Asstr Girl

Asstr Girl


Asstr Girl

Wintermute X Stories


My Stories

Monstrum Factorum
My Baby Girl
Good Neighbors
Good Neighbors 2
A New Purpose in Life
Sex Ed for Little Girls
Depraved Mom
Alien: Insemination
Club Lolipops
Bug Breeding School
Loli Island
Barn Bitches
Beth's Journey


Monstrum Tribute


Stories by Xpanther

Child Sex Stories

Nifty Erotic Archive

Tempest Erotica

ASSTR Authors

Tod Naturlich

Forced Nudity

Georgie Porgie

Kristen Archive

Loliwood Studios

Nepi Stories

Piper's Domain

Playful Girls

Renpet's Erotic

Daddy's Girl




A father and his young daughter discover how they can become even closer in their relationship. Their love for each other grows in leaps and bounds as they begin a new life together.

Themes: Pedophilia, Incest, Young Girls, Romance, Seduction, Dating, Pregnancy

My daughter, Shae, has given me two beautiful daughters of our own. With our lifestyle of open sexuality, how long will it be before our young girls become curious for themselves?

Content: Father/Mother/Daughter, Incest, Pedophilia, Pregnancy


Shae and her Daddy finally take the plunge and leave behind their old lives, taking a chance on a new place where they can live together as husband and wife without any more secrets.

Tags: Mg, inc, ped, teen, rom, preg

Content: Father/Daughter, Incest, Pedophilia, Teen, Romance, Wedding, Pregnancy


Changes force me and my daughter up against the biggest decisions of our lives, and we explore how far we will go to keep each other.

Tags: Mg, inc, teen, rom, cons, preg

Content: Young Teen, Incest, Romance, Impregnation


What could be better than a dream vacation with my beloved daughter in France? Shae has the time of her life, makes new friends, overcomes new challenges, and I begin to wonder if there are limits to the depths of love that can exist between a father and his daughter.

Tags: Mgg, inc, pedo, rom, cons, oral, anal

Content: Pedophilia, Incest, Romance, Blowjob, Anal


Tags: Mgg, inc, pedo, rom, cons, oral, anal

Content: Pedophilia, Incest, Romance, Blowjob, Anal


The days out with my Baby Girl keep getting better and better, and we find some new things to try in public.

Tags: Mg, inc, pedo, rom, cons, exhib

Content: Pedophilia, Incest, Romance, Seduction, Public Sex, Schoolgirls


My baby girl is stubborn as a rock, and not above using every asset at her disposal to put her Daddy in his place.

Content: Pedophilia, Incest, Romance, Seduction


My Baby Girl's favorite holiday is here, and we enjoy ourselves by hanging out with old friends and making some new ones.

Tags: Mg+, inc, pedo, rom, cons, 1st, oral

Content: Pedophilia, Incest, Romance, Seduction, First Time, Costumes / Cosplay


Swimming helps Shae exhaust some of her boundless energy. My daughter is talented, but when I meet the rest of the cute little girls on the swim team, something seems slightly fishy.

Tags: Mg+, inc, pedo, rom, cons, 1st, oral, voy

Content: Pedophilia, Incest, Romance, Seduction, First Time, Voyeurism


Shae gets her first real contract with a modelling agency, a chance to show off everything she's learned about fashion. Will I be able to keep things in my pants while my sexy baby girl poses in front of the cameras?

Tags: Mg, inc, pedo, rom, cons, oral

Pedophilia, Incest, Romance, Seduction


Shae invites some friends over for a pajama party, but little girls are nothing if not curious. Questions are asked, and I begin to suspect that my baby girl has something in mind other than just sleeping.

Tags: Mg+, inc, pedo, rom, cons, 1st, oral

Pedophilia, Incest, Romance, Seduction, First Time


Shae's turning 8, and I want to do something really special for her birthday. She becomes my princess for a night as we partake in dinner and dancing, and I give her a special surprise.

Pedophilia, Incest, Romance, Seduction


A beach trip for me and my 7-year-old daughter was the perfect thing. I planned to relax, swim, get a tan, and maybe catch up on some reading. Shae can be quite a handful though, and on this vacation we found new ways to grow close to one another.

Pedophilia, Incest, Young Girls, Romance, Seduction


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School Girls

First of all I need to say that I have two daughters who I love more than anything in the world. I am 37 years old and work in the computer industry. My wife and I have been married for over fifteen years and are deeply in love. But the events of the past six months have been rather jarring to me since I never had considered myself the type of man who would be fucking his daughter. Let me explain…
Last summer my wife’s father became ill. He had a heart condition that grew worse, and he needed to have surgery. The kids were out of school, and my oldest daughter Brittany was 11-years-old, and she assured me that she would help out as much as she could. She watched her baby sister Kierstyn who was eight while I was working. My wife Amanda said that it might be a while since the recovery could be six to eight weeks for him to be independent again.
After a while, we got into a rhythm at the house. About a week had passed, and Brittany would make dinner for us, and it was usually ready and on the table when I got home. That night was no different. I got home, and Brit was in the kitchen cooking, and Kierstyn was watching TV. I dropped my gear at the door and walked into the kitchen. Brittany is a very cute girl. She is about 5 feet tall, red hair that drops to her shoulders. She has milky white skin and has freckles everywhere especially on her cute face. That night she was dressed in a tight white t-shirt and a pair of skin tight black shorts that were just the right length. Her butt cheeks were showing just enough for it to be sexy without being slutty. I was happy knowing that my girls were starting to grow up and soon I would be fighting off mobs of teenage boys with a stick as they started sniffing around my angels with hard-ons in their pants.
Just then my cock moved in my pants. I was getting aroused by looking at my eleven-year-old daughter. “Shit!” I said to myself. Amanda absence must have been taking its toll on me. I walked up and kissed Brit on the top of the head and said, “I’m going to change, and I’ll be down in a few minutes.”
“Okay.” She said and kept stirring the pot. As I left the kitchen again, I admired her cute ass. As she was stirring the pot, it made her ass twist and move. Again my cock stiffened further. I left the room and busied myself changing my clothes and preparing to go downstairs to dinner. I stopped thinking about my daughter and started thinking about work. That did it! Soft as a wet noodle. I went downstairs, and dinner was on the table. Kierstyn was already eating, and she noticed for the first time that I was home.
“Hi, Daddy!” Kierstyn said as she jumped up and gave me a hug.
“Hi Baby, what’s for dinner?” I said.
“Stroganoff” replied Brittany. “It’s runny but it’s ok. I’m not as good as Mommy is in the kitchen.” She said frowning a bit.
“That’s okay sweetie. Your mom has had a lot of practice. You are just starting and have plenty of time.” I said.
“Thanks, Daddy you’re the best!” She smiled as she served my plate.
We ate dinner and watched a movie afterward. I was not watching the movie very much I was on my computer. The girls were laying on the floor in front of the big screen TV. I looked up and noticed that both of them were in T-shirts with panties underneath. Brittany bent her knees, and with her legs slightly parted, and she was showing me quite the view. They were whispering about the movie, and I focused on her ass. It was nice and plump, and she was starting to show the curve of hips.
After a few more minutes she adjusted again, and her legs spread a little more showing more of her beautiful ass and panty class pussy. In no time I was fully erect. But this time I was okay with it. Brittany was developing into a beautiful girl, and I was just looking, so I saw no harm in that. I continued to watch, and then my imagination began to drive. In my mind, I closed my eyes and drifted into a fantasy, and I was rubbing her legs from the back as she watched her movie and rubbing her ass on top of her panties. She looked over her shoulder as I was rubbing her and smiled at me and closed her eyes. I continued rubbing her ass, and I heard a moan escape her lips.
“Daddy? Are you okay?” Brittany was standing in front of me as I opened my eyes and crashed back down to reality. My pants were tented, and she was staring at my cock smiling at me.
“Sure Brit I just fell asleep I must have been dreaming,” I replied.
“I guess so. Well, we are going to bed. Are you going to stay up?” She asked as she was heading upstairs.
“Yeah, I’ll be here for a little bit,” I said as she sauntered upstairs. I watched her all the way up the stairs. She looked back at the top of the stairs noticing that I was still watching and smiled again then disappeared around the corner. I knew I had to get my mind back on track. I turned on a movie that I would enjoy and started watching. I fell asleep again and woke up about midnight. I turned off the TV and headed upstairs.
The girls both have their rooms. I peeked into Kierstyn’s room, and she was out cold and sleeping as soundly as only an eight-year-old could. I closed the door and walked across the hall and was about to open Brit’s door when I heard something. I froze. I listened closely and heard it again. It sounded like a moan. Slowly and quietly I opened the door. Her room was dark, and it took a minute for my eyes to adjust. Once I could see I see Brittany laying on the bed; I saw she was completely naked and lying on her back on the bed above the covers. She was pumping something in and out of her little bald pussy, and I could not make out what it was, but it was apparent she was no virgin, and she was fucking herself pretty good with something.
I stood there watching her through the open door, and she was pumping faster and faster. Soon her moaning turned into grunting. “AH, ah ah, aaaahhhhh yes! Fuck! Oh so good. Soooooo good. Uh, uh ahhhhhh yes fuck me, daddy!” She cried in passion as she obviously came right in front of me calling my name. “Oh, oh ohhhhhh fuck!” she moaned some more as she started coming down from her orgasm.
“That was beautiful,” I said in the darkness.
“Argh! Who’s that!” she yelled as I walked out of the shadows towards her bed. She scrambled under the sheets to cover her nakedness.
“It’s just me sweetie. I was passing by your room, and I heard the noises you were making and had to make sure you were ok? You sounded like you were in pain.”
“Daddy get out!” she started crying on the bed.
“Don’t worry baby I understand. Masturbation is completely normal especially when you are going through puberty.
“Don’t be baby…” I cuddled with her, and she cried into my shoulder. “I’m sorry, but I was just mesmerized. But can I ask you a question? How long have you been masturbating?”
“And how long have you been using your hairbrush to do it.”
“About two or three weeks ago, it just seemed natural, and it feels good Daddy.”
“I’m sure it does baby. Now one more question. How long have you been fantasizing about me?”
“Oh my God you heard that? Waaaahhhhh!” She cried again this time in great big sobs against my chest.
“It’s okay baby can I tell you a secret?” I asked as I pulled her face up to her chin. I was fantasizing about you when you woke me up in the living room.
“Uh huh. I was dreaming about touching you, and you woke me up when you did that.”
“So I gave you that hard on Daddy?” she was smiling again knowing that she turned me on.
“Yes indeed. Does that make you feel better?” I asked.
“Uh huh. When I saw you’re hard on that was what made me so horny I had to play with myself. I tried to go to sleep but you were all I could think about.” She said.
That made me even harder. Not only was my daughter making me crazy but she wanted to fuck me too! I was running my hand down her back, and I started dropping my hand further down on her naked back and rubbed her ass on top of the sheet.
“Daddy? Can I see your thing?” she asked as she stopped crying.
“Can I see your cock Daddy?” she said as she looked up at me smiling. “I’ve never seen one before Daddy. Not a real one. Not in real life.”
“I don’t know baby. You know if anyone ever found out I would get into a lot of trouble.” I replied looking away.
“Oh, Daddy I wouldn’t tell anyone ever! I promise.” She said as she lifted up off me and let the sheet drop off her. She made a cross over her bare chest moving over her just developing chest in a crossing motion. “I cross my heart!” she said as she giggled. She was teasing me, and she knew it.
“Oh…” I said as she showed herself to me. “That’s dirty pool. Okay, Brittany. If you want to stop just say so.”
“Okay!” She said as she got very excited and she reached for my cock. I stood up and removed my sweatpants and underwear, and my cock sprang out and bobbed in front of her. Her red hair was in a ponytail, and she smiled and reached for my cock. I’m not the biggest but I have a good eight and a half inch cock when it’s hard, and she was amazed at its size as she played with it in her hands. “Wow, Daddy your thing… cock is really big!”
“Just be gentle and play with it. Feel it and pump it up and down in your hands like this.” I said as I put her hand on it and pumped it up and down on the hard shaft. “Mmmmm, yes,” I said as she started pumping it up and down in her cold hands. She always had cold hands and fingers. But they were heating up as they played with my cock.
“Like this?” she said as she continued playing with it. I smiled, and she continued stroking my cock. Without saying a word she removed the sheet from her bottom half and laid down on the bed spreading her legs wide. Then she pulled me closer to her and put her mouth on my cock and sucked as much of my cock into her mouth as she could.
“Oh Damn! Brittany, how did you learn that?” I said as she took almost half of my cock into her mouth.
She giggled and said, “The Internet Daddy! Don’t be silly.” She sank my cock back into her mouth and started bobbing up and down. She had one hand on my cock, and she put her other hand underneath herself and was playing with her tight pre-teen pussy as she sucked my cock. I knew I wouldn’t last much longer. I was already totally horny already and having my eleven-year-old daughter naked on the bed in front of my sucking my cock had me ready to shoot.
“I’m going to cum baby. Do you want me to cum in your mouth?” I asked.
“Oh yeah, Daddy. I want to eat all your cum up.” She replied. Soon I was about to cum, and I reached behin
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