Asstr Camping

Asstr Camping


Asstr Camping
A recently retired veteran has an unexpected encounter with three young sisters...
Warning: This is just a story. Please do not try this at

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are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are
offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex
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before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not
promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to
unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.

I had recently retired from the Army. Wow. Retired at only
38 years old. But I went in when I was 18, and after 20 years and 8 combat
tours I decided I'd had enough. With no kids or wife, I decided to spend a few
months taking a road trip around the country. I had plenty saved up, so I
bought a small RV camper and a used motorcycle which I attached to the back of
it and hit the road. 
While driving across Texas, I stopped at an RV park for a
few days rest. The place was small and serene and was in a tiny town in the
middle of nowhere. Lots of fresh air, lakes, and trees. Just the kind of
quiet I needed. After getting my camper set up and balanced, I was grilling
hot dogs for lunch when I heard laughter nearby. Looking up, I saw three
little girls running by on their way to the lake. All three were wearing
swimsuits and pool shoes; the older of the three was wearing a long t-shirt
over a bikini.
As they ran past, I noticed that the youngest had a
"swimsuit wedgie" and one little pale cheek was showing. I chuckled
and continued cooking. An elderly couple were trudging after them carrying
towels, blankets, floaties, and other lake gear. The woman (grandma,
presumably) smiled and said, "I hope those three stooges didn't spoil your
peace and quiet." 
"Not at all. Laughing kids are a welcomed
The man stepped forward and shook hands. "Tom
Bradshaw. My wife Sherry. And that road show you saw running by were our
granddaughters: Katy, Sue, and Bobbi." 
"Jack. Good to meet you. Beer's in the cooler, if
you'd like one." 
They sat and chatted for a while. Turned out that Tom was a
WWII vet. Sherry rolled her eyes as us two vets "swapped war
"I should've brought my hip waders. It's getting deep
We laughed and talked for a while, then I joined them down
at the lake. Getting some sun and having a nice conversation sounded like a
nice way to unwind. I set up my lawn chair, spread on some suntan lotion and
settled in. 
As I watched the girls playing, I had to reassess their
ages. Bobbi looked to be around 8 and had the flat chest and slightly rounded
tummy that showed the last of her baby fat. She had long blonde hair which
reached down to her cute little bubble butt. Her swimsuit had a large rainbow
and a unicorn. It was so light pink I could nearly see through it. Of the
three girls, she seemed to be the feistiest. 
Sue appeared to be 10 or 12, average height, slim and had
braces. Through her swimsuit I could just see the beginnings of her budding
young breasts, about half the size of a tennis ball. She had shoulder length
dark blonde hair. Her swimsuit was a bright yellow and had ribbons on the
waist. Her infectious laughter was ringing out across the lake. 
Katy, the oldest, was the one I had to rethink her age the
most. At first, I thought they were three "little" girls, all close
to the same age. Katy was apparently a bit older than the other two; at least
14, maybe a bit older. Her long, red hair cascaded down her back half way to
her ass. And oh my God, what a gorgeous ass. Shapely like a grown woman's,
not rounded like younger girls. She was tall, about 5'6". 
While Bobbi and Sue were cutely pale, Katy had a light tan. 
Her breasts, while not very large, were perky enough to keep any grown man's attention. 
They certainly had mine. Her bikini was dark blue and set off well against her
red hair and tanned skin. Tom and I continued to talk while Sherry read a
book. A while later all three girls came running up to where we were sitting,
still dripping wet from the lake. 
I had to readjust my position to hide my growing hard on at
the sight of their wet, shiny skin with their swimsuits clinging to them. I
snuck a glance at each of their crotches and could see the outline of their
lips through the wet, sheer material. Katy seemed to follow my gaze. 
Grinning, she peeked at my crotch, smiled directly at me then handed towels to
her sisters. 
As they dried off I saw that Sue and Bobbi both had swimsuit
wedgies, with both of their cheeks showing. "Cute and kinda sexy," I
thought to myself. 
Katy smiled innocently as she dried off her legs. I'm no
weirdo when it comes to feet, but hers were beautiful. So was the view down
the front of her bikini top. She winked when she caught me acting like I wasn't
Tom and Sherry introduced me to the girls before picking up
their stuff and excusing themselves to return to their RV. As they walked
away, Katy looked over her shoulder and waved. I could swear she was putting
an extra swing to her hips as I watched. Dammit. I needed to cool off. I
went for a dip in the lake, dried off, then went back to my camper for a shower
and another beer. 
A couple of hours later, after eating a microwaved pizza for
supper, I heard a knock at my door. Through the frosted glass I could see a
kid. When I opened the door, I saw a grinning Bobbi wearing a loose fitting
shirt, probably Katy's from the way it engulfed her small frame and hung nearly
to the hem of her shorts. 
"Hey! My gramma and grampa told me to come ask if you
wanted to come over and watch a movie." 
I couldn't help but chuckle out loud at her spunk. 
"Sure. Let me grab my shoes." 
"You don't need ‘em. None of us are wearing shoes,
see?" She held up her cute little bare foot as evidence. 
She led me to their RV, a large one just a few spaces down
from mine. Upon entering, Katy and Sue waved me over to the couch where they
were seated. 
"Sit here," Katy said, patting a spot between her
and Sue. 
I sat down, somewhat sheepishly, between the two little
vixens. Bobbi sat at the end of the couch and snuggled against Sue. Tom and
Sherry waived from their chairs. Tom turned out the lights while Sherry handed
us a large bowl of popcorn. The girls and I dug into the popcorn as we settled
in to enjoy the movie. 
Not even halfway through the movie the popcorn was gone and
the bowl discarded. As I leaned back, I felt a hand on my thigh. Light and
tentative at first, it eventually rested firmly and gave a gentle squeeze. 
Looking out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Katy was intently focused on the
movie, but had a smirk on her face and a glint in her eye. This brazen little
minx had probably planned this when we were at the lake pretending we weren't
checking each other out. 
Sue suddenly stood up. Katy quickly moved her hand. Sue
opened a cabinet which was above us, and while reaching on tip toe her shirt
rode up. Already short enough to show her tummy, it now gave me a brief
glimpse of the bottoms of her cute little titties before she closed the cabinet
door. She grinned as she sat back down and spread a large velvety blanket
across our laps. As soon as the blanket covered our laps, I felt Katy's hand
once again on my thigh. 
With a smile, I bumped her knee with mine. She squeezed my
thigh but her facial expression never changed. Still keeping the same neutral
facial expression she eased her hand over to my inner thigh and gave another
squeeze. My inner lust got the better of me. I followed her lead and let my
hand find its way to her thigh and slowly rubbed it. My willing response urged
her on. She began edging her hand up my thigh toward my crotch. 
No sooner had her hand started to move, than I felt another
hand rub and squeeze my other thigh. Sue, likewise trying to maintain the
appearance of chastity, had a barely noticeable grin on her cute face. Wow. 
Two brazen young sisters were feeling me up. 
I let my other hand rest lightly on Sue's lap, in case I had
misinterpreted her gesture. Nope. No misinterpretation. I felt her small
hand squeeze my thigh and her bare foot rub mine. While my hand continued its
way up her thigh, Katy's hand had finally reached my crotch. She gave my balls
a gentle squeeze through my shorts. My dick, up until then steadily growing,
suddenly sprang to life. Katy flinched but returned to give another squeeze. 
She began to slowly rub my dick up and down the length of it. 
My hand crept gradually toward her pussy. I could feel her
heat through her loose-fitting shorts. At first softly, then gradually more
firmly I rubbed her. She let out a barely audible sigh. My other hand had
finally found its way to Sue's pussy and was firmly rubbing her small mound
over her shorts. Sue stiffened then relaxed and spread her legs wider. I
rubbed harder. A slight grunt escaped her lips. 
Katy, meanwhile, had let her hand creep up to the waistband
of my shorts and was carefully making its way inside. She moved her fingers
behind my boxers and let them graze the head of my cock. I covered my gasp by
pretending to clear my throat. I spread my legs wider and let my foot rub
hers. With one hand I continued rubbing Sue's pussy and with the other I
reached for the waist of Katy's shorts. 
Suddenly Sue sat up. All three of us pulled back our
hands. "I gotta go use the bathroom," Sue whispered so as not to
disturb the movie. 
While she was gone, Katy and I let our hands return to
exploring each other. Her warm, soft fingers rubbed my cock, slowly and
gently. I let my hand move further down, expecting to feel her panties, but
was surprised when my fingers grazed her pubic hair. 
Katy rested her head on my shoulder as we rubbed and
explored. Just as my fingers were beginning to feel the wet heat of her young
sex, Sue returned. Katy and I froze as Sue sat down and covered herself with
the blanket. As soon as she was settled in, Katy and I resumed our
explorations. My fingers found her lips and traced lightly around the edges of
their delicate silkiness. I rubbed and grazed my fingers along her lips then
cautiously let one fingertip enter her. I felt her tense for a moment relax. 
A slight nod let me know it was ok to continue. I let my finger inch its way
inside her carefully up to the first knuckle then the second. At that, she
squeezed my chest. I paused. I could see her eyes were closed and she had a
contented smile on her face. Slowly I began to finger her tight young pussy,
moving my finger in and out, back up to the second knuckle. She squeezed my
dick and reached down to fondle my balls. 
Sue had placed my other hand back on her crotch. Her small
bare foot felt like silk as she rubbed it against mine. I kept on rubbing her,
but softly. That apparently wasn't quite enough for her. She grabbed my hand
and moved it up to her waistband. I took the hint and plunged inside. While I
hadn't yet seen her pussy, based on her age (12, as I learned later) and the
size of her breasts I expected that when I was past her panties I'd feel a hint
of peach fuzz. I was right. Except… panties. This randy little minx had
taken them off. I felt only the soft, light down of hair on her young pussy. 
She and I gasped nearly at the same time. My fingers rubbed up and down her
hot young sex, causing her to wiggle her hips against them. 
My other hand was still busy inside Katy's pussy. I could
feel her hips push against me, urging my finger deeper into her. My balls
began to tighten. Katy rubbed the length of my dick and gently squeezed the
head. She clutched my chest. I could feel the inside of her begin to quiver. 
Her hips bucked faster. I bit my lip, too far past the point of being able to
control myself. Katy and I came nearly at the same time. She slowly rubbed my
dick and massaged my balls as she eased her hand out of my shorts. There was a
dish towel nearby that she nonchalantly grabbed and used to clean my cum off of
her hand. Reluctantly I slowly backed my finger out of her, giving her clit a
light rub on the way out. We rested our hands on each other's laps. 
Sue, meanwhile, was just beginning to build up to her own
orgasm. I felt her twitch her vaginal muscles. With a quiet intake of breath
and a bucking of her hips, she came against me, my fingers still moving slowly
in and out. Her small hand had a death grip on my thigh. As she came down
from her orgasm, I slowly eased my finger out of her and rested my hand on her
While we were basking in the afterglow of our orgasms, the
movie ended. We sat up slowly, the picture of innocence. Tm turned the lights
back on as Sherry turned off the movie. Katy, Sue, and I tried to appear
nonchalant as we checked ourselves to make sure there was no sign which
revealed the shenanigans under the blanket. Thankfully there were none. Bobbi
was out cold, snoring softly, apparently as unaware of the whole thing as Tom
and Sherry. 
I thanked them and excused myself since the time was late. 
On my way out, as I turned back to wave, I could see both Katy and Sue smiling
bigger than the Cheshire cat. I slept great that night, with many wonderfully
dirty dreams. 
The next morning, after a breakfast of black coffee and
sausage biscuits, I ventured out to the lake hoping to see the girls. I had
been there for an hour and was half asleep, resting in the shade, when I heard
familiar laughter coming near. The girls burst onto the beach and immediately
began searching for me. 
"There he is!" cried Sue excitedly. 
They came blitzing on over and dropped their gear next to
me. Katy was wearing the same bikini as before, but without the shirt over
it. Sue was wearing a pink bikini with red ribbons on the hips and one between
her breasts. It was so snug and small as to be barely decent. Just a small
triangle over her ass, one between her legs, and one on each cute little
titty. Bobbi had on a white one piece which was not only LITERALLY see
through, but was also so tight it probably was a bit too small. Maybe one left
over from last year. All three had foregone pool shoes and were barefoot. 
While Katy and Sue seemed happy to see me (but not so happy
as to give anything away), Bobbi seemed to be looking at me funny. Not quite
giving me the stink eye, but if I didn't know better, I'd swear she knew what
we had been up to. Maybe she was feeling left out.
Tom, Sherry, and I talked while the kids played. After a
while the girls came up and practically dragged me out to the lake. They
wanted to play "chicken fight." Bobbi and I were paired against Katy
and Sue. The whole time we played, I could feel Bobbi rubbing herself against
the back of my neck. I wasn't quite sure at first. It seemed like innocent,
natural movement that was part of the game.  But a couple of times I thought I
felt her shudder when she did it. I chuckled at her enjoying herself. 
Meanwhile, I had fun with the chicken fight. 
We all four got dunked repeatedly. I was also able to
openly ogle both Katy and Sue. Sue was too busy trying to wrestle Bobbi off my
shoulders, but Katy had definitely noticed. She repeatedly winked and licked
her lips. Every time we fell in the water, it was a grab fest. All three of
their hands "accidently" grabbing my crotch or squeezing my ass. I
grabbed each titty or pussy or ass cheek that swam by. It was a good thing we
were not swimming near anyone else. Not only might we have gotten caught, but
someone may have gotten groped quite unexpectedly. 
We had fun wrestling and groping until Sherry called the
girls in for lunch. There were plenty of sandwiches, so I accepted Sherry's
offer to join them. Tom and Sherry sat in the beach chairs but I joined the
girls on the sand. Over bites of bologna and mouthfuls of lemonade, we all
four took sneaky glances at each other's fun parts. We were sitting
cross-legged facing each other which stretched the crotch of their swimsuits
tightly against their pussies. Sue's pink bikini didn't leave much to the
imagination. It was just dark enough to not see through completely, but since
it was wet and clingy it showed tantalizing dark outlines of her nipples and
tiny pussy. 
Katy's dark blue bikini didn't reveal much, but I could see
the rounded shape of her breasts and the crotch of the bottom half of her suit
was stretched tantalizingly tightly across her lips. I could almost make out the
outline of her through it. Bobbi's swimsuit, even though she was the smallest
and least developed, was undoubtedly the most revealing. It was white and
barely large enough to fit her. Wet, it was completely transparent. I could
see everything in sexy and scandalous detail. Her breasts, thought just small,
dark spots with a barely detectable bump, were easily visible. Barely enough
nipple to stick out, but very cute. The crotch area was not only transparent
but stretched tightly across her. I could see her cute, tiny young pussy in
every detail just as if she were sitting across from me stark naked. She had
no hair, but she also lacked the babyish look expected of a young girl. The
outlines of her lips and the darker center of her virginal opening were as
clear as day.
I was able to give the girls a similar show. I was wearing
a pair of shorts which were loose and billowy in the legs and had no underwear
on. The girls had a nice view of my crotch. My penis was laying sideways and,
due to the scandalous view the girls were giving, was growing slowly. They
were able to see my balls and half my dick hanging out of my shorts. I
adjusted myself to give them a better look and Katy nearly choked on her
sandwich. Bobbi and Sue kept their eyes glued, mesmerized. All four of us
were trying to squirm without being too obvious. I tried to hide my dick from
all but their hungry eyes. We ate and leered for a while, then put away our
trash. And my cock. 
Bobbi was failing at hiding her look of disappointment at
the show being over. Sherry announced that she and the girls were going into
town for some grocery shopping. Tom and I both retired to our respective
mobile abodes for a nap. The girls cheerfully waved goodbye, and as they
walked away, I noticed each of them intentionally giving each other a swimsuit
wedgie. The sight gave me some wonderful dreams. I slept most of the
afternoon and woke up an hour before supper. 
Looking outside I didn't see or hear any sign of the girls. 
Mildly disappointed, but not surprised, I decided to watch a movie. My chair
was comfy, but it was much less eventful than the last movie. While the movie
was still running, I decided on chicken wings and jalapeno poppers for supper.
Not exactly health food, but I was on vacation. 
Once the movie ended it was just beginning to get dark. I
decided to sit outside and smoke a cigar by the fire I had built in the fire
ring near my campsite. It was a nice stone fire ring with lots of low benches
around it. I figured that while I was out ther
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