Asstr Big

Asstr Big


Asstr Big

It was the beginning of my college career. Mom decided I needed to go away to college, to a small private Christian college in a small city in rural Kentucky. How rural? Well, let's just say that it took a week or two before yesterdays news reached us. And, looking at the town I was going to call home for what I had thought was going to be at least two years, I thought I stepped back into the nineteen-forties. I grew up in Chicago, and I was really wanting to go to Northwestern University, a Big Ten school with a lot more possibilities of me having fun. Not like the previous four years at the military school I attended back home in Illinois. But mom and I made a deal. I would go here for a minimum of two years, get my basic credits for my BA in accounting, then I could transfer to Northwestern. Why to Mountain College? (Not it's real name, so don't bother looking for it on any map!) Because it was the one mom decided on. She controls the money, so that was her choice.

We were to arrive on the Wednesday before classes were to start for Freshman orientation. For being a Christian College, we were surprised that they had mixed dorms. Of course, they only had seven rather small dorms, none over four stories high. Like I said, this is a small college. And expensive. Mom could have saved a hell of a lot of money by sending me to Northwestern, and that's expensive. But, since we're not lacking for money, and she was wanting me to experience a small Christian community, I had no choice. My room was to be on the ground floor of Smith Hall. And the only thing mom was concerned about was that the female students were in the same dorm as I. The college was an all-woman's college for over fifty years, and just in the past five years had it started to accept male students. And it seems they were having a hard time accepting the influx of male students and how to house them. I guess you could say they got a bit too liberal in their thinking for their own good. So when we arrived, mom was in total shock when she found out that thanks to a heavy influx of incoming Freshmen, my floor had girls on it. Worse than that, my room was one of only three on the floor of my wing that had males. The other twenty-four rooms on the floor housed females.

I smiled, and told her "Don't worry mom, I'll be okay."

She frowned as we unpacked, not saying a word. At noon, she sighed, hugged me and gave me a kiss good-bye. I waved as I watched her get into the Cadillac, and headed back to Illinois. Well, my room mate and his parents arrived in the afternoon, and I met him. His name is Mike Cop, and I helped him bring things into our room and get things put away. Since I moved in first, I took the right side of the room. No reason why, I just did. And a few hours later, his parents left. Well, we talked to each other, and it was pretty obvious that we would get along fine. He didn't want to go here either. He's from Knoxville, but originally from Detroit. So us two northerners were happy to be roomed together.

Our first floor meeting. An interesting time. As well as Mike and I, the other four guys on our floor were also Freshmen. Our rooms were right down the line on one side of the floor. Us six guys soon introduced ourselves, and I found their names being Doug Wall and Aaron Clark, who were in the room next to us, and the room on the other side of them was Stan Merts and Ben Miller. There was only one room between Stan and Bill's room and the end of the hall, and that was the RA's room. And she was the first to introduced herself to everyone at the meeting, her name being Karen Adams. Between our hall on this floor and the other hall were the bathrooms and shower rooms.

So the meeting began with Karen introducing herself and starting in on us guys. We were informed that we had a set time to shower in one of the shower rooms, from six until seven each morning and at night from eight until nine. At other times we were to go two floors up and use the showers on the men’s floor. There was a visitors bathroom, just a small half-bath, which we were to use whenever we weren't allowed in the shower rooms which had bathrooms as well. No problem with us guys, as we figured six guys and one bathroom is plenty. Only six toilets and forty-eight females, and just twelve sinks? I knew where the problem was going to be. Of course, we were told that we were to be wearing bathrobes to and from showering.

There were more rules. Ninety minutes of them. Nothing earth shattering, usual safety issues, and of course, code of conduct issues. No booze, no drugs, no firearms, no smoking. Usual shit. Having been at a military school for four years, I was use to it. As Karen talked, I checked out the Freshmen coeds. There were sixteen in all. All white, and of all shapes and sizes. Most seemed to be as wary of us as us six guys were of them. The upper-classmen were not due to arrive until Saturday. I was seated on the floor during the meeting, and I kept seeing Karen glance my way, a strange look on her face. Of course, I knew what was bothering her, but I just sat there and listened. Her room mate was looking at me as well, and I was feeling a bit out of place.

Finally, she announced the meeting was over, and that if us guys wanted to use the shower, we could. We went to our rooms, and I stripped down to my briefs, and pulled on my bathrobe and grabbed my shower bag. I turned, and Mike had a shocked look on his face. I asked "You okay?"

"Huh? Yeah, sure." He replied, as he followed me out the door and into the shower room.

Both shower rooms were the same. A door on each side for each hallway. To the right, a bank of sinks, and across from it, four stalls. To the left, two individual shower stalls, and a large open shower stall. There was one shower pole with four shower heads on it, and since two of the guys were in the single shower stalls, I went and hung up my towel and robe, stepped out of my briefs and walked over to the shower pole. Mike came on in, not saying a word, and he kept glancing down at my crotch. Nothing unusual there, it takes a while for anyone that has seen me in the shower to get use to it. And when Stan and Bill came in, they stopped talking as they looked into the shower area, and I saw the shocked looks on their faces.

I laughed, "You guys act like you've never seen a naked man before, hope to hell none of you are gay."

Bill laughed, hung up his stuff and came into the shower area, saying "No, I sure the hell ain't. And damn glad I'm not if you were."

I laughed, and Stan said in a cracked voice, joining us in the shower, "Damn John, I ain't gay either, but, well."

"Yeah, I know. I've always got kidded about it." I said with a chuckle, as I started to wash my hair.

Mike snorted, "Shit, I've only seen ones that big in porno's, and they were on black guys."

I was grinning, "Yeah well, it isn't all that great. I've yet to find a girl that won't take a look at it and run away."

Aaron blurted out "One things for sure, I'm not doing sloppy seconds if you were in first." We all broke out with laughter at that one.

Yes, I'm hung. I'm only five-ten, barely weigh one-thirty, and soft my cock is seven inches long and a good two inches thick. When I'm naked, it hangs down along my thigh like a thick rope. When I'm dressed, it pushes out even the loosest of pants. And that's what Karen was looking at. Of course, the jokes started flying, with me saying some of my own. And Doug and Aaron, once they were done showering and were drying off, they joined in on the joking around. After we all finished up, we went and got some clothes on. The rest of the evening, us six guys sat and shot the shit in Doug and Aaron's room, laughing and joking. Being guys mostly, and we would see the girls walk by from time to time, glancing in quickly and smiling before walking on by.

Just before eleven, Karen came by, saying "Don't forget guys, quiet time is normally ten on weeknights, eleven on weekends."

One of the others said "No problem Karen."

We all told her in one way or another that we were just breaking it up, and the ones not belonging to that room got up and went to where we belonged. And I smirked as I watched her eyes, glancing down to my crotch. Once in our room with the door closed, Mike snorted out "Man, did you see her looking at your crotch?"

I chuckled, "Yeah, I get that a lot." I pulled off my pants and climbed into the bed with my briefs on. "Like I said, it isn’t easy with this thing."

He laughed, as he turned out the light and went to bed. In the morning, us six guys went to the dining hall and had breakfast. Once back at our dorm, we were told our schedule for the day. During the morning we were grouped with the girls on our floor, and we did some games that were organized by Karen. Nothing much, just simple things that helped everyone get acquainted with each other. This was definitely a different thing for me, as at the military school, we didn't have females to mingle with. Sure, there were girls there...on the other side of the campus and in their own dorm. Guarded. And even in classes the girls sat in front and us boys in back. We were rarely allowed to even talk to the opposite sex, that's how restrictive it was. So this was great! Us six guys were having a blast with the girls, getting to know the sixteen girls. Although none really stood out.

Then it was time to head to lunch. Us guys took turns draining our bladders in our little bathroom, and soon we were out the door, along with the girls on our floor. It was while we were walking that I noticed the smirks from the guys. I was puzzled at first, wondering what the joke was. I couldn't really ask, as at the table sat a few of the girls from our floor, along with Karen. And she kept watching me. By now, I was getting a bit nervous. The way she watched me, not in a good way. More like a suspicious way. After lunch, it continued. And I noticed some of the girls were checking out my package. I really hadn't been paying too much attention to it, since I'm sort of use to that anyway. I mean, I bulge out rather big in the crotch there. That's another reasons I don't wear shorts. And I never swim! Shit, my meat would be hanging out the bottom of my suit!

It was almost dinner time, and Mike and I went into our room, and he was grinning from ear to ear. I sighed, "Okay, what?"

He laughed, "Karen asked Bill and Stan about you."

"Well, about the package you're carrying, actually." Mike replied.

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling "Oh great. And what did they tell her?"

He was laughing hard, saying "They told her about last night in the shower room. She was in total shock over it."

I sighed, shaking my head, "Well, at least she knows now that I'm not aroused." He snorted. I looked at him, asking him "What?"

"She asked how big you are when erect."

"Like how would any of you guys know?" I grinned, "Not that I wouldn't mind showing her."

He frowned, "Forget it. She's a bit miffed that you're pecker sticks out so obviously."

"Great, what she going to do? Have me expelled by having a big cock?" I asked.

As it turns out, she tried. But I'll get to that later. The rest of the weekend, we hung around together with the girls, interacting with them. For the most part, all had grown accustomed to my 'condition' by then, and I had even talked to a few of them on friendly one-on-one sessions. No, nothing even close to being sexual. And not for the other guys either. Unfortunately, being a Christian school, the girls were, well, lack for a better term, rather inhibited. At least for the first month anyway. However, they were still curious.

The upper-class ladies arrived en masse on Sunday. For the most part, us guys for the day after morning church services met up with the other guys from our dorm for some fun on the baseball diamonds. We were given bats, balls and gloves and we all had a good time. Then it was shower time. Well, bad news. It wasn't time yet. So us guys donned our robes and went upstairs to the third floor and showered there. Once done, we came back down and dressed for our evening meal. I was walking down the hall to the lounge on our floor, when I heard a female voice boom out "So which one of these is our well hung stud."

I turned, and there she stood. A tall busty redhead. She glanced at my loins, and let out a whistle. I chuckled as Mike came out of the room, as did the others. I said "Hi."

Karen's voice from behind me said "That's enough, Brittany."

I walked towards the door, as I heard Brittany say back "Oh lighten up, Karen. The boy has a nice package there."

Mike and I didn't stick around to hear more, as we got out of there, and both of us were laughing. He said "Man, I think she likes you."

I shook my head, "No, she just wants to be a joker, that's all."

At dinner, we were soon joined by the other four guys, and eight of the Freshmen girls. Of course, the subject of discussion was Karen and Brittany. It seems they got into a verbal argument after Mike and I left, with Brittany getting the upper hand. And I was surprised somewhat by how the girls talked about Karen. It seems that they're not too impressed with her attitude towards us all. Not only towards us six guys, but to everyone on the floor. I was just hoping things would get better. After dinner, we did get our class schedules, and were told there would be one more day for orientation tomorrow before classes actually start on Tuesday. Looking at what we had, Mike and I, as well as Aaron, had the exact same schedule. And talking to the Freshmen girls, about five did as well. So after a boring Monday, where we met faculty, got lectured for over two hours from the College President on adjusting to being away from home, and another three hours of listening to both the Dean of Men and Dean of Women, we were very much looking forward to our first day of class.

No problem so far. Or so I thought. Things were going well in class. I was having no problem in any of them. And as for dorm life, us guys were behaving nicely. As for the girls, some would always make a comment about the package I was carrying around, and I saw Karen was getting a bit annoyed at it. We also had a few incidents of the upper-class females 'walking' in during our shower time, apologizing, and then leaving after they got a good look at what meat I was carrying. The fourth time was the last straw for Karen. It was the following Tuesday, and we hadn't been in our rooms five minutes when I looked up after hearing a knock to see her glaring face, as she said sternly "Come with me."

I looked at Mike, and he just shrugged. I got to my feet, and asked "Where we going?"

She replied tersely, "Dean of Students."

I heard Mike say softly, "Shit!" and then he said "Wait for me."

I looked at him, a bit puzzled, and Karen said "You're not invited."

"And why not? Maybe I want him to come along." I replied.

"I'm a better talker than John is, so I'll go along with him." He said.

She turned red with anger, and she turned and walked away. I looked at Mike, seeing something, but not what. Then it hit me, he knows something. He closed the door and we walked behind her out of the building, noticing the glares directed towards Karen as we walked by others sitting in the lounge. The short, silent walk brought us to the College office building and we entered, and she told a receptionist who she was and who we were to see. We were told to wait, and five minutes later, a heavyset woman came out, not smiling mind you, and she said "Come with me, please."

We stood and followed her into an office. Inside, the lady went and took a seat in a chair to the left of a desk. Behind the desk was a thin lady, and to the right of the desk stood a large man in his late forties. I recognized them all, from right to left, Dean of Women, College President, and Dean of men. The president didn't even smile as we entered, first looking at my grin, then at my face and Mike's. She sat up straight, and said to Karen, "Close the door, Miss." Karen did, and the thin lady said "As you know, I'm Ms. Strahl, the College President. This is Miss. Sanders and Mr. Lewis, dean of students."

She picked up a paper, and looked at it, then at me, and asked "You must be John Widgen."

"Yes Ms. Strahl, I am." I responded.

She glanced at Mike, and asked "And you are?"

He said firmly "I'm John's room mate, Mike Cop, Ms. Strahl."

She asked quizzically "And why are you here?"

"To help represent him." He responded.

"Do you know why you're here, Mister Widgen?" she asked me.

I shook my head no, replying "I have not been told yet."

She looked at Karen, and said "No, I'm sure you have not." Then she asked Karen, "Miss Adams, what seems to be the problem with Mr. Widgen."

She replied "He's a disturbance to the girls on the floor, Ms. Strahl, and I would like for him to be removed."

"And what kind of disturbance are we talking about here, Miss Adams?" she asked.

"His thing, Ms. Strahl. It's always erect." she replied.

Mike snorted, and said "No it's not."

I butted in, as I turned my head slightly towards Karen, and corrected her with "It's called a penis, Karen."

Miss. Sanders said gruffly "We didn't ask you two to talk yet."

I saw Ms. Strahl turn and look at Miss Sanders coldly, before she looked my way and asked "Thanks for correcting her on the proper nomenclature of the human anatomy, Mr. Widgen. Now, are you, always erect like that?"

I cleared my throat, "I'm sorry Ms. Strahl, but I'm not even close to being erect right now."

Mike jumped in, "Ms. Strahl, being his room mate, I have seen him naked plenty of times already. He is rather enormous in the non-aroused state, and then one morning when he woke in the aroused state, it darn near scared me."

I swore I saw her crack a smile, as Mr. Lewis snorted, trying his hardest not to laugh. Miss Sanders, with a raised voice, said "We did not ask..."

A higher raised voice, from Ms. Strahl, "Silence!" It wasn't a glare, more of a stare down towards the Dean of Female students. She asked me "Are you saying then that this is your normal size?"

She turned to Karen, and asked "So what seems to be the problem, Miss Adams?"

Karen croaked out "It's obscene, Ms. Strahl. The way his thing, I mean penis, bulges out."

Mr. Lewis asked "And what would you like for him to do? Tuck it up underneath between his legs?"

Mike laughed, adding "Or how about getting him to wear a holster under his pants to stick it in?"

Miss Sanders started to say something, but Ms. Strahl raised her hand to stop her. She looked at Mike, and said "You're doing a fine job of representing your room mate, Mr. Cop. But please do not be smart."

He smiled, and said "Sorry Ms. Strahl."

She looked back at me, and said "You two may return to your dorm."

She looked down at the paper, sighed and said "I can't punish you for being well endowed, young man. Just please be careful with it around the young ladies." Mike and I started to get up, and so was Karen, when she added firmly, "Stay seated, Miss Adams."

We left the building, not saying a word until we were out the doors. I exhaled, and he slapped me on the back, saying "Wow, that was fun."

"Did you see the look on Miss Sanders face when Ms. Strahl said there was nothing wrong?" he asked.

Laughing hard, he said "Totally priceless."

Back at the dorm, we walked onto our floor with smiles on our faces. The guys all shook my hand, and quite a few of the upper class girls did the same. Karen didn't get back for another hour, and it was obvious that she had been crying. And after dinner, she came to my room, and gave me an apo
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