Asstr Drugged

Asstr Drugged


Asstr Drugged
Standard Disclaimer!
This is a fictional story intended for Adults only!
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Note: The story below is a story in itself. However, it is also
a direct continuation
of the earlier story entitled: Captive Young Wife
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Feet on his desk, Bubba Grimes leaned back in his comfortable chair, thinking
back to all the pleasures he had enjoyed as benefits of the job. Being
in this high level corporate position allowed him to enjoy the perks of the
job with everyone fearful when he passed them by. The one thing that
he desired most was getting into the panties of an innocent and faithful
young wife, in particular a beautiful white beauty. The only other
pleasure that was just as pleasurable was the knowledge that he had 'knocked
up' the unsuspecting little beauty.
Closing his eyes, he thought of the former Mrs. Laura Wieland and how he
had bedded her just two weeks after she had returned from her honeymoon. 
The fear of losing her job in a tight job market, along with her husband's
employment uncertain, Bubba had gotten her to spread her sexy white legs for
him. Of course Laura Wieland had insisted on safety precautions, forcing
him to put on a damned rubber each time. But he had sure fooled the
stupid little bitch, having poked the foil covered condom numerously with
a sharp pin.
Bubba gloated in recalling how his trick had worked to perfection, leaving
young Mrs. Wieland pregnant from his evil scheme. All the while that
she was pregnant, stomach bloating up, young Laura had been duped into thinking
that she was carrying her husband's precious baby. He laughed when
she had come to him shortly after giving birth, sobbing her pretty baby blue
eyes out, telling how her husband had called her a 'fucking whore' and walked
out on her.
It was obvious that young Laura Wieland wouldn't be able to support herself
and the baby on just a secretary salary. Bubba soothed the young woman,
assured her that he'd take care of her and the baby, especially since he
was the father. He'd have her move into a condo he owned and would
hire a sitter for her whenever she was busy or at work. Also, he would
have her promoted into a sales position where she'd bring in more money to
pay the bills.
He had gone over to take the sobbing woman in his arms to comfort her,
stroking her soft creamy body. Caressing her, he slowly got his hands
under her blouse and had his hands on her bare skin as he reassured her that
he'd take care of her and their little baby. Bubba was proud to learn
that he was the father of a little 7 lb. baby boy named Jerry. To celebrate
this news, he soon had the mother of his baby lying on his office couch,
naked with her legs widespread. He smiled at the thought of having
this little beauty handle all the sales closings. He laughed to himself
as he thought 'Hell, it'll be cheaper than hiring a hooker to entertain the
important clientele! She'll easily get those signatures on the dotted
line, once they get her flat on her back!'
Once he had learned that Laura was indeed pregnant but before she had begun
to show, Bubba had used her to secure his next conquest, that of the beautiful
Mrs. Terri Harmon. He had gotten Laura to entice that young punk Trent
Harmon and set it up where Bubba would walk into the storage room and catch
them in an inappropriate position. From there, that stupid young punk
made the ultimate sacrifice of letting Bubba possess his precious wife in
order to save his own fucking ass.
Bubba leaned back and laughed, thinking how young Trent Harmon had given
him access into the house while Trent took his wife out to dinner. Then
he was waiting for their return, with young Harmon supplying him with the
rope to tie him up and even the knife for him to use in the rape of the beautiful
red-haired Terri Harmon. He chuckled as young Harmon had thought he'd
be tied up in another room when his wife was forced to submit to her rapist
but instead he had given that young punk a front row seat to his wife's defilement. 
Now young Harmon saw the reminder of his indiscretion each day when he returned
home, seeing his son, knowing that Bubba was father of his child.
His thoughts then turned to the beautiful Mrs. Julie Bender and how he
had gotten into her tight little panties. Bubba smiled as he went over
the details that led to the pretty little blonde's downfall. He really
had to thank his daughter Nasha for delivering her beautiful friend right
into his arms. Nasha had been brought up by her mother after the divorce
ten years ago, with Bubba responsible to pay for her support and education. 
Nasha was now 24 years of age, the same as her friend Julie, sorority sisters
from that ivy league college that Bubba had shelled out a ton of money for. 
He smiled at the thought that at least he had gotten a sweet dividend from
that expensive investment.
Once Nasha had graduated from college, he had helped her get a job through
some connections he had. From her college days, he had become closer
to his daughter as compared to when she resided with her mother. Trying
to make amends for his absence in her teenage years, Bubba gave his daughter
access to the private and exclusive clubs he belonged to. He had no
idea that such would turn out to really be to his benefit.
One day, his daughter asked if he could reserve a couple of hours on the
tennis court on Saturday for herself and her friends, followed by lunch in
the dining room. He readily agreed as Nasha relayed that one of her
sorority sisters from college had recently gotten married and moved to the
city due to her husband's job. Thus, Nasha and her boyfriend wanted
to entertain them for the day. His daughter seemed so happy to have
one of her close sorority sisters now living nearby.
On Saturday, Bubba had finished with his golf game and was strolling into
the dining room entrance that also had the member's bar off to the side. 
As he was headed to the bar, he heard his daughter's voice calling "Daddy
……..daddy!" Turning to his right, he saw his daughter waving and signaling
for him to come to the table. At the table were Nasha and her boyfriend
facing him, with evidently a white couple sitting with their backs to him. 
He had not even thought to ask or wonder if her sorority sister was white
or black but seeing the long golden blonde hair, it became quite evident.

Going over to the table, Nasha excitedly introduced her sorority sister
and her husband to him. Touching her soft white hand got Bubba's immediate
attention, feeling that old familiar twitch in the bulge of his pants. 
'God, she's like a fucking angel!' he thought as he shook her hand. 
His daughter called the waiter over and asked him to "Please bring a chair,
along with a scotch and water for my father!"
"Daddy, I'm so glad you stopped by the club! I was wondering if you
could help Julie in finding a temporary secretarial job? She's gone
to the companies hiring out temps but they all indicate that the prospects
are quite bad and lots of those on their temp rolls aren't being called for
weeks at a time. Can you do anything to help Julie, Daddy?" Nasha begged
Seeing the little blonde angel sitting across of him, there was no way
he was going to let this opportunity escape him. "Sure, honey, I'll
certainly see what I can do! Our company normally uses a secretarial
pool consisting of full-time employees but I'll check on temp jobs.  
Julie, can I ask why you want a temporary job as it is much easier to get
you a full-time position in this unusual type of job market?"
Across the table, Julie Benton had an uncomfortable feeling after shaking
Mr. Grimes hand and seeing his eyes fixed upon her. Although this man
was her good friend's father, she just felt uncomfortable, a feeling as if
his eyes were stripping her clothes from her body. Shaking her head
and chastising herself for thinking such thoughts, she slipped into her husband's,
responding with "Well, Mr. Grimes, its just that Ralph and I are newlyweds
and want to start a family soon! Actually we've been married six months
now but it just wouldn't be fair to a company hiring me! I just wouldn't
feel right in taking a full-time job knowing I'll only be interested in staying
for about a year!"
Bubba smiled and commented "Well, I think that's commendable of you for
wanting to be so honest with an employer! My company certainly appreciates
such honesty and I'm sure something can be worked out. In fact, talking
about starting a family, my secretary is in her 8th month of her pregnancy
and only has about a week left before she goes on maternity leave! 
It might just work out as Laura's indicated that she'll be out for about
two months total! Come on in on Monday and at least then Laura can
give you about a week of training!"
Seeing the leering eyes of Mr. Grimes focused upon her, Julie felt as if
she had just been stripped naked. Never had she felt so nervous and
uncomfortable, even with her arm in the security of her husband's. She
didn't want to offend her good friend from college, even rooming with Nasha
in their senior year, but she just couldn't picture herself working for this
lecherous man. "Oh, Mr. Grimes …………thank ……..thank you so much but
………it just wouldn't be right! I ………..I'd feel so terrible if I fouled
up somehow, especially you being Nasha's father!" she stammered.
Bubba could see the revulsion that the little blonde angel had for him,
apparently her instincts sensing his lustful intentions. He listened
as Nasha chimed in to tell her good friend not to think of such things and
telling her its just a temporary secretarial job that'll be a snap for her. 
Bubba then mentioned the pay she'd be getting for a 40 hour week, an amount
far higher than other temporary jobs, as he wanted to entice the young beauty
and her husband.
Ralph encouraged his lovely wife, unaware of her feeling's toward Nasha's
father, telling her "Honey, I'm sure you'll be able to handle the job! 
It'll be perfect as you know it's temporary, just like you wanted! Besides,
we could use the extra funds for now until I get a couple of paychecks, especially
seeing how much it cost us to relocate!"
There was nothing Julie Benton could do but to accept the job without offending
Nasha at this point. Holding back from grinning too much, Bubba could
feel his cock twitching in anticipation. 'Oh, you sweet little angel! 
Want a temporary job cause you want to start a family, huh? Well, I'll
certainly see that you're 'knocked-up' before the two months are up!' he
laughed to himself.
After it was set that Julie would be starting on Monday at 8:30 a.m., Bubba
threw in the kicker to set the stage and pave the way, right into her tight
little panties. "Oh, just one other thing I do need to mention, but
it hasn't occurred in months. Secretaries are required to travel with
the management staff on any out of town emergency meetings. But, like
I said, it's only occurred once in the past eight months. Should that
occur, the secretary receives a bonus plus double the hourly salary, which
includes travel time for the inconvenience!" he advised. Bubba held
back his smile upon seeing the lovely young wife grimace at his words and
swallow nervously.
On Monday morning, Laura Weiland greeted the young Julie upon her arrival,
having already been briefed by Mr. Grimes. Young Julie Benton reminded
her so much of herself and as she showed her what would be needed they chatted
further. Seeing that young Julie had just graduated and no secretarial
training, she knew that it was not her secretarial skills that Mr. Grimes
had hired her for.
Laura knew something was up when Julie nervously mentioned "I hope there's
no emergency management meetings out of town. I hate to think of going
out of town and leaving my husband, even for one night! Mr. Grimes
mentioned the last such meetings was about 8 months ago. Did you have
to go to that one, Laura?" Laura desperately wanted Julie to quit this
job and leave immediately, otherwise she would fall into the same trap that
she did, but she did not want to lose her job either.
"Oh, yeah, I did! It was quite a ways back and it was only for one
night!" Laura lied, not wanting to tell Julie that the 'emergency' meeting
would be scheduled whenever Mr. Grimes wanted some pussy.  When
Julie inquired about the details of the duties while on the trip, she merely
advised that it was just basic secretarial stuff. "Don't worry, Julie! 
I'm absolutely positive you'll be able to please Mr. Grimes!" she advised
the nervous young woman.
Looking at Julie, Laura estimated the pretty young woman to be about 5'4"
and 115 lbs. She cringed, feeling sorry for her, picturing Mr. Grimes'
muscular black body defiling the innocent Julie. 'Just be certain you
make him pack a supply of condoms! Otherwise, you'll be in the family
way that you want, only the father of your baby won't be your husband's!'
she wanted to add.
Laura found that she had been so right in her assessment of the reason
why Mr. Grimes had hired young Julie Benton. In the afternoon, she got
buzzed on the intercom, with Mr. Grimes wanting her to come into his office. 
She dreaded these calls into his office, knowing it was not secretarial work
that he wanted. With Julie currently doing filing, Laura reluctantly
went back into Mr. Grimes' office.
Opening the door to the office, Laura was surprised to see Mr. Grimes standing
a few feet to her left, looking out of his one-way window. Turning
to see what he was starring at, she immediately knew she had been right in
her assessment. She looked up to see Mr. Grimes lick his lips as he
ogled the sexy body of young Julie Benton. "You know why I hired that
sexy young thing, don't you, Laura?" she was asked. She merely nodded
her answer.
"Take a look at that innocent little angel!" Laura was told as she felt
her hand being pulled over to where Mr. Grimes stood. When her hand
was placed his bulging crotch, Laura knew what was being asked of her. 
Her fingers searched for and found the tab to the zipper, then slowly pulled
it down. Reaching in, she fished out the lengthy black cock, then slowly
ran her fingers up and down the pulsing shaft.
It was a thrill for Bubba, making the pregnant Laura Wieland suffer the
indignity of jerking him off as he stared out of the window, telling her
what he planned to do to the lovely Mrs. Julie Benton. "What do you
think Laura? Think she'll put out for me?" he asked and saw the negative
response of Laura's head shaking.
"Think you're right, Laura! Guess I'm just gonna have to use the
knock-out drops I got and rape the hell out of her! Man, I'm gonna love
stripping that little white beauty of all her clothing and then getting my
face up her golden snatch! Did she tell you she wanted a temp job cause
she wants to start a family? Well, I'm gonna be the one to knock that
little bitch up!" Bubba advised. He panted from ogling the long sexy
white legs as well as feeling the hand on his cock moving faster and faster.

Wanting the indignity to be over with, Laura pumped her fist faster and
faster, squeezing down harder onto the throbbing black muscle.  
Looking into the next room, it was obvious that Julie was unaware of being
watched as she dropped a heel to relieve the pressure of standing so long. 
Feeling Mr. Grimes pumping his cock into her fist, she knew it wouldn't be
much longer and grasped the hanky that was lying ready on the windowsill. 
Shaking it open, she covered the pulsing cockhead just in the nick of time
to capture the hot wads of cum that quickly soaked the hanky.
Exiting the office, Laura immediately went to the nearby restroom, she
dumped the soaked hanky into the trash. Turning on the hot water and
using a lot of soap, she began to cleanse her hands of the sticky and smelly
spunk. Seeing how much spunk had been unloaded into the hanky, she
knew that with that amount of hot jism flooding Julie's womb, she didn't stand
a chance of not being caught and put in the family way.
Returning to her office, Laura told Julie that it was time for them to
take a break. She wanted to warn the innocent newlywed of what was
in store for her, should she stay in this job. Knowing that Mr. Grimes
was intent on raping the young beauty, Laura felt guilty already but still
she had herself to worry about. In a sense, Julie's presence had already
saved her. If Julie had not been there, Laura knew she would have ended
up on her knees in Mr. Grimes' office. Instead of jerking off the lengthy
black cock into the hanky, all that slimy filthy would have been shot down
her throat.
Three weeks after she began the temp job, relieving Laura Wieland until
she returned, Julie got the word that she had been dreading. Her initial
dislike of Nasha's father had not changed at all, just being near the man
gave her the creeps. Now the dreaded thought of having to accompany
the horrid man to an 'emergency' meeting and having to stay overnight away
from home. But there was nothing she could do to get out of it, after
all Nasha did to get her the job and the fact that she had been told before
she started.
Entering the plane, Julie cringed as Mr. Grimes held her elbow as she stepped
onto the entrance. She could swear he assisted her as an excuse to
put his hand on her, that his touch lingered a bit too long on her arm. 
She couldn't help but to shudder at his touch, feeling dirtied by it. 
'At least one consolation is that we're seated in the first class section!'
she thought. As this was a business trip, she initially turned down
the glass of champagne. She was quite surprised when Mr. Grimes told
her to take one as he would be too.
It was a rather long flight and midway through her second glass of champagne
that he had gotten her, Bubba could see that the lovely young wife was starting
to loosen up a bit. Prying about her married life, he learned that
she and Ralph had been trying for the entire six months of marriage to start
a family. In fact, just the other week, Ralph had gone in for some
tests and found that he had a normal sperm count. Her testing showed
no problem and thus it was just a matter of trying harder and more often.

Bubba couldn't take his eyes off her ivory white thighs, knowing that in
a few hours he'd be pushing those flawless thighs wide apart. But first
to go through the motions of the late afternoon 'emergency' meeting at the
branch office. Actually, it was just a regular branch production presentation
and he really didn't need to be present. He smiled at having given
the little bitch instructions to take detailed notes of the unimportant meeting.

When the meeting was over, a limo took them to the Hampton Hotel where
they would check into separate rooms. Bubba told the lovely young woman
that he would knock at her door in an hour as dinner was in the plush restaurant
on company expense. He wasn't surprised when she tried to refuse, saying
she didn't want to take advantage of the company's benefits, adding that
she wasn't that hungry. But to counter her refusal attempts, he simply
told her that he wanted to go over the notes she had taken at the meeting
and to get her impression of some of the topics covered.
Having been advised that she may been having dinner at the Hampton, Julie
had packed up an evening dress and heels for the occasion. Still, she
felt quite uncomfortable in having dinner with her lecherous old boss, telling
herself over and over again that it
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