Asstr Birthday

Asstr Birthday


Asstr Birthday
Copyright 2016
Story codes: f(15)f(16), M+ff, orgy, semi-consensual, oral, anal, bukkake
"So where are you taking me?" Maggie asked her friend, Lizzie, as she climbed into the passenger seat of Lizzie's car.
"It's a surprise!" Lizzie answered.
"A surprise? Surprises make me uncomfortable."
"Every birthday girl deserves a surprise!" Lizzie said. "And you'll really love this one! This place is perfect for a girl who just turned fifteen. I went there first a couple months ago, and I'm totally glad I did! I wish I'd known about it for my fifteenth birthday."
"I can't wait," Maggie said, even though she sounded a little nervous. She knew Lizzie well enough to know how much the girl liked to party.
"First, though," Lizzie said, "I need to put this on you." She reached into her purse and pulled out a strip of black fabric.
Maggie looked puzzled. "What is it?"
"Here" Lizzie said, reaching the cloth out and putting it over Maggie's eyes.
"A blindfold?" the girl said, her voice wavering with hesitation. "Why...?"
"Because," Lizzie answered as she turned her friend so she could tie the blindfold behind her head. "This way you can't see where we're going. Trust me, you'll love it! It'll be awesome!"
Maggie felt her friend's lips touch her cheek in a little kiss, and she turned her face towards her, hoping she might want to kiss a little more. And she felt Lizzie's lips against her own lips now, then felt her tongue push into her mouth.
"Happy birthday, Maggie," Lizzie whispered, and the younger girl felt her friend's warm breath on her face. She opened her mouth, hoping for more kisses, but Lizzie just said, "We gotta get going!"
The next couple minutes were a bit harrowing for the birthday girl. Lizzie just got her driver's license a few weeks ago, when she turned sixteen, and Maggie spent the ride blindfolded and gripping tightly to whatever she could get her fingers around. But after what seemed like forever to the young girl, but in reality was about five minutes, the car pulled up to the curb in front of a big house and Lizzie jumped out. She helped her friend out of the car and led her up to the front door. As they walked into the house, Maggie was nervous, but excited. She could hear male voices. Who is this? she thought. Maybe Luke, from school? And is that maybe Johnny?
Lizzie led her up the stairs and into the room where the voices were coming from. "Well, hello, girls!" she heard one voice say. No, definitely not Luke or Johnny, this sounded like a mature man. Another male voice said, "Hey, nice work, Carl! They're cute!" "Nothing but the best for you guys." "Which one do I get first?"
Maggie couldn't take another second of this, and quickly pulled the blindfold off.
She had to blink a couple of times, partly to adjust to the light in the room, but also because she couldn't believe her eyes. Standing around the room were several men, all of them in various states of undress. A couple of them were completely naked, a few more were nude from the waist down, and the rest were standing with their pants dropped to their ankles. All of them had their hands wrapped around their cocks, stroking themselves. And all of them were eying her like a pack of hungry dogs.
Maggie turned and looked at Lizzie, her eyes wide in shock and confusion. "What's the...?" she asked with a sound of panic in her voice. She began to back away, then turned to run out of the room.
"Oh, no," Lizzie said in an authoritative voice to the younger girl as she caught her around the waist and pulled her into a strong bear hug, "you stay here."
"But we're underage!" Maggie whispered.
"I know, isn't it exciting?" her friend whispered back. "Don't worry, guys," she said more loudly this time. "Maggie's just a little shy."
"We like shy!" one of the men said.
Maggie was bewildered. She was stunned and amazed at how forward her friend was about all of this. She knew that Lizzie loved making her guy friends happy, and she'd always felt a little jealous of her for that. Maggie had sex with a boy one time, but it didn't really satisfy her and she'd never really had the opportunity to do it again. She loved hearing Lizzie's stories about all the guys she had sex with, though, and would dream that someday she could be as open and experienced as her best friend. Still, the idea that she might be able to act on that desire right here, right now, totally freaked her out.
"Carl here is my good friend," Lizzie said as she turned Maggie back around to look at a man standing next to them, who grinned at the birthday girl as he stroked his thick, long, solid cock, a pair of big balls swinging down below. "He'll treat us real well, won't you Carl?"
"You know it, sweetie," the man said. He stepped in front of the girls. "How about we get this show going?"
"Slow down there, cowboy!" Lizzie said. "Us girls gotta get ready!" She turned and gave her friend a kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry, Maggie," she said. "Just do this for me? I like to keep my guy friends happy, you know that."
Lizzie could tell how freaked out her younger friend was, and she wasn't surprised. She knew Maggie well enough to know how nervous she'd be about all this. But she also knew how close the two of them were, and she knew she had a unique ability to calm her friend down when she was nervous or scared. So she took Maggie in her arms and gave her a soft kiss on the lips, slipping her tongue into the young girl's mouth. At the same time, she started unbuttoning her friend's blouse.
Maggie loved it when Lizzie kissed her, and it settled her down a little bit. And when Lizzie finished unbuttoning Maggie's blouse, she didn't object at all, she just let her older friend take her shirt off.
It would have been better for Maggie if she'd been able to forget all about the fact that there were men watching the two of them right then, so she kept her eyes closed tight and just tried to think about Lizzie. But the men didn't make that easy at all, because they crowded around the girls, hooting and hollering in excitement as they stroked their cocks while watching the girls making out and watching Lizzie pull Maggie's bra off and reveal her adorable little teenage breasts for all the men.
Lizzie gently pushed Maggie down onto a mat that was laying on the floor and started unbuttoning her friend's pants, at the same time quickly pulling her own clothes off. Soon the two girls were naked on the mat together and Lizzie was kissing Maggie, deep romantic tongue kisses, while she was grinding her pussy against her friend.
"Alright," the man that Lizzie had introduced as Carl said as he stepped up to them. "It's time to move on to the next part, girls."
Maggie looked at her friend with wide eyes, confused and uncertain. "What does he mean?" she asked.
Lizzie smiled. "It's blow job time!"
"Yep. They want us to suck their cocks!"
"They can't be serious!" Maggie said.
"Of course they are! Come on, try it!" Lizzie sat up on her knees and pulled her friend up to her knees, too. Before Maggie could even react, Carl stepped in front of her and pushed the thick head of his huge cock against her mouth, leaving a slimy trail of precum on her lips.
"Come on, Maggie, open up for him," Lizzie commanded, with such calm authority that the birthday girl didn't even really think about her objections to the idea, and just opened her lips. The man pushed his thick head into her mouth.
"That's a good girl," he said in a low, quiet voice, as he patted her condescendingly on the top of her head.
The young teen felt so degraded by this, down there on her knees with this stranger's cock in her mouth while he patted her on the head. But Lizzie gave her words of encouragement. "There you go!" she said. "Perfect."
"Come on, suck it now," Carl said. "Let's show a little enthusiasm, would you?"
"Sorry, Carl,' Lizzie apologized. "It's her first time giving a blow job."
"I can tell!" the man grinned. All the other men crowded around, stroking their cocks and waiting their turn at her inexperienced mouth. "And that's exactly the point. A first-timer doesn't have talent, so she needs to make up for it with effort."
"Come on, Maggie," Lizzie said in her most reassuring voice. "Show him how good you want to be at it."
Lizzie put her hand on the back of Maggie's head, gripping her by the hair and demonstrating how to pump on and off of the man's thick shaft. At the same time she looked at the other men in the room. "Isn't there another cock around here that wants to be sucked?" she asked. "What are you all just standing around wanking for? There's another mouth that needs to be filled!"
A minute later, Lizzie was on her knees next to Maggie with her lips wrapped tightly around one cock, and each hand stroking expertly on another two. For his part, Carl had a tight grip on the younger girl's head and was face-fucking her with his giant rod, filling her mouth so full that she couldn't possibly take any more of him into her, then pulling back. She could feel his cock leaking in her mouth, and while it disgusted her to taste his slimy precum and she wanted to spit his cock out and run away as fast as she could, she felt she owed it to Lizzie, who seemed to be having the time of her life with the three cocks she was pleasuring, and she didn't want to disappoint her best friend. Besides, if she were to be honest with herself about it, she would have to admit that his cock and his precum weren't nearly as disgusting as she thought they would be. And quite surprisingly, she found her soft tongue lapping at his head with more spirit than she intended.
Carl reached his hand under her chin to raise her face, so that Maggie had to look up at him. "First you were a bit reluctant, my little hussy, but now you suck my cock like it's the only thing in the whole world you want to do."
She couldn't help, as she looked up at him with wide, forlorn eyes, but give a little nod at his humiliating words.
Soon the man was moaning and groaning, holding her tight and pushing his cock into her so that her entire mouth was full of nothing but his thick, fat head.
"Reward her, Carl!" Lizzie said in a loud, enthusiastic voice. "Give her your load!" Maggie's eyes grew wide at her friend's words, not fully understanding what was about to happen now.
The man grinned as Maggie felt the crown of his head slide back and forth between her lips.
Maggie could feel his cock get stiffer in her mouth. It seemed to grow even larger, and he was breathing hard. Panting. A second later, holding her head tightly, he pushed in hard. Her lips were now wrapped half-way down his thick shaft, and he let out a loud bellow: "Fuuuuuck!!" Suddenly she felt her mouth and throat fill completely with a warm, thick fluid. Sputtering, she tried to pull away, but he held her in place and unleashed another spurt of cum into her already-full mouth, his semen spilling around the corners of her lips. She pushed against his legs in a vain effort to free herself, to try to escape his volcanic ejaculation, but he was too strong for her and she had little choice but to swallow while his third shot of cum caused her cheeks to bulge and she felt certain that she couldn't hold another drop. But he kept holding her tight and unloading, his cock pulsing in her mouth for four or five more shots, before he finally pulled out.
Unable to hold the cum in her mouth a moment longer, she bent over and spit it out onto the floor, coughing a couple of times in an effort to clear her throat of the nasty-tasting stuff. Lizzie pulled off her cock again and laughed. "You're supposed to swallow it all, silly!" she said. She looked up at Carl. "Sorry about that," she apologized, "she's so new to this!"
Carl was laughing as he watched Maggie spit his cum onto the floor. "Didn't like it, huh, little whore?" he said.
Maggie sat up, shaking her head to answer "no" and wiping her mouth on the back of her hand.
"She'll learn," Lizzie said. "Here..." She put her hand on Maggie's shoulder and turned her to face the cock that Lizzie had been sucking. "I've got this guy about ready to blow, you take his load and be sure to swallow every drop this time."
Bewildered, Maggie opened her mouth for the next man and he slid his cock in. At the same time, Carl's cock, which had been softening after his explosion in her mouth, began to harden again as he stroked it. Then he reached down and wrapped a strong arm around Maggie's waist and lifted her ass into the air.
"If you won't swallow all of mine," he said as he positioned his cockhead at the entrance to her vagina, "I'll shoot my next load where you have no choice but to take every last drop!"
And then Maggie felt him pushing his thick cock into her pussy. It felt so big as it forced its way into her! She'd only ever had one cock in her pussy before, and that was just a boy from her school. But this cock felt so much bigger!
Carl looked around the room at his buddies, a big grin on his face. "Oh my god, she's so tight! I've never fucked a cunt as tight as this!"
The young girl had to hold herself up awkwardly on her hands and feet while both of the men slid their cocks in and out, one in her mouth, the other in her pussy. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Lizzie smiling at her as she stroked two men's cocks at the same time.
"Look!" she said, giggling. "Maggie's getting spitroasted! Isn't it awesome, Maggie? Come on, guys, I want it too!"
Maggie was only vaguely aware of Lizzie taking a cock into her mouth and lifting her ass for a second man. Maggie was only vaguely aware of this, because her body was suddenly beginning to shake as she felt herself starting to climax from the feeling of two cocks sliding in and out of her. Oh my God! She shook and moaned around the cock in her mouth, and Carl behind her was driving so hard into her that she couldn't hold herself in place any longer and she had to collapse down onto her elbows and knees the ground. The cock in her mouth slipped out as she fell, but the one in her pussy did not; Carl followed her down, not missing a beat with his huge organ slamming in and out of her, filling her so full, over and over.
He slid his hands down her back to her ass as he knelt behind her now, fingers holding firmly to her soft pale flesh. "You like this, don't you little hussy? I can tell you like having a man's big cock in your tight teenage pussy!"
At the same time, the other cock she had been sucking suddenly shoved back in her mouth as the man knelt in front of her. With the re-introduction of the second cock into her, the waves of pleasure washing over Maggie's already-climaxing body turned into a storm. A hurricane. She slurped and sucked on the cock in her mouth between moans and gasps for air, and she felt her pussy gush girlcum all over Carl's unrelentingly hammering balls, and her body shook and convulsed until she felt couldn't take another second of climax. And right then, the man in her mouth started cumming, too, and Maggie felt her mouth fill with thick viscous man-cream for the second time that afternoon, one huge shot followed by another and another.
Before the man had even finished unloading his balls into her mouth, she heard Carl groan and shout "Oh Fuck!" and she felt his huge cock slam as deep into her as it could go, and she suddenly felt a warm gush of thick liquid inside he pussy and she knew he was cumming, too. And so she sat there on her hands and knees, spitroasted on two massive cocks and taking the loads of both of them at the same time, while her climax reached its highest point, an endless cyclone of pleasure spinning through her body and her mind.
Her mouth now full of cum again, she understood this time that she shouldn't spit it out, and so she closed her mouth tightly to hold it in while behind her, Carl was still slamming his thick cock in and out of her soaking wet pussy and ejaculating directly into her womb. When he finally finished and pulled his huge organ out of her, she felt his cum gush out, sloshing down her leg.
Literally one second later, another man whose face she couldn't even see took Carl's place behind her, and she had a new cock sliding between her distended pussy lips and immediately hammering away at her used, cum-filled cunt.

As she endured her second pussy-drubbing of the afternoon, she felt her cheeks bulging from the load that she still held in her mouth, the semen sloshing back and forth over her tongue as the new cock rocked away inside her, stretching her used pussy open with each thrust. And the poor girl began climaxing again.
"Swallow it all now, sweetheart," the man who came in her mouth said.
She held her mouth tightly closed, squinted her eyes shut, and hesitated for a moment, trying to prepare herself to swallow his sour-tasting semen. Finally she forced herself to swallow a bit of it, coughed a little, then gulped down a little more.
"There you go!" the man said with an excited gleam in his eye. "It's delicious, isn't it? Hey guys, maybe a little round of applause for our cumslut here?"
She swallowed one last time to clear her mouth as her body continued to be wracked with waves of climax and all the men around her cheered.
Lizzie was grinning over at her friend, her own mouth full of cum and her pussy getting hammered. "Maggie, you're such a tart! You really liked it, didn't you? Guys, I think Maggie needs more cum in her mouth, don't you?"
Another cheer resounded from the assembled mass of cock-stroking men and four paramours quickly crowded around her face for their turn at her sweet, loving, cock-sucking mouth. "Wait," the man who was riding her pussy from behind said. "Let's get onto the couch now." The man pulled his throbbing dick out of her well-used hole, wrapped his arms around her waist, and lifted her small body effortlessly into the air. She hung limply in her arms, her body still convulsing slightly, as he carried her to the couch. He sat down, then set her on his lap with her back facing him in reverse-cowgirl position. He reached in front of her, between her legs, and directed his cock back into her pussy.
"Com'on, hussy, let me back in," he said, his hot breath on the back of her ear. Resigned to her fate, she lifted herself slightly by her knees and his cock slid into her again.
Meanwhile, the man enjoying her friend's pussy finished his act with a grunt and a groan, filling the sixteen year old's sluthole with his cream. When a new man took his position behind her, she momentarily waved him off. "Wait a sec," she said, and she crawled over to the couch where Maggie was starting to rock on the cock in her cunt, the man helping her with his hands on her waist, directing her motions up and down. Lizzie crawled right in between Maggie's legs and leaned her face down to her friend's stiff, reddish clit and started licking.
A man knelt behind Lizzie to mount her from behind while she made love to the younger girl's clit, but instead of pushing his dick into her pussy, he spread her ass cheeks open and positioned his head at her anus. Lizzie groaned in pleasure as his cock spread her tight muscle open and he entered her.
Men crowded around Maggie's face, stroking their cocks in unbridled excitement. The young girl involuntarily opened her mouth and a thick leaking head pushed in. She sucked, lapping up his precum with her eager tongue, then he pulled out and a second leaking head shoved in. They continued this, each of a half-dozen cocks fucking her mouth in succession, over and over. She felt her body begin to convulse as her friend's tongue glided hotly over her clit and men abused both cunt and mouth and she was brought to a new, glorious, climax; the most intense orgasm of her young life while her cum-spewing pussy rocked up and down on the cock embedded in her and her body quaked through repeated climaxes, an almost endless orgasm of pure pleasure.
A minute later, the fu
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