Asstr Bus

Asstr Bus


Asstr Bus
1.2 This is an old story I just found out wasn't showing up on ASSTR properly.
It has been updated to reflect modern technology references and revised/reedited,
then posted in .html format to correct a number of problems
is a very, very long story, something over 86,000 words, and it a completely
fictional work. It is fantasy. I don't recommend or condone intergenerational
sex; real life just doesn't happen the way it's depicted herein. Also, please
do not try leaping out windows in tall office buildings under any
circumstances. Even if you own a really cool blue costume with a red cape, you
can not fly.
hope you enjoy this story. If you wish to comment, contact information is
included at the end of this story.
McBride, 4 feet seven inches tall and all of twelve budding years old, climbed
the steps into the first of the two chartered coaches and found a window seat
in the fifth row. She threw herself onto the cushions, more than a little
unhappy with the way things were. For one thing, she was the Treasurer of the
Science Club and she'd helped organize this field trip for the members of the
club ... and only for those members.
after all the hard work she'd put into getting everything approved and
organized, she'd been shunted aside by the principal and some busybody parents
who decided anyone who wanted to, could go to the big city and see the
natural science museum there. Things had quickly mushroomed and grown beyond
Alex's control.
wasn't coming on the trip, of course. Alex had a tendency to over dramatize
things from time to time. But now there were two big chartered buses instead of
the single school bus she'd envisioned. Nice overnight accommodations were
procured, compliments of old Mr. Johnson, the town's patriarch, which was nice—but
Alex viewed it as just more interference in her plan. There were even lists of
who was to get on which bus and schedules for going into the big city, more
places to visit when they got there, and timetables all over the place.
grudgingly admitted the trip itself was now a lot more interesting and
everyone was going to be taken care of much better. Her hand brushed the fabric
of the comfortable bus seat she sat on. Yeah, much nicer. But it wasn't an
adventure any longer—it wasn't her adventure anymore!
wonder she was more than a little grumpy. She sat with her arms crossed
in the comfortable seat, waiting for the next bad thing to happen to her. She
glared at her sister, Kayleigh, coming down the aisle, daring the
eleven-year-old to just try and sit next to her.
sensed Alexandra's attitude just by looking at her. She sniffed derisively.
Kayleigh wouldn't have sat next to her older sister anyway—it never crossed her
mind—and she sauntered on back to a row where a couple of her friends were
already sitting. That was fine with Alex. Kay and her friends were among those
'others' who weren't in the Science Club but had invited themselves along
looked out the window, certain everyone boarding the coach could read her
emotions in her face and knew how humiliated she felt at how all the dumb
grownups involved in the planning had treated her. Absently, she adjusted a bra
strap, not bothering to check around to see who might be looking. That was
another thing that displeased Alexandra. Her boobies were blossoming, but not
as fast as she wanted them to, nor as big as she wanted. It seemed like....
at everything and everyone, she glared at the Sheriff's patrol vehicle parked a
few yards away outside her window. She wasn't specifically mad at her dad right
at this moment, but he was standing out there beside the big Kelly-green SUV
with its big gold badge emblem on the front door. Dang it … he had the red and
blue lights turned on too. That settled it! Father dear was going to bear the
brunt of her irritation for a while too ... not that he'd notice.
huh. Mister Chief Deputy Sheriff Keith ' Who Cares What His Daughter Thinks '
McBride," she mumbled to herself. Dad was part of the group of adults in
favor of just anyone going on the field trip, and therefore had earned
Alexandra's special resentment for that, on top of the natural defiance the
almost-teenager felt toward their parents.
now just who are you lookin' at, Lexi?" a voice asked teasingly, startling
Alexandra out of her moody appraisal of the world. A young woman was standing
in the aisle and bending over the outside armrest to look out Alex's window.
ho!! Now I see," the woman quipped, "I agree ... your dad is totally
hunkalicious, huh? You are soooo lucky."
Alex shot a glance back out the window. Daddy was out there, but he
wasn't paying any attention to the bus.
... no, I wasn't ... I mean...," Alex protested. She looked up at the older
girl. She could feel a deep blush rising fast ... her earlobes were already a
fiery red.
how could you say something like that?" Alex demanded. Shocked out
of her self-pity for the way things had gone the past few days, she transferred
all of her resentment to the young woman smiling down at her.
honey," Merri replied, unfazed by Alexandra's indignation. Merri's grin
was threatening to split her face wide open, Alex thought. Merri plopped down
on the seat beside Alexandra. Lowering her voice, Merri confided, "Honey,
I'm not being a smart ass. Heck, if that big hunk a' man was MY daddy,"
she almost whispered, "I'd have been doing mucho nasty things with him ...
well, ever since I found out what my 'gina was for!" she declared.
profoundly shocked, could only stare at the young woman beside her. Miriam
Johnson was twenty-years-old, a graduate of the Salt Lick high school just two
summers ago. She was as hot and sexy as any girl could ever hope to be ... and
a granddaughter of Charles Johnson, the town's mayor.
was the great-granddaughter of the town's leading citizen—Old Ben Johnson—so
Miriam was automatically entitled to a certain deference and she had more
influence in the school's, and the town's, affairs than anyone else her age.
Alex had a temper and sometimes ... enough was enough.
" Miriam
Johnson !" Alex retorted hotly. "You know damned ... darned ...
well I wasn't looking at my Dad, and you don't have any right to be so ... so
... so nasty !!" she finished, almost as flustered by her own use of
profanity as by Merri's accusation.
ignored Alex's sharp tone. "Honey," she said, continuing in a voice
low enough that no one else could hear, "I am totally serious," she
said with a mischievous grin. "Your daddy is a hunk!! You can see he's got
all those muscles ... does he work out much? ... I wish I could be there when
he does....
he's so a ... such a man ! You know all the girls at the Academy think
so, Alex. Heck, all the men in town listen when he says how he feels about ...
whatever ... an' they do what he says when he gives orders and stuff.
knows he was a hero in that war over there in that desert place ... an' all
that ... an' now he's the Sheriff out here ... an' he caught that murderer
running from the cops from the big city last summer, an' I saw him on that
hiking trail last Fall with you and your mom, an' your brother and sisters, and
he was in that tank top, and ... mmmm-mmmm- MMMM! What a dreamboat!"
finally wound down and settled back into her seat, smiling blissfully. She
apparently meant every word she said to Alex. She'd said she'd love to be doing
all kinds of naughty things with Alexandra's father ... if only she were
his daughter instead of Alex.
looked uncertainly at the young woman beside her. She'd only been able to
follow Merri's stream-of-consciousness rambling with some difficulty, but she
managed. She stole another look at her father outside the bus window. Yeah, her
dad was okay, she admitted to herself. Heck, more than okay. She was never
embarrassed to admit Chief Deputy Keith McBride was her Dad. Most of the kids
at school figured she was lucky to have him as a father. He was about as cool
as a dad could be.
Daddy did have nice muscles and—her thoughts suddenly skittered away
from what her mind had started to envision. Her face flamed anew, because her
mind betrayed her. Her eyes had fastened unerringly on her father's zipper, and
she almost let herself wonder about what lay hidden behind it.
she breathed silently to herself. That just wasn't right! She couldn't think,
what she'd almost thought.
Alexandra declared. "George ... it was George Knudson," she insisted,
thinking fast. "He's who I was looking at," she finished.
leaned over Alex again to watch Deputy Knudson for a moment. He was tall and
gangly, in his mid-twenties and known all around town for his beaming grin ...
and a slight tendency toward clumsiness.
young woman smiled disbelievingly. "Nah...." Merri said softly,
almost in Alex's ear. "Georgie's a nice boy and all ... but your daddy's a
man ," she said.
stayed where she was, ostensibly watching the outside world. "Alex, honey,
if I'm lyin', I'm dyin'." She giggled like the most naive freshman
schoolgirl. "If your dad was MY daddy," she said, leaning close to
Alexandra, "I'd a' got myself devirginated a longgggg time before I
did," she concluded.
giggled at Alex's aghast expression, then stood up in one quick, smooth motion.
Alex believed Merri's words without question. The word around school was that
Merri wasn't exactly easy ... she actually had high standards for a boy to
become a boyfriend ... but boys who did get in her pants raved about her
enthusiasm for fucking and sucking.
see ya later," Merri threw back over her shoulder as she made her way
toward the rear of the bus. She was an unofficial teacher's assistant this
year. She told everyone she just wasn't ready to head off to college. And now she
was a chaperone here on Alex's bus. Every darn one of the boys she passed
grinned hopefully up at her and then gazed longingly after her when she passed
on by.
glared resentfully after the young woman until Merri disappeared over the high
backrests of the long row of seats. She looked back out the window. George
Knudson caught sight of the movement in the window and waved at her, grinning
like an ape, Alex thought. What an idiot!
father on the other hand, just smiled and touched the front brim of his white
Stetson as a greeting. He'd seen her too, but he knew enough to not make a
spectacle. Alex was grateful for that. She turned back to face the front of the
was busy anyway. Mr. Johnson, Merriam's grandfather, was walking up to Dad. He
was the Johnson who did most of the family work in town these days.
Keith McBride was Chief Deputy Sheriff for the whole county but his boss, the
elected Sheriff for White Plains County, stayed close to the county seat, and
that was more than twenty-five miles away as the crow flies—more by road. The
sheriff and Chief Deputy divided the duties of policing the county. The elected
sheriff stayed close to the capitol of the county, and Deputy McBride stayed
down in the southern part of the county. He was effectively the law in
this corner of the world and, as such, it was he who dealt with the movers and
shakers of the little town of Salt Lick.
Junior," he greeted the slightly-more-than middle-aged man who climbed out
of the big green Suburban. 'Junior' was Charley Johnson, old Ben's son and
heir. It was he who managed all the Johnson clan's affairs inside the county
and out. Maybe when he'd been in elementary school kids had wondered why he was
called Junior, since he and his dad had different names, but it was a
well-established fact now and no one cared why.
mayor was an affable man, preferring to communicate on an informal basis rather
than the more formal one he could have insisted upon. No one ever forgot that
if Old Ben was king around here; and Junior was the crown prince and everyone
knew it.
made sense that Charley would come down to see the two busloads of kids off on
their trip. After all, Johnson Academy, which all the kids in Salt Fork
attended, was a creation of the Johnson family, set up when Old Ben Johnson
grew incensed with the quality of education Salt Fork children were receiving.
Academy' (that was how everyone referred to it) taught the core subjects that
Old Ben approved of ... math, science, history, and economics especially. There
were none of the soft frills offered by public schools and advocated by the
state's Department of Education.
public schools in Salt Fork finally closed their doors and consolidated with
schools in the far-off county seat, much to their staff's chagrin. It took a
state supreme court ruling to settle the question of property taxes ... but old
man Johnson got that settled in the citizens' favor too—no one quite knew how.
thing was, what Ol' Ben set up just worked . The kids' SAT scores said
so. Best of all, every kid in town was awarded a scholarship to the Academy—one
was theirs just for the asking. Everyone loved the Johnsons. The Johnsons had
more money than God, so no one questioned how the Academy's finances worked.
ya doing, Keith?" Junior replied enthusiastically. "What's
happenin'?" he asked, beaming broadly. It was a rhetorical question. In
addition to being the town's mayor, he was one of three county commissioners,
and he knew where all the skeletons were buried around the county ... and most
of the state too. Charles Johnson already knew everything about what was going
much," Keith responded lazily. "Just getting the buses ready to go
and all," he explained. "We'll ride with them right out to the
Interstate to give them a good sendoff," he said. Junior chuckled.
Sirens? All that?" Junior asked
Keith confirmed. "They'll get the royal treatment leavin' town ... even if
they have to sneak back into town tomorrow evening 'cause everyone'll be
asleep," he remarked. He grinned.
joined Keith in a broad smile and they looked over the students being dropped
off, boarding one of the two buses, parents giving last minute advice, or
Before I forget," Junior said, "there's a 'Meeting of the Bored'
Saturday night out at our place if you and Caitlin want to come."
frowned quickly, squinting his eyes tight. His head moved around in a fast arc,
checking to see if anyone around heard.
looked before I said anything, Keith," Junior said reprovingly, dropping
his voice even lower in volume and by at least one octave. "I look dumb
but I really aren't," he remarked cheerfully, smiling.
I know," Keith replied, as contritely as he ever spoke. "Sorry ...
you caught me off guard," he admitted. "Had my mind going in a total
different direction."
to worry," Junior said with a casual wave of his hand. "I totally
understand. Can't be too careful, and that's a fact," he asserted. It was
a fact—one ingrained deeply in both their psyches because it wouldn't do for
the uninitiated to learn of the unspoken life style in which some of the town's
inhabitants participated to while away the long winter nights ... and the
summer's shorter ones too.
' The
Bored ' Junior spoke of was his own invention—a play on words that he
thought he'd been awfully clever devising. No one hearing the two men talk
would interpret what he said as anything but "Board" and that could
refer to a multitude of things both the county's Chief Deputy Sheriff and the
city's mayor might be members of.
Bored' was code for the local swingers club. The name was born of necessity and
served to identify a certain problem that existed here in the remote town ...
boredom. It wasn't so bad right now, but with snow on the ground most of the
winter, and disagreeable weather hanging around in one form or another from September
through early June, most of the citizens stayed indoors and there was a
distinct lack of social life for those long months. Those with solid enough
marriages to engage in an alternate lifestyle ... did!
and his wife, Caitlin, took to it easily enough, treating it as more of a game
than anything else. They also played in a coed intra-city slow pitch softball
league during the summer—they enjoyed that game too.
... well, sure. I don't see why not," Keith finally answered Junior's
question. "I need to run it by Caitlin, so I'll have to let you know ...
but I don't think we have anything near as interesting on Saturday's
calendar," he said. He grinned, warming to the idea of some extramarital
fun and games.
Junior said with considerable satisfaction. Both of the McBrides were fit,
athletic, and attractive people. They were popular in and out of bed.
of y'all to get these big highway buses for the kids," Keith offered,
mainly to change the subject before someone walked up on them and caught them
unawares. "Those yellow monstrosities they usually take would have ruined
everyone's kidneys ridding them all the way to the big city." He laughed.
was Dad's idea," Junior returned. "He did all the work his own self,
gettin' them lined up," he added. "Haven't seen him this motivated in
a coon's age."
thank him for us, will ya?" Keith replied. "Darned good of him."
Junior remarked, "thank 'im yourself. He's right there," he said
hooking a thumb back behind him in the direction of the Suburban.
Keith, looked more closely at the large SUV and, shading his eyes with the big
white Stetson he wore on duty, he finally made out the aged, but still very
active, Ben Johnson sitting in the back seat.
Ben threw up a hand in greeting when he saw Keith locate him deep in the SUV's
dim interior. Keith smiled in return and ambled over to the big vehicle. It was
his job to stay on good terms with the powers-that-be in the county ... and
anyway, old Ben was a personable guy, pleasant to be around. Keith liked him on
a personal level, as well as being on a good professional basis with him. He
stepped off the sidewalk to go to Old Ben's door to pass the time of day with
the old man for a minute.
words haunted Alexandra far more than they should have. She didn't understand
why. She sneaked a quick glance at her father out there. In his big ol' white
cowboy hat, white shirt ... with that shiny silver star fastened over his left
breast pocket ... and dark brown slacks over his boots, he looked every inch
the western sheriff he actually was.
walked around, so confident and so ... in charge. Alexandra was actually very,
very proud of him. Not all the girls at the Academy had a father who was as
handsome and who made such an impact in people's lives.
was ... distinguished looking too. Alex knew he was already thirty-four; his
birthday was only a month ago, but he didn't look like it. Thirty-four year old
men were ... ancient in Alexandra's world. But not Daddy....
was really strong too, even if he was kinda old. And she'd seen the
bulge of his muscles and counted the number of times he pushed those barbells
up when he lifted weights down in the basement. And sometimes his thing got
really big and hard, like the time last week when she'd sat down on his lap
while he was watching that cheerleading show on TV—
gasped aloud, covering it with a cough when the girls across the aisle looked
questioningly at her. Alex's blush reasserted itself though she fought for
control. Dang it! Why in the world had Merri said the things she had?
had never thought of anything like that ... ever!!
next two days were long and fu
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