Asstr Brother

Asstr Brother


Asstr Brother
Copyright 2018 by NAMB
all rights reserved

Chase Shivers Tales taboo Β· fantasy Β· erotica
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Haley's Hairs

mg ped inc brother/sister g1st m1st creampie

From the imagination of Chase Shivers

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Those weren't supposed to be down there, were they? That thought
actually went through my mind about six weeks after my twelfth
birthday. I never really much looked at what was between my legs
other than briefly when wiping, front-to-back as Mommy taught me, to
ensure all was cleaned up as it should be. I'd never noticed anything
terribly interesting down there, just a bit of a parting of sorts,
some reddish-pink flesh which only stuck out a little sometimes.
Otherwise, it was just smooth skin between my legs. I had no real
concept of genitals, at least not in the sexual sense, and up through
that moment, I'd not so much as considered touching myself there
beyond wiping and bathing.

So I was on the toilet a few weeks after turning twelve and had
just finished tinkling when I went to wipe myself and noticed some
dark hairs around the top of the slit between my thighs. I hesitated
a moment, swiping a finger across a couple of them, expecting they
were just loose hairs from my head and needed to be pulled away.
Gross! I thought to myself. But the hairs were stuck fast and just
curled back when I tried to get them off me. What were hairs doing
growing down there?! I actually became a little scared.

I needed to turn to someone I trusted right then for help. Mommy
and Daddy were both a little distant to me even then. Busy and too
concerned with their social lives to much notice me or my older
brother, Thomas. I'm Haley, by the way, and though my parents didn't
hang out with me all that much, I could always count on Thomas. He
was strong and sweet, like my guardian against the world. At fifteen,
he was tall for his age at well over six feet. Sturdy of body and
cautious with his words, he was. Like me, he had dusty-brown hair
with speckles of blonde and red mixed in. Mine was over my shoulders,
often in twin tails, but Thomas kept his cropped, a little spiky when
he spent the time to look made up. He'd started growing a silly
mustache over the previous months, but even being silly, it was kinda
neat to see Thomas with hair on his lip.
I wondered if I was growing a mustache down there! Oh, noes! That
would be just awful! If the other girls saw that in the locker room
after soccer practice... Oh, noes! With only one person I could
really trust with secret, personal things, I wiped quickly, yanked up
my panties and leggings, and went to find my brother.
He was lounging in his room reading a book with the door
half-open. "Thomas?" I called in, a little weak of voice. He
hated when anyone called him Tom or Tommy, including when Mommy or
Daddy did it. I always called him by his full, real name.
"Yeah, Heels?" he replied. Thomas sometimes called me
that, a play on my name and because, he once told me, I was usually
following him 'right on his heels.'
"Can I talk to you about something... strange?"
I stepped into my brother's room and closed the door behind me.

Since I just stood there quiet and still, he asked, "What's
wrong, Sis?"
"It's just... umm... kinda strange..."
I did so, shuffling my legs nervously beside my brother.

"Like," I began, nervous and not really sure what to
say, so I just spilled it out in one rapid gush of words, "I was
on the toilet and I looked down and I think I'm growing a mustache
between my legs and I don't want a mustache between my legs and you
gotta help, Thomas, you gotta help me not grow a mustache between my
Thomas started laughing and I felt awful. I had no idea what he
found so funny. "Stop it!" I exclaimed, now angry and more
than a little upset.
"Sorry, sorry, Heels, really," he slowed and took a
couple of deep breaths, "okay, okay. Look. First, you're not
growing a mustache," a quick chuckle, then he continued, "it's
normal. It just means you hit puberty."
"Puberty?" My sexual education up to that point was
incredibly lacking though I didn't realize it. My parents sent me to
a private fundamentalist Christian school all my life. Thomas had
started going to public schools two years ago. I didn't realize
exactly what I was missing because, as one might understand, my
brother and I didn't exactly compare notes about sexual subjects. At
least, not before that moment.
"Puberty. It means you're starting to become a woman, like,
means you can have babies and whatnot."
Thomas grinned, "Don't worry, Heels. You have to
have sex for that to happen... it's fine, really. Perfectly normal,
I wasn't wholly mollified, but at least my brother had said it
was normal. Still, I asked, him, "Can you just take a look at
it? Make sure it's not a mustache?"
Thomas hesitated and got a look on his face like I had never seen
before. At that age, I had no clue that my brother was thinking
sexual thoughts about me. At that age, all I 'knew' was that Thomas
thought it was gross to look at me down there. I pouted and slid up
to my feet, telling him not to bother and I'd just go grow my new
mustache in private.
He took my wrist gently, and said, "Nah, hold on, uh... I'll
take a look, Haley... I'll take a look if you want..."
His eyes were definitely a little odd, excited in a way I didn't
understand. I turned back to him and said, "Really? Promise
you'll look and see if it's okay?"
Having little knowledge about such things, other than a general,
broad prohibition against stripping in front of strangers or in
public, I started dragging down my leggings, pulling my panties down
with them. Revealing the privates between my legs, I parted my feet
wider, pushed my hips forward, then used my fingers to pull up on the
soft, mostly-hairless mound above the pinkish slit. "See? See
the hairs?"
Thomas's gaze was fixed right between my legs. I saw him mouth,
Wow!, before he said aloud, "Yeah, I see. You have your first
pubic hairs... that's what they're called between your legs... Like,
maybe a dozen of them are sticking out... Perfectly normal, Sis...
Perfectly... normal..."
He nodded, "Very sure, yeah... yeah, it just means you're
starting puberty... you'll get more hair growing in and... you
know... your privates will start... you know... looking more... uh...
bigger... I think... and you'll start getting boobs up top."
"Boobs... That might be okay," I replied, realizing
that a couple of my female friends at school might have started
growing boobs, and I knew Mommy had a big chest. I wondered if mine
might be big like hers. "But... I don't want hair down there,
Thomas! I don't want pubic hairs at all!"
He grinned, "Really, it's normal, Haley. I have them, too...
got them about your age, actually."
I'd never considered such things. "You have hair over your
Thomas guffawed loudly, shaking his head, "Half right... I
have hair there, yeah, but... I don't have a slit like you, Sis... I
have... you know... guy stuff..."

His eyes were continuing to pass over my parted thighs. I never
even considered closing myself and pulling up my leggings. I was too
caught up in our conversation. "Like... what's down there for
My brother blushed a little, "Oh, just normal guy stuff,
that's all..."
I pouted again, crossing my arms and letting go my
down-there-flesh, "It's only fair. I let you see my pubic hairs
and privates... Let me see!"
My brother looked up at my eyes a second, then back down to where
my genitals were still showing. He licked his lips once, then nodded,
"Yeah, okay, but you have to promise me, Haley... Never tell
anyone we did this, okay? Not Mom or Dad or your friends or anyone,
okay? Our secret?"
It sounded reasonable to me. I believed my brother and if he
thought we needed to keep a secret to do such things, I trusted his
judgement. "Sure, our secret. Now show me!"
Thomas shook himself a moment and then started to unbuckle his
belt, soon sliding down his blue jeans before sitting a few seconds
in his white underwear. I didn't know enough about things to wonder
why the fabric was sticking up. "Alright," he breathed,
"remember, our secret..."
I nodded as he removed his underwear.

I couldn't believe what I saw. It was so different than what I
saw between my own legs. Where whatever was down there for me went
back between my thighs and disappeared, Thomas had something
protruding, long and thick and veiny. And there was a lot of curly
dark hair over and around my brother's parts. A lot of it. At first,
I kinda thought the whole thing looked gross and I started to say so,
but the look on my brother's face was one of embarrassment, so
instead of laughing or making a comment, I just expressed a different
aspect of my reaction, "Holy smokes, Thomas! What is that?"
"My penis... My dick, I call it. And my balls..."

I'd barely registered the presence of oval-like shapes below my
brother's dick. But my mind could just barely think straight in that
moment. I know my mouth hung well open in my excited confusion. "Is
it always like that? Your dick? Like... doesn't it get in the way all
the time like that?"
"Well," he said quietly, looking at his lap a moment
before looking back to where my legs were slightly parted, "it's
not always hard like this, no..."
"It means I want to do sex stuff..."
"Sex stuff... like, I dunno anything about that," I
told him honestly. "Tell me about it!"
Thomas blushed deeper and I could tell he was really embarrassed
by something. Was it the nakedness? I supposed it must be. I'd not
seen my brother naked before, at least not that I remembered. Maybe
that was it. Regardless, he finally replied, saying, "Well...
see, babies come from boys and girls getting together and doing
stuff... like... Where your hairs started growing? Boys call that a
pussy and that's where a dick goes in. To shoot baby stuff inside."
"Shoot baby stuff? What?" I had no clue what Thomas
meant, but I admit I began to feel a very interesting tingling
sensation between my legs just listening to him talk about sex stuff.
I couldn't much look away from where his dick was swaying a little as
he talked. I was very fascinated, to say the least.
"Yeah... Like... I dunno everything, Heels, but, like, my
dick goes into a girl's pussy and then it shoot stuff after a
while... I can make it shoot stuff if I stroke it... err..."
"Oh! Really? I wanna see you shoot!"
"Err... that's kinda private, Sis... Like... pretty sure Mom
and Dad won't like me showing you that..."
I grumbled, "I don't care what they think... I wanna see!
Pleeeeease, Thomas! I'll do the dishes for a week if you show me."
He thought a moment, clearly chewing on some difficult idea. I
watched him swallow. "How about this, Haley... I'll show you how
it shoots, but then... I wanna put it in you... Like... in your
pussy. I've never done it before and I... I really wanna..."
"You want to put your dick in my pussy... so we can make a
baby?" I was a little confused, and though I had no real word
for it, very turned on by the idea. The tingling between my legs was
becoming a full on symphony of sensations. "Okay," I said,
not really understanding quite what I'd agreed to do, "we can
try that... but you'll make it shoot first?"
He nodded, trembling. "It won't take but a few seconds...
I'm real close already... Like... real close... actually, Sis... you
wanna help?"
"Well," my brother explained, "usually, I just
grab on and stroke my dick till it spurts, but... I bet if you
stroked me... it would feel real good... will you?"
I shrugged, curious enough to give it a try, "Okay... I
dunno how, though..."
Thomas took my hand and pulled me right up next to him, then
guided my fingers to his dick. He showed me how to wrap around his
rigid flesh. I felt warmth and a strong pulse when I took hold.
"Grrnnnng..." he moaned. "Now... grrrnnng... just
gently move up and down... oh, grnnnnngg... grrnnnng..."
I did as he said, no idea if I was doing it right, but Thomas
stopped talking and just moaned and grunted, his hips flaring and
rising against each stroke of my hand. Maybe fifteen strokes into it,
I felt him swell and he groaned real loud, "Grrrrrrrnnnngg...
Grrrrrrnnnngg! Grrrrrnnng!" Something shot out the tip and
splashed against my arm, another, then another, the sticky fluid
shimmering and running down my skin and coating Thomas's dick and
balls. There was so much of it I thought something must be wrong, but
Thomas kept groaning and grunting and spurting so I kept stroking him
steadily as several more jets of his stuff shot out. A little even
hit just above my thighs and it felt warm a second before immediately
My mouth was wide open and I was in awe of what had just
happened. "Wowsa! That was so neat!" I told my brother.
"Jeez, Sis, jeez... Holy cow! That felt amazing! Just
I grinned, proud of myself. I had done it right! "Really
neat, Thomas. I had no idea there would be so much!"
He smiled and let his hand trail down to my fingers, slowly
removing my hold on his dick. I noticed it stayed hard but was too
young to understand what that meant about the boy's thoughts. "You
made me want to keep shooting, Haley," he said as his eyes drew
down, back on my down-there parts. "Now... I really want to put
it inside you... Still up for it?"
I nodded, barely comprehending things but absolutely trusting my
brother in that moment. "Sure... Uh... show me how?"
He looked back then said, "Lie down on the bed... um, on
your back, I think..."
"Okay." My arm and fingers still covered in my
brother's stuff, I did as he requested.
Thomas immediately started pulling off my leggings and underwear,
leaving me naked below the waist. I felt a little shame, I suppose,
when he grabbed my ankles and spread my legs real wide. I knew I was
fully exposed to him then, my privates visible in detail for the
first time. I knew, instinctively, this was wrong, that my brother
shouldn't see me there so closely, but I didn't really care. I loved
him and trusted him and I wanted him to enjoy our time together, no
matter what. "Keep them spread if you can," he told me.
I did my best, using my hands to hold apart my legs.

Thomas crawled over me and I saw his dick dangling, sticky from
the stuff he'd shot out a moment earlier, still very rigid and veiny.
The top knob looked huge compared to my body! "That's never
gonna fit, Thomas!"
He grinned and leaned close to my face, saying, "It will, I
promise. I'll go slow, Haley."
And then the most amazing and complex sensations started down
there. At first, there was just a little warmth, a spongy warmth that
pushed against my privates. Then there was some pressure, a sensation
of being stretched wide open. I caught my breath. More pressure. I
thought I might burst open but I didn't protest. Thomas knew what he
was doing, I guessed, even though he'd said he never did it before.
More pressure, more stretching, Thomas was really trying to push
into me.

Suddenly, I felt something give and I yelped in a little pain,
"Shhh, Sis... It's in you now... Mmm... Mmm... Wow... Holy
smokes, Haley! My dick's in your pussy!"
For whatever reason, despite the paper-cut-like sensation inside
me, I giggled. It was funny to hear those words. It made me laugh to
have my brother say something like that. "I know!" I
replied, the pain already subsiding and being quickly replaced by
something much more pleasant. The stretching, the pressure, were
feeling really good by the time Thomas started to move.
At first, it was just a little grinding against me, causing his
dick to do small in and out motions. I felt stretched to my limit,
and I wondered if it hurt to have his thingy being squeezed that
tight. The look on Thomas's face told me that, no, it did not hurt,
and instead, the sensations my brother was experiencing were quite
pleasurable. I grinned as he started to grunt and move against me
more firmly. "Grrrrnngg... Grrrnngg... Holy smokes, Heels! So
tight... You're so tight! And wet! Oh, gosh... oh, gosh... Wow!"
I felt really proud of myself, actually, that my brother was so
happy to have his wiener in me like that. I didn't really know much
about what was going on, but I loved being stretched by my brother,
being opened like that. I loved him so much, trusted him, and I was
so proud to hold myself open so that he could slide his dick in and
out of my little opening.
Suddenly, things felt real, real good. I looked down to see that
Thomas had a hand between our bodies, his fingers touching a very
sensitive place between my legs. I gulped, "Wow! Unffff...
Unffff... Wow... What... What are you... what are you doing? Unfff!
"Making me... cum? Unfff! Uhhhhhh... Ohhhh... Unff!"
"Orgasm, climax, just let it happen!"
In and out and in and out, my brother was really humping me by
that point. I felt really stretched, a little sore, but the place he
touched me with his fingers was overwhelming everything, causing me
to swoon with enjoyment and tension. "Wow! Unfff! Unfff! Oh! Oh!
Oh! Oh.... What's... What's... Oh my gosh! Ohhhhhhhhhh!

I bucked and twisted and threw my head around as my first ever
orgasm crashed in. I lost touch with everything but my exploding nub
and the stretching-pressure of my brother's dick inside my pussy. I
lost every emotion but pleasure, my hands letting go of my legs and
wrapping instinctively around Thomas's shoulders, my thighs clamping
around his strong hips. I wanted that moment to last forever and ever
as my hole clenched and my brother strained over me.
He let go soon after and I felt him swell as he started grunting.
"Grrrnnng... Grrrnnggg... Grrrrrrrrrrrnnnnooooooooh. Sis! Oh,
Heels! Haley, gosh, Haley! Grrrrrrnnn..."
A special warm wetness spread out from inside my body, down low.
I could feel Thomas shuddering over me, jerking, and in an instant I
understood what was happening. "You're putting baby stuff in
He grunted something like an affirmation and I clamped myself
around him even more tightly, incredibly desirous of what he was
doing. I wanted him to spurt his stuff into me like he had when my
hand stroked him. Just thinking about it made me really proud and
happy, knowing my brother was emptying his stuff into my pussy.
Thomas stilled over me and I felt his dick start to shrink. The
pressure and stretching sensation slackened and then became a dull
soreness when his dick slipped out. I felt wetness trickle out of my
hole. "Wow," I breathed with a grin, "wow, Thomas!"
"Holy smokes, Sis... Holy smokes!" Thomas leaned beside
me on one elbow and I watched his dick throb and grow smaller and
smaller, finally ending up dangling a little from his groin, a bit of
what looked like blood smeared along the bulbous top.
"Was I good at it?" I asked, not knowing any better and
ignoring the blood on my brother's dick.
"Good?" Thomas smiled, "Wow, Heels, you were
amazing! Just the best!"
He nodded, "Yeah... we just busted our cherries!"
I had no idea what cherries were in that context but I was too
blissed-out to follow up. Instead, Thomas scooped me into his arms
and I curled into his strong body. "I love you, Haley... that
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