Asstr Boy

Asstr Boy


Asstr Boy
Copyright 2020 by Jamie, all rights reserved

The boy part 1

 Boy is chosen for a new project completely
unaware of what it will entail.

Doctor Dawson smiled to herself as she was told that, a boy had been
selected for her new project. She turned to her assistant 17-year-old
Zoe and said, "let’s see who we have been given as our first subject.
Remember say nothing just observe please." Zoe nodded, she was excited
by this project and was so proud to have been chosen to work for the
Doctor. They left the office and went down to the basement examination
room where the boy had been put. All they knew was that he was 14 years
old, a ward of the state, and called appropriately Adam.

Both the Doctor and her assistant put on white coats as they entered
the room. Zoe took in what she saw. Standing upright in one corner face
to the wall was a boy about 5ft 4 inches tall, slim, short dark brown
hair and totally naked. She smiled as she looked at his shapely bottom.
His hands were by his side and there was evidence of hair on his legs
telling her that this boy had started puberty. Doctor Dawson signaled
for Zoe to sit at the desk and prepare to fill in the form which was
there already.

"Turn around please." The boy did as he was told and stood silently
looking forwards, no expression on his face. Zoe looked at him. His
face was pleasing to the eye, he had brown eyes, and a side parting in
his hair which partly fell across the top of his head. He showed no
sign of any facial hair, had a small nose and ears. His bare chest
showed signs of exercise and he looked fit and in good shape. She
couldn't resist casting her eyes downwards where his willy in its soft
form hung about 2 inches in length, uncircumcised as was the norm, no
sign of the head of the penis was to be seen. His balls were covered by
a small amount of pubic hair.

The Doctor began the examination giving simple instructions to which
the boy complied instantly without saying a word. The Doctor started
with general measurements and then moved on to his head before moving
down. It was only when she used her stethoscope to hear his heart was
there a sign of reaction from the boy. As she placed her hand on him,
Zoe noticed there was a slight twitch in his willy. "Ah," she thought,
"he is human after all" having almost convinced herself he was a robot
in human form.

Dr Dawson then moved to the lower half of the body looking at his legs
and feet as he sat on the examination couch. Sat on a wheeled chair,
she instructed the boy to stand up again and told Zoe, "we will now
examine his development." As the boy stood stock still, she gently took
his penis in her hand and dictated,

"Penis is about 2 inches in length and puberty has clearly started. The
scrotal sac has dropped, and two testicles are present. There is a
small amount of early pubic hair. In my opinion the boy is at Tanner
Stage 2 only."

Zoe noticed that the boy gulped a few times whilst the Doctor was
examining him and as the Doctor let it go, the willy had clearly grown
due to the touch. The boy continued however to stoically look forward
not making a sound.

"Just one last part of the examination. Climb on to the couch please
and place yourself on your hands and knees." The boy did as he was
instructed without question. The doctor put on a medical glove,
squirted some gel on to it before speaking, "I will be checking your
prostate, just breathe normally" and she gently inserted her finger in
at which he flinched but made no noise. Zoe was fascinated, she'd never
seen this before though had read about it. The Dr felt around inside,
remarked that she had found the prostate gland and began to gently
touch it. "That seems in order" she added as she removed her finger.
The boy remained dog like on all fours.

Zoe saw that his willy was even larger now hanging between his legs. Dr
Dawson smiled and informed her that "growth of the penis was to be
expected during examination of the prostate gland."

"Lie down on your back now please." The boy did as he was told. She
raised the top end of the couch so that was more sitting up than
horizontal. He continued to look forward. His willy was erect, and the
head of the penis was now on show. The boy looked a little flushed in
the face.

"I think now would be a good time to show you how to stimulate a boy."

The Doctor beckoned Zoe over to the end of the couch and said to watch
and look into the boys' eyes. She then very gently with the end of one
finger rubbed the frenulum on the boy’s penis, the penis was soon even
harder, and Zoe noticed a change in the boys breathing. His eyes
displayed emotions where before they had been neutral. The doctor
continued and soon the end of the penis oozed pre cum glistening under
the lights, the boy’s face showed emotion, he was breathing fast and
trying unsuccessfully to hide his feelings. He tried to look away, but
the doctor swiftly reminded him not to. It wasn’t long before the boy
panted harder and with a muffled cry ejaculated a stream of cum upwards
and outwards followed by a lot of smaller spurts, he was clearly
excited but there was shame in his eyes or was it embarrassment, Zoe
could not tell. The Doctor continued to touch the end and he began to
squirm as she did so.

She smiled and stopped, "well done boy" she said softly

Zoe said "Wow. I knew boys did that, but he is the first I 've seen."

"It is a boy’s weakness," the doctor said, "this boy will have enjoyed
that immensely but will also now be feeling embarrassed as he has done
this in front of us ladies. But his embarrassment is of little concern
to us, as after all he is only a boy. You can control a boy through the
tried and tested combination of the carrot and stick - the stick is the
fear of punishment which you will observe later and the carrot is the
boys love of sex and ejaculation, even if he is embarrassed he still
loves it."

The boy all this time was trying to keep a straight face but there was
alarm in his eyes when she mentioned punishment. His willy was now
going soft and there was a pool of cum on his tummy.

"How long before he can do that again" asked Zoe

"Oh, at his age about 5-10 minutes. Let’s see. You can do it this time
I think." The boy’s eyes widened. Zoë’s face broke into a smile, what

Part 2: Adam

I didn’t know what to expect when I was called to the office after
breakfast by the Housemaster of the Home where I had lived for many
years. He was a kindly but strict man and I had like many of the boys
felt the slipper and cane on my bottom for bad behaviour. I had just
had my 14 th birthday and was given a message by
another member of the staff to report to the office at 9am. It was a
Saturday so no school, but I had a football match to play in the
afternoon for my team. I knocked on the door and waited for the summons
which came fairly quickly. When you were due to be punished you were
often left nervously standing outside for 5 or more minutes.

I entered and saw that he was sat behind his desk reading a document.
He didn’t look up but said, “sit down lad” waving towards the chair in
front of the desk. I did as he ordered and waited in silence.

He finished reading, look up and smiled, “all okay lad?”. He tended to
call everyone lad or boy depending on their age. “Yes Sir” I replied
wondering what this was all about.

“Good. Well I have some good news for you as you have been selected to
take part in a special project with a University research team. They
are recruiting boys and girls of your age to undertake some research in
development. I’m not really sure what it is all about, but they needed
young people who were fit, healthy and it seems you fit the bill. You
are playing football this afternoon as usual?”

“Err yes Sir, home match at 2pm.”

He looked at his watch, nodded. “I need you to pack a bag for a week
away at the University. School are aware and you will be able to catch
up. You need to take your school uniform as well as your normal
clothes, washbag. No technology is allowed though, so no phone! You
will be picked up at 5pm so come straight back after the match. This
document tells you what you need to know.”

He handed me the sheet of paper he’d been reading. “It sounds as if
this could be a very interesting week. Good luck.” I left not knowing
what to think, pride at being chosen, a little excited but also nervous
as not sure what it would all involve. Anyway, no school for a week :-)
I got everything together on the list, played football, (we won!) and
was back home for 5pm.

At 5pm exactly a car arrived and soon I was heading off to the
University. I arrived at what looked like a large old house in spacious
grounds. In the reception area, I gave my name to the young lady behind
the desk and she led me into a room where I joined a small group of
young people like me who had just arrived. There were with me 4 boys
and 6 girls. Before we could start to chat, a lady walked in with 3
others aged in their late teens/early 20s and greeted us all.

“Welcome everyone, we are so glad you could join us for this week’s
research. My name is Doctor Dawson and I am leading this project
assisted by my colleague Dr. Adams, and our 3 research assistants Zoe,
Alan and Nicola. I will tell you more about the project later but first
let’s get you settled in and then we shall start with the preliminaries
before dinner. I realise that you will have lots of questions, but all
will be revealed later. Now if the girls would go with Nicola and the
boys with Alan and they will show you to your rooms and I shall see you
all later.”

Alan led the 4 of us out of the room and up the fine central stairway
to the first floor where we turned left and then entered a room
overlooking the gardens to the rear of the house. The room was spacious
and contained 4 small double beds. Each bed had a tall cupboard next to
it for clothes and a small table with a bedside light. He smiled and
said, “welcome to your new home, lads. Now Adam over there please,
Dominic there and Jordan that one and Rory the one in the corner
please. Just leave your bags on your beds for the moment.”

He opened a door and showed us a spacious bathroom - two sinks and a
large tiled shower area with four shower heads. The toilet was behind
another door. He then proceeded to give us a guided tour of the
building pointing out where the girls were (we are not allowed to go in
their room); there was a classroom and some examination rooms on the
first floor and he told us that on the second floor were their offices
and other meeting rooms.

On the ground floor was the kitchen, lounge area with television, a
games room and the dining area. To the rear of the building was a
spacious garden with a wooden building. He opened the door to show that
it contained a swimming pool. It all looked great and little did any of
us realise that whilst all of this would be as good as it seemed it all
came at a cost which back then we did not know about.

We returned to the dinning room with Alan and soon were joined by the
girls. A good dinner was served, lots of food, and it all tasted good.
The 9 of us had the meal by ourselves and we discovered we had come
from all over the region. We boys were all 14 and the girls all 16. No
one knew what it was all about other than that the Building had a sign
outside saying, “The College of Gender and Normalized Behaviour”.

Once dinner was finished, Alan returned and took the four of us boys
off to the first-floor classroom. He asked us to complete what seemed a
normal medical form and then asked myself and Dominic to follow him. We
were each shown into two different rooms – mine looked like a doctor’s
surgery room. I now know his room was the same.

It was at this point things started to change. Alan spoke seriously
about the importance of this project and that they needed to start with
a full medical examination. He told me to strip completely. I hesitated
and he added, “if you can’t do this then you will need to leave. This
is an essential part of the research Adam.” Not wanting to let anyone
down and least of all go back to the Home, I did as instructed and soon
was stark naked in front of him. He smiled, “there that was easy wasn’t
it, nothing to be ashamed of here Adam. Now this may seem strange, but
I would like you to stand facing the wall and wait for the Doctor. When
she enters you must not speak at all, but do everything you are told.
Do you understand, remain silent unless you asked to speak. Okay”. I
nodded and then stood to face the wall. It was only when he left the
room, it dawned on me that he had called the Doctor she!

Very shortly after the door opened and I heard two people walk in
recognizing Doctor Dawson’s voice from earlier. She told me to turn
around and I saw immediately that the other person was Zoe one of the
young assistants. I could almost feel her eyes as she looked over my
body. I was willing myself to stay still, silent and not show anything.
The Doctor’s voice was smooth and quiet as she explained she would be
given me a complete head to toe examination. She started off with basic
measurements and then with my head checking my eyes, ears, and mouth.
All routine. She took my blood pressure and a small pinprick of blood
to check my cholesterol level apparently. I was starting to relax by
this stage and fortunately the room was quite warm too. She told to me
stand still and the with her stethoscope listened to my heart and she
placed her hand on my back as she did this. I flinched a bit to this
touch and she gently rubbed my back. I felt my willy twitch and thought
God not now please and tried to focus on just following her

After checking my feet and legs whilst I sat on the couch, she
instructed me to stand in front of her again. This was the point I knew
would come eventually but still it was shock when she touched my willy.
She was dictating throughout her findings to the assistant and now here
she was describing my willy. She checked the shaft and then both balls
and seemed to find everything in order. I just about managed to hold in
there and stay soft though I was aware of a sense of tension within me.
I didn’t really know what to feel apart from embarrassment. She then
told me to climb onto the couch and assume what can only be described
as a dog position on all fours. My willy hung down between my legs and
she told she was going to check my prostate. I didn’t really know what
that was, but it was such a weird feeling when she put her finger into
my bottom.

It felt funny, a bit painful and then she announced that she had
located this prostate, and I could feel her gently wiggling her finger.
I couldn’t understand why but I felt my willy growing erect as she did
this. There was nothing I could do to stop it. I felt mortified and
ashamed as she told me to turn over and lie down. My erection was on
full view to the two ladies, I’d never been seen like this ever before
by anyone. I wanted to run away but this clearly wasn’t an option. The
Doctor spoke to her assistant,

"I think now would be a good time to show you how to stimulate a boy."

Before I could even work out what that meant she began to play with my
willy rubbing gently on the top of it which felt amazing. It felt far
better than when I played with myself, which like all boys I do every
day. I realized that this was going to end only one way and I tried to
not look at the girl who was staring at me, I tried to look away but
was told to look straight ahead , my breathing quickened and my face I
knew was getting redder. Before long the inevitable happened and I
came, it was a great feeling and I let out a cry as I shot the first
stream, others followed and soon my tummy was all sticky and messy. I
instantly felt awful, ashamed even as they looked me. The Doctor
continued to rub my willy and I had to squirm as the intensity in
feeling was so powerful. Eventually after what seemed ages she let go
and my willy flopped down on to my tummy and the pool of cum. The
Doctor was telling the girl about boys and sex and even talking about
punishment which kind of alarmed me, but then the girl asked how long
before I could come again, and the Doctor said let’s see shall we!

She then said to her that she could do it this time to me. And then to
me she said that I was a good boy. I don’t know what to think, it had
been amazing, but I just felt embarrassed. I closed my eyes and
couldn’t quite believe that just a few hours ago I was playing
football, now I was naked, just cum, and in a room with 2 women alone!
What had I got into?

Although the category 'Woman-boy Stories' has stories pertaining to consensual and non-consensual sexual acts between women and minor boys, we DO NOT condone such acts. This category is provided as unusual adult entertainment only.
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Finished story —
Work in Progress —
Story was never finished —
Status unclear
body modification
3,500 words (7 pages)
Link to story
A father and son are used as fiendish toys.

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Copyright 2022 by Nevergrowup , all rights reserved
This story is intended for adults only. It contains depictions
of forced nudity, spanking, and sexual activity of preteen and young
teen children for the purpose of punishment. None of the behaviors in
this story should be attempted in real life, as that would be harmful
and/or illegal. If you are not of legal age in your community to read
or view such material, please leave now. * * * * *

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