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I am still a happily married woman even though I now know that I am
bisexual. I have already told you about my slide into obsession. I
didn't know it, but it was about to accelerate.
Zoe is the eleven year old girl, who has been teasing me. She is one
of my pupils who has been flashing her panties through the glass door
of the cupboard, at the side of the Year Six classroom. She was now
waiting for me next to my car. Standing, leaning against my car, she
was the picture of innocence. She looked exactly the same as any
other girl in the school. Only I knew that she wasn't. Only I knew
that she was not wearing the regulation school knickers. I knew that
her smooth young pussy was glistening and aching for attention just
as mine was.
I got into my car and watched as she jumped in. She swiveled in the
chair and leaned against the door. She put one knee up onto the seat.
Her skirt was slowing being gathered up exposing more and more of her
thighs. I was driving through the crowd of mothers and children
leaving the school. I had to drive frighteningly slowly, afraid that
she would soon be flashing her naked pussy to anyone who cared to
look into the car. The heady mixture of terror and sexual arousal had
me wetting the seat of my car. As soon as we cleared the crowd of
mothers and reached the main road she pulled the skirt all the way up
exposing her naked pussy and her belly up to her naval. She dropped
the French knickers, she had in her pocket, into my lap and gently
caressed her clitoris with her fingers all the way to her home,
slapping my hand each time I reached across hoping to feel the warm
smoothness of her pussy.
She led me up the garden path in an almost hypnotic state of arousal.
There was nobody in, she was the first to get home each day. She
unlocked the door and, taking my hand, she led me into her home.
Without further ceremony I faced her and lifted her up with a thigh
in each hand, spreading her legs around me. She wrapped her legs
around my waist and her arms around my next. I took her into the
kitchen and laid her onto the table. Was this another dream? Was this
real? I didn't care. She laid back on her elbows smiling as she did
in the dream. Her sobs and whimpers were real enough. The taste of
her, the smell of her and the warm feel of her, were all real. She
raised her bottom as her back arched, giving herself to me
completely. I thrust two fingers into her gaping cunnie hole and
fucked her senseless. My own juices pumping into my school knickers
in leg trembling and knee buckling squirts.
There was the sound of a key in the door. My heart stopped. My mind
raced, what was I hear for, what did Zoe's mother want of me? Before
panic could take over completely a little girl of six or seven ran
into the room, my first thought was "That's were the teddy bear
knickers came from." She was closely followed by her mother. Both
girls had the family dark hair and glasses, but the mother was a
beautiful but, full bodied woman of my age.
She held out her hand and said, "Hi, I'm pleased to meet you Miss
I took her hand, "Please call me Babs," I said. I was thinking, "I
can't stand aloof, I have just fucked her daughter."
There was a short embarrassed silence which seemed to me to last
forever, but it was eventually broken by Zoe. "Ask her mommy," she
"The reason I have asked you round, is because of what Zoe has told
me about you." She was talking in measured tones. My mouth had gone
dry with terror. "I want you to give my girls private tuition," she
I was in shock, I could practically smell the prison cell, "What!" I
said in disbelief.
"It's just that their tutor has had to stop. It was their Aunt but
she has had to stop, her new partner doesn't want her to do it
"Is it me?" I thought, "Have I finally gone mad or am I dreaming
again. I have just fucked her daughter on this very table we were now
sat around, and all she wants to talk about is tuition."
"I should explain," she said, "I know you that have just fucked my
daughter." I went white and tried to protest, but she put her hand
up. "Don't deny it. It's ok, I have been making love to my girls
since they were very little, as long as any of them can remember,
from when they were still on the breast. They are all very sexually
aware and make love to each other as well as with me. I want you to
tutor them in all the subjects that I don't know anything about, but
I can't pay you with money, but you can share in my family's love and
in our love making. I know you like Zoe. I'm sure you would like the
rest of us."
I sat there with my mouth gaping open. I was looking at them one
after the other. Zoe was smiling and nodding enthusiastically, the
little girl was just smiling sweetly. "No pressure," her mother
said, "Your secret is safe whatever you decide. Their Aunt can
continue until the end of this term. You have until then to decide."
We shook hands as she showed me out of the front door, as if she was
saying goodbye to a salesman. I sat in my car, which still smelled of
my sex, staring into space. I saw a group of girls wearing the
uniform of my school. I ducked down not wishing to be seen. They
stopped outside the house one of them leaned towards another and
kissed her. She waited and watched the others walking off down the
road and then turned towards the house and walked up the path. I had
recognized them all. They were all in my year nine class, which makes
them fourteen. Julie, the one entering the house is the prettiest of
the group she hangs around with. I found myself wondering what she
may look like in a thong, I was certain that the thongs were hers, I
remembered the tiny triangle. My mouth was watering at the thought.
The next morning I walked unsteadily down the corridor towards my
Year Six class. The same unruly mob came suddenly to order as they
spotted me. Zoe was smiling as usual. All the same feelings gripped
me as I called out the lesson subject which was the cue for Zoe to go
into her act. There was no mistaking it, she was naked beneath her
skirt. Her legs were spread and her pussy gaped invitingly. I was so
aroused and so proud I wanted to say, "Look class I have fucked her."
Only I could see this wonderful display. It was for me alone, via the
smoked glass of the cupboard, a mirror on the wall showing the
loveliest thing of all. I knew then that I would be her tutor in all
things. My thick cotton knickers had taken there usual punishment and
were now very wet.
The lesson was at its height when Zoe's hand was raised. "What is it
Zoe?" I asked. She came to my desk and once again laid an envelope in
front of me. The same cheap type of envelope as before and the same
lined paper inside. I opened it and in childish writing she had
written, "I Love you, please fuck me." I slipped my hand up her
skirt. There was no resistance this time. Her tight little bottom
quivered to my touch and relaxed to allow access to her slippery slit
and on to her clit. I inserted my thumb into her cunnie hole and
stroked her clit with my forefinger. I stared at the class through
unseeing eyes as I brought us both off together. I could feel her
tremble as she hit her orgasm. No one in the class noticed anything.
Other children come to my desk to quite innocently show pieces of
their work and for advice. Nobody suspected anything unusual.

Putting the equipment away at the end of the lesson gave me another
display but, this time, as she wobbled, she was able to touch
herself. Once she had completed the task she stood up and, pretended
to bite her nails.
"Zoe Stay behind please," I said in the voice of authority, which
usually meant that punishment detention was about to start. All the
class filed out giving sympathetic glances to Zoe as they went. Once
we were alone the downtrodden sulky look disappeared and she giggled
out loud and smiled broadly. "I love you," she said.
I waved her over to me. My desk was of the enclosed type, blocked off
at the front, open at the back for ones knees with drawers at each
side. I took class work out one of the drawers and placed it on the
desk. I stood Zoe in front of me and kissed her open mouth. I backed
her up, still locked onto her mouth, to my desk and guided her to
crouch down into the knee hole. I then sat on my chair and drew it up
to the desk.
Zoe needed no instruction at all, as I pretended to be working if
anyone was to enter or look into the classroom. I felt her hand up my
skirt and playing with my very wet gusset. I raised myself briefly to
allow my knickers to be peeled down. I felt the wonderful feel of her
hair on my inner thighs, which were trembling uncontrollable. I felt
her snuggle up to my bush. I felt her spread my vulva. All my efforts
to outwardly appear innocent were lost as I shook all over, as my
eyes glazed over, as I stared into a missy dream world, as I moaned
like an injured animal. She licked my clit with an expertise that
belied her age. I was begging, "Please, please, fuck me my darling."
There was no way that she could hear me, but she didn't need any
instruction from me. She rammed most of her hand deep into my cunt
and fucked me until tears ran down my face and I squirted my juices
all over her face as my pussy throbbed through a magical climax.
My knees were still trembling as I walked to the staff toilets. I
cleaned myself up and repaired my face and then stared into the
mirror. I thought, "Mirror, mirror on the wall what is the most
wonderful feeling of all"
Zoe was leaning against my car waiting for me again. Her face lit up
when she saw me, in the way that only lovers do. "Text your mother,"
I said, "We are not going straight home." Without hesitation Zoe's
fingers were a blur as she prepared the text. She sat straight in the
chair this time looking very demur. I had no worries driving through
the mothers and homeward bound children we were the picture of
innocence. Once onto the Main road I accelerated. I knew exactly
where I was going and why. Zoe just smiled up at me completely love
I took her to where my husband and I store our caravan when we are
not using it. Zoe's eyes lit up when she saw it. "Cool," she
said, "Cool."
I parked the car and opened the door. Zoe was delightedly opening
cupboards and drawers and got very excited when she found the small
shower. Meanwhile, I had turned on the gas and had lit the fire. The
place soon became very cosy and warm.
"Come here," I said. She didn't need telling twice. I was sat on the
long seat. She stood in front of me. Slowly, very slowly, so that I
could enjoy every moment, button by button, I undid her school
blouse. It opened and fell to the floor. Her tits were mere lumps of
promise but her little nipples stood out begging to be licked. I
licked and caressed them. Zoe's eyes were closed as she milked every
moment of its pleasure. I undid the waist band of her skirt which
also fell to the floor. She looked so lovely as she stood there in
just her socks. I kissed her gently in the lips. She held onto my
neck and forced my mouth open and thrust her little tongue into it.
Her passion was full of energy.
I pulled down the bed from the wall and watched as Zoe bounced on it.
I stripped myself naked and climbed on beside her. Here we could make
love, undisturbed, unhurried, beautiful, slow, sensual love until
she, finally straggled my head presenting me with her sex. She teased
my breasts and my nipples. She then fell forward to lick at my clit
this exposed her whole slit from her anus to her little clitoris. I
caressed her anus and down to her clit before finger fucking her. We
rolled over and over, twisting this way and that giving full vent to
our passion.
We lay arm in arm snuggled up together. "Tell your Mom I will tutor
you girls," I said. She looked up to face me and smiled. She just
shrugged her shoulders.
"Whatever happens between me and the rest of your family, this place
will always be our love nest. Here, there will only ever be you and
me, alone, loving and being loved.
I dropped her off outside her house. "I love you," she said, and ran
up the path to her home. I detected a new skip in her step.

Author: Morlock
Title: The Basement Mirror
Universe: Morlock, The Basement
Summary: A view from the other side of a harem. Based
on the original story, The Basement, but told from the
standpoint of the slaves.
Keywords: M+F+, bdsm, tort, ws, slavery, real

This is from a guest rewrite of my original story, The
Basement, but by a woman and from the standpoint of the
women.  It was submitted by a reader - I liked it
enough to convert it to my format of presentation and to
edit a few places that didn’t match the original.

The Basement Mirror


My name is Pamela - Pam, for short - and I am writing this
for my own benefit. I have no expectations that this
will ever be read, but I have plenty of time and a
considerable amount of self-education from reading over the
years. As I have no one to impress or deceive, this
story needs no lies to cover up any shame.  It
may be wrong in spots from a faulty memory, but there are no
deliberate untruths.

I have no idea of the date - it was long, long ago when
myself and my friend were first brought here. Our
entire universe is composed of a room about eighty feet by
thirty. Comfortable, to be sure, but still a confined
space to serve out our life sentences for being accessories
to a felony committed on that day, far in our pasts.

Our isolation is complete. We have no knowledge of the
outside world beyond what it was at the time we were both
twenty-four years of age.  Just to set the
timeline, Reagan was President, the new spaceplane was
flying and little computers were becoming available to the
average person - although nothing like this one that my
Master has graciously allowed me to use. 

We have TV, but only for recorded movies and serials and
none of those are dated past the time we came here. 
Also, lots of books are available, but again, time
constrained to the above date or before. Our only
updates for the outside world are casual remarks that have
been inadvertently dropped by our Master or his
friends.   Apparently there has been another
war, and everything has some kind of computer connection
with everything else. Oh, and phones are actually
little screens that you can carry around with you - we have
actually seen a couple that were brought down the stairs
into our domain.

There are three of us, now - female, submissive and required
to dedicate our lives to the sexual satisfaction of men...


My friend, Liz, and I were a pair of ordinary ‘cunts’, just
to use the word usually applied years ago to young females
with no particular skills.  We both had graduated
from high school - somehow - but without learning anything
that would make an employer want to hire
us.   At the time that this story begins, we
were twenty four years of age.

Lis is taller than me by a couple of inches, and brunette -
same as me. We both have good sized breasts and fairly
good figures - at least, no boy ever kicked us out of his
bed.  One thing she has - had - that I don’t, is
a temper.  Of course, that was before the time
that the display of a temper tantrum could get her strung up
and lashed unmercifully.  

Anyway, to get on with the story, back in… oh, about the
early 1980’s, we had just been let go of our temporary
jobs.   I can’t even remember what they
were, but I do know that they were menial
occupations.  But, two young girls who are
willing to spread their legs had no problem hooking up with
a couple of like untalented males who would feed them and
allow them to share their beds for the night.

The two young men, like us, were semi-educated, out of work
and not really all that interested in settling down to a
steady job.  Rather, they drove around in their
only asset, an old pickup, and looked for easy pickings to
tide them over for another day. We had no idea - and
this is the absolute truth - that neither of our two male
comrades had any compunction about causing bodily harm in
their pursuit of easy living.

That Day

We were deep in the countryside - at least a hundred miles
from the big city that we started from and had driven down a
long dirt road and parked beside an old house, deep in the
trees.   Both of the men, and I can’t
remember their names, told us to wait and then disappeared
around the side of the house.

Sitting in the little crew cab behind the front seat, we
both assumed that they were trying to find someone to scam,
or something to steal. 

"What the hell do they think they’re going to find out
here," asked Liz. "This place is a dump."

I just shrugged. "Who knows? Joe," - that name
will do as good as any other - "Joe said he had an uncle out
here somewhere."  I looked back at the house, but
neither of them were in sight.  Frankly, 'Joe'
and his friend might be good for our temporary upkeep, but
if I was a relative, I wouldn’t lend him a dime with a
dollar for collateral.   I continued. 
"Something about them is bothering me.   Why
don't we jump ship the next time we come to any decent sized

She was still looking around. "And do what? Wait
tables for redne...  Who’s that?"

Another pickup - much newer - had just appeared on the
little dirt road. It pulled up to within a few dozen
feet of ours and stopped. A young man exited, looked
over at our truck, then hurried around the corner of the
house.  We wondered if this was a good or bad
thing.  We agreed that it was probably bad. 
Neither of our male cohorts had much training in the social

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