Asstr India

Asstr India


Asstr India

Copyright 2021 by Sumenth, all rights reserved
* * * *
story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions of forced
spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young teen children for
purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in this story should be
in real life, as that would be harmful and/or illegal. If you are not
of legal age in your community to read or
such material, please leave now. 


There are a lot of
interesting stories involving male nudity in rural India as there is
nothing called as male modesty in most of the villages of India at
least for the kids below 18, but they never get shared online because
either they feel it is a normal part of life thus not interesting
enough to write or they don’t write such stories due to lack
technological know-hows.

I wanted to share these stories
because it was an interesting part of my life as I got used to
male-modesty while living abroad, and then came back to live in rural
India that put me in several interesting situations that embarrassed me
to the core due to the cultural shock. These are several sets of
stories based on true events that happened in the late 1990s somewhere
in India. I will tell my most embarrassing story in this chapter.

Since, I am writing this from memory about events that happened over 20
years ago, I may miss some details or I may accidentally add more
details than what actually happened perhaps from my imagination as I
have replayed these events countless times in my mind over the years,
but I will try to stay true to the story as much as possible.

I also forgot several minor parts of the story like some parts of the
conversations, so instead of saying “I don’t
remember” too many times,
I have filled the blanks with what I imagine would have happened and
also slightly exaggerated some sections to portray the emotions
properly as it wouldn’t be fun to write it like a documentary.

I have tried my best to write it in a way that gives maximum pleasure
to the readers, so I have omitted some boring parts of the story, and
instead focused more on the nudity and embarrassment as that is the
topic of interest in this forum.


readers have given me feedback saying that this is the best story they
have ever read on this topic. I am saying this to caution you to read
the story slowly and patiently, taking in each sentence and imagining
the situation and emotions in your head. Also try to feel the emotions
of the characters rather than robotically reading through it. That is
the best way to enjoy this, otherwise you will miss the essence of the

I have tried to add as many details as possible to try
to portray the emotions properly, so the story may appear to move at a
slow pace, but it would hopefully make you feel immersed in the
character’s situations. I am giving this warning as I have
read great stories too-fast by glancing through it and later regretted
that I missed the experience. So, read only if you have no other
distractions for at least an hour if you want to enjoy it properly..

Just this first chapter is around 15,000 words long but don’t
worry, it
contains the full story till the end. An average book is 50,000 words
for comparison, so this chapter is like reading one fourth of a book.
If we combine the stories in the next few chapters, this would have
enough content for a full book! And it took me a few weeks to write.
However, you are getting to read that for free, so at least some
feedback is very much appreciated.

Ok, so let’s start.


was lucky that I got to travel around the world and study in different
schools with very different environments during my childhood giving me
significantly more experience of the world than the average Indian boy.
I did my early education till 2nd grade while living in my ancestral
house in a village. Then my family moved to Canada where I studied till
7th grade and then our family finally moved back to our ancestral home
where I continued education at a school in the nearby town.

lived with my parents and a sister who was one year younger than me. My
father had two brothers and a sister. We used to share the house with
one of my uncle’s(father’s brother) family which
consisted of his wife
and two daughters who were my cousins. The elder one was Shwetha who
was the same age as me and studied in the same class while the younger
one was Riya who was one year younger and studied in my
sister’s class.

Shwetha was a lovely, calm and caring girl. She was studious,
level-headed and took her responsibilities seriously. But that
mean she was boring, instead she was fun and interesting too.
Meanwhile, Riya was the opposite. She was naughty, and didn’t
have any
inhibitions in doing crazy things.

My sister was someone who
was in between both of those personalities, as she was both caring and
naughty, but since she hung out more with Riya, she was often her
partner in crime. And since she was also “new” to
this culture, she
often just followed whatever Riya did and rarely did any mischief on
her own.

It was stressful for me in the school as it was
completely different from the relaxed type of school I got used to in
Canada. Here it was common for teachers to punish students by beating
with a stick or making them do other weird punishments like making them
stand in weird positions. Since I was a new kid in the school, I was
given special treatment by both the teachers and the students. Thus I
did not get any punishment for a while at least.

To the
classmates in the school, I appeared sophisticated and savvy. The girls
adored my manners and style. The teachers liked my knowledge and
intellectual capabilities. Though most boys didn’t consider
me any
special after the first few days, and instead considered me weird, and
they loved to make fun of the way I spoke due to my accent, or the way
I acted in various situations. But they did not treat me badly, instead
they effortlessly added me to their gang. I had a closer relationship
with the studious students than the rowdy backbenchers though I am not
a nerd.

In one way it was helpful to live with someone
studying in the same class but it was also troublesome at times because
my cousin would tell everyone in the house about what happened in the
class. Most of the time I looked up to her as a guide to navigate the
cultural and social changes in my life. But since we were playmates, we
fought with each other both physically and verbally all the time. Life
is fun when you have at least 3 kids of your age living with you at all

We lived in a village, and had several acres of land,
but it was only a few kilometers away from a medium sized town, thus
all modern facilities like schools and hospitals were available at a 30
minute driving distance. We even had a school bus service.

Around six months had passed since I moved back to India and I had got
used to the cultural and social changes. I was 14 at that time and was
in the 8th grade. At that time my father’s other brother who
abroad had come on vacation for a few weeks along with his wife and a
10 year old son and they were staying in the same house. It is very
common in India for a large number of close relatives to live in the
same house. Having another kid in the house increased the fun as we
played a lot.

It may sound weird to westerners, but we 4 kids
used to sleep in the same bedroom, with two beds kept touching each
other, thus basically making it a giant bed. This was not because our
parents arranged it so, but we kids preferred to sleep together after
studying and eating and playing together. When my 10 year old cousin
brother came, we adjusted him in our bed too!


day some nearby relatives were at home and all the adults were
discussing stuff at our home. It is usual for relatives to casually
come home, especially those living nearby. There was this old guy whom
everyone looked upto who said to my uncle in the presence of everyone
that “it is time he did his son’s initiation
ceremony”. He added that
“It is better he do it now as we don’t know how
many years later you
will come on a visit again”.

There is a tradition of religious
initiation ceremonies in some families in certain communities in India.
It is different for various communities and it drastically changes with
location, family, wealth, class, local customs, gender etc.

some places there are initiation ceremonies for girls too when they
have their first period, but that event is generally reserved for
females only and is done in privacy with only close female relatives
invited. Sometimes, if the family is affluent, they hold a big party on
a different day after the actual private ritualistic event. The Party
will only have lunch/dinner and the girl standing on stage in a nice
dress and welcoming compliments and gifts. Basically just a show. There
are places in India where it is considered so important that wealthy
people invite over 500 people and do it at luxury standards rivalling
marriage parties!

In my family, as a boy reaches around 9 to
12 years of age, they are initiated with a ritual which basically means
the boy has become a man. Even though the ceremony proclaims that the
boy has become a man, in reality the boy is treated as a boy till he
reaches his 20s and nothing really changes for the boy. People still do
these ceremonies because it has been done in the family as a tradition
since time immemorial. One thing to note is that this particular
ceremony is not done by all families in the village, but by only about
10% of them.

Anyways, this initiation ceremony involves some
pooja or rituals done by a priest then losing all your childhood
worldly possessions(everything you wear), walking to a nearby river,
taking a few dips and walking back to where the rituals are performed
to finish the process and wear brand new clothes. I didn’t
know all
these at that time.

During their discussion, the topic of my
initiation ceremony came up and my mother said “he had also
not done
it”. I had not done this ceremony at the age I should have
done as we
were in Canada at that time. I was in fact unaware of such a thing at
that time. So, everyone asked mine to be conducted at the same time as
well, since I had missed mine. That relative added that “it
is a great
idea to do it together and that this was the best month to conduct it
too”. My parents and I agreed even though I didn't know
exactly what it
was. I thought it was just some simple rituals.

If I knew what
I was getting into, I would have refused profusely, as I had got
accustomed to a real sense of modesty while living in Canada. And there
was also another reason. In my early childhood till 2nd grade I
care a bit about nudity just like other Indian boys, but then an
incident happened due to my own fault in which I was once
naked and was teased and shamed for being naked.

I may tell
that story in detail some other day, but I think that incident was what
actually instilled a deep rooted sense of shame in me, so much that I
used to be shy to even remove my shirt while going to temples for the
next few months after this incident.

After a few more
discussions over several days, they decided to conduct the ceremony at
our own house on a certain date. All the adults were excited as an
event was about to happen at our house after a very long time.
Invitations were sent more aggressively than normal to all relatives
and neighbours. In India, you invite everyone for marriages and
important events but it wasn’t normal to invite so many
people to such
“small” events atleast at that time. But they did
it because all adults
in the house were actually yearning for a big get-together and this
ceremony was just an excuse for it.

Preparations like
decorating the house were done. A big tent-like structure was put up in
front of the house along with chairs to accommodate all the people. And
food was arranged too. Everyone was in a festive mood.

playing in the tent the night before the event, we kids were standing
on the stage, when my cousin Shwetha said, “this is where it
is going
to happen tomorrow pointing her finger at me and moving her arm up and
down” while giggling. Some neighbourhood girls playing with
us burst
into laughter. Me and my sister didn’t get the joke, but we
shrugged it
off and continued playing.

The date was set on a Sunday which
resulted in many people being able to attend it. There were about 150
people, maybe more. All of their kids were also there, and we kids were
playing together and having a great time until the local temple priest
came. He was invited to perform the rituals. He asked our parents to
get us ready.

My uncle took me and my cousin into their
bedroom and we were asked to remove all the clothes and wear just a
white towel like sheet of cloth around our waist and that is it. He
said “No shirt, no underwear and nothing else”. I
knew religious events
are always done in this white towel without shirt, but didn’t
about the underwear part. Anyways I used to never wear underwear in my
childhood, I think most Indian boys were like that, so it was not a
major issue for me, but when it was combined with just a towel, I
feared if the towel would come undone exposing me.

My cousin’s
mom started stripping him while uncle started removing my shirt. I
interrupted him and said I would do it myself. He said ok, and gladly
left the room. The door was still open and I could see people walking
by and kids running around playing something. I was slowly removing my
shirt, and by then my cousin was stripped fully naked and he was
standing on the bed.

I felt a bit embarrassed seeing him naked
with his penis hanging out as I am seeing him like that for the first
time but he seemed fine, maybe he was used to his mom seeing him naked.
My aunt was trying to remove a black thread tied around his waist but
it seemed that its knot was too tight to be easily unknotted.


Indians wear this black thread permanently around their waist along
with a locket in it as some sort of religious belief. This is a special
sacred thread that you have to personally make by requesting a priest
to do the required ritual processes. From what I know, each thread is
customized for each person’s birth date, gender, family etc,
getting a new one is a cumbersome process. You may have seen this
thread in online photos and videos involving naked indians.

stood there looking at his groin as I too had not seen many naked boys
up close and I was curious. The first thing that struck me was how tiny
his penis was. Like, I knew he was younger than me so it would be
smaller, but his penis was disproportionately smaller compared to his
body size. I mentally compared his thing with mine, and mine was at
least 4 times bigger I thought.

Then I observed his balls and
they were also tiny like a cherry and were attached to his body while
mine was like 6 times bigger and hanging. It struck me how much changes
puberty can make in boys. I had read about it somewhere, but never
observed it like this in real life. His penis and balls were also the
same colour as his body but with a slight reddish tint to it and it was
kinda looking cute. Mine was 3 shades darker than my body I thought.

Overall, I am not saying his size is small, instead he is perfectly
fine for his age, but when compared to mine, it looked tiny due to the
lack of puberty in him. But it was so cute that even I, being a boy,
had an irresistible urge to just grab it in my hands. Not for sexual
reasons, but for just admiring its cuteness. I wonder if girls have
similar urges.

I think I reached puberty when I was 12. I had
started mastubrating from when I was 13 and had sexual thoughts most of
the time even though I didn’t have access to porn of any
kind. Though,
I do not remember having pubes till I was 17. I may have had some small
hair near the base of my penis, but I don’t remember it. My
body hair
growth was very less to non-existent. I think it would be similar for
most Indian kids, but I don’t know.

I think boys(and girls) in
eastern countries like Japan, Korea, India, Thailand etc show signs of
age much slower than people in the west. I shaved my face for the first
time when I was 20 and that too only like once in a month! Meanwhile I
have mistakenly thought a few boys I met in the west were in their mid
30s but they were actually just 18.

I was lost in thoughts and
seeing my slow speed in removing my clothes, my aunt asked me to hurry
up. I had only removed my shirt till then and was just staring at him
with the towel held in my hand. I cleverly put the towel around my
waist first and then removed my trousers from inside. My towel fell off
for a second in the process but nobody was looking and I was done even
though my towel was shabbily wrapped around my waist.

My aunt
was still struggling to remove his black thread. These threads are
purposefully tied in such a way that the ends of the knot are cut in
such a way that it stays permanently like that, so it is no surprise
that it is so difficult to untie the knot. She saw my younger cousin
Riya walking past the door, and she called her inside. She came inside
the room along with a neighbourhood girl of her own age and another
much younger girl of maybe 10 years age.

My cousin Riya
giggled as she saw the naked boy standing on the bed.Till now they were
all playmates, but now he is just a naked boy! The other girl was
smiling and the younger girl who was about his age was staring at his
penis with a wicked smile. All of them were glancing at his groin as my
aunt told her to go bring a scissor. As my cousin left to get the
scissor, the neighbourhood girl came forward asking what it was for.

When my aunt told her while tugging his thread, she came forward
helpfully and said “let me try, I have big nails”
and she tried to
untangle his knot which was just an inch above his penis. I could sense
that awkward smile on her face as she did it while his cute penis
slightly moving around, but within a minute my cousin came with

My other cousin Shwetha also came inside along with
her seeing the commotion, and she too smiled seeing him naked. He
didn’t seem to be too bothered by all these although I felt
like he was
embarrassed as it was making me feel embarrassed looking at him naked
in front of the girls.

My aunt took the scissor and cut his
thread, and then wrapped the towel around him then she asked if I had a
black thread. I said yes. She asked me to stand on the bed. I
hesitated, but she insisted saying we can’t keep the priest
waiting and
you can’t easily remove it on your own. So, I climbed on the
bed in
front of her awkwardly. All the 4 girls were still in the room, but now
staring at me eagerly.

My black thread was under my shabbily
wrapped towel(since I didn’t know how to wear towels
properly). She
quickly put her hands inside to pull it out but my towel came undone
and fell on the bed. All the girls giggled and laughed. Even my aunt
laughed! I was totally embarrassed and as I tried to pull up my towel
and wrap it around, my aunt stopped me and said she will wrap it
properly for me.

I tried to tie it around my waist, but due to
her hands, my towel fell down again. I felt humiliated as I saw my
cousins looking at my groin. All girls had a reason to sta
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