Asstr Beach

Asstr Beach


Asstr Beach
This and most of my stories would have been a mess of spelling errors
and grammatical rubbish, had it not been for Old Rotorhead and Cagey. I'm
very thankful for their patient work and encouragement. This story in particular
has been inspired by Old Rotorhead. I hope you never stop pushing me further.

If you liked the story, then feel free to tell me so. If you thought
it could have been better, please let me know as well. My E-mail is

(c) Henrik Larsen 2000.
Reposting or any other use is strictly prohibited without the express,
written permission of the copyright holder. E-mail me, I'll probably give
you permission. I just want to know and control where it is posted. This
story may be posted as part of a review or to the ASSM archive.

I really didn't want to spend a day at the beach. I have never been
much of a swimmer and lying in the sun was just so boring. Needless to
say, I had a fairly average body, tall, slim and not particularly muscular.
But Beth, my wife, had promised to help her sister with the last of the
redecoration of her sister's house, so I was stuck with the kids for the
day and they badly wanted to go to the beach. I decided to make a small
sacrifice. I was not going to regret it.

Driving to the beach was bad enough to make me regret my decision even
before we got there. It was a very warm day and the car had been in the
sun, so it was hotter than hell when we started. With all the windows wide
open, it was still hot.

The boys were overly excited and just talked and talked and talked.
Picture yourself in a hot car with two boys, 9 and 11 years old, talking
to you all the time. Combine that with fairly heavy traffic and a strong
aversion to going to the beach in the first place, then you have the kind
of mood I was in.

If Dan and Alex had started fighting, I would have exploded. Fortunately,
they were too excited about going to the beach to start fighting. They
were good at fighting, though. If you have had two boys with only a little
under two years between them, then you know how much they fight. Dan and
Alex were no exception. But they were also the best mates in the world.
It was only a thin line between being best friends and hating each other's

We arrived safely at the beach. I always picked a beach a little farther
away from town, because it was less crowded than the Flypaper, north of
town. Going there was bad enough, sitting or lying like herring in a barrel
was unbearable.

It was pure luck that I picked that particular spot to settle. I mean,
I picked it because there was a good view over the beach so I could watch
the boys in the water. It was some 30 feet from the waterline and a little
higher than the surrounding area.

The boys rushed into the water as soon as we had put down our stuff.
I didn't feel like going in and it was also easier for me to keep an eye
on them from land. So I sat down on the blanket and did nothing except
keep an eye on the boys and let my thoughts wander freely.

I didn't pay much attention to the people around me at first, but when
a young girl walked into my view on her way down to the water, I noticed.

It was hard to tell how old she was. She might have been anything from
12 to 15. She was very slim, and not very tall. Her blond hair was shoulder
length. She was wearing a light blue bikini bottom and nothing else.

Just as she came into view, she stopped and turned to say something
to her mother, who was lying only 10 feet from where I was. My god, that
little girl was pretty. She was young, her waist and hips were slim. My
eyes were drawn to her breasts. Small, firm breasts, high on her chest,
pointing straight out without any sign of influence from gravity. She only
stood there for a second or two, but I was lost.

I followed her with my eyes every step of her way to the water. I saw,
to my delight, that she walked to the same spot where my kids were playing
in the water. I watched her walking into the waves, turning her back to
the big ones. She shivered as the cold sea water washed over her hips and
tummy for the first time. Every move she made was so light, so elegant,
so nymph-like.

I could stare at her without being embarrassed, because my own kids
were next to her. She dove under, getting up again quickly and although
I couldn't see it, I was sure her small nipples had become hard in the
relatively cold water. Just as a precaution, I lay down on my stomach.
I could feel my cock moving and I didn't want to be sporting a raging hard-on
in my shorts, sitting up.

There was nothing unusual in topless girls or women on the beach. It's
very common in Denmark. Her mother was topless as well. She too was attractive,
but it was different. I mean, I have seen a lot of tits and there was nothing
special about her tits. Nice shape, only sagging a little and with beautiful,
brown aureolas topped with big nipples, but it was nothing special. Her
daughter, on the other hand, was very special. Girls that age were often
embarrassed by the newly formed features on their chests and were less
likely to go topless on the beach.

She didn't stay in the water very long. I watched as she walked towards
me, her tits hardly moving as she walked. As she got closer, I could see
I was right about her nipples. They were hard. She walked close by me,
so close I could see small drops of water on her skin.

She lay down on her tummy next to her mother, facing me. I was afraid
she would spot me, if I looked too directly at her, so I had to steal glimpses
of her every now and then. I wished I had a pair of sunglasses with reflecting
glass, like one way mirrors. But I was nearsighted and had prescription
sunglasses with fairly ordinary glass. Anyway, she just lay there, tanning,
for some time, so I concentrated on keeping an eye on my own kids.

Finally, the boys got tired or cold and came out of the water, too.
They sat down in the sand in front of me and began to build a sand castle.
It was no problem looking after them now, so I got my book and began to
read. But my concentration was nowhere to be found. Every other minute,
my eyes drifted to the young girl. I guess I hoped she would turn over
and let me see those magnificent tits again.

My prayers were heard. She raised herself on her elbows and began to
dust some sand off her tits. The way her breasts quivered when she brushed
them with her hand was breathtaking. She spent a long time brushing her
chest and breasts. Probably without thinking about it, she caressed her
left tit a little, running her hand around it and flipping her finger over
her nipple a couple of times. It looked so sexy, yet still very innocent.
I don't think she really knew why she did it. She was just in the phase
of discovering how sensitive her tits were.

She turned and sat up, trying to dust sand off her tummy. I didn't dare
look at her directly for very long, so I peeked out from the corner of
my eyes, while I pretended to be reading. She lay down on her back, still
trying to brush the rest of the sand off her tummy. Her hand brushed over
the bikini-covered part of her tummy a few times. It must have felt good,
as it did when she brushed her breast. Her hand moved down and rubbed her
crotch briefly, but then she suddenly seemed to realise where she was and
stopped. Anxiously, she looked around her to see if anyone had noticed.

I took a quick look at her tits. They didn't change shape at all when
she lay flat on her back. Two perfect cones, reaching for the sky. I tried
to imagine how they would feel in my hands. It had certainly been a wise
decision to lie on my stomach.

She didn't stay on her back for long. She was old enough to know that
it was fashionable to lie on a beach and tan, if you were a big girl, but
she was still young enough to get bored quickly. She turned to lie on her
side and looked at Dan and Alex. The castle they were building was becoming
quite big. Dan, the eldest, was building, and Alex fetched water in a bucket
to make the sand wet and usable for construction.

The girl seemed more and more interested in the project. She sat up
and kept watching my boys and the castle. She was dying to join in, but
too shy to ask. Dan noticed her gazes but didn't say anything. Finally,
the urge to participate grew bigger than her shyness.

'That's a great castle,' she said to Dan, while Alex was gone to get
more water.

'Thanks,' Dan replied and hesitated a little. 'Do you want to help?'

'Can I?' she asked, getting up, not really waiting for the reply.

I think he was a little proud that an older child thought his castle
was "great" and wanted to play, even if it was a girl. He looked timidly
at her bare chest a few times, but then he forgot about it. He was old
enough to know that there was something special about girls' breasts, but
not old enough to know what it was.

I was thrilled. Now, I would be able to look at her as much as I wanted
to. Within seconds, she was just as engrossed in the castle building as
the boys were. I watched her nubile body just three feet away from me and
I was in heaven. I registered even the slightest quiver in her pert breasts.
I could have reached out and touched her, just casually, as if I wanted
to help them with something. But I didn't.

Seeing her playing with my boys made me realise how young she was. She
was much more a child than her body had signalled to me. She was completely
unaware of the feelings she was able to stir in men. She was unattainable
and innocent and that was what made her so beautiful in my eyes. That was
what attracted me to her.

I began to think back to my youth. Back to the first glimpse of a breast,
peeking into the girl's locker room after gym class. It was the same feeling
of something secret, tasting the forbidden fruit, that I had back then,
that I now had here, watching the little girl playing in the sand. I stopped
watching her so intently and let my thoughts drift.

I daydreamed and watched for a long time, until Alex announced that
it was time for me to get some ice-lollies. I asked politely if she wanted
one, too, and learned that her name was Anja and yes, she would like one
as well.

Watching her eat the lolly got my imagination going again. Her full,
soft lips and her small, pink tongue caressed the lolly, but in my imagination
it was something completely different she caressed. Man, I could almost
feel it. This girl melted me like she melted the ice.

A drop of melting ice dripped off and landed on her left breast, causing
her to squeal and wipe it off with her hand. It looked as if she deliberately
wiped the cold ice down over her nipple, but it was probably only in my
imagination. Still, it made her shiver and her nipple hardened in the cutest
way I had ever seen.

I was beginning to wish the boys would invite her home or something
like that, but of course I knew that it didn't matter, because I would
never touch her. She wasn't at all ready for anything sexual. She was only
on the threshold of becoming a woman, and there was still a long way to
go before she would find out about and understand the feelings she caused
when she brushed her hands over her breasts like that.

The rest of the day on the beach I just dozed, gazed and dreamt of small
tits. I watched the kids as they played and swam and I dreamt I was 14
or 15 again. It wasn't until we drove home that I slowly returned to normal.

Beth had promised to be home around six, so I just had time for a shower
before preparing dinner. She wanted to have a fixed time for me to have
dinner ready. That way she would have an excuse to get out of her sister's
clutches again, which could be difficult sometimes.

During dinner, Beth asked the boys about their day at the beach. Alex
began to explain about bathing and the castle.

'. . . and we built a really big sandcastle and there was a girl who
thought it was great and wanted to help building,' Alex said and paused
to breathe.

'No, a big girl. She had boobies and everything. I could see, because
she was only wearing bathing trunks,' Alex said proudly.

Alex continued to explain about the castle all the way through dinner.

Later, when the boys had gone to bed, we sat in the living room, drinking
coffee and relaxing.

'How old was the girl?' Beth suddenly asked.

'Eh. . . I don't know. 12 maybe 13. It's sometimes hard to tell.' I

'Alex had certainly noticed her tits,' Beth laughed.

'It was hard not to. She was fairly well developed, considering her

'I don't think I would have dared to go topless at that age,' Beth said,

'I don't think she was old enough to feel embarrassed about it. She
seemed very . . . innocent.' I replied.

'Eh, yes. She was very pretty. She reminded me a little of you, when
you were younger,' I said.

'Because I have small tits?' Beth asked.

'No. You know I love small tits, especially yours. But she did remind
me a little of you. Shoulder length, blond hair, slim and a very pretty

'You noticed her too,' She giggled.

After living together for fourteen years, she saw right through me.

'Eh. . . yes. She was very pretty.' I answered, blushing slightly.

'She was just a child. I mean, she was well developed and all, but she
was still a child.'

'It happens so suddenly. One day, you are a child and the next you have
tits and everything and the boys suddenly act different. Imagine what it
would be like to be young again and to discover it all again,' she said
with dreamy eyes.

That remark gave me an idea. The resemblance between the girl's small
tits and Beth's was close. Even though Beth had given birth and breast-fed
two children, her tits were still very beautiful. She was wider around
the hips and she had a few stretch marks on her belly, but she was doing
fine for a mother of two.

'We could pretend we were young and home alone for the first time,'
I suggested.

Beth giggled, but didn't reply. She was quiet for a while and looked
very thoughtful. Then she got up.

'I think I'll take a shower. It was so hot working and I've been sweating
all day. Don't go anywhere.'

It was a long shower, but after about half an hour, Beth returned, wearing
a big T-shirt. Beth wasn't very tall and the shirt covered her upper thighs.
She sat down next to me in the sofa.

'Do you think you could pretend I was a young girl?' She asked, lovingly.

'How young do you want to be?' I grinned.

Beth looked up at me with wide-open eyes, trying to look really innocent.

'Fourteen. I think it was around that time I started to date.'

'No problem. I was shy and I didn't start to date before I was fifteen,'
I replied.

Beth snuggled up close to me and I put my arm around her, kind of casual,
as I would have done, when I was fifteen and feeling a little insecure.
Slowly, I grew bolder and I began to caress her back, just as if we were
teenagers again. I took off my glasses. They were always in the way in
situations like this.

The first kiss was tentative and soft. Slowly, we opened out mouths
and let the tongues play, kissing more and more intensely. Beth's T-shirt
was pushed up and I could put my hands on her warm skin. Maybe it was because
I had watched Anja all day, but when I closed my eyes, it felt as if I
was caressing a very young girl. It also helped that I had taken off my
glasses, which made my vision a bit blurred, except when I was really close.

My hands moved high and higher, pulling the shirt up. I soon realised
that she wasn't wearing a bra. Sometimes, she didn't wear one, when we
first met. Her tits were quite small and she didn't really need one, back
then, but she used bras anyway. This was probably part of the reason why
her tits still stood out firmly from her chest.

When we broke the kiss, I tried to pull her shirt all the way off her,
but Beth stopped me at first, pretending to be shy. I was so much into
the game that I reacted just as I would have when I was younger -- I pleaded
with her to let me take it off. Reluctantly, she let me do it. Looking
at her small breasts, I remembered the thrill that it had been the first
time. The only really visible difference between Beth and Anja's tits was
the size of the nipples. Beth's nipples were bigger, a grown woman's nipples.
But I could easily ignore that.

Beth looked down timidly at her own nakedness. Very cautiously, I brought
my hands up and touched her tits lightly. She gasped, but stayed completely
still. I touched her tits as if they were very fragile and priceless treasures.
They felt so wonderful, kind of different from what they usually do. It's
incredible what your own imagination can do.

Just as when we were young, it was the boy who took the initiatives.
Some girls might be a little curious, but it was always the boy leading
the way and maybe pushing the girl a little.

I leaned down and kissed her left nipple. Beth tensed and held her breath.
I don't think she was pretending any more. Like me, her imagination had
taken over and she was acting just as if she were fourteen again and this
was the first time. I kissed the right nipple, too, and took it between
my lips, sucking it a little.

I caressed her side, going lower and lower until I touched the thin
fabric of her panties. I considered the situation for a second and opted
for the thigh instead of the crotch. No reason to move too fast and run
the risk of being rejected. Better to wait until she got hotter. I caressed
her thigh and leaned a bit harder against her, making her lie back on the

Beth was lying flat on her back next to me, giving my hand more freedom
of movement. I moved higher again, brushing over the front of her panties,
but only briefly, provoking another excited gasp from Beth. I caressed
her tummy a little before moving back over the front of her panties, this
time lingering a little longer. Slowly moving up again, until my hand was
resting on the front, I felt the heat emanating from her pussy.

I rubbed the plump mound a little, moving lower. The soft lips felt
so big through the thin panties. I wanted to feel them for real, but Beth
kept her legs together, so it was difficult to slip a finger in from the
leg. Instead, I moved my hand up to her tummy again, only to move it down
slowly, coaxing my fingers under the elastic rim of her panties.

At first, Beth pressed her legs tighter together, but gradually she
relaxed. My fingers inched their way down. I felt her pubic hairs, but
they didn't feel like they usually felt. Well, it was a long time since
I had slipped my hand down her panties like this, so that might be what
made it feel different. I wriggled a finger down to her puffy lips and
was surprised to find that it didn't get entangled in her pubic hairs.
There was something different.

She gasped and whimpered, then spread her legs an inch or two, which
was all there was room for on the couch as long as I lay next to her. My
mouth still covered her right tit and my finger wiggled between her lips.
I couldn't move much and it was hard to keep from falling off the sofa
so eventually I slid off and down on the floor instead. I had to let go
of her tit, but I could still keep my hand in her panties.

I made a clumsy attempt to get back up on the sofa, but Beth had spread
her legs a little more, so I gave up and knelt besides it instead. I kept
caressing her and kissing her tits, moving down to her tummy. Gradually,
I pushed her panties down, but only the front of them. Now was the time
to get them off. I began to pull them down and Beth lifted herself a little
to help me. My face was close to her pussy and I could see why my finger
didn't get en
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