Asstr Lap

Asstr Lap


Asstr Lap
Something changed in Alice since I had seen her last. She must be 11 or 12, so I guess hormones are taking hold. Whatever it is it turned my sweet little niece into a sex kitten. I mean, at least that's the way I see it. At last year's reunion she played with the little kids and I think I remember her in the wading pool splashing with them.
I mean, it's not like I was keeping track of her then. She was always one of my favorites because she was the sweet child who loved to hear me read stories. I remember when we would snuggle on the sofa when my wife and I visited with her sister. Being the oldest of five I guess I always got along with younger kids, but I also learned that treating them with respect makes them respect you.
Alice used to sit in my lap while I read, and she alway seemed so lost in the world of the book we were reading. Of course, that was some years ago.
Now I see this little girl trying desperately to look like a woman and act sexy and sophisticated. I guess I almost have to laugh, too, because, well, it looks silly. And she pushes it. The eye shadow, lip gloss, all lost because of the little girl sundress. So from the neck up she looks like a mini grown up. Neck down, little girl. Except for her chest. She's probably padding it, and it wouldn't surprise me with the way she's acting.
What's really annoying is how she's insinuating herself in all of the grown ups' conversations. I can see it upsetting some people.
Oh hell, she's coming my way. I'll just treat her like always and maybe she'll go bother someone else.
"Well, hi there, Eric!" she calls to me.
"Hello Alice, how are you?" I want to say what, no 'Uncle' in there anywhere? I used to be Uncle Eric.
"Ally. Call me Ally, that's what they call me now."
"OK, Ally. So you're going into 5th grade..."
"Sixth! Please. I did 5th grade last year. I'm am sooooo glad to be out of that baby class. It was all I could to put up with the silliness."
I'm going to wretch. She's so put on. Please go play with somebody else.
"You know you're my favorite uncle. You always have been, Eric. Remember when you used to read to me? You used to hold me so close and I just loved listening to your deep voice. You made me feel safe."
And she puts both hands on my bare knees. I'm sitting on a tree seat built around this massive oak in Mamaw's back yard, and I'm wearing a Hawaiian shirt with shorts that I'm figuring are just a tad too short right now.
I glance over my left shoulder to see the badminton game still in full force. That's where most of the family has gathered, but I was talking to some relatives who took Alice's entrance as a cue to get up and leave.
Alone on the tree seat I'm thinking her hands on my legs have become a discomfort.
"Remember when I would climb in your lap? I loved that! How come we don't do that anymore?"
"Because maybe you've grown up. I usually don't let a 12-year-old sit on my lap..."
"I'm only 11! I think I should still be able to anyway if I wanted."
And with that she spreads my legs open. My general instinct is to protect my privates and close my knees tight, but I don't want her to think she's getting a reaction out of me. So I allow my legs to spread and she crawls between them. Yes, she's grown about six inches since last year.
Her hair smells delicious, and she's wearing a perfume of some type. The smells are heady and my mind begins to spin. She's not sitting like she used to. It's more intimate now, and as much as I want it to be it's not very comfortable in the family sense. I don't need anyone to see us and wonder what's on her mind. No amount of explaining would make anyone see this is like old time.
Her skirt is shorter than I thought. Most of her legs are exposed, and I just don't know how to tell her to cover up. Of course, common sense is being drowned out anyway, so there's no way I'm going to tell her anything at all.
She's snaked arm wrapped under mine, and I feel her hand on the back of my neck stroking the back of my head.
"Ever think about growing a pony tail?"
"No, you?" I joke because her jet black hair is pulled back into one long ponytail.
"I'm being serious, Silly. I think you'd look nice with your hair just a little longer. I bet your law firm won't let you, huh?"
"No, they don't," I lie knowing that we have two male attorneys on staff with shoulder-length hair.
"You have a very strong chin. I don't think I ever noticed that," she says as she strokes my chin with a finger.
The minute adjustments as she's sitting on my lap are sending shock waves to very sensitive areas, and with her stroking my hair and chin, I don't think I have the resolve to figure out an end game here.
It doesn't help matters that she's leaning in my chest now. I glance down at the spaghetti straps holding her sundress up, and in fact, I can see part of the way down her top. The swells of her young breasts are visible, and I'm thinking how can an eleven-year-old be so developed? So much for the padding theory, these are real.
Her bare shoulders are having as much of an effect as the peek-a-boo cleavage, and I'm really fearing a full-blown launch sequence taking place.
She rests her head against my neck and she's almost singing, "I've always felt safe right here. I love sitting in your lap, and I used to think about you being my boyfriend. So strong and handsome..."
I feel her finger playing with my shirt button and then sneak beneath and play with my chest hair.
Dammit! I cannot defend myself against the onslaught because I don't want to show a single reaction. I am just a millisecond away from telling her to step down.
My brain and common sense can act any way they please, but libido can only react, and react it does. I feel the heftiness begin to fill in my penis exacerbated by her movements on my leg. And as luck would have it I dress right, which is the leg she's currently occupying.
I am heading straight for the edge of the cliff, and I'm so afraid that when my organ is fully engorged that she's going to be frightened and run away screaming. What am I going to do now? Do I say she started it?
Fortunately, she seems oblivious to the log forming alongside my leg. She's continuing to reminisce, and I'm reciting multiplication tables backwards in my head.
At last her hand leaves my face, and she places it in her lap. I should not be watching it because she's slowly lifting her skirt as she scratches her leg. I'm thinking I should be seeing panties right now, but there's nothing but skin showing. I am fully and completely worried right now.
I give up all hope of keeping myself from becoming erect - that was a lost cause from the beginning. I can only hope that I can keep it from being too obvious, but one little movement and I'm discovered.
And I'm discovered. She's leaned forward just a bit, and there is no doubt that she feels my boner on the back of her left thigh. She's pressing it into my leg, and now I really am second-guessing my decision to wear tennis shorts. The last thing I need is an appearance by Mr. Personality. The trauma on this little girl's psyche might be irreparable.
It might just be an accident, but her hand just pushed on my hard on. I'm hoping and wishing that she thinks it's just my leg. But something tells me otherwise. That something is that as she's lifting her hand back up my leg she literally cups my girth for a brief moment and then releases.
Does she really know what she just did? Maybe it was a mindless action, a reflex, a little girl thing that means absolutely nothing. Or maybe not.
No, definitely not. She's doing it again, this time more deliberately. She's definitely doing it on purpose, but she's not giving anything away. She's continuing to jabber about reading books and sitting on sofas and boyfriends and who knows what else. I can barely hear her above the roar of my brain screaming in my ears "Stop her!"
I can't. I'm helpless. She's in control here, and I'm so afraid to move a muscle that I am literally paralyzed by fear.
Oh no! She knows exactly what she's doing! She's got a grip and she's moving it back and forth. The little minx is masturbating me! Just ever so slightly, but there's no mistaken that she's jacking me.
She turns her face towards me and smiles. It turns from an innocent smile to almost a smirk, a wicked little smile. And her eyes start to narrow. The beautiful light brown pools are boring right into my pupils.
"Did you know I use to feel you under me? I did. You would get hard then too. You knew that didn't you?"
She was right, and I was busted. I was so busted I couldn't form an answer. Even when she was four she would sit and squirm. What could I do except let it go. I never made a big deal out of it. I would normally just adjust myself. I didn't think she would even notice. Boy, was I wrong.
"I used to giggle inside when you'd have to get up or move around. When I turned seven I really tried to make you hard. It was almost a game, and I was good at it, wasn't I?" Her smile turned even more wicked, and her hand began to move a little more.
"Yeah," is all I can muster. I'm going to have to move her now. Everything is on the table. There's no secret where she's going here. I've got to put a stop to it, so I grab her by her waist.
"Please don't. Don't make me move." Her wicked smile becomes almost a heart-breaking pout. How can she do that? How can she go from being a little sexpot to this fragile little girl in a millisecond? I concede and feel apologetic that I tried to interrupt her. But then I realize that she still has her grip firmly on my cock and moving it back and forth!
"I never knew you were this large." She giggles. "It's like I can't even get my hand all the way around. Boy, Aunt Joyce must really like this."
The mention of my wife sends a worry pang straight to my gut. Still it's not enough for me to do anything but sit and take it. I'm still growing or she's becoming more aggressive. Her hand is reaching between her legs pushing her skirt up further.
Finally she releases me and pulls her skirt up to look at my shorts, or more specifically, the bulge in my shorts. I look with her.
She reaches down again and take a hold of my member this time moving more aggressively.
"Please stop," I beg her looking into her eyes.
"Really?" she asks. "You really want me to stop?" Her eyes are like a puppy's, longing and begging. There is a moment of silence.
"That's what I thought..." she continues. And she leans her shoulders forward and moves her small hand even faster. I can feel my balls churning. I'm wondering if I should reciprocate or would that get me even deeper in trouble. Then a horrible thought hits me, and I begin to look around frantically to see if anyone is watching. There are about 60 family members roaming the grounds, and we're not in the most private area, but we are out of the way.
Safe so far, but all it takes is a stray badminton birdie or misthrown football, and we're discovered.
Whoa! What did she do? Oh crap, she's just pulled the leg of shorts up and completely exposed the head of my dick!
"Alice!" I admonish with a harsh whisper.
"What?" she mocks me. "Gawww, it's so big and red. Look at it! I've never seen it before. So this is what that log under my legs all those years looks like. He looks mean!"
Now I have a profound sense of embarrassment, and I can't understand why. She's been fondling me for five minutes and now I'm embarrassed?
Suddenly she removes the sunglasses from the top of my head, and I'm dumbfounded. What in the world? Then she promptly drops them on the ground right between my legs.
"Oops," she says simply and jumps from my lap, releasing my dick in the process. She's down on her knees picking up my sunglasses, and I'm looking down between my leg, my dick obscenely exposed and the little girl directly beneath.
I gather my wits enough to think I should cover myself, but before I can move a muscle her head pops up, her eyes look up at mine, and in one swift motion she opens her mouth and swallows my cockhead.
I am so shocked that I shudder all over. It's almost as if I have a seizure of some sort. She's sucking on my dick, and I'm incredulous. I cannot believe what she's doing. I can somehow explain away my niece sitting on my lap, but putting my dick in her mouth?
She's pumping her head back and forth over my cockhead, and I cannot even think. My mind is a blur and all I can see is the top of her head rocking back and forth and that ponytail flopping about.
Now I feel my nuts churning and my sac begin to tighten, but all at once she releases me from her mouth and literally jumps back on my leg. This time she's raised her little skirt so her bare legs are against mine, and while that feeling is exquisite, she reaches between her legs and finds my bare cock sticking out of my shorts.
She begins to pump hard back and forth skin on skin this time. Her little body is rocking on my legs, and she's looking up at me smiling through gritted teeth and determination in her eyes. I can only grunt. In fact, I'm grunting like a caveman and each breath comes out in a huff.
All at once I let out a cry, almost a scream, and I'm cumming like a madman. I feel hot semen shoot against my leg, and this little she-devil quits pumping and pulls my dick back as hard as she can. This makes me shoot even more. I continue to grunt and scream and feel more and more spurts against my thigh and leg.
Finally, it's over. I am spent, and she knows this. She continues to pump slowly, as if massaging me. She begins rubbing my cum into the head of my penis. It's so sensitive, but I'm too exhausted to complain.
Without warning she releases my wilting dick and jumps off of my leg. My heart feels at once empty, and I look at her as if to say "where are you going?"
She swings her arms back and forth swishing her dress like a little girl again and says "If we had more time you and I could have a lot of fun!" Then she giggles and skips away.
I make a quick scan of my surroundings for witnesses, and with none in sight I get up to clean myself.
My mind is trying to comprehend what just happened. This little girl has turned out to a lot of trouble, and no matter how good it just felt I make up my mind to avoid her at all costs - at least until she turns 18 I reason. But I'm afraid that any additional encounter will certainly land me in jail, so I'm thankful that after today she'll be at least one state away until next year. I'll deal with next year next year.
As I'm emerging from the house I jump when I see my wife coming up the back porch steps. I begin to feel very guilty and begin to check myself for outward signs that might give me away. She's smiling at me, and I'm not sure why until I see Alice following right behind her wearing my sunglasses.
Did she tell? Did she say anything? My ass is in a sling, and my mind is racing trying to figure out how to explain it all. What could I possibly say to spin this any other way than the obvious?
They're both smiling, and my wife finally says, "Guess who's coming to stay for a few days?"
Great Story! Raped by an 11 y/o and left dripping.. Too
funny! His reactions are far more realistic than most erotic
loli stories I read. I can actually picture me in his situation!
Nice story. That's what I imagine when I visit my family. My niece was always
jumping on my lap and wiggling around, and I made excuses to have to get up.
Just wanted to say thanks to a GREAT story. It had me excited & intreged all the way through. WOW ! Hope to read more!
Great story full of the best surprise, a great ending for this chapter so please tell me you are going futher with it. Thanks.
Excellent story. Love how she gets her way and he is
powerless to stop her. I hope you do a sequel to this story.
Very captivating.
Great story Lance.....keep up the good work.
Just found and read this delightful story. Shall be going through the others soon. This story reminded me of a little escapade I had with a cousin when I was seventeen, she was twelve. As in your tale, she seemed to lead the way, always trying to get us alone. She seemed to be fascinated with my cock, always wanting to hold it and play with it. Eventually it led further much to my delight and hers.

Thank you for writing the story.
Good beginning. Any sequel in the future?
Excellent story leaves lots of room for more.
Very good and very hot and sexy. Now hope u have more of her
and her uncle.
This is the second story of yours I have read and they are really enjoyable. Your principal characters have a genuine connection that advances your stories, and I prefer that background so the rest of the innocent interaction has a grounding. Marci was great too, one of my favorites.
When my niece was 12 she was built like a 20 year old woman, damn she was hot, all I could do was keep my distance.

I'd love to read how her stay worked out. It wouldn't surprise me if she seduced both you and your wife before it was over.
That was fun. Didn't see that ending coming. Thanks for
writing, and keep up the good work.
I sincerely hope you continue this one. A part two where she
drives him absolutely crazy over those few days would be a
fantastic addition to what you have already written. Amazing
story :D
This is the greatest I've ever read. Leaking precum the whole time. Thanks.
Unbelievably good story got me like the main character on the edge of my seat begging for more, when does the sequel come out? I cannot wait?
Have you other similar stories to share?
I am looking forward to ally visiting for a few days. Very well written; very entertaining. Thanks
Fantastic story. Can't wait to hear about Ally's stay over.
Great story! Has actually happened to me!
Your slow build was very alluring and u really did not know what was coming next ...
I could feel my balls getting heavy as I read. What a naughty minx!! Can't only imagine what might happen when she stays for a few days and his wife has to leave for a few hours. Or to see how the little seductress taunts him as she enters her years and beyond

Thanks for the incredibly erotic tale.
Hope there's a part 2 real soon. Would love to find out what happens when "guess who" cums to stay for a few days. Maybe he has nothing to worry about, cause his wife will join in. Just a thought, I know it's your story!! very good
Nice story If the guy was brutal enough he'd push the girl
away and go for a walk with her, then fuck her in the woods.
Been there done that with the daughter of a friend.
A very interesting spin on the uncle/niece relationship. I have never read a story like this one before, and I have read a lot of stories.
It certainly lends itself to a part 2.
Keep up the good work.
Oh more please. Can't wait to see how this will play out.
This reminded me of when I was a little girl! Awesome story!
The greatest thing you can do for an author is let them know you are reading their stories.E-mail, good or bad, can make the day!
(Mg, ped, 1st?) He does his mom a favor and thinks the little girl is nothing but a distraction. Soon he becomes very distracted.

(Mg, hj, bj) What's a growing boy to do when a little girl invades his privacy? Enjoy it.

(Mg, ped, cons) So this is how it feels to fall in love with a child.

(Mg, ped, cons) She has a crush on her best friend's dad. This is what happens when she inadvertently shares a deep secret with him.

(Mff, inc, ped, exh, voy, no sex) Lisa and Shelley devise a plan to learn about male anatomy. And it involved Lisa's father.

Enjoy all of Lance's stories here .

The newest story is at the top, oldest at the bottom. Each has been marked with the appropriate codes and, in small print, the story word count.
Tempest has graciously offered to host my site so my stories are not lost with the unreliability of (which seems to be losing functionali
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