Asstr Games

Asstr Games


Asstr Games

This is a story about sexual relations between consenting adults
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This is a
literary story that is partly-based in truth and partly in fantasy.
The names have been changed to protect the identities of the
participants. It is up to you, the reader to decide where reality
ends and fantasy begins. Please enjoy.

an undergraduate, I was required to take some core courses that were
outside of my proposed major in psychology. One of these courses
that I was compelled to take, American Literature, was taught by a
woman named Dr. Samantha Dover. Because I have always enjoyed
reading, particularly classic literature, this class was one in
which I excelled. This endeared me to the professor who had me over
to her house for dinner with her family � her husband, Allen
and 10-year-old daughter, Michelle.

got to know the family pretty well that semester, so much so, the
following semester she called me in my dorm room to ask a favor.
� Hi,
Will,� her pleasant voice said over the phone line. �Are
you tied up tonight?�
� Tonight
is one of the few nights I have where I have nothing to do,� I
told her. �Why?�
� My
sitter just called me. I guess she can�t get her car started,
and Allen has an awards dinner tonight that we need to attend. Would
you be able to come over and stay with Michelle? I figured she knows
you and it would be easier for her if she knew the person staying
here with her.�
� I
can do that. When should I be there?�

� As
soon as you can. Nicole was supposed to be here five minutes ago,
and we really can�t be late.�
� I�m
on my way,� I told her as I slipped on my shoes. �I�ll
be there in five minutes tops.�
I pulled up four minutes later, Dr. Dover and her husband were
heading out the front door to their car.

� Thanks,
Will!� she said as she waved at me. �We should be back
by 11. Make yourself at home.� With that they were in the car,
down the drive and started up the street before I could open the

� Will!�
Michelle yelled. Her light brown hair streamed behind her as she ran
to me and jumped toward me. Her arms flew around my neck, her legs
wrapped around my waist, and reflexively, my hands went to her small
rounded butt to hold her up from falling. She hugged herself to me
for longer than I expected.
� I�m
glad you�re here,� she said. �I haven�t seen
you in a while and I want to play a game with you.�
reluctantly set her down. She was nearly eighty pounds and the way I
was holding her was getting awkward. Since I met her last semester,
I found out just how attractive young girls were to me. I don�t
remember ever looking at prepubescent girls as attractive until I
saw her. I think it was the way her green eyes sparkled when her
smile popped between the tiny dimples in her cheeks. Being ten, she
showed no signs of womanly development, yet, there was a
precociousness about her that made her seem somehow older than she
was. Those characteristics were what I think really attracted me to

last time I had seen her two months earlier, I was over later than
normal, and it was nearing her bedtime. While her parents and I
talked, she was in her room changing into her pajamas. When she came
back to say goodnight, I was speechless. Her pajamas were a pink and
white pajama shirt and shorts set. Both were tight in spots and
loose in others, but the tight spots were across her chest and right
at her crotch. I was given a show of a little girl�s hard
nipples poking the cotton out in front of her and a cameltoe in pink
that left little to the imagination. It seemed her parents took no
notice of what that pajama set displayed as they kissed her in turn.
� Off
to bed,� Allen told her after kissing her.
� Hold
on,� she said. �I have to say goodnight to Will.�
came over and sweetly planted her soft lips on my cheek. My cock
rapidly inflated thinking about what other parts of my body I would
have liked to have felt her soft lips on.

� Goodnight,
Will,� she said and smiled at me.
� Goodnight,
Michelle,� I said trying not to let my voice tell how turned
on I was.
turned and walked back to the stairs. From that angle, I got a good
look at her small butt jiggling and I could easily make out her
panty line � hipsters by the angle they left her butt and hit
her hip. What color are they? I wondered.

two months later, I was alone with her, and this still gorgeous girl
wants to play a game.

� What
game?� I asked her, expecting Life or Clue.

� Do
you know how to play poker?� she asked me.
� Of
course,� I told her. �I play at the dorm all the time.�

jaw dropped and my eyes opened a bit wider. �Strip poker? Uh,
� Michelle,
you�re ten. You aren�t supposed to know how to play
� My
friends Carli and Sarah both say they play with boys at their
apartment complex and its fun. Please?� She cocked her head
and blinked her eyes at me.

� Your
parents would kill me if they knew I taught you how to play.�
� Then
we won�t tell them. Pretty please?� She came over and
hugged her body to mine. I wasn�t ready for this. Her request
had gotten me hard, and now she was pressing her body into my rigid
� You
already have a boner. I can feel it. You want to play, huh?�

� You�re
a gorgeous girl. I just don�t want to do anything that will
hurt you.�

grabbed my hand and led me to their dining room table. �You
sit here, and I�ll sit next to you.� I sat down, and she
plopped a deck of playing cards on the table surface.

� So,
what are the rules?� she asked.
took the cards out of the box and started to explain to her what the
object was. Luckily, inside the box was a card that listed the
strength of the poker hands which made teaching her that much
easier. For each hand that was listed on the card, I would pull out
the cards and show her what they looked like. I explained the
likelihood of getting each hand and how one had to consider what
hand they were going to try to get.

� You
think you got it?� I asked her.
� Let�s
play a couple practice hands first to let you see what the game is
like.� I used a plate of cookies that were on the dining room
table as chips. �We�ll use these to start, but in strip
poker, the players bet the clothes they are wearing.�
giggled. �Really? That�s funny.�
� That�s
why it�s called strip poker.�
dealt the cards and ended up with two pair in my hand. Michelle
picked up her cards, looked at the poker hands card to consider what
she had.

� While
you are thinking about your cards, remember you can get rid of some
of them and possibly get a hand you want.�
bit her bottom lip as she intently studied her hand. She discarded
three cards, and I dealt three more to her. I got rid of one, but
still wound up with two pair.

� So,
now, let�s compare hands. The one with the best hand is the
winner of that hand.�
laid down my pair of 9�s and 6�s. She laid down
four-of-a kind 4�s.

� You
win, too,� I told her. I used the reference card to show her
how her hand beat mine.

time, I had her deal. She dealt me shit � no face cards, no
aces, nothing. The closest I had was three diamonds. I went with it
hoping for a flush. I discarded two. She discarded four cards.
dealt the cards again. I smiled. I got my diamond flush. I laid the
cards out for her to see. She laid out her cards showing only a pair
of queens.

� Look
at the cards and tell me who wins,� I told her.

looked at the reference card and my hand. Then at her hand and back
to the reference card. �You have a flush. Does that mean you

nodded and smiled. �Now we�re tied.�

� Okay,�
she said, �this time for real.�
� Uh,
well, we play, and the loser has to take off something that the
winner can see.�
� You�re
gonna get naked now,� she said, smiling a mischievous smile.

� You
think. I�m gonna beat the panties off you,� I told her.

blushed and giggled as I shuffled the cards. I had her cut when I
finished shuffling.

� Oh,
good cut,� I told her. �That cut is going to give me all
the good cards.�

� Nuh-uh.
I�m getting all the good cards �cause they�re my
cards and they like me.�
dealt out five cards to each of us, and we both picked up our cards.
I had dealt myself a full house. I was harder than I had been in a
long time. I realized I was now going to get to see her naked and
possibly more. I had to control myself or my horniness was going to
cost me the game.
� Give
me two,� she said tossing two cards down.

� Okay,
and I�m staying with what I have,� I told her. I dealt
the two cards to her and let her arrange her cards.

showed her cards, and she didn�t even have a pair. I showed
her my cards and pointed to Full House on the reference card.

� This
hand,� I told her. �We have a few more to play.�

� What
do you want me to take off?� she asked me shyly.

stood in front of me and I looked her up and down. She was in a
t-shirt, jean shorts, and socks that I could see. I decided to play
nice for now. As much as I wanted to see her expose the good stuff,
I had a little self-control.
� Take
off your�,� I said slowly, delaying for suspense,

looked relieved, and pulled her socks off her feet. Her toes were
painted with lilac purple nail polish and were perfectly angled from
large to small.

sat back down, and I gave her the cards to deal. She looked at me
� We�ll
switch being dealer every hand so we both have a chance to do it.�

took the cards, shuffled them, and dealt them out for us. I got a
pair of kings but not much else. I discarded three, and she
discarded only one after looking at the reference card.

dealt me three more and one to herself. I got another king in the
deal. I had her again. I looked up at her, and she was smiling a
huge smile.

� Prove
it,� I told her and laid down my hand. �Three kings.�
� I
got them in a row,� she said. Laying her cards down one at a
time, she said, �Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.� She had
a straight flush in hearts.

� I
guess I lose that one,� I told her. I stood up in front of
her, wondering what was going through her mind, secretly hoping I
would lose my pants and give my hard cock some breathing room.

put a finger to her chin and twisted her lips as if she was deep in
thought. �Take off your�socks!� She delayed for
suspense like I did, and it worked. I took a deep breath and pulled
my socks off. I threw them at her and hit her in the face.
� Eww!
I don�t want to smell your stinky socks!�

� You�re
the one who wanted them off,� I told her. I sat down and
picked up the cards and shuffled them again. �Ok, no more Mr.
Nice Guy. This time you�re going down.�

dealt out the hand, and, setting the deck down, I picked up my
cards. I had to bite my cheek to keep a straight face. I dealt a
straight flush to myself. The only thing that could beat my hand was
a royal flush. My softening cock got hard again quickly anticipating
what I would be seeing next.

� I�ll
take two,� Michelle said discarding two of her cards. I dealt
two to her and set the deck down. �Aren�t you going to
get any?�

� I
like what I have,� I told her. Her eyes got bigger when she
heard that. �Well, what do you have?�
� I
got a flush � all spades. Beat that.�
laid down one card at a time � 4 of clubs, the 5, 6, 7. And
very slowly for effect, I laid down the 8 of clubs. �Straight

jaw dropped. �I thought I had a good hand,� she whined.

� It
IS a good hand,� I told her. �Just not good enough to
beat mine. Stand up.�
stood up and faced me. Now was where it got interesting. I scratched
my chin to really draw the decision out. �Hmmm�I
think�you should take off�your�shorts.�
swallowed and fumbled with her button. As she unzipped the zipper, I
could see pastel green fabric with a light pink lacy waist band. She
pulled her shorts over her butt and then down her thin legs. Kicking
her feet out of the legs of the shorts she stood back up straight
and quickly went to her chair.

� Hold
on,� I told her. �I get to look at you.�

she stood up again and faced me. Her hands were clasped in front of
her, trying to hide where her panties covered her sex.

she dropped her hands to her sides. The panties were a normal little
girl brief, plain pastel green with pink banding. I twirled my
finger signaling to her to slowly turn. She did, slightly smiling.
The indentations of her butt cheeks and then of her cameltoe were
slight, but what they lacked in being explicit, they added to the
eroticism of the mystery waiting underneath.

looked at her eyes, and she seemed a bit shy, but still willing. I
smiled back at her.

� I�m
liking this,� I told her as she sat down again.

� I
bet. But that�s going to be the last time I lose. I�m
going to see your wiener.�
shuffled and dealt the cards. We both picked up our cards, arranged
them, and then looked at each other. I had two pair � kings
over tens � a fair hand that could win. I was going to try for
the full house. I discarded one card. She looked at me and did the

dealt us both one card. I picked mine up and it was a seven. I would
have to be content with two pair.

� Two
pair � kings over tens,� I told her laying the cards out
for her to see.

� No
fair!� she cried out. She laid her cards down and had two pair
� kings over tens as well, with a seven. �What happens
if it�s a tie?�

� We
can either reshuffle and replay the hand, we can both lose
something, or we can draw until one of us has a card higher than the
other person.�

placed the deck in the middle of the table, and she took the top
card. I took the next card. She showed a jack. I dropped my card on
the table as if I won. It was a 2.

screamed in delight. �I won! Take your pants off!�

boxers I was wearing were not going to be hiding my stiff member the
way my pants did. I unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned, and unzipped my
pants. Slowly I pulled them down, and after kicking the pants off my
feet, I stood straight up and pushed out the tent in my underwear to
point at her.
� Yes,
because I think you�re sexy. But that�s all you�re
going to see. I�m winning the rest.�
sat down and grabbed the cards. After shuffling and dealing them, I
picked up my pile. I had nothing. I held an ace, and discarded four.
Michelle discarded three.

dealt her cards to her, and then mine to me. I picked up my cards,
relieved that I kept my ace. I now had a pair of aces.

� This
sucks!� she said putting her cards face down on the table.

� It
can�t be that bad,� I told her.

turned her cards over and had absolutely nothing, and nothing over a
9. I showed my pair of aces.

� Does
that mean you win?� she asked.

nodded. She stood up and faced me. All she wore was a shirt and her
panties. One way or another she was now going to expose some of
herself to me. I knew she was not ready to expose her pussy to me
yet, so I didn�t make her.

lifted the hem and then stopped just above her navel.
� Don�t
laugh,� she quietly told me.
� I
don�t really like boobs,� I told her. I was being
honest. �Boobs just get in the way.�

chuckled at that, and finished lifting her shirt over her head. As
she dropped her shirt to the floor, I took in the little girl
standing in front of me wearing only her panties. Her chest was
ribby, but not unlike other girls her age. Her nipples were a
chocolate brown, slightly darker than her hair, and about the size
of my thumbprint. Just below, her thin belly had a small indentation
for a navel and then sloped down toward her child sex. The waist
band of her panties came across her hips in a way that her hip bones
pushed it out slightly from her body. I twirled my finger again for
her, and she slowly spun again. My cock was leaking pre-cum looking
this sexy little girl over, anticipating the moment when her panties
would hit the floor.

sat back down and picked up the cards. She shuffled and dealt. She
dealt me four 3s. Now I had a decision to make. Do I discard and
play as if I didn�t have a good hand so she would have more
fun playing the game, or do I win the hand, get her naked, and get
both of us relief sooner?

discarded three cards, keeping two of the threes. She discarded one.
After dealing our replacement cards, we picked up our hands. That�s
when I noticed she had a huge grin on her face.

� Look!�
she said laying her cards down. Ace, king, queen, jack, and ten of
hearts. She got a royal flush. �Nothing can beat that, huh?�
� Nope,
but my royal flush can tie it.� Her smile faded as I laid down
my cards.

laughed. �Gotcha!� I stood and faced her.
� Just
for that, take your boxers off.�
looked at her to see if she was serious. She was. I shrugged and
quickly dropped my underwear and stepped out of them. There, on full
display, was Mr. Happy, pointing straight at the little girl�s
face, and glistening with pre-cum.
� Holy
cow! It�s big. Can I feel how hard it is?�
stepped toward her, and she wrapped her hand around my shaft. Her
soft hand moved over the length of my cock from base up over the
sensitive head. It was all I could do to hold back from cumming.

� These
are your balls?� she asked as her hand cupped my scrotum.
�Your skin is so soft. I like the way it feels.�

quickly backed off, not wanting to cum yet. �I still got a
game to win,� I told her.
� We�re
tied right now,� she pointed out. �I can win too.�
� But
you won�t,� I told her as I started to deal the cards.

picked up her hand and I picked up mine. I was going to do anything
I could to win. I looked closely at my hand and assessed the
probability of what I could get. She looked as if she was doing the
same the way she bit on the right side of her lower lip.

discarded all but a jack and a ten. She discarded four cards. She
picked up the deck and dealt the rest of our cards. I picked up two
more tens and a 4. I wasn�t going to get overconfident, but I
was hopeful with three of a kind.

� What
was that?� I asked smiling at her.

looked up at me and smiled a slight smile. She showed her hand.
Nothing. She had nothing.

stood up and faced me. She bit her lip and took a deep breath then
hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and started to
pull them down. The fabric cleared her butt first, her smooth,
small, rounded globes. She continued pushing them down and squatted
as she pulled them off her feet. Slowly she s
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