated by the
poisoning as the men’s. I was tempted, but held back, for now.
Dan Fisher sat to the side and
just watched all of us in the water. He was watching everyone with a serious
eye. I could see why. He had only one swimmer left that hadn’t been poisoned,
and that only because he liked Gatorade better than the standard Electrolyte
mix. Dan was between a rock and a hard place, needing to build a team in a
week for the Olympics. I couldn’t imagine how upset the original team members
were. I just hope that they didn’t take it out on their replacements.
We headed back to the hotel
room. I had a suite at some hotel; we got there and went in. All four of my
girls where lined up there on their knees, thrusting their bare asses back and
nips forward. Alicia scrambled over, pulled off her clothes, and joined them. 
Now that was a sight to behold. Five perfect girls, all lined up for me.
I went down the line tweaking
perfect nipples and watching them all groan in delight. Going behind, I went
back up the line bending them over giving each of them a cream pie and leaving
them all unconscious and drooling. Even Alicia, who I am sure was going to be
upset that she passed out on the job. 
Just as I was spurting deep
into Alicia, my cell chimed. I laid her down with her sisters and went over
and checked it out. It was the schedule for tomorrow. Fisher had me in the
100 meter freestyle (of course), 50 meter, 200 meter, 400 meter, 1500 meter,
and the 100 and 200 meter butterfly. Good, it seemed that he had listened when
I said that I was terrible at the breaststroke. Before and after the meet I
had to give blood samples and piss in a cup. They were taking no chances.
Sandy, who had been on the
other end, was coming around, so I sat down with her on my lap and we went over
the schedule. She commented, “You know that you are the only swimmer that
hasn’t shaved off all your body hair, don’t you?” She was stroking my chest
hair as she said that.
“Let them.” I traced a circle
around her delectable nipple in payback for the chest rub.
She bit her lip and gasped,
“Master, I love you so much it hurts!”
Since it was Thursday, which
meant that nothing was on TV, so I stroked her to ten more orgasms, fucked her
to two more, then pulled Karen into bed and went to sleep.
The next day was going to be a
long one, so I deliberately slept in a bit, getting up around nine. The meet
started at ten thirty, so we got dressed and headed over to the pool, stopping
at McD’s to grab a breakfast burrito.
I changed and dived in for a
warm-up lap. My girls found good seats in the family section. The rest of the
place was packed. What surprised me were the dozens of people waving “Kris”
signs. Most of them girls with “I Love You” and “Te Amo” on the signs as
well. I saw Carla interviewing a gaggle of them. I sent, %Hey Carla, what’s
with all the fans? I didn’t realize we had told anyone I was going to be
%Apparently they released a
list of participants a few days ago. Almost all of these fans roadtripped to
get here.%
%Wow, cool. I am going to wave
to them, so make sure your cameraman gets the shot you want.%
%Oh, I love you too. So much
that it hurts.%
I waited ten seconds, and then
I stood up and waved to the crowd full of fans. They went nuts, yelling and
Karen popped in with some
mental laughter, %Wow, and I thought I was a fan.%
Everyone was waved out so the
trials could commence. Dan Fisher commented, “Geez, you have a big crowd.”
I said, “I just brought five
people, you were the one who released my name.”
I got in line for the blood
check. After taking a tube, I went and stood with the rest of the hopefuls. 
With us, I suppose for moral support, were the disqualified normal team
members. There was one girl there, a drop dead gorgeous redhead that I
couldn’t resist. I slipped into her mind and took a look. Wow, she was
pissed. Her whole life’s work, gone in an instant. And now she couldn’t even
go to Rio. I read a little deeper on that one. It turned out that because of
the cost of the meet to build a new team, the coach was forced to announce that
the team couldn’t afford to take all the disqualified swimmers. She was upset
more for her family than for herself. Her parents and sisters were looking
forward to going. At least her boyfriend wasn’t the issue; the jerk dumped her
when she got disqualified. I liked this girl. She kept a nice front while she
was seething inside.
I went over to her and said,
“I heard about the announcement
this morning.”
“Make you a deal, come as my
assistant coach and I will pay your way to Rio. Bring four of your friends
too.” The team was originally paying for four tickets. She was going to bring
her parents and cute sister, now she would have to find a former teammate to
take too since her boyfriend dumped her. I could feel the gears turning. This
also potentially launch her in the career she wanted.
“Are you kidding?” Her eyes
got big.
“No. I just have to get this
meet out of the way first.”
“You are sure of yourself. Who
are you anyway?”
“The guy who just set the world
record for the short pool 100 meter?”
“You have a deal.” She shook
my hand. “I’m Deidre McCreedy, former U.S. Olympic swim team. Thank you very
much.” Internally she calmed way down, and was just slightly angry. It was
being overwhelmed by excitement.
“If you want, head over and
talk to my coach, Sandy.” I pointed her out.
“You mean Sandy Reed? I’ve known
her for years.” Her level of excitement went up even higher. She couldn’t
hold back any longer; she squealed and bounced a bit. 
Then the other swimmers and I
had to get ready. Since I was in pretty much everything, I was in the first
event. She gave my rear a pat and said, “Go get in your lane, handsome.” She
headed over to Sandy as I walked out to the block.
I nodded to the other guys in a
silent good luck. Most of them nodded back. Only one was an asshole and
didn’t nod. He just frowned slightly, glared, and turned to his block.
I mounted, then the horn went
off. I swam full out. I hit the wall at 44.92s. Another record. 
Unfortunately the jerk got second with 47.35s.
I set six more records that
day. One for the 200m butterfly at 1:44.73s.
At the end of the day, Fisher
announced the new members of the 2016 U.S. Olympic Swim team. Almost everyone
made it, including the asshole. Deidre was slap happy. She was an “assistant
personal trainer” to Sandy’s “personal trainer”. For the Olympics, Fisher was
my coach.
Fisher announced, “Celebrate
tonight, because the next five days, this Sunday through Thursday, we will be
working our tails off.”
We headed back to the hotel. 
Deidre was on the phone excitedly telling her family that they were going to
Rio after all. Apparently her sister was on the line because I heard the
squeals from ten feet away. I had assumed that she would bring a former
teammate, but she told her sister to bring a friend.
I sent out to Carla, after she
had interviewed me for the camera, %Tell your sisters that we will start with a
normal party, clothes on, and get rowdy later. We don’t want to scare off
Carla giggled mentally, %Yes,
I needn’t have worried. Deidre
was very precocious, like her security guard namesake. She cornered me and had
me buried in her hard tight quim in no time. As she orgasmed on my hard 11
inches, I programmed in my full list. Like was becoming more and more common,
I didn’t have to change much, mostly just add the show-off clause; then let it
all burn in with her orgasm as she convulsed in my lap. One thing was
interesting, she was a swimmer and had had all her body hair removed by laser long
As Deidre passed out in
ecstasy, I laid her to the side and took each of my girls, leaving them all drooling
with large cream pies.
Sandy, Deidre and Alicia stayed
for hell week, but I shooed the rest of the girls home to pack for Rio. We
practiced twice a day, four hours each time. Even I was exhausted. I can’t
imagine how the other swimmers did it.
On the 27 th , we
headed out for Rio. Sandy and Deidre flew back home to go on the charter
flight down to Rio. Alicia managed to get a ticket on my plane; maybe it was
standard since a few of the other team members also had bodyguards.
Rio was a beautiful city. A
lot of the rundown parts had been cleaned up for the Olympics, and the
Corcovado was freshly sandblasted. I had a room at the Olympic village, but
had also rented a floor on the Copacabana. The girls were probably already
When I took a taxi to the hotel
and got out, the hotel manager himself was there to greet me. He had the
official photo from the Olympic website, and as soon as I got out of the cab,
he was there ordering all the bellhops to get my luggage (I had my one duffel)
and asking if I needed anything. The guy was a bit greasy, like a used car
salesman. I just told him I wanted to get to my room and see the rest of my
entourage. He showed me to a private elevator and I was whisked up to the top
floor penthouse. Apparently the girls got me that while they booked the entire
next floor down. No wonder the manager was so eager to please. We must have
been spending $20K a night. The two weeks I was to be here would add up to over
a quarter million dollars.
As I got off the elevator I was
swarmed by beautiful naked women. I spent the next half hour just reveling in
it. I was able to get most of them passed out and drooling.
I left the bevy of hotties
snoozing in the living room while I explored the suite. Not bad. I went out
by the private pool and about keeled over from the heat. I sure hope that the
Olympic areas were air conditioned.
There was a hotel limo, but
Alicia had a SUV waiting. I had it head over for the team meeting back at the
Olympic village. The meeting was primarily to tell us the practice schedule
for the next day and the opening ceremony march on the day after that. Sandy
and Deidre were to march in with us as well. I think Deidre was admitted
simply for political reasons, but she didn’t care, she got to march in to the
Olympic stadium along with the team.
That evening we relaxed. The
next morning I had practice at 10 am. Since there were over a dozen contenders
in swimming, we didn’t get much time to practice, two lanes for two hours. We
did some laps, but didn’t stress ourselves. As we were leaving the pool area
the Chinese came in; the news had confirmed that the Chinese were responsible
for the poisonings. The whole pool area went silent. All you could hear were
the swimmers in the pool. The Chinese team, except for the coaches, all looked
confused. It was easy to see that the swimmers and divers themselves had no
idea what was going on.
I decided to rectify that
situation. I told Sandy that I was going to be a few hours, and then I sat and
watched the Chinese swimmers, who were getting more and more confused. No one
would talk to them. Whenever one of them tried, the person would turn or walk
One of the younger female
swimmers finally couldn’t take it anymore. She got out of the water and sat on
the side bench, silently crying. She was ignored by the rest of the team who
were frantically practicing. I went down and sat down next to her, copying her
knowledge of Mandarin Chinese.
“What is wrong?” I asked in
Startled, she looked up at me. 
She sniffled, then whispered, “Everyone is being so mean. Why?”
Playing it up I asked, “You
mean that you don’t know?”
She looked at me directly and
said, “Know what?”
“Your coach bribed a U.S. coach
to put steroids into the team drinks, disqualifying the entire team, boys and
girls. Over 40 swimmers were disqualified. I and the team that are here are
the backups.”
Her eyes went big. “I don’t
believe you.”
“Believe what you want. But
that is why everyone is ignoring you.”
I could see it bouncing around
in her mind. She looked around started to get angry. At her coach. She got
up and dived in the water. She whispered into a couple of ears. They
whispered into some more. Soon the entire team was just standing there,
glaring at their coaches. The coaches were yelling and shouting, beet red from
anger. They couldn’t figure out why their swimmers weren’t swimming. A minute
later the men’s team also had stopped and they were just standing in the water
glaring. The media had caught on, goosed a little by Cathy who knew what I had
done. The whole pool area went silent again, except for the shouting Chinese
coaches. The media moved in, the camera covering the blocks was shouldered and
taken over for a close-up. The captains of both the men’s and women’s teams
got out of the water, and on international television, they walked over to the
head coach and the men’s captain asked, in English, “Coach, did you poison the
American team?”
In Chinese the coach shouted,
“Get back in the water!” The other coaches went silent, their heads hanging.
Again, the men’s captain asked,
“Did you poison the American team?”
The coach didn’t answer, but
started sputtering.
The men’s captain turned to the
political officer (always present at foreign events) and said, still in
English, “Any event where this coach or his staff are present will be forfeited
by the team.”
The political officer bowed and
said, “Understood.”
The entire Chinese team got up
and marched out, halfway to the door, I started clapping, within seconds the
entire room was clapping as the team walked out of the pool area.
After they left, the political
officer said something to the coaches, who were all hanging their heads except
for the head coach who was still sputtering, and then hurried after the team,
frantically dialing his cell phone. The news crews practically peed in their
pants over the story. Talking heads all over the planet discussed the
possibility of China’s swim team dropping out. It was the front page story
around the world.
The next day, as
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