Asstr Chastity

Asstr Chastity


Asstr Chastity

Chastity learns that there's no such thing as 'Just Fucking'. It's important to do it right! She imparts her new knowledge at the meeting of True Love Waits, but the best lesson is the one she teaches her parents.

The Chastity Ball - Part III Chastity’s Answer
Steve was lecturing about chapter 9 and 10 of our Human Sexuality textbook today. It was all about technique. I decided to ask him why we spent so much time on sexual mechanics and so little on love. “After all, it’s just intercourse.” He frowned. “Remember to watch your language, young lady.” I blushed. “I’m sorry. I mean, it’s just fucking.” Steve looked at me for a long time. Then he spoke. “I’m going to tell you a love story about a girl named Sephy. Sephy was a freshman Program girl the first year I taught here. She was just 14. I was only 23 myself, and even I was a little nervous, but she was scared to death. She walked into my second period class straight from being stripped in the office. When I offered her relief she started crying and admitted she didn’t even know what that meant. “Right then I changed the lesson plan for the day. I told her she had to come up and sit on my lap to help me demonstrate female masturbation. I spent the better part of the class calming her down, stroking her hair, and warming her up slowly. Just before the end of class I had her moaning, and her pussy was very wet. When the bell rang she grabbed my hand and pressed it into her pussy. Nobody got up to leave. “Sephy came three times before she got up from my lap, and I had to write her a note to excuse her for being late to her next class. The next day I had no trouble at all getting her to volunteer for a demonstration of vibrators and other sex toys. By Wednesday and Thursday she was my devoted little helper, showing the class how much fun it is for a girl to get her pussy licked, and how to properly suck a cock. “I was worried when her parents called and scheduled a conference with the principal on Thursday night. I thought they were going to make trouble. I was floored when I found out they were delighted with the change in their daughter. They gave me all the credit for turning her from a mousy little girl into a confident and happy bimbette. Instead of locking herself in her room to study every night, now she was playing with boys and making new friends. Best of all, they signed an age-of-consent waiver. On Friday they brought Sephy’s 7th grade brother and 4th grade sister to watch me take her virginity in class. “Word got around, and the event was moved to the auditorium where the whole school could attend. The press came too, and we were on the evening news. Sephy was a porn star by the last day of her Program week! “That night she came over to my house for ‘extra credit’. She moved in over the weekend, and we were married before the end of her freshman year. Next month is our 7th anniversary, and we’re even more crazy about each other now than we were then. We’re madly in love, and sex with other people just makes it better. She joins in when I bring students home for ‘extra credit’, and I attend her university Sex Club meetings. I share stories about my Program girls, and she tells me about improving her grades with her professors. I attend her porn shoots whenever I can. She’s majoring in education and she’s going to do her student teaching right here in CHS next semester. The kids in her class are in for a real treat. “And that’s what The Program is all about. Now that you’re old enough, those of you who haven’t lost your virginity are missing out on something very special at a very special time in your life. Every day with my wife Sephy is one more day filled with love, and we always fill it with sex, too. “So don’t ever talk about ‘Just fucking’, Chastity. Love and fucking nurture each other. If it wasn’t for her horny pussy and my hard cock I wouldn’t have made her sit on my lap eight years ago, and the great love of our lives might never have been. Marilyn Monroe said, ‘ We are all born sexual creatures, thank God, but it's a pity so many people despise and crush this natural gift. ’ The Program is here to help you grow and cherish your sexuality. Don’t waste a minute of it.”
Wednesday night was the weekly meeting of True Love Waits, and I was scheduled to give a speech about abstinence. By that time everybody knew that I had changed my attitude and probably wasn’t the best one to lecture about that subject. I had also figured out what Principal Johnson was trying to do by putting me in The Program on TLW’s biggest week of the year. I wasn’t surprised when he called me in on Wednesday afternoon to talk about my speech. By now we were on the same side, trying to protect The Program from TLW and the politicians who wanted to repeal it. Giving a speech naked to a hostile audience had me very nervous, and Principal Johnson gave me my first drink of alcohol to help me calm down. It worked really well, and I didn’t have any problem with the audience. They were polite and I was naked.
Chastity's Lesson (NiS, mf) Chastity's parents get with the program. Her mom helps her dress for school, but the poor girl just can't stay out of trouble. First she gets caught masturbating in secret, which leads to an innovative punishment. Then she's surprised when her parents punish her, too. It's just not fair. But it is fun.

Courier New
Lucida Sans
Gill Sans

a story about a unique child care situation that turns caring for a friends four year old into a profitable program for Ms Chastity.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s
loved it. write more but with more details :)
Hello this is My first go at a story like this. Yes there will be more and any tips would be helpful. For some reason the whole part I wanted posted didn't post but I found out that was on My end so I will go with what i posted and post the next part to get it caught up to where i want it to be.. Thanks ahead of time for reading this.
Definitely has potential. Nice start. But I agree, just take more time and add more detail to make each scene real. Never feel like you have to rush when you write. Make the reader see what you see in your imagination.
Thank You everyone for your reviews. Iam working on the next part and Yes My intentions is for it to be a series with a few twists along the way. I am a slow writer and it may take time between posts..
So promising, darling! Will these fine ladies invite other adults to join?
Hi Ms Chasity I simply love this story and the promise it holds. I'm more than interested in the activities that could take place in 'My Time.' I also love the picture I have of Feral and that special town she lives in where anything is legal as long as it happens with consent. You have a wonderful imagination....
So wonderful, i hope you will keep it on.

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Hello my name is, as the kids call me, Ms. Chastity. This is the story of How My Unique Child Care program started.
It was a Saturday in early fall and I was having coffee with my friend Faith and we were celebrating her getting a new part time job and watching her four year old daughter Feral play in the park. I cold see something was on Faiths mind so I inquired.
"What is bothering you today Faith? You have a new job and a wonderful girl you should be happy."
She looks to me and sighs, "Well it's Feral. I have no one to watch her while I am at work." She takes a sip of her coffee then says "None of the Daycares or preschools will take her due the way I chose to raise her and the discipline methods she needs."
I look at her in wonder and she must see it as she starts to explain.
"Well Chastity, I use different sexual punishments and routines with her and when I offered to sign the consent for the teachers and staff to do so I am immediately turned down. None of the places in town use this form of child rearing. So I have to find a place that will."
As she talked I listened and then she went for a refill of her coffee and I watched Feral play in the park. Now I never considered sexual contact with a child although I have found myself turned on by certain girls including Feral. She was a sexy lil blond girl with a nicely formed ass for a four year old and nice chubby cheeks.
When Faith returned with the coffee she said "And I start on Monday. If I can't find someone to watch her I will have to refuse the job and I really could use it. "
In an effort to help out a friend I said "Fait if you like I could take feral for a while till you find somewhere for her. I have an extra room and I am in between writing assignments right now so I have the time as well."
Faith Looked in surprise at me "Are you sure. She requires a lot of work and a very strict routine."
I was thinking to myself it was only for a few days right? How hard could it be? So I responded to her "Yes Faith. I can at least try for a while till you can find the right situation."
So we parted ways and I went Home to prepare My extra room and My apartment for Mondays visitor. Not sure what I would need but made sure everything was cleaned up and put away and nothing out that would hurt a child. I went to the store and bought some toys and food and other basics I thought I may need. And then to the video store to get a few videos for that age.
I wake up early Monday and shower and make a quick breakfast for myself as Faith said she would give Feral her morning meals before dropping her off at 8 am. I then take one more look around everything seemed good. I began to wonder what sorts of "sexual things" she'd want me to do with Feral. I am thinking bare bottom spankings and small things like that. Boy was I wrong.
At exactly 8:00am Faith rings the bell and I let her and feral inside. I show Feral around a bit and tell her that this room will be hers for the time she is here. She stays in the room and looks through things while Faith and I go over details. Faith hands me a notebook "You can keep this copy I made them for potential providers and babysitters" and a bag. The bag contained extra clothes, and other items I am told will be explained in the book. Seeing some of the items makes my mouth almost hit the floor.. dildos, enema bags, vibrators just to name a few.
Faith smiles but asks "Are you sure you want to do this Chastity?" I nod then she says "ok Now Feral doesn't like most of the routines epically the punishments but it Is not her choice it is what I want done to her she will resist but she will also let you know if it is not being done right as she knows I will punish her if she lets it go done wrong."
She puts her hand on my shoulder and says... "Just do what the book says and be the Adult. If You don't like it then when I pick her up tell me and I will find someone else."
With that She left and I sat reading the book. The first routine started at 9 am, which gave me a half hour to prepare.
So as I look through the book which looks overwhelming I see it seems easy enough a few daily routines but a lot of time for me to explore the girl and do things I like.. and a lot of suggestions provided.
Now from after lunch till 3pm is My time. I can do any of the activities with the girl I like.
A list of punishments is also provided (I'll go over them later when they are actually needed).
Will be looking foward to your next installment.....Nice going
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Married couple with the husband into FLR, Chastity, Tease & Denial, Humiliation & Cuckoldry. So not much then!

If you are in a Cuckold relationship and can share interesting stories. Inbox me!

I tag all my posts, so if you have a particular fetish, search for it using my search bar ^
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posts. Perhaps in the future?

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I had great fun worshipping my faux cock in an urinal in a public toilet.
she brings me home a fresh creampie to eat after every date
Pregnancy doesn't really interest me as a fetish, but the chair is a really good idea, and I hear pregnant women can be horny AF at times.

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