Asstr Grandpa

Asstr Grandpa


Asstr Grandpa

  I finally
had my grandchildren over for the
weekend. I had just moved into town a few weeks before, so I could be
to my family. Kevin was 15 and his sister, Tanya, was 13. They loved
their grandpa. I guess it was because I'd let them do just about
anything they
wanted to do. That evening we sat together with MTV on the TV. Tanya
was wearing just panties and tee-shirt. Her brother was wearing just
his briefs.

"Your mom and dad approve of you wearing such revealing clothes?"
Tanya answered: "They don't mind us wearing these underclothes grandpa.
Don't you like us doing this?"
"Well, I guess it is okay, since you are used to it. Do your parents
run around like that too?"
"No, not exactly. We aren't used to wearing underwear either. The whole
family runs around nude at home. The only reason we
are wearing these now is so we won't embarrass you."
I looked down at my pretty granddaughter in my arms, and smiled. "I
guess I would feel kind of strange if you were both naked and I had my
clothes on."
Tanya grinned back at me. "Does that mean you want us all to go naked?"
I stammered a little. A lump formed in my throat, and all I could
to do was nod my head. Tanya pulled her tee-shirt off over her head,
revealing her, just-developing, young breasts. Her nipples stuck out
erect. She leaned back, lifted her butt off the couch and pulled her
panties off. I stared at her moist pussy-lips. Her brother stood up and
pulled his briefs off. He stood there with a semi-erection. Tanya
giggled. "He always gets a hard-on. Mom says it is because he is an
adolescent with raging hormones. The more we talk about it, the more it
gets hard." She pointed at his cock. "See."
Kevin's cock was sticking straight out. "Shut up. I can't help it if it
always gets that way. Your nipples are all erect too, you know, and
pussy is wet. You must be turned on by grandpa."
She stuck her tongue out at him. I stood up and took my clothes off as
well. She glanced at my cock and looked up at me. "That looks really
nice grandpa, not old at all. Does it still work?"
Kevin laughed. "You don't ask a man his age if he can get it up, Tanya."
I sat back down and Tanya sat tight up against me. I put my arm around
her waist, hugging her to me. Her breast pressed up against my chest.
She lay her left hand on the inside of my leg, only a couple inches
from my cock. "Grandpa, I think your cock can get hard. Can I hold it
and see?"
Kevin jumped in. "She always does that for dad. She likes to jack him
I didn't know what to say. I hugged Tanya closer to me. She must have
taken that as consent, because she immediately wrapped her hand around
my cock and stroked it slowly. Soon my cock was as hard as Kevin's.

"You have a nice hard cock grandpa." She had Kevin sit on the other
side of her and started stroking him at the same time. "This is fun.
Who is going to cum first?" She stroked us both at the same speed. Not
surprisingly, Kevin started squirting his load before I was ready.
Tanya giggled. "You're getting that all over me." Kevin squirted big
gobs of semen all over his sister. She sped up her stroking of my cock.
"Come on grandpa. Shoot your load all over me. I love the feel of it."
Soon I started shaking with pleasure. I groaned and shot a huge rope of
cum up onto Tanya's tits. She squealed with delight and kept pumping my
cock until I was finished. I lay back and closed my eyes.

I couldn't believe what was happening. I hadn't seen the kids since
Kevin was 6 and Tanya was 4. They lived across town from me and I only
saw them once in awhile at the time. Then their father got a job across
the country. They moved away and the only communication I had with them
was through texting and talking on the phone. They grew into teens
thousand miles away from me. I couldn't move due to my own job. I
had worked for the same company for over 30 years. I recently retired
and decided I'd move closer to my family. I live about a mile from
them now. I first visited them about a week before the grandchildren
to stay the weekend with me. When I was at their house, they were all
properly dressed. I had no idea they went nude around each other and
indulged in sexual activities.
When my daughter, Jane, was young and living at home, I did catch her
running around nude several times. Her mother scolded her and told her
to cover up. Despite her mother's reprimands, she managed to show
herself off to me many times. She would look at me boldly while facing
me. When she saw me look directly at her pussy, she would smile
broadly. One morning, when she was 10, her mother went to work, leaving
the two of us home alone. I had the day off. I was in the living room
watching news on TV. I had just gotten out of the shower and was
wearing just a robe. Jane walked into the room, totally nude. She came
over and sat down
next to me. When I looked over at her, she spread her legs. Her pussy
glistened with moisture. She rubbed a finger across her slit. "Do you
like this daddy?"
I was going to scold her like her mother does, and tell her to go get
dressed. But, I couldn't bring myself to do it. My robe was tenting
from my erection. "Yes, sweetheart. You are a very beautiful girl."
I definitely wanted to touch it. I wanted to lick it too. I trembled as
she took my hand and placed it on her snatch. I
rubbed my finger along her slit. She moaned. "That feels good daddy.
Please put your finger inside." I moved my finger around and found her
entrance hole and pressed it inside her. She looked at me expectantly.
So, I began finger-fucking her. moving my finger all around inside,
sliding it in and out of her. She hugged my arm as her breathing got
shorter. She was getting closer to orgasm. She had a sultry expression
as she looked up into my eyes. My cock was throbbing when she hit
orgasm. Her body stiffened and she shivered with pleasure. When she
finished, she moved my hand away from her pussy and collapsed against
me. While I was finger-fucking her, my robe had inadvertently opened up
a little. My cock was in plain sight. Jane looked down at it. "Wow
daddy. I never knew that would get stiff like that. Did it get that way
because of me?"
"Yes, sweetheart. A man will always get turned on when they see and
touch a gorgeous young naked woman like you."
"Can I touch it, daddy? I want to know what it feels like." I
hesitated. "Please daddy?"
I shrugged my shoulders and took my robe off. I knew it was wrong to do
that, but I couldn't help myself. "Ok, honey."
She touched it softly. The thought of my 10-year-old daughter
touching my cock, sent an electric shock up my spine. My cock twitched
and she pulled away. She reached back down and took it in her hand. I
showed her how to stroke it up and down. "Move the skin up to the top
and bring it all
the way down to my balls.... That's it. That feels wonderful, Jane. You
are giving your daddy extreme pleasure."
She smiled as she stroked me faster. "Jane, do you know what happens
when a man has an orgasm?"
She looked at me, and shrugged. "No. What happens?"
"White semen will shoot out the end. It won't hurt anything. But when
that happens, keep stroking my cock until I tell you to stop." Then I
realized what I'd just said. I called my penis a cock in front of her.
She gave me a look like she understood the naughty connotation of the
word I'd just used.

gave me a wicked look. "I love stroking your cock daddy." She sped up
her strokes, banging her fist down on my balls each time. I started
getting that wonderful feeling. I started shivering and shaking. I felt
the cum making its way up my shaft. Jane was startled when a powerful
geyser shot out of the end of my cock. She kept stroking, like I told
her to, until my ecstatic orgasm finally subsided. She had hot sticky
cum all over her chest and hands. She put her hand to her nose to smell
it. She smiled at me. "That's so awesome daddy. Can we do this again?"

I took a deep breath, and looked her in the eyes. "Jane, no we can't
ever do this again. Daddies and daughters aren't permitted to jack each
other off and give each other sexual pleasure. If anyone ever finds out
about this, I could go to jail for a very long time. It would ruin our
lives. I'd never be allowed to see you again. One other thing. I know
that you know better than to mention any of this around your mother.
But, you must watch your language around her too. Don't refer to man's
penis as a cock or dick. Don't call your vagina a pussy or cunt. Don't
call sexual intercourse fucking. Your mom would be upset if you talked
like that. Understand?"
Her brow wrinkled a little as she contemplated what I said. "I never
said anything like that before, daddy. You're the one who said
'cock' first. But thanks for telling me what all those other dirty
words mean." Then she giggled. "I want you to rub my pussy again and
make me feel good. Will you please? If you do, I'll jack you off again."
My mind was swimming. Why had I told her all the obscene words? I was
completely flustered. My resolve was wavering. I
looked down at her hot pussy, wanting more than ever to lick it. It
couldn't get me into any worse trouble than I was already in, if
caught. I eventually found my voice. "I think we should shower and get
dressed and never say anything about this again."
"Daddy! Mom won't be home for many hours. Can't we at least go naked
until she comes home? I hate wearing clothes."
"Okay, Jane. You go shower first. Then I'll go shower."
"No, daddy. Please. At least shower with me. I haven't ever done that
with you before. We've already seen each other naked and touched each
other. Come on." She stood up, took me by the hand, and led me to the
shower. I let her wash my cock and balls, and I washed her snatch. My
cock grew hard in her hand, but I didn't let her stroke it. After we
dried off, we sat back on the couch.
"I wish we could go naked all the time, daddy. I hate having to put
clothes on."
"Well, we can't. You know your mother would freak out. When you are
grown and have a family of your own, maybe you can go nude around the
house with your husband and children."
"I will. You can count on that." She noticed me looking at her pussy.
She saw my semi-erection twitch too. "Daddy, are you going to rub my
pussy again?"

My desire was too great. I couldn't resist. "Lie down and spread your
legs, honey. I have a surprise for you."
"Are you going to fuck me, daddy?"
"Oh no. I'll never put my cock in your pussy. That is incest. What I
have in mind will give you more pleasure than just rubbing your twat
She lay back and spread her legs wide. I got down on my knees and moved
my head between her legs. I kissed the inside of her thighs as I
brought my mouth closer to her wet, hot snatch. I looked up at her
face, and smiled before continuing. When my lips were up to her pussy,
I let a heavy breath out. She twitched with the feeling of my hot
breath on her. I kissed her pussy with my lips Then I let my tongue out
and licked up the length of her slit. She yelped. I savored the taste
of that young wet pussy. I inserted a finger into her hole while
continuing to lick her to orgasm. I soon had her shaking and shivering
with orgasmic bliss. "Oh, daddy. That is the best feeling I've ever
had. I want you to do that to me everyday."
After I was satisfied that her orgasm was over, I got up and sat beside
her. My cock was hard as a rock. I hugged her to me and kissed her on
the lips. "Jane, you taste so good. I couldn't resist licking your
She smiled up at me. "You can lick my pussy, anytime you want daddy.
That felt wonderful. Do you want me to jack you off now, or should I
lick your cock?"
My cock twitched from the thought. "You can lick my cock if you want.
Just lick around the head of it to see what it tastes like."
She looked a little scared as she let her tongue out tenuously. She
licked around the head. It felt wonderful. I could see that she wasn't
ready for that. "That's enough for now, Jane. Someday you will probably
do that for guys. But not right now. I have another idea. I do want to
cum again before your mother gets home. Sit on my lap here."
She sat on my lap, facing away from me. I rubbed the tip of my cock
along her crack. Then I sat her down so that the back of my cock was up
against her pussy. I had her take a hold of my cock and jack me off.
She would sometimes stop and move her pussy up the outside of my shaft
and back down again. What a great feeling. She loved the feeling she
was getting too. Soon, I reached my climax. I grunted as my first rope
of semen shot up onto her face, chest and belly. She kept pulling on my
cock until no more cum was left in it. I wrapped my arms around her
belly and chest, holding her tightly against me. She held my softening
cock up against her pussy. We stayed like that for 5 or 10 minutes. I
kissed her on the cheek, and said: "Jane, that was the most erotic sex
I've ever had. We will never do this again. Now you know what a man's
cock is like. One day you will want one inside your pussy. You will
like that a lot more than what we did today."
"Daddy, I want your cock in me right now. I want to know what it's like
to fuck."
is not going to happen. When you play with yourself in the future, you
can imagine my cock is fucking you. I'll bet your masturbation sessions
will be better than they ever have been before. But, now we have to
shower again, and get dressed, before your mother gets home."
That was the only time I had sexual activities with my daughter. Well,
except the time when she was 13. Between
the ages of 10 and 13, Jane tried seducing me many times. She'd make
sure I saw her naked whenever she had a chance. Her mother frowned at
when she went topless while her tits were developing. I refused to
succumb to the seductress though. But, when Jane was 13, my
had a death in her family. I had to work, and Jane had school. So we
couldn't go with her. She was gone for a week, including a weekend.

After we dropped her off at the airport on a Friday evening, Jane was
smiling from ear to ear. I didn't know what she was so happy about
until we got home. When we got in the house, Jane stripped naked in the
living room. Her tits were the size of grapefruits. Her pussy was
shaved clean. I didn't know what to say or do. "Daddy, see how I've
grown! I have been waiting for this chance forever. When you said I'd
like to have a hard cock in me, you were right. I want you to fuck me.
You were right when you said I'd have better orgasms, while
masturbating, after playing with your cock when I was 10."
She came over to me and started taking
my pants off. I slipped my shirt off while she stripped my lower body.
My dick was sticking straight out. She
dropped to her knees and sucked my cock into her mouth. She fondled my
balls while expertly stroking and licking my cock all over. I didn't
last long. Soon my body was shaking in ecstasy. I erupted into my
13-year-old daughter's mouth. She kept sucking until she could get no
more semen out. She looked up at me and opened her cum-filled mouth.
She swallowed it all. Then she stood up and led me to my bedroom.

When we got in the bedroom, she lay on her back and spread her legs. I
sat down on the bed looking her up and down. "Jane, I can't believe you
just did that so expertly. I think you have done that before."
She gave me a sly grin. "Daddy's don't ask their 13-year-old daughters
who they've been blowing. Do they?"
"I never asked who you sucked off. But have you been doing that often?
How old were the guys you've sucked."
"Gawd, dad. You act like I've sucked off a lot of guys. I've only done
it with 3 boys and one man."

"I've sucked 4 different guys off. I never fucked any of them. I want
you to be the first one to put a cock inside my cunt."
"Is that what you want me to do now? Do you want me to bust your
"Well, yes and no. I want you to fuck me. But, I busted my cherry a
long time ago with a brush-handle. I know your cock won't harden for a
little while. Right now, I want you to eat my pussy. That is, if you
want to."
I never said another word. I buried my face in her hot snatch and got
to work. It wasn't long before she was ramming her hot pussy up against
my mouth as I licked and fingered her. Her
body stiffened. She yelled: "Daddy, I'm cumming!" She shook with
extreme pleasure. Once she was done, I moved up her body and held her
in my arms. I kissed her on the cheek. "I love you sweetheart."
"I love you too, daddy." We relaxed awhile, holding each other close
together. It was so erotic holding my young teen daughter in my arms.
She lay on top of me, I could feel her breathing, her titties pressed
against my chest. Her leg was between mine, on top of my cock. Her
pussy pushed against my leg. We dozed off in that intimate position. I
was groggy as I was awoken by the hands of my daughter, fondling my
cock and balls. When she saw my
eyes open, she smiled and stroked my stiffening member. "Daddy, I'm
ready to lose my virginity now." She held onto my hard cock as she
moved onto her back, spreading her legs. I moved with her. She guided
my cock to the opening of her virgin cunt. I held back. How could I
justify fucking my own daughter? That goes against everything I was
ever taught. I rolled away from her and lay on my side.
"Jane, lets think this through. What we've already done is considered
very bad according to societal norms. It is illegal. I could be
arrested for that. What we are about to do is incest. That is 
actually having sex with a relative. That is much more than just
touching and licking. You know there is a possibility of you getting
pregnant. Children of incestuous relationships can have dire
consequences. The baby can have physical deformities or mental
problems. Is
it really worth the sexual lust and pleasure?"
Jane's forehead furrowed. "Daddy, I love you more than anyone else in
the world. Ever since we had sexual activity together when I was 10, I
knew I wanted you to be the one to take my virginity. We have an
opportunity now, while mom is gone, to have the greatest sex ever. Your
cock is hard as a rock now. So, I know you want to fuck me too. If I
were to get pregnant, maybe that would be God's will. It sends a thrill
up my back thinking about having your baby, daddy. It wouldn't be
deformed. It would be the best girl or boy ever made. Please, daddy.
Fuck me like I'm the girl you have always desired and love more than
life itself."
My raging hard-on was leaking precum. Something came over me. I
couldn't deny her. "I do love you more than life itself, Jane. I won't
deny you anything you want."
I rolled over on top of my 13-year-old daughter. She guided my cock to
her dripping wet pussy-hole.
I looked into her eyes as I slipped the head in. I stopped for a second
and slipped it in halfway up my shaft. Her eyes were big as she
accepted it. I pushed my cock all the way inside her. I pulled out
slowly and then pressed back in. I kept that up, speeding up a little
each time. She pressed up at me while I pushed my cock into her. "Fuck
me hard, daddy. squirt your hot sperm into me and make me pregnant." My
cock took over. It seemed like I no longer had control of what I was
doing. I fucked my daughter faster and deeper. It wasn't long before I
was ready to explode. I didn't mean to sa
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