Asstr Halloween

Asstr Halloween


Asstr Halloween

(mf piv oral anal 1st costumes)

I had always loved Halloween as a kid. Every year I had a new
costume and I proudly went from house to house, trick-or-treating.
For many years I had had a group of other kids with me, but by
eighth grade all of my friends had given up the practice. I knew
that this would be my last, too: I had received disapproving looks
in the past, but this was the first year that one of the neighbors
actually said something about it. Mrs. Osorio looked me up and
down, ignoring my Cat in the Hat costume, and said, "Terry, don't
you think you're getting too old for this?"
It wasn't about the candy. It was about the costumes, and the
celebration: being out in public, dressed up. Our neighborhood was
pretty tight-knit, so to me, Halloween was a giant outdoor
Still, I knew this would probably be my last. Things were
winding down and I was considering going home when I heard a
meowing - or a human pretending to meow - from between two houses.
In the darkness I could barely make out a girl dressed as a black
cat, perched on the edge of a low retaining wall. When our eyes met
she meowed again.
I stood there speechless for a moment. The cat girl crawled on
her hands and knees a short distance deeper into the alley; then
she stopped, looked back, and wiggled her butt at me. As soon as I
started to move toward her, she raced off into the woods behind the
I found her, once again sitting like a cat, on a large tree
stump in the woods. She looked to be about my age: she was
definitely feminine, but still had much of the slenderness that the
late-blooming girls in my grade had. I thought she was beautiful.
She had black hair held back by a cat-ears headband. She was
wearing black tights, a black long-sleeve T-shirt, and some sort of
paw-like gloves. Her face was covered with makeup for whiskers and
a cat's nose. I didn't recognize her, but between the makeup,
costume, and poor light, I couldn't be sure that I didn't know
As I approached her, I began to speak: "Hi, I'm Terry."
Immediately, the cat-girl hissed and swiped at my lips with her
paw. It didn't hurt, but it certainly shocked me.
I tried again: "I'm sorry, I..." Again she pawed at my face. Her
message was clear: no talking.
Before I could figure out what to do, she got on her hands and
knees on top of the tree stump and wiggled
her butt at me again. She looked back at me and meowed again. I'm
no cat expert, but I know there's a difference between a meow of
greeting and a meow of request. This was the latter. This was a cat
who wanted something.
I did the only thing I could think to do: I stepped closer and
put my hands on the cat-girl's butt. It was hard - muscly - but
curvy and smooth. I had never touched a girl in a sexy way before.
The closest I had ever come was accidental boob touches in Tae Kwon
Do class, but that didn't really count.
The cat girl purred and wiggled as I caressed and squeezed her
butt. I could feel the seams of her underwear through the tights. I
got a bit more adventurous and ran my hands up and down her inner
thighs, and her purring grew louder.
She pushed her butt back into me. There was no mistaking that
she had found my erection as she ground her body against it. Again
she meowed in a questioning, longing way. Either this girl was the
world's cruelest tease, or she wanted me to fuck her. I tried to
think about all the things you're supposed to consider before
having sex for the first time: birth control, regrets, the risk of
being caught. But nothing would stick in my mind. Getting naked was
the only option.
I pulled the cat-girl's tights down to her mid-thighs, and then
her black panties. They felt nice - I wondered what material they
were made from. I ran my hands over her now-exposed skin, and I
couldn't believe how soft and warm it was. I reached between her
legs and stroked her smooth vulva to discover that she was sopping
She meowed again, hungrily. I dropped my pants and boxers to my
knees and took my cock in hand. I moved in close and rubbed it
against her lips, coating it with warm slippery girl juice. I
didn't really know female anatomy very well, and there wasn't much
light, so it took a couple stabs before I was lined up right to
enter her properly. She gasped as I pushed all the way in and the
smooth warmth of her body surrounded my cock.
"Oh god," I said, but the cat-girl didn't bother to correct me.
Her meows and purrs were gone, as I grabbed her hips and started
thrusting into her. Instead she was emitting the moans and gasps of
a very human woman enjoying sex, if Internet porn has taught me
correctly. I held off for as long as I could, but I quickly passed
the point of no return and started orgasming, shooting jet after
jet of come into her pussy, bucking my hips until the very last
spasm was done and I began to go soft.
Once she could tell I was done, the cat-girl separated from me
and pulled her panties and tights back up. She stood facing me,
looking into my eyes for a moment. I was about to speak but she
held up her paw threateningly, so I kept silent. After a moment,
she licked my lips three times, and then ran off into the woods -
on two legs this time.
When I took a shower that night, my dick had a thin coating of
what seemed to be watered-down blood. I guessed that it had been
her first time too.
In the weeks that followed I quickly learned not to try to tell
the story. Absolutely nobody believed me, and the teasing I got
when I tried was insufferable.
Every girl I knew, and every girl I met, I tried to match to the
cat girl. There were a few that could have been her, maybe, but
none of them acknowledged any secret relationship with me.
By the time Halloween rolled around next year, I had half
convinced myself that my strange encounter had never happened. I
couldn't trick-or-treat myself any more, but I was able to join my
friend Tim in escorting his brother and sister. Tim didn't dress
up, but I was costumed after a camper in a popular TV show at the
time: backpack full of camping gear, water bottle, flashlight,
boots, and the works.
I was approached by a stranger - a mom with two kids in tow.
"Your camp site is that way," she said, pointing to the woods behind
the houses - the same woods in which I had lost my virginity the
year before.
"Huh?" I said, forgetting my costume for a moment.
The woman shrugged. "Some girl asked me to tell you that." She
turned her attention back to her children.
I walked into the woods, keeping my eyes peeled for a girl in a
black cat suit. I figured she would be easier to find: the moon was
nearly full, so there was plenty of light.
Out of nowhere I felt something push the back of my knee and I
fell to the ground, landing on my butt and the backpack. Clawed
hands swiped my neck and cheek before I knew what was happening,
and then a wolf-girl was straddling my legs, snarling, inches from
my face.
Her hair was brown this time, matching the tufts of fur on her
cheeks, neck, arms, and feet. Her whiskers weren't painted on this
time - they were real bristles attached to her face somehow. Her
T-shirt and shorts were ripped; I could see a white bra and white
panties under them.
I knew better than to try to talk this time. With swiping
motions of her claws, the wolf-girl released my backpack harness,
and moved it out from under me so that I was lying on my back on
the ground. She bit my neck and then unbuttoned my shirt and clawed
at my chest. She was doing it pretty hard - it hurt when she raked
my nipple, although I don't think she meant it to.
She unfastened my shorts and pulled them down, and then she
started sniffing at my groin. Her nuzzling caused my dick to stand
up through the fly of my boxers. She moved forward again, sitting
on me with my dick trapped between our bodies. And then she started
I was afraid to do anything, expecting a claw of reprimand if I
tried anything. She smiled at me while she reached behind her and
started unfastening her bra. After a few magic arm and shoulder
movements, she was free of it, while still wearing her tattered
shirt. My erection was twitching and straining, trying to break
free while she continued to grind her hips into it.
The wolf-girl took my hands and guided them under her shirt to
her awaiting breasts. They were delightfully squishy but firm,
and her skin was so soft. Her nipples were stiff, like little tiny
springs made out of flesh. She threw her head back and howled as my
finger tips explored her chest.
After a moment, she stood and discarded her shirt, followed by
her shorts and panties. Her costume fur only covered her arms,
legs, and head, but I was a little bit surprised to see that her
pussy was covered with a full set of natural human pubic hair. The
year before her lips had been bare.
The wolf girl lowered herself down and slowly pushed herself
onto my dick. She gave me a fangy smile as she rocked her hips
forward and back, causing my dick to slide in and out of her. She
absently clawed at my stomach, but lightly.
I let my hands wander over her body - her thighs, shoulders,
hips, and those wonderful boobs. She leaned forward and picked up
speed, one hand supporting her against my shoulder and the other
determinedly rubbing her clit. We were both moaning
Finally she lay flat on top of me, bucking her hips wildly into
my cock, and she kissed me. I think she came, but she didn't stop
fucking me until I seized up and shot my load inside of her. She
lay there on top of me, my dick still inside her, while she sucked
on my neck and gave me a hickey that wouldn't go away for a
We put on our clothes in silence. Both of us standing, she moved
in close and nuzzled my neck; but then she howled and ran off
before I could put my arms around her.
In the Halloween of my tenth grade year I didn't see her. I had
had a girlfriend since then, and become more sexually experienced,
but we had broken up by Halloween. I wandered the streets late into
the night - long after Tim and his siblings had gone home - hoping
for another mysterious rendezvous, but it never happened. Was she
upset because I had dated another girl? Was she dissatisfied the
last time we met? Had she moved away? Had I made her pregnant, and
had she died giving birth?
In eleventh grade I took Tim's brother and sister out alone. Tim
had a party to go to. I was invited, but someone needed to take the
kids out trick-or-treating, and I couldn't give up on the weird
hope of seeing my mystery girl again. It didn't occur to me until
we were out doing the rounds that, even if she did show up, I
couldn't abandon the kids.
It was a good time, as Halloween chaperoning goes. I enjoyed the
chance, once again, to wear a costume. This time I was a 50's
newspaper reporter: dress shirt and vest, enormous antique camera
around my neck, and a press card tucked into the band around my
It was after I had dropped the kids off and was walking home
that she found me. I felt something poke me in the back, and I
turned to discover an alien pointing a ray gun at me. She was
dressed as one of the typical little gray aliens with the huge eyes
and bald heads. All of her exposed flesh was colored gray, exactly
matching the leotard she was wearing. Her eyes were some sort of
plastic lenses. Her chest looked flat - I assumed she must have
bound up her breasts somehow to look more androgynous - but nothing
in her costume could hide the delicious curves of her hips.
Around her middle she wore a belt with various sci-fi gizmos
hanging from it. She gestured with the gun for me to walk off
behind a house, and so I did, with my hands in the air.
She didn't take me to the woods this time, but instead,
to somebody's tool shed. I wondered if it was her house, or if not,
whether we would get in trouble if caught.
"Oooo," she said in a quiet monotone, pointing at the floor with
spindly fingers. I lay down. She made a show of passing some gizmo
over parts of my body, as if performing tests.
"Oooo," she said again, and pointed at my pants. I took them
off, as well as my underwear, and used them as a pillow.
The alien girl spread my legs apart and sat between them. My
dick got half-hard in anticipation of a blowjob. I relaxed, ready
to let the good feelings come. In defiance of my expectations, the
alien girl took another device from her belt and started applying
some sort of liquid to it. It was a clear plastic rod with gears
and lights inside, and when she switched it on it started to buzz
and grind. It was only when she started to move it toward my ass
that I realized what it was and what she was going to do with
I squirmed, trying to get away. "Oooo," she said with a
commanding voice. I opened my legs once more, closed my eyes, and
clenched my teeth.
The cold wetness of the lube was the first thing I felt,
followed by the pressure. My body didn't want to let that thing
inside. She pushed with slowly increasing pressure until it finally
broke through the entrance and slid inside of me. It was a weird
feeling; there was an uncomfortable
sense of fullness - and yet the vibrations were having an
unexpected effect on my body. I could feel the buzzing in my
The alien girl really did seem to be experimenting with her anal
probe - pushing it in, pulling it out, moving it this way and that.
My dick had gone soft; I was just waiting it out hoping there would
be some actual sex at the end of this game. But then a weird thing
happened: she moved the vibrator once again, and something about
where it was poking me inside caused the vibrations shoot straight
into my dick. I could actually feel the thing shaking my dick
"Oooo," she said, pleased with her discovery. In seconds I was
fully hard and she was playing with my balls. Then she flipped a
switch and the vibrations intensified. I could feel an embarrassing
amount of pre-come leaking out from my tip. I wondered if it was
possible for a man to be vibrated all the way to orgasm this way.
That clearly wasn't part of the alien girl's agenda, though. She
lowered her head and, as gently as a feather, licked the stream of
pre-come. The feeling sent a shiver through my whole body. Then she
put her lips on my cock head and slowly fucked me with her
Three times she brought me just short of climax, only to stop
and let me cool down. It was agony of the best kind. On the fourth
time, she didn't pull back - she went at it with all she had. She
sucked me hard while gripping my shaft tight and pushing the
vibrator harder against that special spot inside my ass. I felt
like I would drown her with all the jizz I was gushing, but she
had no trouble taking it all in and keeping me going for as long as
my body would allow.
Once I was done, she took the vibrator out of me and wiped it
down with a tissue from her belt.
She was getting ready to leave when I spoke. I couldn't resist the
urge to try, somehow, to make her a bigger part of my life. "I..."
I started. Remembering her penchant for role-playing, I started
over. "The Daily News would like to learn more about your
"Oooo," she said, and then left the shack. I don't know what she
meant, but there was kindness behind it. At the time, I chose to
think she was saying, "We'll meet again."
Years went by, but nothing like that happened again. I went to
college, moved to a new city, got a job, married a wonderful girl,
and started a family. You know that cliche, "My wife is my best
friend"? I never really understood it until I lived it. Emily and I
talk about absolutely everything and accept each other
unconditionally. She's the only person who has ever believed me
about my surreal Halloween experiences.
Tonight was the twins' first Halloween. They were both dressed
as Wookies. Emily was wearing Princess Leia's ceremonial dress. I
was dressed as a rebel pilot.
After a half hour of trick-or-treating my attention was grabbed
by the unmistakable sound of a light saber activating. There, in
the shadows near the community fence, stood Darth Vader: one hand
was holding a light saber and the other was beckoning to me. This
Vader's height and hips left no doubt that there was a woman under
the mask.
Time stood still for a moment as I realized that this was the
same girl, my Halloween girl, somehow back in my life. I was
brought back to reality by the sound of Emily laughing.
"Holy fucking shit!" She said, forgetting her language around
the children for the first time ever. I looked at her, not knowing
what to think.
Emily smiled at me warmly. "Go. Have fun. I can't wait to hear
all about it." She meant it.
I set off toward the shadows where Darth Vader was waiting for

Have any thoughts you'd like to share? Good or bad, I'd love to hear them! Use this anonymous feedback form (courtesy of Google Forms) or shoot me an email me at maracorby (at) gmail (dot) com .

The Little Halloween Sluts (fff, Mfff)
Story Summary - Amber and her friends decide to go all out to get candy on Halloween!
Note - It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's lives!
Amber was so angry! It was Halloween and her mother had just refused to let her go trick-or-treating dressed up as a slutty nurse! She had worked so hard on her costume too! White high-heels, white fishnet stockings with a red garter belt, a short, white skirt trimmed in red, with a matching cropped tank top emblazed with a Red Cross, and a cute little nurse’s hat with another Red Cross on it.
“But Mom!” she pleaded. “Me and Darla and Tina have it all planned! You don’t understand! I have to dress like this!”
The three close friends, all in junior-high school together, had been planning since last Halloween to go out dressed like total-sluts. They had noticed last year, after one of Amber’s bulging breast had become nearly exposed on her Supergirl outfit, men started giving them more candy! All three of the girls started acting sexy and flashing parts of their developing young bodies whenever a man answered the door.
Even though they didn’t start until acting like little nymphos until the night was almost over, their plastic Halloween pumpkin buckets were soon overflowing. This year, they were going to get started early and were bringing pillow cases to hold all of their loot!
“No, Amber, absolutely not!” Her mother said. “No daughter of mine is going out on Halloween dressed like a little whore! What would the neighbor’s think?”
“Mr. Wilson would like it.” She mumbled, remembering how he had dumped the last of his candy into her bucket last year, after staring at her tiny titties, nearly falling out of her outfit. And, her titties were much bigger this year too!
“What did you say?” Her mother screamed not quite hearing, but knowing it was some kind of smart-aleck remark.
“Nothing…,” Amber sulked, arms crossed, breasts pushed upwards and her hard nipples making little tents in her top. Her full, red lips pouted, her blue eyes flashed. She tossed her long blonde hair.
“Look, go put on my white lab coat, lose those high heels, and you can still go out tonight, OK?” Her mother said. She knew Amber wanted to show off her sexy, young body, but she could not allow it. She was a doctor, for heaven’s sake! She couldn’t let her little girl go out dressed like that!
“Fine,’ Amber said. “But, can I still use your stethoscope, mom?”
“Yes, of course, but take care of it, please,” her mother said.
Amber went to her room, grabbing the long, lab coat on her way. Slamming the door, she cursed, and then took off her nurse’s tank top. Her naked breasts jiggled. She grabbed them and groped herself. S
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