Asstr Cum

Asstr Cum


Asstr Cum

Loliwood Studios Remastered


Author: this guy

Tags: m-solo, mF, Fdom, public orgasm, exh, humiliation, safe-sex

A male high school student can't keep from having an orgasm in
class. He learns about "all-day condoms" from an older boy and is
introduced to an outrageously hot girl. She uses him for her pleasure

A graphic, fantastic story by an underappreciated author. Detailing a man having sex with a preteen with her father's permission.

Author: this guy

Tags: MFg(baby), prost, intr

A prostitute with a stomach virus helps one of her regular customers get off, into her 19-month old daughter.

Bruce is called upon to babysit two little girls for his neighbor. He takes extreme liberties with the younger one while the older is distracted.

Author: Pederos

Tags: Mb+, oral, anal, mast, group

Jake is one lucky uncle! He's got three very gay - and very horny - nephews who can't get enough of their beloved uncle! But just how much can one man handle?

Author: Pederos

Tags: Mb, bb, oral, anal, mast

Brad, the oldest of Jake's three gay nephews, gets first dibs on his handsome uncle's huge prick! Ah, the benefits of being the "alpha" brother!

Another graphic, fantastic story by an underappreciated author. This time about Ben finally fucking his little friend Sam. An LSR staff favorite.

Author: Silent Steps

Tags: nosex, extreme-ped, inc

Just a quick introduction to the incestuous lifestyle of the Community.

Author: Silent Steps

Tags: M+b+, extreme-ped, inc, anal, oral, interracial, public

An all man/boy story in a boy's locker room!

Author: Silent Steps

Tags: Mg, extreme-ped, inc, oral

Nothing soothes a little one like daddy's special bottle!

Author: Silent Steps

Tags: Mb, extreme-ped, inc, oral

Every morning, little Cody gets a special breakfast.

Author: Silent Steps

Tags: extreme-ped, public, orgy, bi

A big community orgy to celebrate the fourth! Just about as nasty as the author could get it.

Author: Silent Steps

Tags: MFg, public, extreme-ped, vag, oral, creampie

The Community news station reports on a new book in the works, with a live demonstration!

Author: Silent Steps

Tags: M+Fb+g+, bi, extreme-ped, anal, vaginal

Another dirty orgy type story, this time taking an inside look at the classroom setting of the Community Elementary School.

Author: Silent Steps

Tags: Mg, extreme-ped, inc, vag

Terrance gently 'tucks in' his precious 5 year old daughter, Cassie. An LSR staff favorite.

Author: Silent Steps

Tags: Mb, F-solo, voyeur, extreme-ped, inc, anal

Sylvia catches a peek of her husband, Terrance, enjoying their little boy, Samuel.

Author: Silent Steps

Tags: Mg, extreme-ped, inc, vag

The third Aubern child, nine year old Lucy, spends some quality time with her daddy on the couch.

Author: Silent Steps

Tags: MFg, extreme-ped, inc, vag

By popular demand, a return to the sweet little slit of Cassie Aubern!

A preteen girl with a crush melts the heart and resistance of a college graduate.

Author: Gesso

Tags: bg, Fg, Mg, anal, pee

The tale of a girl who drinks beer. Which she acquires in a very fair exchange.

A new venue causes a family to evolve. This is a very slow build and not hard core. If this will frustrate or disappoint you, it may not be the story for you.

Author: Joshua Woode

Tags: Mg, mast

A new venue continues a family's evolution, with the wonders of masturbation discovered by a precious eight year old.

Author: Joshua Woode

Tags: Fg, mast

The family's evolution goes on with mom now narrating an intense scene or two.

Author: FantasyStories

Tags: Mg, Mg+, oral, extreme, nc, prostitution, cp

Jim books his stay at the Fantasy Hotel where he can pay for pretty much anything he wants. He starts to live out his fantasies with two little preteen sluts.

Author: FantasyStories

Tags: Mg, Mg+, oral, anal, extreme, nc, prostitution

Jim continues his adventure and starts to really take advantage of his two little preteens.

Brad is the not-so-reluctant host to his daughter's sleepover, and either corrupts or is corrupted.

Brad's not-so-pitiable troubles continue.

Author: Pederos

Tags: Mg+, Mb, Fb, oral, anal

Are you looking for a fantastic place to work up a sweat and have fun while achieving your best body ever? Want to be NAKED while doing it?!

A veteran discovers an abandoned child and finally gives in to his attraction to little girls.

Author: Pavel Nabokov

Tags: bg, first, inc, rom

Two siblings find solace in each other on a very hot day in the summer, though it gets hotter when Billy finds his sister nude in the kitchen.

A wild story of a little boy and far too many little girls.

Author: this guy

Tags: Mg, interracial

A man on a business trip to Angola gets fucked by a little girl during an overnight stay in a small primitive village...

Author: this guy

Tags: Mg, ped, intr, lolita, ped, creampie

The next morning...guy fucks the same little girl while fully awake.

Author: this guy

Tags: MF, intr, anal, cons

Protagonist is offered the chief's widowed daughter's hand in marriage and gets to 'try her out'. Quite important to the overall plot.

A third graphic, fantastic story by an underappreciated author. This one has Sasha enjoying oral stimulation from her adult friend.

Author: Gesso

Tags: bg, anal, pee

A short story about two short kids having a short time.

Author: Goldrush

Tags: M+f, cons, oral, scat

An eleven-year-old girl discovers the delights of fellatio and becomes something of an addict.

Author: Pavel Nabokov

Tags: Mg, fondling

Little Lisa decides to get her jollies with the help of her uncle as the extended family sits together for a feast.

An older teen meets and befriends a pre-teen girl from the neighborhood.

Author: Acid

Tags: Mb, Mg, Fb, Fg, MF, oral, anal, bond

A man is burglarized and takes his revenge on the culprit in a most unusual way.

Author: Tempest

Tags: bf, Mf, MF, father/daughter, first, oral, anal, mast, con, slow, action, long, romantic

Mark is devastated when he loses Lisa, the love of his young life, but finds love again and it's not with who he expected.

Author: Gesso

Tags: mg+, oral, anal, pee

The same style of writing as other Gesso tales, but this time quite longer as a boy gets to know a couple of girls.

Author: Stroker

Tags: Mg, bg, Fg, Fgb, inc, cons

Tommy's sister drops her daughter Lee off for a week long stay, conspiring to have little Lee seduce her uncle and learn all about incest, cum, and grown up sex.

Author: DiscipleN

Tags: inc, mom/son, bg, Fb, Fbg, spank

The story of a mom gradually changing her relationship with her son. An LSR staff favorite.

Author: DiscipleN

Tags: inc, mom/son, bg, Fb, Fbg, spank

The continuation of a son and mom changing things forever.

Author: Silent Steps

Tags: mg, extreme-ped, teen, vaginal

A teenage boy meets a little girl looking for a pedophile.

Author: Rufus Fugit

Tags: Mbg, ped, inc, mast, oral, reluc, cons

The classic three-part story of a man watching his friend's kids while they, as the title implies, sleep over. Neither go home a virgin.

Author: InTheWind

Tags: Mg, oral, inc, father/daughter, spank

Robert Anderson comes back to his hometown planning to spend more time with his pre-teen daughter Cindy.

Author: InTheWind

Tags: Mg, oral, inc, father/daughter, spank

Robert Anderson comes back to his hometown planning to spend more time with his pre-teen daughter Cindy.

Author: InTheWind

Tags: Mg, oral, inc, father/daughter, spank

Things continued to heat up between father and daughter as Robert continues to teach Cindy the joys of the flesh.

Author: InTheWind

Tags: Mg, oral, inc, father/daughter, spank

Things continued to heat up between father and daughter as Robert continues to teach Cindy the joys of the flesh.

Author: InTheWind

Tags: Mg, oral, inc, father/daughter, spank

Things continued to heat up between father and daughter as Robert continues to teach Cindy the joys of the flesh.

Author: InTheWind

Tags: Mg, oral, inc, father/daughter, spank

After Cindy's Birthday night Robert asked Cindy to think about what's happening between them before things get out of hand. Cindy makes her decision.

Author: InTheWind

Tags: Mg, oral, inc, father/daughter, spank

After Cindy's Birthday night Robert asked Cindy to think about what's happening between them before things get out of hand. Cindy makes her decision.

Author: InTheWind

Tags: Mg, oral, inc, father/daughter, spank

After Cindy's Birthday night Robert asked Cindy to think about what's happening between them before things get out of hand. Cindy makes her decision.

Author: InTheWind

Tags: Mg, oral, inc, father/daughter, spank, MMg

Robert takes his pretty young eleven-year daughter to Hawaii so he can take her virginity properly, meets another man with the same interests, and realizes his fantasies.

A man and his cousin's young girl have fun in new and interesting ways.

A man sorely lacking in personal alone time is interrupted while his family is away. The interloper proves to be the cure for the man's needs.

Author: BTate

Tags: MFg+, inc, ped, CP

What happens when a father and preteen daughter watch TV and it opens up an interesting dialogue about pornography.

Author: Daddycums

Tags: mg, oral, first, inc, brother/sister

A fantastic classic story about what happens when big brother stays home for the weekend, with his submissive little sister eventually becoming anything but.

Jess remained still for a moment; her muscles seemed to be exhausted.
Mr. Green’s cock was still deeply embedded in her ass. It didn’t hurt now
but she was sore. As her strength returned, Jess made an effort to free
herself from the pole impaling her. Slowly she began to stand. Her movement
brought pain to her now very sore rear opening. She thought about sitting
back down but knew she would have to get up eventually. Mr. Green’s now
softening cock was slipping out of her but suddenly seemed to “stick” even
though she knew she was almost free. Jess winced slightly as the cock pulled

Free at last, she stood upright and turned toward Mr. Green. She didn’t
look at his face – she couldn’t. Her gaze went to his crotch. His pants
and underwear were still at his ankles. The cock that had invaded her still
looked big to her but it was now dropping slowly. It seemed to be getting
smaller also but she wasn’t really sure.

Mr. Green moved slightly causing Jess to jump. As she did, the urge
to go to the bathroom suddenly hit. She turned and, as she muttered, “I’ll
be right back,” headed towards the bathroom. She wanted to hurry but, because
of the tenderness of her recently invaded hole, walked gingerly. Jess felt
Mr. Green’s cum start to ooze from her asshole as she entered the bathroom.

She didn’t bother to close the door. First of all, everyone in the house
had already seen her naked and, secondly, she needed to get to the toilet
quickly as cum was drooling from her asshole and she didn’t want to take
the time, even for the door.

Tanya had witnessed the whole event between her friend Jess and Mr.
Green. Although it had been rather shocking to her, it had also been very
arousing. Her friend, the same friend whom she felt she had taught about
sex and had urged to do sexual things, had just taken Mr. Green’s cock
into her body. Tanya felt a tinge of resentment. Jess had just done something
that she hadn’t.

“You wanna try?” Mr. Green asked, looking up at Tanya.

She stared at him for a moment. His question was almost like a challenge
to her, daring her to do the same as Jess. Thinking only about meeting
that challenge and not about what she was about to do, Tanya nodded.

Jess sat on the toilet, letting the cum drip from her ass. There wasn’t
any pain now but the soreness lingered. After what seemed like ages, the
cum stopped dripping. Jess grabbed a wad of toilet paper and gently wiped
the remainder of Mr. Green.

After flushing, Jess headed back out toward the others. Her legs felt
as though she had just run a marathon. She turned the corner entering the
room and saw Tanya standing before Mr. Green. She was so close Tanya had
to straddle his legs. Upon closer examination, Jess saw Mr. Green’s hand
between Tanya’s legs. Mr. Green's cock was still resting against his leg,
but, as Jess watched, it started to twitch.

Jess, not knowing what to do, stood silently at the room’s entrance.
She watched as Mr. Green’s hand moved slowly between Tanya’s legs. Mr.
Green’s voice made Jess jump but she didn’t know what he said.

“You don’t have to stay over there,” Mr. Green repeated. “Come on in
and have a seat.”

Jess walked slowly into the room. She was a little embarrassed by what
Mr. Green was doing to her friend. It was “sexy” though and she wanted
to get closer to see better but still a little shy. “Have a seat,” Mr.
Green invited, pointing to the floor just behind Tanya. Jess’s asshole
was still sore and the idea of sitting was out of the question. Instead
she walked over but remained standing.

Her legs ware still a little shaky and tired and standing proved to
be a poor choice also. Seeing no other alternative, Jess lay down on her
stomach facing the other two. Unconsciously her hand went to her ass. Gently
she parted her ass cheeks so she could examine her invasion site. There
was still a little residual cum leaking from her. She suddenly realized
what she was doing and quickly pulled her hand away. Fortunately it didn’t
appear as though she had been “caught” as neither Mr. Green nor Tanya was
looking in her direction. Tanya’s back was towards Jess so she couldn’t
have seen anything and Mr. Green’s head was blocked by Tanya’s body.

Jess’s attention was drawn to between Tanya’s legs. Mr. Green’s hand
continued to move between them. Watching Tanya have her pussy massaged
reminded Jess of the feeling of Mr. Green touching her pussy. A smile came
over her face as Mr. Green’s finger extended and sunk into Tanya.

Tanya, still quite nervous, frightened, but still challenged, straddled
Mr. Green’s legs as he played with her pussy. It wasn’t the first time
she had let someone do this, her boyfriend was very familiar with the area,
but it was different now. She wanted her boyfriend to touch her; she “had”
to have Mr. Green touch her. As scared as she was, however, her body began
to respond.

With her eyes closed, Tanya gave into her body’s urges. Seeing him was
disturbing but, now, when she couldn’t see him, her body was free to enjoy
his experienced manipulations. Her boyfriend was rough, urgent, compared
to Mr. Green’s gentleness and arousing touches. He was having his effect
on her. Her pussy seemed almost to be dripping with anticipation. Thoughts
of what he was going to do to her were clouded by her body’s responses
to him.

A low, guttural moan came out of her mouth as she felt his finger enter
her virgin pussy. Her fuse had been lit and she knew it. As slowly as the
finger entered her, it exited. Tanya’s hips pushed forward trying to stay
in contact with the pleasure giving digit to no avail. She felt the finger
slide along her slit, hoping it would push into her again.

Mr. Green’s finger pushed past her love channel and came to rest at
her asshole. Tanya felt pressure and then his finger entered her again;
this time from the back. It didn’t really hurt but was uncomfortable and
strange. She was about to protest when his finger pulled out again.

His thumb began to push into her pussy. The sensations it produced made
her squat a little. Her body, not her brain, was controlling her muscles
now. Once again Tanya felt the finger push into her asshole while at the
same time her pussy was invaded by his thumb. She froze, not able to decide
if she wanted to rise up to escape the invasion of her ass or sunk down
to push the intruder deeper into her pussy.

Tanya’s mind was just as confused as her body. All inhibitions and reluctance
had faded. She wanted to experience having Mr. Green inside her but he
was hurting her. Her faced grimaced a little as his finger pushed deep
into her asshole. She had watched Jess get fucked in the ass so knew it
could be done and Jess showed no ill effects when it happened. Mr. Green’s
finger was stretching her puckered hole to what seemed to be the limit
and she had seen how big his cock was – especially compared to the size
of his finger. How would she ever take something that size?

Her mind quickly emptied of all thoughts when Mr. Green pulled out of
her ass. Unfortunately his thumb left too. Her ass still had the sensation
of something in it. Tanya only wished her pussy felt like that too. She
felt suddenly empty. “Ready?” Mr. Green asked.

His question startled her. She had known from the beginning what was
at stake but still wasn’t prepared. Her body was now on fire though. She
nodded slightly, still wondering why she was about to do it. She felt what
she assumed was Mr. Green’s cock scrape along her slit an
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