Asstr Charlie The Drifter

Asstr Charlie The Drifter


Asstr Charlie The Drifter








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“Edge Condition”: Jacob’s new house is haunted, but at least the listing price was low. “Cold Comfort”: Dani talks to angels, or possible so...

more perversion from charlie the "fertile" drifter... WARNING CHARLIES WRITING MIGHT MAKE YOU SICK...content AND writing ability..:-)
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
-- _____ / ' / ™ ,-/-, __ __. ____ /_ (_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
In "bobandcarole"
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
Post by Frank McCoy Well, the idea isn't to draw people there; but just to be there for people who are interested. I got several nice comments about the chimes-weight and the two windmills; as well as (way back when) the dress I designed for my wife when she was in her twenties and the bust I made of her back then ... When she was away for two weeks visiting family (before we got married) and I missed her so much I decided to sculpt a bust, using a picture as a guide. It wasn't bad, either.
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
Post by Frank McCoy Well, the idea isn't to draw people there; but just to be there for people who are interested. I got several nice comments about the chimes-weight and the two windmills; as well as (way back when) the dress I designed for my wife when she was in her twenties and the bust I made of her back then ... When she was away for two weeks visiting family (before we got married) and I missed her so much I decided to sculpt a bust, using a picture as a guide. It wasn't bad, either.
Post by Leria If you read the subject line, you will notice that the e-mail address is NOT the one that belongs to Frank McCoy, but to bobandcarole. You are name stealing, bobandcarole, and have just been reported to Google Groups for it and I hope you enjoy your ban.
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
Post by Frank McCoy Well, the idea isn't to draw people there; but just to be there for people who are interested. I got several nice comments about the chimes-weight and the two windmills; as well as (way back when) the dress I designed for my wife when she was in her twenties and the bust I made of her back then ... When she was away for two weeks visiting family (before we got married) and I missed her so much I decided to sculpt a bust, using a picture as a guide. It wasn't bad, either.
-- And you'll be able to tell who they are because they will be chanting in Zulu, "Amasende hagu! Unyoko isifebe! Sibeleko sikanyoko! Malebe, malebe, malebe, mdidi sihlama!"
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
Post by Frank McCoy Well, the idea isn't to draw people there; but just to be there for people who are interested. I got several nice comments about the chimes-weight and the two windmills; as well as (way back when) the dress I designed for my wife when she was in her twenties and the bust I made of her back then ... When she was away for two weeks visiting family (before we got married) and I missed her so much I decided to sculpt a bust, using a picture as a guide. It wasn't bad, either.
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
Post by Frank McCoy Well, the idea isn't to draw people there; but just to be there for people who are interested. I got several nice comments about the chimes-weight and the two windmills; as well as (way back when) the dress I designed for my wife when she was in her twenties and the bust I made of her back then ... When she was away for two weeks visiting family (before we got married) and I missed her so much I decided to sculpt a bust, using a picture as a guide. It wasn't bad, either.
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
Post by Frank McCoy Well, the idea isn't to draw people there; but just to be there for people who are interested. I got several nice comments about the chimes-weight and the two windmills; as well as (way back when) the dress I designed for my wife when she was in her twenties and the bust I made of her back then ... When she was away for two weeks visiting family (before we got married) and I missed her so much I decided to sculpt a bust, using a picture as a guide. It wasn't bad, either.
-- _____ / ' / ™ ,-/-, __ __. ____ /_ (_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
Post by Frank McCoy Well, the idea isn't to draw people there; but just to be there for people who are interested. I got several nice comments about the chimes-weight and the two windmills; as well as (way back when) the dress I designed for my wife when she was in her twenties and the bust I made of her back then ... When she was away for two weeks visiting family (before we got married) and I missed her so much I decided to sculpt a bust, using a picture as a guide. It wasn't bad, either.
Doesn't anybody want to be in your little shithole group frankie?? :-)
Post by Frank McCoy Well, the idea isn't to draw people there; but just to be there for people who are interested. I got several nice comments about the chimes-weight and the two windmills; as well as (way back when) the dress I designed for my wife when she was in her twenties and the bust I made of her back then ... When she was away for two weeks visiting family (before we got married) and I missed her so much I decided to sculpt a bust, using a picture as a guide. It wasn't bad, either.
-- And you'll be able to tell who they are because they will be chanting in Zulu, "Amasende hagu! Unyoko isifebe! Sibeleko sikanyoko! Malebe, malebe, malebe, mdidi sihlama!"

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