Asstr Africa

Asstr Africa


Asstr Africa

John was now fifteen. One late afternoon, he was swimming in the cool
water of the small river with his friends at the other end of the
village. All of a sudden they heard much shouting and crying coming from
the village. He then saw thick smoke rising in the sky. As soon as they
got out of the water a few old men with many children following them,
led them away into the forest. At the time John didn't know what the
commotion was all about but he and the other swimmers followed the
elders and they got away as fast as possible from the village.
When they were a couple of miles well into the jungle, they were
informed that the village was under attack by a tribe that called
themselves the Kullowa. They were living north of their village and it
seemed that the last time they had been attacked by them, which was many
years ago, a lot of warriors on both sides had died.
Before the darkness felt, they got word from one of their warrior
that the attackers had been repelled since there had been only a few
dozens of them. Those that hadn't been killed, had run away into the
hills where they had originally come from. Once John was back into the
village, he saw to his horrors that the attack had begun at the edge of
the forest near the church which was now a heap of smoldering ruin while
half of his house, which was next to it, was also burned down.
When he hurried into the house it was to discover that both, his
father and mother were dead. He was told later that the spears of the
Kullowa warriors killed them while they were trying to put out the
Beside John's parents, four Watiga men had been killed and half a
dozen had been wounded. On the Kullowa side, six of their bodies were
counted and two wounded warriors were later discovered and immediately
killed. While the villagers burned their dead, John buried the bodies of
his parents in a shallow grave near the back of the church.
A couple of days after the attack, there were talks about leaving the
site of the village and moving south where they would be farther still
from the Kullowa. Beside, now that there had been violent death in the
village, it was no longer considered sacred and the tribe feared that
they were going to loose the protection of the spirits if they remained
So it was deceided a few days later, that everyone would pack their
possessions - of which there wasn't much - and they began walking south
along the bank of the river. It took them two days to reach their
destination, which John guessed to be about twenty miles south of the
previous site of the village.
When they left, John hadn't been allowed to take anything from the
ruins of his house except some clothes that he managed to pick when no
one could see him. It seemed that there was a bad spirit roaming in the
vicinity of the church and the adjoining houses. The village chief
strictly forbade him to even go near the place.
As soon as they arrived at their new location, they began to build
new huts. Wamna, the village chief, ordered John to live with Kabouso
the first hunter. Since Kabouso was often away from the village for long
stretches of time, the chief said that there would thus be plenty of
room in his hut. Wamna had no trouble to convince Kabouso that it would
be a good thing for him to have John around to keep an eye on his wife
Lokali while he was away.
Of course John wasn't too happy with this arrangement since there had
never been too much friendship between him and Kabouso. He would have
preferred instead to be a member of Kabouso's hunting party and have a
hut of his own, but he was too young yet. Therefore he did bent to the
will of the village chief and he moved in with Konawa and Lokali.
Once in Kabouso's hut he was given a mat and was shown where to place
it near the door at night. The hut was quite small and even there he was
just four or five feet from the other mat where Konawa and Lokali slept.
At night he was a witness to the noises of their fucking.
Lokali didn't even tried to hide her pleasure when she was fucked
from behind, and her moaning and shouting had such an effect on John,
that he began to wish that he could take Kabouso's place behind her.
Often, when Kabouso was done with her she would again begged him to go
on and to keep fucking her. But Kabouso would have none of that, as soon
as he had had his climax, he would immediately stretch on the mat and go
to sleep thus leaving pretty Lokali still lewd and lustful with her
needs only partly quenched.
Most of the time, he would then hear her afterward using her hands on
her cunt so as to satisfy her needs. John knew this since even above the
sounds of the regular breathing of her sleeping husband, he could hear
the rhythmic rubbing of her hands on her moist cunt. Almost every night
was a repetition of the previous one. She always tried to get more out
of her husband, but with always the same negative result.
Two weeks after John's moving in with Kabouso and his wife, an
incident happened in the new village. This event had an impact on John's
life. A little boy of about six had fallen from a tree and had broken
his arm. The boy's arm was half twisted and he was in a lot of pain.
Since the Reverend, his father, used to set broken limbs, the child's
mother went to see John so that he could fix the arm of her child.
Although he had never reset a limb by himself before, he had often
helped his father do it. This was probably why the mother had gone for
his help. He was taken to the boy's hut and he ordered everyone outside,
as was the custom when his father was alive. After the initial pain of
snapping the bone back in place, the boy stopped crying. When John was
done with the tying of his arm with strips of leather and woods, he and
the boy - now smiling - walked out of the hut. The boy's mother was so
grateful to John that she gave him a beautiful antelope skin already
tanned and softened.
On that day John decided that from then on, he was going to learn
everything he could about healing and become a medicine man so as to
replace old Samouno who was getting very old and who was almost blind by
now. John knew that Samouno hadn't very long to live since he was by far
the oldest member of the tribe. There wasn't only magic to his many
brews and herbs, and more often than not, those that went to seek his
help came back feeling better. What better way to learn, though John,
than to be permitted to work with him.
The following day, after the incident of the boy with the broken arm,
John went to talk to old Samouno. He explained to him that he wanted to
learn from him and that he was ready and willing to help him by doing
all that was asked of him. John knew that with what he had already
learned from his father, he could one day be the most important member
of the tribe. Beside, he had now made up his minds that as soon as it
would be possible, he was going to go back to his parents half burned
house and try to salvage some of the books and medication that were
still there. Since the place was considered to be haunted by the Watiga,
they had planted half a dozen sticks around the house and church, on
each stick there was one of the severed head of the dead Kullowa. With
such powerful signs, even the Kullowa themselves wouldn't want to go
near the place and John knew that all of his father's books were
probably still intact in the house.
Samouno didn't say anything when he heard John's offer. Instead, he
looked at him squarely into the eyes for a long time, then he ordered
him to go and fetch water. John took this as a sign of agreement and he
hurried out with the water bag.
For the next ten days or so, he did his best to be of assistance to
the medicine man. He was there early in the morning until early evening
when he went back to Kabouso's hut to eat his evening meal and to spent
the night there.

He did all sort of things for the medicine man. From digging roots to
boiling seeds and herbs then pouring strange brews in clay jugs. Of
course there were things that the medicine man didn't want to teach him
yet since he believed that John wasn't ready. But on the whole he got
along well with old Samouno and he realized that the old man was
beginning to appreciate his help.
Gradually John was allowed to assist the old man in the healing
ceremonies that took place in a special room that had been built for
this purpose next to the medicine man's hut. Sometimes his patients
would remained there for as much as a week, and during that time no one
beside the healer - and later John also - was allowed inside. Food to
feed the patient was brought by the sick person's family and given to
the medicine man.
One evening, when John got back to Kabouso's hut, he learned from
Lokali, that her husband and a party of six hunters had left in mid-
morning on an expedition to the east in the low hills. They had gone to
explore the country around the village and also to hunt at the same
time. The rainy season was just beginning and there was a need for more
meat and skins so as to keep the rain from dripping inside the huts
during the wet season. When John asked how long they were going to be
gone, she replied that she didn't know exactly but she felt very sad
since it would be at least three or four weeks, judging by the distance
they intended to cover.
During the night, the rains began to fall very heavily, and by early
morning it was pouring down so much that it was impossible to see more
than an arm's length ahead. He remained with Lokali in the hut sleeping
on his mat near the entrance while she also slept for most of the

They both got up around noon to eat fruits and dry fish. While they
sat and talked, John had ample time to examine her more closely. She was
beautiful indeed he realized, she had shoulder length hair with only a
little curls in them. Her skin was light brown like the rest of the
tribe but she had high cheek bones and her large eyes gave her the
appearance of a goddess of the Nile he had seen in a picture in one of
his father's books.

But what attracted his attention the most was her bosom. Her breasts
were voluminous but not sagging at all. On the contrary they were very
firm with pointed tips that gave them an arrogant look. Whenever she
moved around, they would sway just a little and at the same time they
would spring in a most provocative manner. While they talked, he soon
became very exited to be sitting so close to her, then to his horror he
was unable to prevent himself from having a huge erection.
He was still wearing his short pants - they were full of holes by now
- and since they were rather tight fitting, his exited condition soon
became evident to Lokali. But far from being angry at him, she began
laughing in a teasing manner when she noticed the bulge in his pants and
it seemed to please her to discover that he was often examining her

Usually the men of the Watiga tribe became quite indifferent toward
their woman bosom after they had been living together for a certain
time. Being used to see such a sight all day long, they didn't pay that
much attention to their mate bosom when they made love. So it was that
Lokali was both pleased and surprised to notice John's state of
excitement, she even did everything she could to attract his attention
to this part of her body. Of course there was no question of going on
the mat with him since he was still a boy in her eyes, but the fact that
he was appreciating her bosom was a source of pride to her.
The next day it rained again but not as hard as the previous day.
John was able to reach Samouno's hut where he remained until late
afternoon. There wasn't much to do since it was still raining too much
to leave the village so as to pick roots. In the evening, while he was
with Lokali, it began to rain so much that water began to drip from the
roof right over the entrance. Soon the packed earth floor, where John
was to spread his mat for the night, was damp and muddy.
He and Lokali ate and talked a little and when it was time for him to
stretch his mat for the night, the only part of the floor that was dry
was next to Lokali. But just the same John was about to stretch it at
his usual place when Lokali told him that he should sleep in Kabouso's
place next to her since it was the only dry place.
He had no doubt that she had no second thought in her mind, he was
still a boy in her eyes, she just wanted him to sleep on dry ground. He
was glad but he was also scared when he heard her say this. In the half
darkness he walked toward her and after removing all of his clothes -
like everyone else he sleep naked - he stretched himself next to Lokali
on her large mat.
During the rainy season the nights were much colder in this part of
Africa, and for this purpose they had a dear skin covering them so as to
keep the warmth of their body. They were now both sharing the same large
dear skin. After a while he heard Lokali's regular breathing next to him
and later he finally felt asleep. But when he woke up in the middle of
the night, he felt warm and cozy, at the same time he had a lot of
difficulty breathing.

As soon as he became fully awake, he realized that his face was
pressed in something soft and warm that was preventing the air from
getting into his nostrils. He was on the verge of turning his body the
other way when he lifted his head to investigate as to what was giving
him trouble breathing. He felt two arms holding him strongly in place.
He soon realized where he was and he immediately stopped all
During the night, Lokali had rolled on her side facing him and at the
same time she had managed to slip one arm under his head. She probably
was under the impression that her mate was lying next to her and out of
habit she had cuddled as close to him as possible so as to share their
body heat.

Her mistake became apparent to John and he knew that this was the
reason that she was holding him tightly against her body. Since John was
shorter than her mate, his head was now pressed in the valley of her
splendid bosom. He didn't dare move. At first, his initial reaction was
shock, then he became afraid that Lokali would be very angry at him. He
even figured that she would probably tell her mate if she should ever
discover where his head was at that moment. When he tried to move away
without awakening her, he felt her arms pulling him even more against
her. His only option was to remain motionless for a while and try to
think of a way out of this delicate situation.
But the pleasant warmth of her naked body against his own while they
were lying on their side facing one another, soon causes an ever
increasing twitching of his cock. But his hand, as if having a mind of
its own, gradually went over one of her beautiful breasts.
Ever since he could remember he had dreamed of touching this part of
a woman's body and now he was doing exactly this. The sponginess and the
weight of the soft sphere against his hand was astonishing. It felt warm
against his hand and when he carefully investigated the tip of her
breast with his fingers, he was in for a surprise as he felt her nipple
beginning to swell.
He could barely restrain himself now, he couldn't prevent his lips
from kissing the valley of her bosom as each of her heavy breast was
pressing against one of his cheeks. Then gradually he moved his roaming
mouth over one of the spheres itself where he began licking the tender
flesh all over.

Of course he knew that kissing her bosom like he was doing now was
unheard of among the people to the tribe. Probably no other woman of the
village had ever felt the mouth of a man there and much less being
licked in such a way as he was doing now. Naturally it was quite common
and well accepted to see a mother kiss her child or even her young son
or daughter, but once a child had reached the age of five or six it was
simply not done.
His cock was extremely hard now, and worst still it was pressing
against Lokali's thighs. He felt so lewd and passionate by now that he
was only half-aware of what he was doing. In a surge of excitement he
couldn't prevent himself from seizing her left breast in his hand and he
then aimed the nipple between his lips. After sucking on it a couple of
tentative trials, he opened his mouth wide as his tongue caressed the
hard nipple. All the time he kept sucking greedily, trying to get as
much as possible of the warm sphere into his hungry mouth.
At first Lokali thought that she was with her mate and although he
seldom played with her breasts, he would from time to time squeeze them
a few times or even press them together. But it didn't happen often and
when it did it was not for long.

She was pleasantly surprised indeed when she felt a hand on her bosom
and she moved still closer against him as she held him in her arms. But
she was soon in for a much bigger surprise. A most pleasant sensation
took hold of her, a pleasant feeling that she had never felt before.
Then she realized that a mouth was licking her between her breasts. This
was then followed by a wonderful pressure being applied to the very tip
of her left breast as something wet and warn moved over her nipple.

Even though it felt extremely pleasant to her, she was still shocked
to realized that her mate was sucking on her breast and trying to get as
much of it into his mouth.
She was about to investigate what malign spirit had taken hold of her
husband to make him do such an imaginable thing when she remembered that
Kabouso was away. The boy John was lying next to her. For a few seconds
she remained very st
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