Asstr Hypno

Asstr Hypno


Asstr Hypno

It started as kind of a
lark. I had been browsing some
websites on hypnotism and how to apply it, and I decided to give it a try. 
There was the usual sites “How to hypnotize women instantly” and
“Putting a girl instantly under your spell” and other such esoteric pages
that always promise a lot, but never deliver. 
I had taken what all of these sites had said and combined them all
into one simple method. I
figured, “what the hell” and started planning.

At 14, I was the middle of
three children. I had a younger
sister who was 13, and an older sister who was 17. 
My older sister, Lizzie, was on the swim team, and had a body so tight
it hurt to look at her. She had B
cup breasts and a nice round ass. 
Her blond hair she kept short for swimming. 
However, once you talked with her you learned that she was a real
bitch, always superior and nasty, especially to my younger sister and me.

My younger sister, Kristi,
was a cheerleader, and also had a body to kill for. 
She also had B cup tits with a perfect figure of 32-24-32. 
She had these wide innocent eyes that she knew how to use to get what
she wanted, especially from my mom. 
She was learning from Lizzie.

This was the problem. 
Mom had a skewed sense of reality. 
She felt that since I was always around doing my homework that I
didn’t have anything to do, whereas Lizzie was always working out at the
pool, and Kristi convinced my mother that she was working out as well. 
Of course I knew that Kristi really spent all of her time hanging with
her “friends” at the mall. Kristi
and Lizzie were real snots about it, giving me attitude the entire time mom
wasn’t around or looking. I
usually ended up doing all of the chores because of this. 
I was sick of doing all of their work. 
Time for a solution.

All of the different
hypnotic methods mentioned that you had to capture the gentle fem’s full
attention. Kristi was spending so
much time with her buddies that her grades were falling off. 
I happened to know about this since I had seen her looking at the
mid-term grades on the school bus. 
This gave me a window of opportunity.

Walking into her room that
night just before bed, I was momentarily distracted by the skimpy nightshirt
that she was wearing. She was
busy writing little notes to her buddies for tomorrow so she didn’t notice me
for a minute as I admired the way her nipples poked out of the nightshirt and
her tanned thighs crossed.

But all good things come to
an end. She stretched and her
nightshirt lifted up showing her skimpy thong panties. 
My involuntary intake of breath made her turn toward me. 
“What do you want?”

I had rehearsed this and
knew what to say. “No, it is more
what do YOU want.”

“On Mondays I have meetings
after school.”

“I can’t get back here to
do the dishes.”

“As I said, so?” 
Talk about a snot!

“I will trade you Monday
dishes for a ‘B’ in your English class.”

“And how do you expect to
do that?”

“I will tutor you Saturday
morning. I aced that class, so
together we should be able to get you a ‘B’.”

She sat there for a second. 
I knew that she was really worried about her current ‘D’ in English. 
(Although who could fail 7th grade English was beyond me.) 
She could get thrown off the cheerleading squad. 
Mondays she didn’t have any practice and was usually home after school
(the only day she was). Saturday
mornings she usually slept in so didn’t have anything scheduled. 
“Ok, Danny, you have a deal.”

“See you at 8:00 on
Saturday,” I replied and left before she could change that to later. 
I wanted her a bit drowsy. 
It was perfect.

Saturday morning, I knocked
lightly on her door. No answer. 
I was expecting this since she had been out partying until 1:00 the
night before and had slipped in through her bedroom window so our naive
mother wouldn’t know.

I opened the door and went
in. She was dressed in the same
nightshirt and thong panties as before. 
She slept without a sheet and with her knees pulled up so I could
easily admire both her cheeks and the way the material stretched over her
cunt. I observed for a minute,
then went over to the desk and laid out the books. 
I went over to her and gently shook her.

What? Danny, it’s a Saturday.” 
She whined.

“Don’t you remember, we
have your English now.”

“Of course I remember!” 
She exclaimed, although it was fairly obvious she had forgotten.

“If you don’t want to do
this, I will leave.” I said
calculatingly and got up to leave.

“No, wait!” 
She got up and went over to the desk and sat down. 
I followed and sat in the extra chair next to the desk.

Starting in on her nouns,
adverbs, and tenses, we worked for a good half hour before she began to sag.

“Kristi, we will now study
verbs. Verbs are action words. 
Such as ‘sleep’, ‘rest’, and ‘dream’. 
Now I may say ‘Kristi, you are going to sleep’. 
Sleep is the action that you are doing, and ‘going’ is the adverb that
describes the action. Another way
is for me to say, ‘Kristi, you are sleepy. 
Your eyes are getting heavy. 
You just want to relax and listen to my voice.’”

By now, she had been
listening to me for over half an hour, trying to concentrate on what I was
saying. She was really drowsy
from lack of sleep. A good
portion of the preconditioning that hypnotists need to do was already done in
this case.

“You are really tired. 
You want to listen to my voice and let it relax you to sleep.” 
I repeated stuff in like vein for about five minutes. 
She looked like she was fast asleep. 
Time for a test.

“Kristi, since you are
really tired, you will go get into bed. 
But you are really hot and need to remove your nightshirt and panties
first so that you will be nice and cool.”

She got up walked over to
the bed, and pulled off her nightshirt! 
Her tits were perfect. I
had an instant hard-on, and almost came in my boxers when she pulled off her
panties. She climbed into bed and
laid back.

“Kristi, you really enjoy
how relaxed and good you feel right now, don’t you?”

“Um, hmmm.” She murmured. 
I got a little scared that she was really getting deep asleep so I
immediately jumped to the next section.

“You feel really good
listening to my voice, so you want to listen to it all the time and do what
it says.” This logic was a bit
spurious, but it always seems to work in the stories.

I got another “Um, hmmm,”
from her, which I took as a promising sign.

“Do you like your brother?” 
I used third person here to make her more likely to disassociate from

Going for the gold I asked,
“Do you think he is sexy?”

“Not normally, but I really
liked him in his boxers this morning. 
I could really see his cock bulge. (giggle) 
I really liked it when he sat down and had to quickly rearrange
himself when the boxers started to hang open.”

All this was news to me. 
This also was something I could really build on. 
“You will begin to think about him all of the time, how much fun it is
to be around him, how smart he is, how much you want to see his cock. 
You will work to see it as much as you can, you will daydream about
him and his cock all day, and have sexy dreams about him at night.”

I figured this was a good
start, so I concluded with, “You really like listening to my voice, so when
you head me say ‘Nap Time’ you will immediately relax like this and listen to
it. Now, what happens when you
hear my say ‘Nap Time’?”

“I relax and listen to your

“Very good, you will now
get dressed again, sit at the desk, and awaken, thinking that you have dosed
off. You will not remember
anything I have said, but you will do it because it feels good to do what I

She got up and put her
shirt and panties back on, sat down, then suddenly exclaimed, “Oh, Chris, I
must have dosed off! Sorry, let’s
get back to work.”

During the study session
over the next hour she seemed distracted. 
She kept surreptitiously peering over at my hard-on that was
threatening to pop out of my boxers. 
I could see her squirm quite a bit. 
Finally she said thanks and told me she needed to get back to sleep. 
As she stood up I could see that her chair was a bit moist! 
She really had been getting off watching me! 
I guessed that she wanted to be alone to take care of things. 
I stood up as well, feeling a bit like showing off, and let her stare
at my semi tenting my jockeys.

“I will see you next
Saturday,” I said, as if she had no choice.

I left the room, but left
the door open a crack. I went and
opened and closed my room door, then snuck back to her door and peered in the
crack. She was naked on her bed,
rubbing her cunt like there was no tomorrow! 
I could hear her muttering, “Danny!” over and over.

I watched until she came,
arching her back and gasping, “Danny!” really loud as she quivered on her
bed. I snuck back to my bed and
whacked off thinking about Kristi.

Over the next week, I
reveled in the change in my obnoxious sister. 
She was actually nice to me, and even sat in the living room and
watched a couple of my TV shows, although I observed that she was more
interested in checking out my cock than in the TV show. 
I wanted her frustration to build, so I did nothing, even though I was
extremely tempted. It was one of
the hardest things I have ever done.

On Saturday morning, I went
to her room for the lesson. She
was eager for it, so she was up and ready. 
Fortunately I had left the trigger from last time, I wouldn’t be
getting her under so easily this time otherwise. 
I opened the door and came into the room. 
“Hi, sis!”

“Danny!” she exclaimed as
she checked out my loose boxers. 
I had deliberately worn them knowing she would be looking. 
She looked pretty fantastic herself, wearing the loose nightshirt and
(I assume) panties under it. 
Those legs made me weak in the knees. 
I strutted over and sat in the chair next to the desk, not missing the
fact that she had moved it so that she could examine my bulge easier. 
I didn’t mind.

We started studying again,
when I commented, “It is about ready for Nap Time.” 
I hoped that the trigger would work.

Kristi immediately relaxed. 
Just to make sure, I repeated the phrase “Nap Time”. 
She seemed to relax even more! 
“Kristi, you really like listening to my voice, yes?”

“Yeah,” she sighed again in
a very sexy voice.

I couldn’t resist trying
some stuff. “Kristi, what do you
dream about?”

“Kristi, this is a dream
right now, and Danny is here in your room, and you want him to make love to
you.” I reversed it a little,
having me do her rather than her to me, but I hoped she would take it.

“You will do everything he
says, just so you can feel his wonderful cock in you.” 
With that I started giving commands, “Come here and kiss me, Kristi”. 
She got up, turned to me, wrapped her arms around me, thrust her head
forward, and started frenching me like there was no tomorrow! 
I reached back up under her nightshirt and cupped her cheeks. 
She was wearing no panties! 
I squeezed her wonderful ass for a minute while we frenched, then slid
my finger down and started stroking her pussy. 
She made a “hmmmm” sound and started frenching me harder.

I lifted her up by the
cheeks with her legs wrapped around me and carried her over to the bed. 
I lifted off her nightshirt then laid her out on her back, enjoyed the
view for a second, slipped off my shorts, and crawled onto her. 
We frenched for a while, while I reveled in the feel of a naked woman
under me. By this time, of
course, by hard-on was at its full 8 1/2 inches and poking at the pearly
gates. I wanted to take my time
and make love to her properly, but I was 14 and a virgin so this obviously
was not an option, so as we frenched I started to rub my cock up and down her
pussy. It was already pretty wet
so I pushed a little on the down stroke and the head went in.

“Hmmmpth!” Kristi
exclaimed, and wrapped her legs around me again and yanked my head down and
started frenching me harder. I
was in second heaven. The
feelings on my cock head were unreal! 
I instinctively pushed forward and sank in another inch until I hit
her cherry. 

I pulled my head back for a
minute and said, “You will feel nothing except how wonderful this is.” 
With that I shoved through her cherry and sank in another 4 inches.

“Hmmmpth!” Kristi exclaimed
again. I pulled back and shoved
forward again while Kristi shoved forward as well. 
Soon we had a rhythm going and I was sinking in all the way to the
hilt. You could tell that she was
my sister because we had a perfect rhythm together, even the first time.

I didn’t take long before
we were both ready to cum. I
thrust forward and came like there was no tomorrow. 
I must have dumped a good cup of spunk in her warm wet pussy. 
She felt the warm cum filling her and came herself, clenching me to
her so hard that it almost hurt.

After she came down from
the orgasm, I whispered in her ear, “You will now remember that this is not a
dream, and that you just screwed your brother and how much you loved it. 
You will want to do this over and over as much as possible. 
You will wake up now.”

Danny, what did we just do?” 
she exclaimed.

“I would say that we just
had a very good fuck, why?” I
replied as I played with her right nipple.

“So what? 
As long as we don’t tell anybody we can fuck all we want.”

I could see my
post-hypnotic suggestion fighting with her faux-morals. 
Happily, the suggestion and her own teenage hormones won. 
“Oh, all right,” she said, and leaned over and gave me another big

I didn’t want to spoil
something as nice as what I had with Kristi, so I let it go for a few weeks. 
We fucked every Saturday morning, and made out occasionally in the
evenings. She was reluctant to do
any more, however, and I wanted ALL of her. 
Besides she was getting the snotty attitude back, like she deserved my
cock, instead of treating it like the privilege it is.

On the third Saturday, I
went to her bedroom and entered. 
She was naked on the bed, waiting for me to climb on. 
While this was hard to resist, I wanted something a little more
adventurous. So I went over to
her, bent over her and whispered, “Nap Time”. 
She immediately relaxed.

“Kristi, you love my cock,

To base the following I
need to create a need, “You need my cock, don’t you?”

“And you want and dream
about it all the time.”

“But what if Danny gets
tired of you, you will lose his cock, won’t you?”

I can’t lose it, I need it!” 
She exclaimed and started to look panicky.

“Then you need to keep him
interested, don’t you?”

“You need to do everything
he wants and be very inventive and keep him happy, don’t you?”

I had her! 
Time to add some stuff that was chancy, but… 
“You think of Danny as your secret boyfriend, yes?”

Hmmm... Yes! He is!”

“You love him and need him
more than anything.”

“To keep him you will do
anything he wants, anything at all.”

With that I leaned down and
kissed her then said, “Roll over.” 
She immediately rolled over on her stomach and presented me with her
beautiful ass.

After admiring her perfect
cheeks for a minute, I got behind her, positioned myself, and slid home in
her delectable pussy. Somehow
this just felt right, rutting like a pair of dogs. 
We began to ram against each other faster and faster. 
Suddenly without warning we both came, Kristi with a shriek and a
grunting quiver, and me with an “ahhh…” and a release of a week’s worth of
spunk in her waiting quim.

I laid down next to her as
she lay there making contented noises. 
I let her do that for a minute then, “Kristi, you need clean me up.” 
She got up and started to head to the bathroom, to get a washcloth I
presume. “No, Kristi, with your

She hesitated for a second,
then came over and started licking our mess up, my spunk combined with her
pussy juice. After cleaning up
around my cock, she took it in hand then deep throated the whole thing! 
I almost instantly started cumming again, dumping it down her throat. 
She orgasmed again as I came down her gullet.

As we lay exhausted
afterwards, I asked, “Where did you learn to do that?”

She hesitated for a minute,
then said, “At Tracy’s house. We
take turns giving her big brother Frank blowjobs.”

I immediately felt jealous. 
“Do you do anything else with him?”

“Well, we play strip poker

I could live with that, but nothing else. 
“Kristi, Nap Time.” She
immediately relaxed back against the bed. 
“Kristi, who is your boyfriend?”

“So you don’t want to be
with any other guys, right?”

“But you like to show off
and you know I am ok with it, so you will play strip poker and wear sexy
outfits, but go no further. That
means that only I get the blow jobs, right?”

“So you are not outcast
with your friends, you will have a party here next time Mom and Dad are gone
and invite me to play with you and your friends, won’t that be fun!”

“You don’t mind me playing
with your friends, because you know I love you and am only playing with them,

“In fact, it will make you
horny thinking about me playing with your friends, because it is a bit kinky,

“Ooh, yes.” 
She muttered as her nips got hard.

I leaned over and licked
her hard nipple. “Only I get to
touch you, do you understand? No
matter how horny you get or how much your friends try to get you to, you will
not let any guy except me touch you.” 
Time to bump things up a notch. 
“You know you belong to me, and the entire thought of another man
touching you is disgusting. Do
you understand?”

As things turned out, Mom
and Dad had to go to Grandma’s that weekend. 
They were going to leave us with Lizzie in charge from Friday after

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