Asstr Cousins

Asstr Cousins


Asstr Cousins

© 2001-2021 Tod Natürlich.
All rights reserved

You were dreadfully bored. It wasn’t that the movie was boring, but your conviction
that you could be doing something much more interesting at home. Not long ago
you’d discovered an excellent porn page and wanted all the images before they were
taken down. You looked around from your chair in your grandparent’s room. This
was almost a second home to you, a place you’ve known for all the Sundays in your
life. The weakly visit to your grandparents was an unwritten law in your

In the bed rested your two male cousins, Richard and Cesar, as well as your
grandfather. Laying face down on the floor in front of your chair was Cesar’s little
sister, Ann, who didn’t care the bed was taken. Your remembered when you were
Ann’s age and loved those visits because, being an only child, they were the only
times you could play with your uncles and cousins. But now all you wanted was being
back home.

The television was showing a Stallone movie. All had the same argument:
something threatened the safety of the world and the hero had to fight half the
population of Earth to defend his family, or the country, or the world; depending on
the credibility range they wanted. It wasn’t a masterwork, but it was okay, at least it
made your forget where you were.

After a great fighting scene, where Stallone killed fifty terrorist with a butter knife

while bullets fly by him making even water explode, there was a commercial, and
your frustration grew even more. At least in your home, with cable TV, you didn’t
have to endure commercials.

A pain in your knee distracted you. Ann had kicked you without noticing while she
watched the TV on her belly, but before you retaliated, you noticed that in that
position her skirt had rode up her legs and you could guess the beginning of her
panties. You looked at your grandpa and cousins, but they were watching the movie
and didn’t noticed a thing.

Almost without breathing, you moved your feet and pushed open Ann’s legs,
leaving her little panties visible.

“You’re kicking me!” you explained when she turned to look at you, and without
further comment continued watching the movie. Now it was you who couldn’t
concentrate on the TV, because the movements of your little cousin’s legs had moved
her skirt further up, and you could see the flower design of her cotton panties, and a
little of the precious butt they covered.

Once again you used your foot to push her leg to one side, but this time
your little cousin didn’t looked around, she just started kicking, playfully
trying to hit you, while you moved your legs to avoid it. It was a fun game
for both, probably for different reasons. With so much movement her skirt
had already gone up her back, leaving the panties covering her perky butt
exposed. It looked so soft and comfy, and you could only imagine what was

But the vision of her butt, and the little line on her panties marking her
buttocks distracted you too much, and a hard shoe hit you in the shin. You
screamed and started caressing the damage area. Ann, hearing you scream,
stopped and turned to looked at you. You could see now the front of her
panties, and almost imagined the little line that would be the slit of your

Regrettably, Ann saw the position of her skirt, and fix it with a simple hand
movement while she asked if you were all right.

Afterwards Ann forced his brother to move aside and got on the bed with them, so
any fantasy that passed through your mind stopped there; even then, you were
unable to concentrate on the movie.

Back at your house you started thinking about what you have seen and done. Your
knew it was wrong, but on the other hand you had really done nothing, yet you were
excited. You didn’t care she was only nine years old, she was the closest you have
been to see a pussy out of the Internet. After much thought you decided that it was

pointless thinking about it, what had happened should not be repeated. Besides, as
Ann almost always wore jeans or pants, and seldom a skirt, the situation
would not happen again. Still, you couldn’t stop dreaming every day of the
following week with the flower design of the cotton panties on your little

Copyright 2010 by Aldric, all rights reserved.
* * * * *
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains depictions of sexual activity
involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this
Comments may be made to
This story depicts minors in unusual conditions that may include unprotected,
unsafe sex or extreme humiliation. Obviously, this does not describe real life
and should not be taken as such. In the real world, behaviors as described in
the story are not acceptable, tolerated, or legal. The reader should never
confuse the difference between fiction and non-fiction. The following story is
* * * * *
"Hey Eddie," my cousin yelled at me. "Our brothers are in your garage working out.
Let's see if they'll let us join them."
I shrugged, already knowing they wouldn't. My cousin and I were close, but neither of
our brothers wanted anything to do with either of us. Part of it was the difference in
our age.
Brad and I are the same age. Well, actually, I'm 31 hours and 16 minutes older than
him. We're both thirteen. Brad's brother Paul is seventeen and my brother Nick is
eighteen. We each have a sister too. My sister is Terri and she's twelve. Brad's sister
is Faye. Like Brad and I, our sisters were born at nearly the same time. Faye is
eighteen hours older than Terri.
Our fathers were twins, and they married sisters. Brad got some of his mother's blond
hair, but that's about the only difference between us. Everyone regards us as twin
brothers and like twin brothers we think alike, dress alike, and fight with each other.
Our houses are only one block apart and we can crash at either house. If I'm at Brad's
and it's time for bed, rather than be sent home I just sleep there. Our parents even
chose the same names for us. I'm Edward Bradley Gander and he's Bradley Edward Gander.
But don't ever call me Edward!

Brad and I wheeled our bikes up the driveway. Tom Halper was there too. He's
seventeen and lives next door to me. He has a younger brother named Eric who's twelve and
a sister Dawn who's thirteen just like me and Brad.
"Hey, the boys finally showed up," Nick said as Brad and I pulled up.
"Can we work out with you guys?" Brad asked.
"Nope," Paul said. "Both of you need to clean up the garages, one at our house and the
other one here."
"Why can't we both work together," I asked.
"Because you guys don't work when you're together, you just play. We'd turn our backs
and you'd be off somewhere again. Your dads said you guys need to clean up all of your
stuff in both garages. Besides, lifting weights is for men; cleaning up is for boys."
"I'm man enough to lift with you guys," I said. "Brad can clean both garages. After all, he's the younger..."
Brad was on me in a second. I said we were close but all I had to do was bring up that 31 hour difference in age and he'd attack me every time.

Our brothers pulled us apart. "Take it back," Brad yelled at me as he tried to pull out of Paul's grip.

"You're the youngest and that's just the way it happened so get over it," I said. "I'm a man, not a boy. You don't even have hair down there yet."

"Are you two going to let them fight it out or settle this with a twin challenge?" Tom asked.

"You think we should?" Nick asked while he was still hanging on to me. "We haven't had one of those for a couple of months now."

"Sure thing, Paul answered. "Each of them thinks he's tougher than the other. We'll let them settle it with a challenge match."

"Sure!" Brad said. "Name the challenge, I'll best him."
I started to respond but Nick put one hand over my mouth.
"There will be a series of challenges, a couple from each of us," Paul said, indicating
him, Nick, and Tom. "And they will be fun, for us. For you two, they will be hard,
painful, and humiliating. After all, you want to prove your men and not boys, right?"
This was something new and I wasn't sure I liked it. In the past their 'twin
challenges' were always something simple like a race or pushups or something like
Nick pulled his hand back and let me speak. "I don't know Brad, are you sure you want
to get into this with them talking about humiliation?"
I like to think I got the brains and Brad the guts. I knew how our big brothers
thought, and Tom was even worse than our brothers. When they said humiliation, anything
could go. But Brad wouldn't let me back down.
"You can quit now, little boy, and go get a rag to clean with. Maybe you could even
wear a dress while you're doing girl's work," he said with a sneer. "I'm not afraid of
anything these guys come up with."
"Okay," Nick said, knowing I wouldn't let my cousin walk away with a victory without
making him at least earn it. "The rules are simple. If you quit first you get zero
points. If you both quit, the one who quits last gets one point. But if one of you quits
and the other doesn't then three points will be awarded. There might also be a penalty
for quitting, and you won't know what it is until after you quit."
As usual, both Brad and I agreed to the rules without really listening to them. Our
brothers let us go and we shook hands. And then each of us called the other a baby.
"I've got my challenge ready now," Paul said, looking at his watch. "I've got a
practice scheduled for my little league team. If you guys are going to do this then go
get in my truck."
Paul coached an 11-12 year old team. My next door neighbor Eric was on it. Brad and I
had gone to several of their games and they were actually pretty good.
We sat in the truck as our brother's talked in the garage for a few minutes. Eric came
over and they let him join in the conversation, which made me feel even worse. He was
privy to what was going on and we were excluded.
"I think this twin challenge was a setup," I said to Brad as we waited. "I think they
had it all planned out and used the garage cleaning for an excuse to spring it on us."
"They've never done humiliation before," Brad said. "I'm not even sure what that
Typical of him to consider the risk after accepting the challenge! "Humiliation:
strong feelings of embarrassment," I said. Like I said, I got the brains. But if he was
worried then I was scared.
"I don't know, but it can't be good. Like I said, I think they had it all planned
before we showed up this morning. But we'll find out soon, here he comes."
Paul had a bag of baseballs and bats and Eric was carrying a bag that had bases in it.
They each had their gloves with them.
They tossed the stuff in the back of the truck and Paul told me and Brad to move to the
back seat. Brad started to complain but I pulled him by the sleeve and he followed me.
"I think we're better off in the back seat," I said.
"Right you are. The challenge starts now. Both of you get naked." Paul started the
truck as Eric turned around in the front seat to look at us.
"You mean, here, in town?" I asked. "What if we get caught?"
"Then say you lost a bet with Eric. But you'd better both be naked real soon or I'll
declare you both losers."
Brad and I started removing our clothes. Not that we hadn't been naked in public
before, but never in a pickup truck driving down the road. And Eric sitting there
laughing at us didn't help either.
Once we were naked we both slid down in the seat as far as we could. I expected Paul
to tell us to sit up but he never did. Since Paul's truck was a high-riding four-wheeler
we didn't really have to worry about anyone seeing in and we both started to relax. Paul
even told Eric to turn around and put on a seat belt.
We got to the field where they practiced and there were already five boys there. Paul
parked and told us to stay in the truck for now. He and Eric got out and went to talk
with the kids that were there.
Most of the rest of the kids walked or biked in, but two mothers dropped off their
sons. Once the whole team was there Paul came over and told us to get out.
"Stand over there at attention until practice is over," Paul said to us. He pointed to
a spot behind third base. The kids laughed as we walked over to where we were told to
stand. I wondered what Paul had told them about us.
We stood there for about half an hour while Paul conducted practice. The team had
gotten used to us by then and didn't even look our way anymore. And then we saw two girls
come riding past the field. Brad and I knew them from school where they were in the grade
ahead of us.
"I'm out of here," Brad said as soon as he saw the girls, and he ran for the truck.
I stayed put and the girls rode by without even looking. Brad had bailed for
Paul called a halt to the practice and came over to me. The team followed along behind
"Since he quit first, you get a choice. He's locked out of the truck and I'm going to
make him come back over here. You can get dressed if you want, but if you do than that's
an early quit and you only get one point. Plus, he can get dressed. But if you stay
naked until the practice is over then you get all three points and his punishment for
quitting is that he has to stay naked until we get back home."

Paul turned and walked over to the truck to talk to Brad. I decided I was going to get
the three points no matter what. I stayed right where I was. A minute later a very
red-faced Brad came back over and stood next to me.
"I thought if I quit it meant I was done," he said with a touch of anger in his
I agreed with him it didn't seem very fair. "But you know they always manipulate the
rules during a challenge," I said.
"Yeah, but we've never been naked before for a challenge."
We stood there for another hour and then Paul started hitting balls to the field. When
the boys caught them they dropped them and waited for the next one instead of tossing them
Paul called them in when he ran out of balls. He pointed to Brad and said, "Practice
is over when all of the bats, balls, and bases are in the bags and in the back of the
truck. You can wait in the truck if you want to Eddie."
Brad realized that he wasn't going to be able to get back in the truck until he had
everything put away. I decided if he could run around naked I could at least wait for
him, so I stayed on the field. I felt a little sorry for him so I called to him. "Toss
them in," I yelled. As he threw them in I caught them and dropped them in a pile behind

We had everything back in the truck and got inside before the first mother came back to
pick up her son. I wondered what Paul would have said if we were still on the field when
they came. I guess he must have ended practice early to give us time. I was allowed to
dress but Brad wasn't.
"I've got good news and bad news Brad," Paul said as he started the engine. "The bad
news is I have several stops to make in town."
I thought Brad was going to cry when his brother said that.
"The good news is that since you went back out and stood there when I told you to then
I'll go to Eddie's house first and drop you guys off before I run my errands." I saw Brad
start to breathe again.
We got back and had a little time to about the next challenge before it was dinner
time. My mom was in a book club and was going out for a while and assigned Brad and me
kitchen cleanup.
As soon as we were done Nick called us into the garage.
"You guys wanted to work with some weights, so the next challenge uses them. Lay down
here," he said, pointing to the middle of the open area.
Tom was there and between the two of them they lifted a barbell that must have had two
hundred pounds on it. They set it down over my neck and let it go. The bar barely
touched my skin, but there was no way I could get out from under it. They did the same to
"So what's the big deal," I asked. "Neither one of us is going to give up this
challenge. And mom won't let you keep us here over night."
"Let's wait a little while and see what happens," Nick said. My stomach suddenly
gurgled loud enough for them to hear.
"I think it'll happen soon," Nick said. "I put a big dose of laxative in your milk at
dinner. As soon as you want to give up and go to the bathroom just say so and we'll pick
up the barbell and let you out."
Nick and Tom went back to lifting weights behind us.
The gurgling occurred again and I heard Brad making the same noise. I could feel the
stuff in my intestines sliding south.
After ten minutes Brad and I were both moaning and clenching our butt cheeks to hold it
in. Pressure was rising inside us as the laxative was doing its job. Five minutes later,
after a big wet fart that only made me feel worse, I gave up.
Nick and Tom pulled the barbell off me and I ran to the bathroom. I only just barely
made it before everything came pouring out.
After what seemed like forever I finally passed enough that I could come back outside.
Brad had tears in the corner of his eyes. When he saw me he asked "How long do I have to
hold this to win?"
"You don't. If you shit yourself you win. If you want to use the bathroom then say you quit and we'll let you up but you only get the one point."

"But I'll get the three points," he said. "Take my shoes off me, would you?"
I pulled his shoes off and tossed them into the garage. I was just in time because as
soon as I stood up he sighed and with a fart I heard it let go. The smell hit us all a
second later. Nick and Tom nearly gagged as they lifted the bar off of him and he ran to
the back yard with shit running down his legs.
"Go make sure he's okay," Nick said to me. "I may have used too much laxative. If you
have any doubts call me."
Our brothers may be hard on us but I always knew we could depend on them when we had
too. I ran to the back yard where I found Brad naked. He was squatting down in the
garden and letting the last of it dribble out of his ass.
"Get the hose and a shovel," he said as he stood up.
"You fool," I said somewhere between disgusted and proud of him. I hosed him off and
then got as much out of his pants as I could. I buried his underwear as deep as I could
and worked the smelly mess into the soil. Thank god we didn't have any food growing in
there this year!
"Run to the shower and I'll bring some clothes in for you," I said.
"Is your sister in there?" he asked.
"Yeah, she's watching TV. Faye is here too. Go around the back way and they probably
won't see you." I picked up his shorts and headed for the laundry room.
"Toss your clothes in there too," Nick said to me as I tossed Brad's shorts in the
washer. "All of them. Because you quit first you have to stay naked until six o'clock
tomorrow morning. And you have to watch at least two hours of TV."
I know I turned pale. "Don't worry; I'll distract the girls for a few minutes. Nobody
is on the old couch so you can slide under the blanket. But you'll have to master getting
out on your own."
I tossed my clothes into the washer along with Brad's shorts
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