Asstr Breastfeeding

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Hi, I'm Alison. I'm 19 and last year I gave birth to a beautiful baby
girl I named Jenny who has just turned 1. I had never thought of
Jenny or any young girl in a sexual way before so you can imagine
how shocked I was whilst breastfeeding her when I started getting a
little wet and very turned on as she sucked away on my nipple. I
had been involved sexually with girls since I was 14 and it was a
girl from school the same age as me but I had never thought of
younger girls in that way, so here I was wanting so bad to slide my
hand down my panties as I nursed Jenny, and even though it felt wrong
I couldn't stop myself. Before I realised what I was doing I had
removed my left breast from Jenny's mouth which caused her to start
crying and I took off my skirt and panties leaving me naked except
for my unbuttoned blouse.
I sat back down on the lounge and turned off the TV as I brought my
nipple back to Jenny's mouth and as she started to suckle again a
jolt shot through me as my hand slipped down between my legs. I just
couldn't stop myself even though how wrong it felt and feelings of
being ashamed I was acting this way with my daughter. I started to
finger my clit as baby Jenny suckled away. It was amazing as she
seemed to pick up the pace of her suckling on my breast as I felt my
orgasm wash over me. I shuddered and laid my head back as Jenny
seemed to drift of to sleep with my nipple still in her mouth.
I didn't know anything could be so beautiful as what I had just
shared with my darling 1-year-old daughter and as things went on it just
got more beautiful. When I nursed her again a few hours later in my
bedroom lying on the bed as she suckled away, I dont know what made
me do it but I slipped my right hand inside her diaper and gently
stroked her smooth tiny little puffy lips which really made her suck
my nipple more than she had earlier and once again I got wet and
found my left hand searching for my clit. This orgasm was even
better than the first as we lay cuddled together.
Something told me it was so wrong and the guilt inside couldn't stop
me from wanting to explore Jenny further. I laid her back on my bed,
removed her diaper and parted her little legs as she lay there
sucking on her pacifier. All the guilt in the world couldn't stop me
from wanting to taste her, I needed her so bad. I needed to feel
like we were one. I gently stroked her puffy little lips with my
fingers and then I leant down and gently kissed her there. The smell
and feel of how soft she was had me dripping wet as I gently
started to lick her and taste her in my mouth.
Jenny was cooing in delight as I licked her so gently flicking my
tongue all over her baby pussy lips, and then I took her into my mouth
and gently sucked on her. All of a sudden I felt this wetness in my
mouth and too my shock Jenny was peeing. Her pee had gone inside my
mouth and on my face and run down my chest. I quickly grabbed a
towel and used it to wipe up in shock more than anything, but then
stopped and realised that the taste of her pee in my mouth was
actually quite sweet and instead of wiping Jenny with the towel I
found myself licking the rest of her pee off her little pussy and
from around her bottom. This of course sent me over the edge and
another wave of pleasure shot over me as I had yet another wonderful
orgasm. I nursed Jenny in my arms in the most loving embrace as we
drifted off together for a while, then I placed her in her crib and
showered and sat down with a coffee when it all hit me of what I had
done with my little baby girl. Every thought flashed through me of how
wrong this was but nothing can take away from how beautiful a moment
I had just shared with my new little lover.
Would love to hear feedback as I'm only
new at writing stories and would love
to chat with other girls who share this.
I would love to continue if I get good
feedback from this story. love Alison

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Little Emily was getting better at the crying. She is now 9 months
old. She is very good at nursing and I loved our private moments
alone with her sucking on my breast. My breasts are always very
sensitive and I always became very aroused with my husband sucking
them. It is no different when little Emily sucked them. I will find
myself getting very aroused and my vagina will be dripping in no
time. Emily is still feeding three times a day and will take about 30
minutes to complete her sucking. Needless to say I will be soaking
wet by the time she is done.
My husband is still gone a lot. Being a pilot he has to layover in
other cities. I didn�t have a babysitter when Emily was colic because
of her crying and the special way I had to use to stop her crying.
Emily colic crying has gotten a lot better. I decided I would like to
try shopping for an hour or so and see how she does. My neighbor
daughter Jenny is 13 and I figured she would be prefect to see how
Emily will react when I am away for an hour or so. After getting
Jenny mom approval I invited Jenny to stop by on Thursday to see how
she and Emily would get alone.
Thursday morning came and I was just starting to breast feed Emily
when the doorbell rang. I was just in my nightshirt and little Emily
was nude. I found that she nursed best nude against my body. Jenny
was at the door and I let her in. She is so cute. Long blond hair and
deep blue eyes. She�s maybe 95 pounds and 5 feet tall. She had on a
cute red tank top that showed her small developing breasts, black
short shorts and red sandals. It�s been hot all summer so I could see
why she dressed cool.
I told Jenny that I was just starting to nurse Emily and it would
probably take 20 minutes to a half-hour to feed her. She could watch
TV in the family room until I was done. She quickly begged me to
stay and watch. She has never seen a baby nursing and wanted to see
how it was done. I was a little nervous letting her watch because of
the way I was dressed and my arousal problem but I decided to let her
watch me feed Emily.
I set on the over stuffed davenport and lay back against the big
stuffed pillows to support my back. Jenny sat next to me. I pulled
the bows to open the front of my night to as to expose my right
breast. Jenny leaned and quickly pulled opened the nightshirt
completely. She pulled it off my shoulders so both my breasts were
revealed and I was now completely nude. She finished pulling the
nightshirt from behinds me and folded on the coach.
�Ann your so beautiful, your breast are so beautiful, I hope mine
develop like yours� Jenny said. I felt myself brushing at Jenny�s
admiration for my 34C breast. They have grown since I had Emily. They
are a cup size larger because of the breast milk. I also felt
embarrassed being completely nude with Jenny just next to me.
I pulled little Emily to my right breast and she straddled my tummy
with her little legs and began to suck my breast. Her little mouth
hungrily sucked at my breast. I could feel the warm feeling building
in my vagina as baby Emily continued to suck my breast. God I can�t
believe how sensitive my breasts are and how aroused I get when they
are sucked. When my husband sucks them I fell fine but with little
Emily its almost shameful to be so aroused. I hope I don�t start
dripping. It was like my taught started me. I could feel my vagina
getting wet and it would only be a matter of moments before I would
be doing my usual gushing. I asked Jenny to go to the bathroom and
get me a large bath towel. I had her speed it on the coach and I set
myself on it.
I could see Jenny looking at me funny and I started to explain how
sensitive my breasts are and that it did arouse me to have them
sucked. I can�t believe I am telling her. She seemed to take it in
stride and reached over to caress little Emily while she suckled me.
�Ann little Emily is so beautiful. I a want a baby like her when I
grow up. I will breast feed her just like you. What does breast mike
taste like? Does it taste like regular milk?� Jenny asked. I
explained to Jenny that my breast milk was little sweeter but more
water based but full of immunities. The breast milk could help Emily
for getting viruses and other illnesses that she might get without
breast-feeding. I could see Jenny pondering what I said and then she
asks me a question that made me blush.
�Ann could I taste some please. Just a little please. I want to see
what it tastes like. Please.� She asked. I felt myself blushing and I
knew what her request would mean. I could see how excited she was
watching little Emily feeding from my right breast. I knew I
shouldn�t be letting her do this but I told her if she would never
tell anyone she could try some from my left breast.
�Oh Ann I will never tell anyone. I promise I will never tell. Thank
your so much!� I felt Jenny right hand cup my left breast and then
her wet mouth suck in my nipple. Oh god I shouldn�t have let her do
this. I felt myself moan slightly as she suckled my breast. She
stopped to ask if she was hurting me. I told her it was hurting at
all but her sucking my breast was just adding to my enjoyment. She
gave me a big grin and told me how good my breast milk tasted. She
said it felt funny to have it squirt in her mouth and that she hardly
had to suck as it just kept flowing. She again sucked my nipple into
her mouth and began to suck. I had to stop her. I was almost ready to
climax from them both sucking me.
�Jenny please stop baby. I getting too aroused.� I asked. Little
Jenny pulled her mouth from my breast. She looked a little
disappointed but I had to stop her. I am dripping wet and if I climax
I may not be able to control myself.
Jenny continued to watch me nurse for a while. �Does it feel good to
have Emily sucking you? Does it hurt when she sucks you? Does she
have teeth?� Jenny asked. I told her it felt really good and that
Emily had only one upper tooth. Her tooth wasn�t all the way through
so it doesn�t hurt when she sucks my breast.
�Ann do you think Emily would suck my breast? I don�t have any milk
but do you think she would? I want to know how it feels. Please�
Jenny asked. God I can�t believe she asking me this. She seems so
shy. I looking at her and I can see she loves to watch me being
suckled and she is stroking little Emily back like I would.
�Oh Jenny. I don�t know if I should let you. Are you sure you want to
try this?� I asked. �Oh yes please. I want to see how it feels,�
Jenny said. Before I could answer yes or no she reached under her
tank top and pulled it over her head. I expected to see a bra but all
that appeared were the two most beautiful little breasts I have ever
seen. They were probably about 30A with eraser size nipples. God they
were beautiful and I felt myself blush as I stared at her beautiful
little mounds. I handed her little Emily and she let her fasten her
little legs around her stomach. She guided Emily mouth to her right
breast. Little Emily started to suck her breast and I heard Jenny
gave a slight moan. �Oh it feels so good. She really sucks hard,�
Jenny said. Without milk Emily didn�t suck very long. I got an ideal
and had Jenny pull Emily away so I could kneel over her with my right
breast touching her right breast. I squeezed my breast until some
breast milk squirted on Jenny right breast and nipple. She quickly
brought Emily back to her breast and she started to really suckle.
�Ann can you suck my left one? I want to see how it feels to have
both sucked at the same time. Please!� Jenny begged.
I knew this was really crossing the line. Why do I let this happen?
Jenny is so pretty and little Emily is really enjoying herself. I got
up and knelt on the floor facing Jenny left breast. I leaned forward
and took her little nipple in my mouth and gently sucked it rolling
my tongue over her nipple. I heard Jenny moan. I knew it was having
the same affect as I have when my nipples are sucked. Then it
happened, little Emily began to pee. Jenny lifted her from her tummy
and Emily pee began to squirt all over Jenny young breast, her tummy
and down to her shorts. I quickly took Emily from Jenny and without
thinking glued my mouth to her little vagina. I began drinking the
remains of her delicious pee sucking every drop from her. I had laid
her on Jenny lap so I could suck everything from her. When I was done
I looked up to see Jenny smiling at me. �Wow you drink her pee. Did
you like it? What does it taste like?� Jenny asked.
I explain to her the very first time when little Emily had peed in my
face while I was kissing her little tummy and how I loved the smell
and taste of her urine. As I looked at Jenny I could see Emily urine
had sprayed all over her little breast and down her tummy. The top of
her shorts is wet. A puddle of Emily urine was still in Jenny�s
bellybutton. I could smell Emily urine all over Jenny. The smell was
getting me aroused. I should get out of here and let Jenny shower.
The smell was making me weak. I leaned forward and let my tongue lick
at the wet spot around Jenny left breast. God the smell of Emily pee
had me so aroused. I knew I was going to go out of control as I her
myself moan. I was licking and sucking the urine from Jenny left
breast and her right hand was in my hair guiding my mouth over it. I
could feel her hand push me to her right breast as I lick and sucked
more of Emily urine from her body. God I was on fire. So hot sucking
Emily urine from Jenny little breast. I knelt back and saw the puddle
in Jenny belly button and the wet spot at the top of her shorts.
I again apologized to Jenny for Emily accident. I told Jenny we
could dry her shorts. She said that would be fine and I unbuttoned
the top button of her shorts. I told her to lift a little so I could
slide off her shorts. As she lifted I pulled her shorts and panties
down to her knees and finally off her feet. I removed her sandals
too. God she was so beautiful. There was just a puff of light hair
above her vagina. The rest of her vagina is bald.
Some of the urine for her bellybutton had run down her belly and into
crevice along her right leg. I lifted both her legs a little and
could see it had run into her butt cheeks and into her anus. God this
was making me drip and I could also see it was affecting Jenny too.
Her little vagina looked so wet.
I knelt between her legs and let my tongue lick at her belly button.
The taste of Emily urine was still there. God so good and tasty. I
felt Jenny hand go in my hair and push my face into her belly as I
sucked and licked the urine from it. God I love this smell. I felt
her pushing my head downward. There was no turning back. I could fell
my wetness build as I licked more of Emily urine. I licked to the
puff of hair and then felt Jenny push my face lower. God I was going
to lick her little cunt soon if she doesn�t stop. I could feel her
spread her legs wide open and give me one last push. That was it. My
mouth was right on her little vagina and so was my tongue. God she
smelled so good and so wet too. I let my tongue lick up and down her
little slit. My mouth was sucking the juice from her little cunt
enjoying the special flavor mixed with Emily�s urine. God I was
dripping like a faucet sucking her juices. I remembered the urine
that had ran down her leg and down her crack. I pushed her legs up
more to expose her cute butt. I could see that her anus was still wet
from Emily urine. Oh god this is so dirty but I needed to do it. I
put my mouth right on her anus and began to suck and tongue her
there. I heard Jenny moan. �Ann that feels so good. Don�t stop
please don�t stop�. Jenny begged. I pushed my tongue deep in her
anus. My nose was buried in her little cunt and I could smell her
arousal. Her cunt smell was so intoxicating and it was dripping all
over my nose.
Her hands pulled my mouth back to her little cunt. I started to lick
and suck it in earnest. God it tasted so good. The taste is becoming
saltier. I knew this new taste. I had tasted it from Emily little
cunt many times. Jenny was leaking pee in my mouth.
�Ann I have to pee. I can�t hold it much longer. Do you want to taste
it? Should I do it in your mouth?� Jenny asked. �God yes, pee for
me. Pee in my mouth. I want to taste it� I answered.
My mouth was back sucking her little cunt. I felt her first little
spurt of pee on my tongue. It tasted delicious. She kept feeding me
little spurts of her piss so that I could get every drop. I was
swallowing every drop of her delicious piss. God I love that taste
and the smell of urine. I felt my orgasm hit as I sucked the last of
her piss. My vagina exploded and her little body shook as she came
with me. I looked up to see her sucking little Emily�s cunt. She had
Emily on her chest with her little legs spread and was sucking her
little cunt.
I sat up to watch Jenny give little Emily�s cunt one last kiss
before she pulled me down to kiss her. Jenny tongue entered my mouth
and she started sucking my tongue. Her mouth tasted so sweet and I
sure she could taste her piss on my tongue. She broke the kiss and
gave me a big smile. �Do you think I could taste Emily�s pee
sometime?� Jenny asked. Maybe she will become a piss lover like me.
I felt the guilt return as I regained my composure. I just molester
my neighbor�s daughter. I need to get control of myself. I need to
get consoling soon before I end up in jail. I hope Jenny can keep a

Stories can always be found on the FTP side here:
❏ This writing is intended for artistic expression only by the author, who is using this as a form of therapeutic expression to deal with personal past experiences, and is not intended for any sexual purpose.
❏ None of the acts hereafter written are in any ways advocating sex with a minor.
❏ All work must NOT be copied or transmitted in part or whole.
❏ By continuing to read the following writing, you are agreeing to partake in an artistic experience only, and not to use the writing for any
sexual purpose.
❏ If you are under the age of 18, or a minor in your country, this artistic writing is not for you, please leave this page now.
My Daughter Needs His Cock: A story about a mom who shares her unconscious little 9 year old daughter with a man, and then the daughter gets frisky at school, and the mom and man find some more with a 2 year old girl.
Story codes: MFg,Mg, inc, ped, drug, nc, oral, anal, fist, mast, nepi, extreme ped
Rob Finds Fun: A story about a man and the pleasure he finds with his three children ages 3 to 7.
Story codes: Mggb, inc, extreme ped, toddler, mast, oral
Little Series: A quick story about an 8 month old baby, from two perspectives, and then continued from the mother�s in the second chapter.
Story codes: MgF, voyeur, extreme ped, nepi, oral, anal, full penetration, fist
[ chapter 1 (male perspective)] | [ chapter 1 (female perspective)] | [ chapter 2 ]
A Night to Remember: A story about a mother who gets a surprise from her boyfriend and 4
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