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"Purple Blanket" by Jonathon Earl Bowser

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Here I was home alone, the kids gone for the summer and I was horny. I
went for a drive downtown and stopped in a small store to pick up
some cigarettes. On the way out I noticed a free magazine that said
adults only.
When I got home I started flipping through it. There were
all kinds of ads for strip clubs and such, but the one that caught my
attention was for little lesbian lovers. I called the number. The girl
who answered sounded very young and asked me all kinds of personal
questions. She said I could come in for an appointment that day.
I hung up and got ready. It took forever to find the place. It was in a
very secluded area of town. When I walked in, the girl that I spoke to
on the phone earlier was sitting behind the desk. She was about 12
years old.
She handed me a booklet and said, "Read through this. If you
are interested in our establishment we can go over the prices for our
I couldn't believe what I saw and as I read through the
booklet my puusy was soaked—my most forbidden fantasies—sex with
toddlers and teens even infants. I told her I was interested and
right now, how much, and do I get to pick the girl or girls I want,
and for how long.
I was talking so fast she said, "Slow down lady. I
will show you our many rooms. Some are occupied but you are able to
watch through the glass for a few seconds to see what goes on. We
have 20 rooms, 10 on each side of the hallway and they all have glass
on the front of them so we can monitor them if needed. So you have no
privacy; is that understood?"
She opened the big door
that said clients only. As we stepped through she said, "We have 8
rooms occupied right now; you can view all of them for 30 seconds
The first occupied room I looked in, there was a women about 45.
She was sitting naked in a chair with her legs spread and her ass was
hanging off the chair. In between her legs was a little girl who
couldn't have been more than 3 years old. She was sucking the woman and
licking her pussy. Her little arm was pumping in and out of the
woman's hole.
We moved on the next room. There was a girl who looked
about 18. She had a toddler with her. The toddler looked about 4. She
was lying naked on her back. The 18 year old was betwwen her legs
licking her little pussy. Before we had to move to the next room, I saw
the 18 year old take the girl and put her on a table. She spread the
little girl's legs and started fucking her with the biggest clit I had
ever seen. It looked like a small fat finger.
I couldn't take much
more. I needed a room. We went back to the waiting area. I gave her
600.00 dollars for an hour and I went with her to the area where the
girls were waiting to be picked. There were so many, I wondered for a
second where they got all of these young girls. I was able to pick
two for the money I spent. I decided on a little 3-year-old blonde
girl and a 9 month old.
We all got to my room and a worker came in.
She was about 11. Her name was June. She asked me if I would need any
help getting started since it was my first time. Her services were
"Well of course. Please stay." I took off my clothes and then I
undressed the baby. She was so soft and clean and smelled so sweet. I
laid her on the king-size bed.
June was already naked and so was the
little three year old. Her name was Jackie. The baby's name was Dina. I
picked up Dina and put her to my nipple and she took it right away
and started sucking. I told Jackie to come suck on my other nipple and
she hurried up the bed and wrapped her lips around my nipple and she
started sucking too. I could feel my pussy juices starting to run
dowm my leg.
I asked June to help me put the kids on their backs so I
could lick their little holes. I started with the baby, licking her
pussy and sticking my tongue in her warm hole. She was cooing and
giggling. I put my whole mouth on her pussy and sucked her in my mouth.
Then I picked her up and I got on my back and laid the baby on my
I told little Jackie to come and lick the baby's pussy. Jackie
got between the infant's legs and I watched her little tongue licking
the infant pussy. "Now lick me honey," I said.
Jackie moved down and I
could feel her little tongue swirling around my clit and sucking my
lips, but I didn't want to cum just yet so I had her stop.
"Come lie
next to me and the baby," I told Jackie, "and put your legs up in the air
and spread them real far apart," I told her. Once she was in position, I
picked up the baby and set her little pussy on Jackie's pussy and
watched their little lips mash together.
I couldn't get enough of
these two. I wanted to do everything I could before my time was up. I
stuck my nipples in ther cunts and licked their little assholes. I
got the baby to latch on to Jackie's little clit and watched her nurse
from Jackie's pussy for at least 5 minutes while I had June suck on my
My time was almost up and I was ready to cum. I told June I
needed her help with the baby. I sat up on the back of the bed and spread
my legs as wide as I could. I pinched my clit and jerked on it so
it would stick out as far as it could. I told June to hold the baby
and get her to latch on to my clit, and once she did to put her
little arm up my fuck hole.
June put the baby's lips to my clit and
she immediately latched on and started sucking. June took Dina's arm
and shoved it in my hole. I got little Jackie to sit on my face so I
could suck on her honey hole. After June got the baby secure, she came
over and sucked both of my nipples in her mouth. This was what I had been
waiting for. It took everything I had to hold on and not cum too fast.
The baby was sucking my clit and I could feel her little arm moving
around inside my pussy. I had Jackie's three-year-old hole bobbing up
and down on my tongue. June was holding my tits together sucking and
licking my nipples. I couldn't hold out any longer. I could feel my
orgasm starting to build, first in my feet and then working its way up
my legs, and then it hit my clit. I came so hard I flooded the baby's
face and soaked the bed with my cum.
I got cleaned up and
before I left I made another appointment. I guess a summer with the
kids gone won't be so lonely after all.
Author note: I am obviously new to writing so any input would be

The newest story is at the top, oldest at the bottom. Each has been marked with the appropriate codes and, in small print, the story word count.
Tempest has graciously offered to host my site so my stories are not lost with the unreliability of (which seems to be losing functionality daily). I encourage you to visit and bookmark my site You can find it here . While you are there, you should read the excellent stories written by Tempest . He has a large collection of erotica, all of which are very well written!
These stories are works of pure fiction. I do not condone any sexual activity among persons under the legal age of consent. These stories are copyright protected. Feel free to download or copy these stories for your own personal enjoyment but reposting them on other sites for commercial or non-commercial purposes is not appreciated, so please don't do it without my specific written consent.
Mf14, Mf18, inc, cons, fath/dau, oral, mild WS - Your experience, your education . . . your life, is the foundation of your future. It is the essence of you. But, what happens if you lose that foundation?
Published July 6, 2018 | Wordcount 48,325
Mg12, Mg13, cons, oral, petting, mast, fath/dau, inc, slow - Genetic Sexual Attraction is a real condition. Trust me. I know. It can be painful. It can be confusing. It can force you to reassess your beliefs. If you're lucky, it can also be life-changing and beautiful. Here's my story.
Published July 6, 2018 | Wordcount 79,941
MF, Fg11, Mg11, inc, moth/daug, uncle/niece, cons, oral, anal - When a brother-in-law helps his sister-in-law and niece recover from loss, attraction develops. Family secrets are revealed. Truths emerge. And, as intimacy is explored, perceptions are forever changed.
Published October 22, 2017 | Wordcount 56,807
Mf15, cons, inc, 1st, mast, uncle/niece, oral, anal, ws, panties, coming of age - Over one incredible summer break, two lives change. Rory, a teenage girl, sets her sights on her uncle. He has no chance. None. This is a story of unrestrained, uninhibited, sexy fun only fantasies are made of.
Published June 3, 2017 | Wordcount 57,694
Mg10, 1st, cons, ped, oral, MF, action/adventure, science fiction, very slow - Late on a cold night, with fog banks drifting across a lonely road deep in Virginia, Theo Harris almost runs over a strange young girl and his life is forever changed.
Published March 5, 2017 | Wordcount 58,855
Mf13, cons, 1st, stroke - In an isolated cabin in Northern Canada, while a snow storm rages, an illicit affair with a blossoming thirteen-year-old girl is consummated.
Published January 18, 2017 | Wordcount 13,407
Fm14-17, mother/son, cons, panty fetish, coming of age, stroke - A short story about my mother's panties, how they excited me, the pleasure they brought me, and the surprising way Mom responded.
Published January 5, 2017 | Wordcount 13,190
MF, Mf13, Ff13, inc, 1st, grandfather/granddaughter, fath/dau, moth/dau, cons, petting, oral, mild WS, slow - An erotic novel about a grandfather who's asked to take his granddaughter in for the summer - to get her away from bad influences that are making her unmanageable. He discovers rebellious Rachael isn't so rebellious after all. She's adventurous in unexpected and wonderful ways.
Published December 21, 2016 | Wordcount 81,510
MF, Mf16, Mf14, MF, cons, 1st, romance, oral, petting - Love is impossible to measure. Science cannot explain it. It's ethereal. It's complex and confusing and sometimes painful. It's joyous and fulfilling and wonderful. Experience is the only way to appreciate its astonishing power. For one man, love transcended all in a most unusual way.
Published September 3, 2016 | Wordcount 48,226
m15/g10, F/g8g10, M/F, M/g10g8, inc, ped, bro/sis, uncle/niece, first, oral, anal, cons - Life is full of defining moments - those points that shape your future. For me, they shaped my life into something rare and special, exciting and illicit. Would I change those defining moments if I could? Absolutely not.
Published August 20, 2016 | Wordcount 57,085
Mg10-11, cons, ped, 1st, uncle/niece - Fate brings two damaged people together. A lost uncle and untrusting ten-year-old niece gradually find companionship, then friendship, and finally love.
Published July 28, 2016 | Wordcount 26,590
Mf13f13, f/f, fath/dau, inc, cons, ws, oral, mast, stroke - A story about a daughter's sexual adventures with her father. A story with no literary value whatsoever and absolutely no redeeming qualities. A story for the fun of it. Pure erotic entertainment just because I felt like it!
Published July 6, 2016 | Wordcount 46,050
Mf15, first, oral, anal, cons, romance, action/adventure, very slow - When a low-level assignment goes off the rails, Hunter Lightfoot struggles to protect an opinionated, headstrong young girl while unraveling a conspiracy that leads all the way to the White House.
Published June 11, 2016 | Wordcount 50,040
Mf13, cons, 1st, fantasy, very slow - How much control do you have over your future? Is it preordained? Can you choose your fate?
Published March 4, 2016 | Wordcount 46,873
MF, Fg10, Mg10-g12, bro/sis, moth/dau, fath/dau, preg, inc, cons, oral, 1st, ped - I couldn't refuse her, her need too great. Little was I to know how drastically and irreversibly my life was to change . . . for the better; much, much better.
Published February 19, 2016 | Wordcount 34,780
Mf13-f13, MF, ff, Ff, cons, first, petting, mast, incest, fath/dau, interr - When does a game change from playful, innocent fun into something more? Something with deeper significance? Something very, very different? Something surprising, unsettling, and inappropriate?
Published February 5, 2016 | Wordcount 71,891
Mf14, inc, cons, fath/dau, oral, 1st, mild ws - When fantasy brushes up against reality, magic happens and dreams come true.
Published May 26, 2014 | Wordcount 57,115
MF, Fg11, Mg11, inc, moth/dau, fath/dau, cons, oral, 1st, ped, stroke - With soft words Emily seduced me, drawing me into her memories and making me live them with her, and in the process she changed my life.
Published May 2, 2014 | Wordcount 16,827
Mg12-13, inc, fath/dau, cons, ped, oral, 1st - Confession is good for the soul. So, let me confess. I discovered heaven in the arms of my daughter; an experience like no other.
Published April 2, 2014 | Wordcount 39,380
Mg12, cons, ped, 1st, very slow, action/adventure - The assignment should have been simple, just one more like so many others before it, but when it came to Bianca nothing was simple, nothing at all.
Published March 1, 2014 | Wordcount 38,930
Mf14, cons, 1st, very slow - Can attractions truly be uncontrollable? I was adamant they couldn't but then again, I'd never seen anyone like Keira.
Published February 14, 2014 | Wordcount 32,595
Mg12, cons, ped, 1st, fantasy, very slow, action/adventure - Isolated with Sabrina and her strange power gradually erodes all of his defenses . . . all of them.
Published October 11, 2013 | Wordcount 31,596
MF, Mg12, Fg12, moth/dau, cons, 1st, ped, oral - The cure for loneliness may be right in front of you. If you're lucky the cure is more adventurous than you can ever imagine.
Published September 26, 2013 | Wordcount 21,994
Mg10, inc, cons, fath/dau, 1st, ped - Sometimes change is a good thing. Sometimes it's an amazing thing.
Published September 13, 2013 | Wordcount 14,144
Mf13, Mg9, cons, oral, 1st, ped, slow - Under the sweltering heat of a long summer, on an isolated farm, relationships blossom.
Published September 1, 2013 | Wordcount 37,965
Mg12, cons, inc, uncle/niece, oral, 1st, ped - She was at that divine age, her young body budding into pubescent glory and testing her newfound sexuality . . . on me.
Published July 19, 2013 | Wordcount 21,232
Mg10, cons, inc, uncle/niece, oral, 1st, ped, slow - In the deep cold of winter a young niece worms her way into an uncle's heart and bed.
Published July 5, 2013 | Wordcount 30,172
Mf13, inc, fath/dau, cons, anal, 1st - A cheating wife turns out to be a father's good fortune, his daughter revealing some rather naughty surprises.
Published June 28, 2013 | Wordcount 14,260
Mg12, fath/dau, inc, cons, 1st, ped - A daughters desperate desire, her feelings reciprocated, results in a special Father's Day.
Published June 15, 2013 | Wordcount 8,409
Mg7-22, fath/dau, inc, cons, 1st, ped - Giving a daughter away can be very traumatic for a loving father.
Published May 31, 2013 | Wordcount 6,128
Mf13, inc, fath/dau, cons, 1st, oral, anal - Can a father and daughter's sexual liaison be kept a secret?
Published May 28, 2013 | Wordcount 33,344
Fm15, moth/son, inc, oral, anal, cons, 1st - Before any, a son's first love and sexual fantasy is his mother. What if it was reciprocated?
Published May 18, 2013 | Wordcount 24,366
Mg12, fath/dau, inc, cons, anal, ped, stroke - A father and daughter's game of illicit sex.
Published May 12, 2013 | Wordcount 6,762
Mg9, cons, oral, ped, action/adventure - Two lost souls, one cold-hearted and unfeeling, the other hurt and alone, find love.
Published May 11, 2013 | Wordcount 25,131
MF, Mg12, Mg9, brother/sister, uncle/niece, inc, cons, oral, 1st, ped - Occasionally blackmail has exquisite rewards.
Published May 4, 2013 | Wordcount 17,425
Mf13, inc, fath/dau, cons, fondling, 1st - A drunk daughter, desires long held, and temptations too strong to ignore bring sweet ecstasy.
Published April 26, 2013 | Wordcount 14,993
Mg9-10, inc, fath/dau, cons, 1st, oral, ped - A father and daughter rediscover happiness together.
Published April 12, 2013 | Wordcount 25,337
Mg12, inc, uncle/niece, cons, 1st, oral, ped - An uncle experiences a life-long desire thanks to pink toenails, cotton panties, and a sweet, loving niece.
Published March 30, 2013 | Wordcount 29,975
MF, Mg12, Fg12, fath/dau, moth/dau, inc, cons, oral, 1st, ped - One very lucky husband and father is given a second chance. Will history repeat itself?
Published March 22, 2013 | Wordcount 16,376
Mg8-28, Mg12, 1st, ped, fath/dau, inc, cons - Can love at first sight really happen? What if the girl is only seven years old?
Published March 15, 2013 | Wordcount 19,277
MF, Ff13, Mf13, 1st, inc, cons, moth/dau, fath/dau, oral, anal, bondage - Sexy fun inadvertantly exposed. A curious daughter. An adventurous wife. A sneaky plan. What a lucky dad.
Published March 1, 2013 | Wordcount 25,845
Mg8, cons, ped, 1st, oral, slow , action/adventure - Charged with protecting a young witness, an ex-Marshal succumbs to the gentle beauty of his protectee.
Published February 22, 2013 | Wordcount 28,565
Mg12, inc, fath/dau, cons, oral, 1st, ped - Sometimes, if you dream hard enough, your dream will come tru
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