Asstr Fiance

Asstr Fiance


Asstr Fiance
Darnell Walker was a man who always prided himself on his ability to parlay
any opportunity into a windfall. He knew that his strengths were in
wit and grit. But he had one major weakness if one would call it a
weakness, that being ……………pussy …………………snug and tight pussy …………….snug, tight
and white pussy to be exact! He wasn't the monogamous type as he was
always looking for his next conquest, trying to get into as many tight panties
as he could. Currently, he was shagging an attractive twenty-seven
year old blonde name Gayla Barnett.
As for Gayla, she had her own agenda. First, she was head over heels
in love with Darnell and there was nothing she wouldn't do for him. 
She was under his spell, his swagger, bravado and his huge black cock. 
Gayla was currently on the mend, recently divorced and trying desperately
to pay off the credit card debt her husband had run up before the divorce. 
To help create a bit of extra income, Gayla had recently placed an ad for
a roommate to help offset part of the rent and utilities of the two bedroom
Earlier that day, Linda Townsend had answered the ad and was the easy choice
to be Gayla's new roommate. Young and attractive, Linda was 22 years
of age and in her last semester of college. She had been out looking
for an apartment to rent that was conveniently located close to both campus
and her part-time job at the mall. As far as Linda was concerned, Gayla
Barnett's apartment was perfect, as she would have her own room. She
was also thrilled with her good fortune in having been the one selected by
For the first couple of weeks or so, things went very smoothly between the
two new roommates. Gayla and Linda blended well and they became fast
friends. It wasn't long, however, before Linda met Gayla's boyfriend
Darnell, who scared the hell out of her. But for Gayla, she had instantly
picked up on the vibes that Darnell had designs on bedding her younger and
very attractive roommate. Afraid of losing her man, Gayla felt quite
jealous and threatened of this.
Although Gayla kept her thoughts and suspicions to herself for fear of forcing
a situation that might've resulted in Darnell choosing Linda over her, she
began to resent her younger roommate. Unknown to Gayla, her jealousy
could not have been more misplaced as Linda had no romantic nor sexual interest
at all in Darnell. In fact, Linda detested Darnell and wanted no part
of her roommate’s muscular black boyfriend.
Linda was very much in love with and engaged to Paul Monroe, a businessman
who lived in another state. Linda and Paul had met a year earlier during
a business trip Paul had made to town, when he happened upon Linda as she
tried to change a flat tire on her car. It was love at first sight
for both of them. Paul had come to her rescue and a romance quickly
flourished. Paul had proposed to her just before the start of Linda's
final semester of college. She had immediately accepted, asking only
that she be allowed to complete what she had started, a promise she had made
to her father on his death bed that she would graduate from college before
getting married.
Once she graduated, the plan was for them to get married and she’d move
to Chicago to be with him and begin her new life as Mrs. Paul Monroe. 
Paul understood and thus reluctantly agreed with Linda's wish to wait till
she completed her final semester of college. Doing well financially,
he had generously offered to pay Linda's tuition as well as her room and board
to live on campus. Though she sincerely loved Paul, Linda declined his
offer, wanting to do it on her own. Having found herself a part-time
job, decided to
look for an inexpensive apartment that was conveniently located near to both
campus and her job.
Linda had no romantic or sexual interest in Darnell whatsoever. In
fact, the very thought of being romantically or sexually intimate with a
black man such as Darnell made her skin crawl. Not that she was a bigot,
just that her prim and proper upbringing did not include the more liberal
acceptance of a person becoming involved romantically or sexually with someone
outside of his/her race or religion. When Darnell visited, Linda would
hole up in her room, always giving the excuse of having to do some studying.

To unwittingly add insult to injury, the naïve and innocent Linda
Townsend had made an off-hand comment to Gayla, hinting that she did not condone
Gayla's involvement with Darnell. Already apprehensive about Darnell’s
lust for Linda, she then misinterpreted that comment, suspecting that Linda
was now trying to undermine the relationship so that she could displace her
and grab Darnell on the rebound.
As Gayla had indeed accurately picked up on the subtle vibes from Darnell
that he was really turning on the charm with her new roommate and trying to
win Linda's favor, albeit unsuccessfully, Gayla was none the less livid at
this point. Though Linda was genuinely friendly and cordial to Darnell,
she certainly had no romantic or sexual interest in Darnell whatsoever. 
It was just that Gayla’s man was a horny bastard who wanted most what he couldn’t
Darnell sensed Gayla's mounting jealousy over his attempts to flirt with
Linda and downplayed the whole thing. He convinced Gayla that it was
all for show, to keep everyone on friendly terms. He pretended to sympathize
with Gayla's situation, that he didn’t want her roommate to feel uncomfortable
around him, especially since Gayla was in dire need of the revenue that was
generated by someone sharing the rent. Though he wanted to get into
Linda’s tight little panties, the closest he could get took place when Gayla
went downstairs to put her laundry in the washer. With her roommate
at school, Darnell slipped into her room and Linda's hamper in the corner
of her closet, that to his delight contained five pairs of panties. 
Several pairs of white ones, a blue and a yellow thus snatching a pair of
her white ones.
On the third week, Gayla noticed that Linda had a ring at the end of the
gold chain that she always wore around her neck. It was then that Gayla
learned of Linda’s engagement to Paul Monroe, that she wore it around her
neck rather than on her finger as she had wanted to keep it a secret for
the time being, especially when she went home to visit her mother. 
Once graduation day came, Linda advised Gayla that she would then make the
announcement of the engagement to Paul and that the wedding would take place
the end of summer to give some time for preparations to be made. Though
relieved, Gayla still was a bit apprehensive about Linda as one never could
be sure as her former husband had already proven to her.
As a relieved Gayla relayed her findings to Darnell the next day, a devious
idea came into his mind.  It was a cunning and inspired scheme
in which he would worm his way into the panties of his girlfriend’s attractive
roommate. As Gayla's only interest in Linda was that of a source of
monetary income for the time being, Darnell asked what Gayla had learned
of Linda’s fiancé. At that point, Gayla could only tell Darnell that
“I think she said something about him being in investment banking! 
Apparently he’s well-established in his career as he offered to pay for her
college expenses but she turned him down on that!”
Days later, formulating more details to his devious plan, Darnell pretended
to sympathize with Gayla about her finances and hoped she’d be able to find
another roommate once Linda was gone. “Hey, maybe this hot shot financial
wizard can figure out a way for us to make some money! You know, enough
for ya to help pay off her credit card debt! I ain’t got much money,
but I’s sure could use some hot tips from the guy!” he suggested. Though
Gayla had never met the guy, Darnell’s plan was to use Gayla to pry more
info out of her roommate, then use the pretty bitch as the "in" to set up
Paul Monroe.
Though Gayla didn’t think it was a good idea, she didn’t want to cross
Darnell by giving her two-cents, thus shrugged and went along with his suggestion.  
As Darnell laid it out, it would be her job to win Linda's trust and confidence,
befriend her and to find out as much as possible about Paul Monroe. 
Gayla never caught on that Darnell was just using her to get into Linda’s
panties, that the pair he had stolen from her roommate had him jerking off
with it each night and now he wanted to sample the real thing.
Linda never caught on that she was being set up by Gayla. Happy to
have someone to talk to about her man, Linda unwittingly shared intimate information
about herself, about her fiancé and about their relationship. 
Gayla was quite surprised when she learned that her roommate and fiancé
had never been intimate to date. In this day and age, that was unheard
of to Gayla. But it was Gayla's finding out that Paul had offered to
send Linda a plane ticket, inviting her to rendezvous with him in Seattle
over the upcoming weekend that offered the break Darnell had been looking
Paul had told Linda that he would be in Seattle on business and desperately
wanted her to take off for the weekend, catch a flight and to join him there. 
He had told her how much he missed her and promised her a very romantic weekend. 
But Linda had regrettably begged off, telling Paul that she had to work and
to study for exams. When Linda mentioned Paul's offer to her roommate,
she did not realize that the details given to Gayla would be passed along
to Darnell, especially the fact that Paul had reservations at the West Towers
In turning down Paul's offer, Linda had unwittingly set up the perfect opportunity
for Darnell to implement the next phase of his cunning plan. Knowing
that money was tight for Gayla, and gambling that he would easily recoup
his financial investment on the
back end of the scam, he purchased airline tickets to Seattle for himself
and Gayla, as well as a hotel reservation at the West Towers. Gayla
wondered how things had gotten so far away as to just finding out some hot
tips from the guy to she and Darnell now about to try and dupe the guy.
Darnell also picked up the tab for a complete makeover for Gayla, instructing
her to have her hair colored and styled identical to Linda's. As a
kicker, Darnell had instructed Gayla to 'borrow' a dress from Linda that the
naive young beauty had unwittingly confided in her roommate was Paul's favorite. 
With Linda working and studying all weekend, it was unlikely that she'd even
notice that her yellow dress was missing and Gayla planned on simply sneaking
the dress back into Linda's closet. And Linda would never be any the
Darnell and Gayla checked into their room at the West Towers and Gayla donned
her disguise, primped and made ready to implement the next phase of the plan. 
Darnell went over the plan with her to ensure she knew exactly what he wanted
her to do that night, though Gayla did not and could not believe Darnell
was encouraging her to have sex with another man. But with his encouragement,
knowing Paul Monroe was quite handsome from the photo on Linda’s desk, Gayla
was not about to argue at this point. She’d been around the block with
a lot of guys and did enjoy sampling, until meeting Darnell.
With that accomplished, it was simply a matter of dangling the bait and then
reeling Paul in. Gayla staked out the hotel lounge, sitting at the
bar, disguised in Linda's dress and similar white heels, her hair was colored
and coiffed to look just like her roommate. Purposely having her back
to the door, Gayla knew that he couldn't help but notice her and then seek
her out.
Sure enough, Paul Monroe was drawn to her like a moth to a flame, mesmerized
and thinking that his lovely fiancée had taken the weekend off and
had flown in to be with him. As he approached her, his heart soared
as he thought it was in fact his beautiful fiancée. As Gayla
looked up from her drink, she choked back a laugh at the shock and disappointment
that registered on his face in realizing that she wasn't his sweet little
As Paul Monroe stuttered out an apology for mistaking her for his fiancée,
Gayla sprung the trap. She graciously accepted Paul's apology and invited
him to join her, telling him that she wanted to hear more about the gal who
looked so much like her. He hesitated for a moment, then politely accepted,
introducing himself as he did so. Knowing that Paul Monroe knew the
name of whom his fiancée’s was sharing an apartment with, Gayla introduced
herself as Gayle Barnes so as not to give herself away.
Being in a different city, so far away from where Linda attended college,
Paul had no idea that the woman next to him was his fiancée’s roommate
nor that the similar looking dress was really Linda’s. This ‘chance
meeting’ was actually a setup. He was quite intrigued with this attractive
woman, especially how her hair was colored and styled identical to Linda's. 
The dress she wore, the white heels, and even Linda's fragrance of perfume
had him weak at the knees. What's more, Gayla had picked up on some
of her roommate’s mannerisms and expressions, dropping some catch-phases that
would have Paul Monroe thinking of his lovely bride-to-be.
Gayla was getting into it and very much began to enjoy this game. Sweet,
beguiling and coyly flirtatious, she led Paul on. Playing the role
of an innocent and naive young woman, Gayla claimed that it was her first
time in Seattle. She also remembered Linda's tale about how she and
Paul had met, purely by chance, a fairytale meeting that had blossomed into
romance. Perhaps she could parlay tonight into a similar scenario,
at least enough to dupe him into a one-night stand.
Paul had no intention of cheating on his lovely fiancée. But
he was in town alone for the weekend, disappointed his Linda couldn't be
there with him and missed her terribly. Suddenly, he found himself having
drinks with a woman who could all but pass for the woman he loved. Even
so, it never crossed his mind to cheat on Linda, just intending on a few
drinks and friendly conversation with a kindred spirit. But, without
him quite understanding how it happened, drinks somehow led to dinner. 
Then came after-dinner drinks and dancing, with a nightcap for a finale.

It just sort of happened, or so Paul thought. With the attractive
woman feigning that she was tipsy from all of the drinks, she had cajoled
him into playing the role of Prince Charming and in seeing her safely to her
room. Then Gayla insisted Paul step in for a nightcap, the least she
could do to show her appreciation for dinner and for such a lovely evening.

Paul had no way of knowing it was all a setup, that Darnell had rigged the
room for videotaping what was about to transpire. Gayla put on quite a performance. 
In spite of his intentions to the contrary, Paul ultimately succumbed to
the wily plan to seduce him, tricking him into having unprotected sex with
her. Paul had every intention of pulling out before he came but Gayla
anticipated his orgasm perfectly, wrapping her legs around him and locking
her ankles to prevent him from pulling out. Then, with the damage done,
a drunk and sexually drained Paul Monroe soon nodded off to sleep.
If he only knew what Gayla was really thinking for she was basking in the
afterglow of her Oscar-winning performance and having so completely duped
her roommate's fiancé. Her mind wasn't filled with fantasies
of ‘Happily Ever After’, it was filled instead with the dollar signs Darnell
had filled her head with. She was now anxiously anticipating the implementation
of the next phase of Darnell's plan, that of fleecing Paul Monroe as punishment
for his indiscretion. Also, Gayla knew that Darnell would be pleased
with her for pulling off the scam so flawlessly.
Meanwhile, Paul's life was already becoming a living hell. If suffering
the guilt and remorse were not punishment enough, the woman was already making
a pest of herself. He politely begged off on seeing her again that
weekend, claiming his schedule was booked solid and that he thought he might
be coming down with the flu. Still, the phone in his room rang constantly,
leaving messages for him to return her calls.
Wanting to put as many miles as possible between himself and the persistent
blonde, he cut his business trip short and booked an earlier flight back to
Chicago. Thinking he had divested himself of Gayla and had put the
experience behind him, Paul rededicated himself to Linda and pressed on full
speed ahead with plans for the upcoming wedding. They had gotten together
several times during the semester but the times he stopped to pick Linda
up at the apartment, Gayla had made sure to be out at the time.
Several months later, in town for Linda's graduation, Paul was in total shock
upon answering the knock on his hotel room door. Gayla's hair was no
longer the same shade and style as Linda's but Paul recognized her immediately,
cringing at the thought that this woman had suddenly reentered his life. 
His mind was racing, wondering how this woman had managed to track him down. 
Even worse was the fact that Paul was in town for Linda's graduation. 
Now he faced the very real risk that Linda may find out about this woman
who he had a tryst with in Seattle.
He was behind the eight ball and he knew it. He needed to handle this
Gayle Barnes with kid gloves, get rid of her as quickly and quietly as possible. 
He had to wonder that if she had been resourceful enough to track him down
at the hotel, perhaps she knew where Linda lived as well. With Gayla
having always been careful to ensure that she was never at the apartment
whenever Paul had picked up or dropped off Linda, Gayla had never been formally
introduced to Paul as Linda's roommate.
Gayla insisted they discuss a matter of urgency over dinner and Paul had
no choice but to cancel his plans with Linda and do as the woman asked. 
Over dinner, Gayla prattled on and on about how magical their weekend tryst
in Seattle had been and finally got down to the business at hand. Paul's
carelessness as a lover had resulted in knocking her up and because of her
strict Catholic upbringing she could never consider abortion as an option. 
She added that she believed with all her heart that their meeting in Seattle
had been fate and that the baby had been conceived in love. Therefore,
she could never consider aborting it.
Paul was stupefied as he listened to this Gayle Barnes telling him that she
wanted to be fair and reasonable about all this. That, if Paul didn't
love her enough to break things off with Linda and marry her instead to raise
their child together, then she would still have the baby but raise it herself. 
Unfortunately, of course, the bitch could not possibly afford it financially
without his help. He wondered to himself why she hadn't deferred to
her ‘strict Catholic upbringing’ the weekend they'd met in Seattle but he
was in no position to make waves.
Instead, Paul tried to reason with her that he wasn’t a wealthy man but
would agree to pay a generous sum to support her through the remainder of
the pregnancy and for child support after the baby was born. If only
he knew that she wasn't even pregnant and that it was all just a setup. 
But Paul was in no bargaining position and quickly made out a check to ‘cash’
and sent a sniffling Gayle Barnes on her way.
A few weeks later, graduation behind her, Linda brought Paul to her home
several hundred miles south of the coll
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