Asstr Modeling

Asstr Modeling


Asstr Modeling
(Mg, fond, slo sed, ped, 1st, cons)
When I was nine years old and got my first camera, my twelve year old cousin gave me some advice. "You want to take pictures of girls," he said, "you first gotta talk them into taking their pants off." From all my dealings with girls over the years, I've found that to be pretty good advice.

Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit
material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please
leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read
or view sexually explicit material in the community you view such material,
please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any
resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you
are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are
offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex
between minors and adults, or any other situation, please check the story code
before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not
promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to
unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.

Penny was almost ten years old. She was a girl who was obviously an early
bloomer. This was unfortunate, because
Penny was a normal little girl in every other respect. As such, she was ill prepared to deal with
the physical changes taking place in her young body; specifically the funny
feelings that she was experiencing. 
Surely she was not prepared to deal with those feelings. She was just a little girl who liked dolls,
jumping rope, and hopscotch. She was
especially not prepared to deal with the older boys who teased her and touched
her body every chance they got; nor the looks and stares she got from older
And because she was only an innocent little girl at heart,
she was not careful about keeping her dress down. Occasionally the men got an eyeful. Not that Penny was all that voluptuous. Her new little breasts were barely a handful
for her small hands. Her hips had
developed just a little extra flare and her legs were long and shapely. Still, there were a lot of men to whom her
barely developed body appealed to.
She was a pretty, bubbly little girl who still liked to do
hand stands, somersaults, and cart wheels. 
She had big brown eyes, with full lips and a rather round face. Usually she wore her shoulder length brown
hair divided into two loose semi-pony tails tucked behind each ear. She was a lively bouncy little girl with a
brilliant smile that she flashed often. The nice tan she sported gave her a
healthy wholesome look.
Penny was especially excited the day her mom had told her she was
going to spend this summer with her daddy. 
Since the divorce she had lived with her mom, and only had irregular
visits to Daddy's house that always ended all too soon. Daddy was the more fun half of her parents
and visiting him was always an adventure. 
She tried to imagine what spending the whole summer with him would be
like. What fun she would have with Daddy!
That afternoon when Henry, the grocer’s delivery boy, came
with two sacks, she was so happy that she even gave him smile. But she kept her distance from him while her
mom went to get her purse. Like so many
boys lately, Henry had developed wandering hands when he was around her and
they were alone. Naive little Penny
thought the boys around her father's place would leave her alone.
A week later, Penny was finished with school. With her two bags and a box packed, Penny
waited impatiently for Daddy to pick her up. 
When Daddy drove up, she had no time for greetings, as she had to get the
two suitcases and the box in the car before her mom changed her mind. Then she
went to say goodbye to Mommy. She got
the usual admonitions to behave herself , mind her
father, and do what she was told. Then
she and Daddy headed for his house.
Penny was in for a surprise. 
This visit was not the utopia she expected. Daddy had work to do, and he expected her to
do some chores around the house. For the
most part, she passed the time sleeping late and waiting for Daddy to come home
from work. 
But it wasn’t always dull, they did
have some fun times at the beach. Daddy
bought her a new swimsuit. It was a very
revealing bikini that made her blush the first time she wore it. Daddy gave her the same appraising look that
all the men did. The second time they
went to the beach, Jim Roberts, a friend of Daddy’s showed up. Daddy told her Jim was a fashion
photographer. Daddy talked her into
posing for the man. She thought he took
an awful lot of pictures, especially of her legs and bottom.
The next day Daddy asked her if she would like a job as a
catalogue model. Penny told him she
would try it, but that she would quit if she didn't like it. Daddy said that sounded fair to him, as he
was sure Penny would like the easy money. 
What little girl didn't like to try on new clothes and get paid to do it
to boot? He didn't mention that Penny
would be paid a lot more than what she would get… a lot more. Daddy would pocket the extra income… he had
bills to pay. Penny didn't need to know
The first week, Penny did model for clothing ads with two
other little girls. Daddy sat with the
two mothers, watching their daughters pose in group pictures. Penny had a good time, enjoying the new
clothes and styles she got to put on. 
She especially liked chatting with the other girls as they went into the
dressing room to change. There was even
an aide there to help the girls change and to make quick adjustments to make
the clothes fit and look nice. After the
first day, Penny told Daddy that she liked her new job and that she wanted to
do it again.
The following Monday was different though. No other girls were there… and no aide
either. Only Jim the photographer,
Daddy, and she were at the studio. "Hi, Penny. Are
you ready for a lot of pictures today?" 
Penny didn't notice Jim's wink at Daddy.
"I guess so," Penny said. Looking about she asked, "Am I the only
one here today?"
"Yes. I have a
lot of fancy underwear shots to do today, and they want us to show how good
they fit even if you do somersaults and tricks in them. You’re the only model I have that can do
"Oh, good!" Penny had perked up at the word
"tricks." She loved to do
gymnastics, and she wore tights for that. 
Underwear couldn't be that much different, could it? 
She was also flattered by his words. Daddy always told her she was special and now
Jim was saying she was special too. She
felt a warm feeling toward Jim.
Daddy stayed with Penny in the dressing room as she stripped
down naked and put on a short shirtwaist and the white garter belt. There was no bra. That was not a problem as her tiny breasts
were high and firm, and really needed no support. She didn't really like wearing bras anyway,
because her swollen nipples were very tender and didn't feel good when
They looked in vain for stockings until Daddy told her the
garter belt was probably just a prop. He
neglected to finish the sentence with, "to make you look sexy." It certainly did that! Daddy decided he was going to shop for a
couple of those.
Penny did not feel at all embarrassed to be naked in front
of her Daddy. She was his "special
girl," and she and Daddy kissed a lot and often napped together in only
their underwear pants. Daddy often
caressed her almost naked little body as he gave her deep wet kisses.  She loved her daddy and planned to marry him
when she grew up.
Penny put on the filmy panties that were in the bundle Jim
had given her. They were quite
revealing, but covered enough to satisfy Penny.  When she was ready to go out, Daddy told her
he would stay for the first shoot, and then he had to run some errands and
would be back to pick her up that afternoon. 
Penny was not too happy to have him leave, but a week's work
with Jim had gotten her used to his gentle touch to position her for various
poses. She told Daddy that it was okay
as she donned a robe Jim had given her, and went out to go to work.
Jim had everything ready to go. There was a padded stage about the size of a
king sized bed, with drapes as backdrops on two sides. There was a video camera set on a high tripod
set to take a video of only the stage area. 
Jim was carrying a smaller camera with a flash to take his pictures
with. Daddy took his seat, and Jim
motioned Penny to doff her robe and get onto the stage.
For a couple of seconds Penny hesitated. Jim would be the first man besides her Daddy
to see her in only underwear. She
thought about things her mom had told her. 
But Daddy had told her that to Jim it was just a job and that he saw all
kinds of women and girls. He said some
even posed for nude pictures. It was
just a job, Daddy said. 
Penny took off the robe and got on the stage, doing
somersaults for Jim as he had requested. 
After about ten photos, Penny noticed that Jim took most of the pictures
of her rear when it was in the air and from the front when her legs were
spread. Then she remembered; Jim wanted
pictures of the panties, so she began to pose a lot with her rear facing
Jim. When she would land on her back,
she made sure she had her wide-open crotch toward him. Jim praised her for doing that and told her
she was the best girl-panty model he has ever worked with. Finally Jim gave her a refreshing drink, and
told her she could put on her robe and rest a bit. 
Daddy hugged her and said he had to go and she should do
what Jim asked her to. Then he spoke privately with Jim before he left.
Jim came out with a big box filled with bright colored, as
well as black and white, pieces of cloth. 
He held a pair of red panties up for Penny to see.  She gasped. 
She had never seen a thong before because her mother only took her to
stores that catered to proper girls. Jim
told her to go and try them on. Penny
finished her drink and started to take off the robe as she went. The drink had made her feel kind of frisky,
and she danced out and wiggled her bottom as she went. Jim smiled. 
That stuff did it every time.
Penny was somewhat shocked to see how little of her skin the
thong panties covered. When she turned
and looked at her rear, she had to laugh. 
She had recently heard one girl tell another, "That's a bare assed
lie!" She giggled. She was almost a bare assed girl! She reached back to try to tug the sparse
material to cover more of her bottom, but failed to make any difference. Finally she shrugged and went back out to the
Penny was feeling a little tipsy and not at all embarrassed
as she skipped out and hopped on the stage to face Jim and the cameras. He looked at her where the men usually
stared. Then he frowned a little and
moved in closer.
Penny bent over to look where Jim was pointing. "Oh! 
My swimsuit..."
"Yeah," Jim said. 
Now he was not pointing, but tracing the lines with his finger.
Penny almost jumped at the touch of this man's hands moving
over her bare thigh, and almost into her private area. No man had touched her there since Daddy had
changed her diapers when she was a baby; a task he had assiduously avoided.
Penny turned and trembled as she felt the finger trace over
the bare skin of her bottom. The finger
was full of tingles as it traced up and down over her smooth cheeks. "Oh, wow!" she whispered. Then she felt him push two fingers under the
thin “crotch” band and pull the back of her panties out and away from her
bottom. He was looking at her crack back
there! Then she felt his hands on her
hips urging her to turn back to face him. 

Now he did the same thing to the front of her panties! She jumped this time as the backs of his two
fingers brushed over the sensitive skin right down by her private parts. Her blush deepened! After pulling the front of her panties to
either side, he let the elastic pull his fingers back to touch her tender skin
and slowly pulled them out as her skin quivered. Penny had a thought, ‘What would the front of
his fingers feel like rubbing her there?’
"Uh, huh, I can fix this," Jim said analytically.
"That is if it is all right with you."
I have some tan dye I can apply. It will be easy to match." Jim looked at her. "It won't hurt, and it will wash off in
the shower. I promise."
"Okay. I guess
you can do it." Daddy had told her
to do what Jim wanted. Besides, she was
still feeling reckless from the drink.
Jim went and got a couple of bottles with a light brown
mixture in them. He held them up next to
Penny's tanned leg, and selected the lighter bottle. "Better to start with too little and
add, than to try to take away," he said cheerfully.
Penny didn't know what he was talking about so she said
nothing. ‘Must be arithmetic,’ she
thought. She watched as Jim went to a
cabinet and took out a white towel and a couple of rags. He laid out the towel on the mat and motioned
her to stand on it. 
He looked her over. "This has to come off," he
declared giving her garter belt a gentle tug. 
Quickly he unfastened and removed the garter belt and tossed it
aside. "And these will have to come
down." His hands went to her sides,
and he started to tug the minimalist panties down. In a near panic, Penny managed to grab his
wrists and stop him just before he uncovered her private place.
Jim looked up at her. Seeing the look of terror on her face,
he let go of her panties. "All
right, relax, we can leave them there," he said.
Penny looked down. 
The wider part of the vee front was now
covering her private place and she could see all of the milky white skin that
was bothering Jim. Oh, darn! She didn’t want to act like a baby, so she
decided it was okay... to leave things where they were. She nodded.
Taking up the bottle and a swab, Jim began to erase the
white line around her waist where the swimsuit had covered. After applying the dye, Jim chose to rub it
around with his fingers. This tickled
Penny's tender skin and she giggled and squirmed around. Jim picked up the swab, and dabbed at the
center of her body just a bit below her belly button. A couple of drops got away from him and
almost got to the inside-out crotch of the panties. 
"Whoa!" Jim
cried out as he caught the drops right on her mons . "We don't want brown skid marks on these
new panties, do we?"
Once again, Penny had no idea what he was talking about, so
she said nothing. First it was
arithmetic, and now it was driving. 
Warily she eyed Jim, and edged over a little so Jim was no longer
between her and the door.
Jim had decided not to take any more chances.  If the panties got stained, he just had to
buy them. He coaxed Penny into lying
down on the towel on her back. Once
again she remembered Daddy's instruction to do what the photographer asked her
to do. She did hang on tight to the
panties though, lest they dropped any farther.
But in the process of sitting down, Penny showed Jim
something that made it necessary that he dye the area the crotch of the panties
covered. The flash of pale flesh on
either side would show up in the pictures anytime she spread her legs. That would not help the overall tan effect he
wanted, and besides, this little broad was turning him on. He was going to touch that little pussy
before the day was over.
"Yes, Jim?" she replied, her big brown eyes
regarding him with distrust, hands clenching her panties at the hips so tightly
the knuckles were white.
"Does your Daddy see you without clothes on
Her expression was wary, then thoughtful. "Sometimes he helps with my bath."
"Oh, sometimes I help my girls with their bath
too! Wait, I'll show you a
picture!" Jim walked over to his
file cabinet and selected two pictures, one of a nine year old, and one of a
six year old in a bathtub. He brought
them back and offered them to Penny. 
"Here are Debby and Dolly."
Penny had to release her panties to take the pictures. Carefully she looked over the photos of the
two smiling naked girls in the tub. "You take pictures of them
"Sure! They love
to pose for me. Seeing girls naked is
not a big deal for us photographers." 
Jim noticed that Penny did not return her hands to the panties after she
handed the photos of his fake "daughters" back. "Now, Penny. This is important. No more games. Are you going to let me do this dye job and
get on with my job, or should we just forget it and disappoint your Daddy?”
Penny hated it when a grownup pulled that on her. Of course she couldn't disappoint her Daddy. She would let him do it. But she didn't have to like it, and she
wasn't going to watch! "Okay, go
ahead," she grumbled. Then she shut
her eyes tight, and threw her right arm over her face to cover them in the
crook of her elbow.
This little show of temper didn't bother Jim at all. He reached down and slowly pulled the panties
down and off Penny's legs, then folded them and put them aside out of the
way. Then he looked at her
undershirt. "Uh, oh!" he said.
Penny took her arm away and opened her eyes.
"Your chest; I assume that swim suit had a top?"
‘Oh, crap!’ Penny thought. ‘What a pain this guy is getting
to be.’
Jim pulled the kid to a sitting position and giving no
opportunity for protests, boldly stripped the top off over her head. Penny promptly clasped opposite shoulders to
hide her new boobies from him earning a frown from the photographer. Grasping each of her wrists, Jim pulled both her hands down to cover her lap. "Here, hide this. You’ve got nothing on top to hide!"
Penny bristled at this new insult. She certainly did have something up
there! In the last couple of months, her
little pips in their rosy little circles had grown into sore looking little
swellings on top of tiny cone shaped bumps on her chest. 
For a moment Jim regarded the nude little girl before
him. Then starting at the strap marks on
her shoulders and he ran his fingertips down over the white skin to those
bumps, and then over them. He rubbed and
pinched each breast nub gently. Penny
almost came out of her skin! 
"OH!" she cried out as she jumped.
Jim jerked his hands away. 
"Sorry!" he said insincerely. "I didn't mean to hurt
"It didn't hurt. 
It kind of... tickled," she giggled.
"Oh! I
see," Jim grinned. He knew that. "Let me do this dye job so we can do the
shoot, okay?" 
He lowered the now totally naked Penny back down on the
towel and got to work. Penny covered her
eyes again because it was so personal, but Jim was sure she was peeking. While rubbing her tender lower lips, he
managed to finger her clit several times, and once he even bent over and sucked
the brown stain off that he had "accidentally" rubbed on it.  That brought Penny up on her elbows in a
"Just cleaning the dye off," Jim told her. "It’s the easiest fastest way."
"That's okay, you can do that," Penny said
quietly. She wanted to shout... ‘Do it! 
Do it more!’ But she wouldn't do
that. She was a nice girl.
When Jim had her roll over to do her back, he was really
grinning. This little girl was well
hooked and ready to be played for a while. 
(For those of you who
Girls Fingering Girls
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