Asstr Advanced Search

Asstr Advanced Search


Asstr Advanced Search

The ASSTR Search Engine is a "work-in-progress" that has been in development since 1999, with the number of search options made available to readers increasing dramatically over the years. Today, the ASSTR search engine offers readers the ability to search for words or phrases within a story, with the ability to place restrictions on search results such a story title, author, story codes/keywords, summary, chapter, universe, point of view, size, and date posted.

In addition, search engine query terms can be negated, meaning readers can look for stories that do not contains given words, phrases, titles, authors, etc. The engine also supports AND and OR searches of SHS-based search terms.

The instructions below explain all the search engine options currently available and how to use them. As always, the ASSTR team is open to any comments and suggestions our visitors may have.

Searching for phrases within stories is made possible by using quotation marks (quotes). Phrase searching facilitates searching for story titles, authors whose names have multiple words, and small pieces of a story you may have read before and still remember. Phrase searching works across any line breaks in the story. Phrases can be combined with non-phrase search terms. For example, suppose you are trying to find a story with the phrase " blonde was incredible..." and you remember her name was Katie. The following would be an appropriate search:

"hot blonde was incredible" Katie

The quotation marks around the phrase tell the search engine that the words within the quotes must appear next to each other in the order specified.

To find stories without certain words or phrases, use the minus sign. For example, suppose you enter a search query, but many of the results contain a story titled "Jenna's Adventures at Boot Camp" that you have already read. The following would be an appropriate search:

"boot camp" army -"Jenna's Adventures at Boot Camp"

The ASSTR search engine also permits restricting search results based on the point of view in which the story was written. Stories are usually written in either first, second, or third person, as follows:

First Person: "My alarm went off, waking me as I lay in the arms of the most beautiful woman with whom I had ever had the pleasure of spending a night..." In first person stories, the main character describes events as they are happening to him/her. Insight is only given into the mind of the main character, and the reader only knows what the main character knows.

Second Person: "As the alarm goes off, you slowly wake up in the arms of the most beautiful woman with whom you had ever had the pleasure of spending a night..." In second person stories, "you" the reader are the main character, where the story "interacts" with you.

Third Person: "As Joe slowly woke to the sound of the alarm clock going off, he took great comfort in realizing he was in the arms of the most beautiful woman with whom he had ever had the pleasure of spending a night..." In third person stories, the writer describes the story as an unseen observer. Insight into the minds of most or all the characters is usually given.

After completing a search, a list of search results will be displayed, assuming any results are available for the given query. The format of the search results is as follows:

The first line of a search result contains its number followed by the title of the story in green. If a chapter number is available, it will follow the title.

The second line of a search result displays the story's location at ASSTR (similar to an URL, but relative to ASSTR).

Starting at the third line, any available SHS headers, such as the story's author, story codes/keywords, and summary are listed.

After the SHS headers, the next line shows the size of the story and language abbreviation in brackets. The most popular language for stories at ASSTR is English, which is abbreviated as "en". After the size and language, the date the story was posted to ASSTR is listed.

Finally, if any search words (other than search parameters as discussed below) were specified, excerpts from the part(s) of the story containing the given search words are listed.

Standard Header System (SHS) Features

SHS is an ASSTR-sponsored open standard that permits persons distributing stories at ASSTR to supply the search engine with detailed information about a story, such as the author, title, and a brief summary. The ASSTR search engine allows users to enhance their search queries by searching for SHS-based information. In this way, readers can search for stories by author, story code/keyword, and title.

The advanced search engine makes it easy to search for stories based on SHS information. Clicking on a search field of interest (such as Keyword, Author, title, Summary, or Chapter) reveals a search box and information about that search field.

Opening a SHS search field shows the number of stories indexed by the search engine for which that search field is applicable. For example, clicking on the "Author (SHS)" search field reveals that 68.1% of all stories contain indexed author information. This means that any searches using the search term "author" will only search 68.1% of all the indexed stories.

For example, if a story is written by an author "Jacob Robinson", but the search engine was unable to identify Jacob as the author of his stories, then any author search for stories by Jacob would not appear in the search results. In cases like this, it is still possible to do a phrase search for Jacob Robinson in order to find all stories containing his name. The disadvantage to this method, of course, is that the search results would contain any story reviews, author/collector web pages, etc. that mention his name in addition to his stories.

Specifying search parameters manually

The Advanced Search Engine allows for simultaneous searching of words within the story, author name, title, keyword, etc. by filling out the different applicable parts of the search form. This is how most users will probably use the search engine. However, a more concise way of performing searches is available by supplying all search parameters in the main search query.

For example, a search for stories with the word dragon in the title but that do not have the name Crimson Dragon in the title and that contains the words teen, blonde, Roger, and the phrase "go fly a kite" somewhere in the story could be entered as follows:

title:dragon -title:"crimson dragon" teen blonde Roger "go fly a kite"

As shown in the example, searching for a story title is done by using the title: keyword. Searching for a phrase is done as normal: with quotation marks. Notice that there is no space between the colon and the search term when using keywords. That is, title:dragon is correct, but title: dragon is not.

A list of all keywords is as follows:

      author, title, summary, universe, chapter, keyword, pov, maxsize, minsize

pov is the Point Of View (see above), and can be either pov:1, pov:2, or pov:3

maxsize and minsize are specified in kilobytes (KB), such as minsize:10 maxsize:100

AND and OR Searches

When specifying search parameters manually, the search engine supports advanced AND and OR queries. Such queries are entered by using parenthesis and repeating query keywords (such as "author:", "title:", and "keyword:"). For example, consider the following search query:
keyword:(pregnancy pregnant) keyword:teen

This query instructs the search engine to find stories that contain at least one of the keywords "pregnancy" or "pregnant" as well as the keyword "teen". Thus, stories that have keywords "teen pregnant" as well as stories that have keywords "teen pregnancy" would both match the query. However, a story that only had the keyword "teen" or only had the keyword "pregnant" or "pregnancy" would not.

As shown in the example, the use of parenthesis allows for an OR search of the keyword search field. By specifying the keyword search field twice, an AND search is performed in that the results must contain the keyword "teen" and must also contain the keyword pregnancy and/or pregnant.

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We are currently recovering from a hardware failure on our main server. We're in the process of rebuilding the site to be more robust. In the meantime you may find a few things broken. Specifically, there is no way at the moment for authors to add new stories. We're trying to fix that as quickly as possible.

We fixed a problem with the ReCaptcha verification not working with certain web browsers, including Google Chrome. You should now be able to submit author feedback, account applications, help requests, etc. regardless of web browser.

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  Les Histoires Taboues - textes de 2022  (202K)
Title : Les Histoires Taboues - textes de 2022
Summary : Ceci est le menu des histoires taboues en francais (French stories menu)
Keywords : M, F, m, f, b, g, inc, 1st, ped

  Kevin123 - Les p'tites bites de 16h - ...  (26K)
Title : Kevin123 - Les p'tites bites de 16h - chapitre 4.13 ans
Keywords : M, mm, rom, 1st, mast, oral, anal, gay

  Les Histoires Taboues - textes de 2022  (202K)
Title : Les Histoires Taboues - textes de 2022
Summary : Ceci est le menu des histoires taboues en francais (French stories menu)
Keywords : M, F, m, f, b, g, inc, 1st, ped

  The Dollhouse Shop  (1M)
/files/Authors/Broadsword/HTML/The Dollhouse Shop.htm
Author : Ducky
Title : The Dollhouse Shop

  London Girl  (88K)
/files/Authors/ken/London Girl.txt
Title : London Girl
Summary : The arrival of a foreign cousin changes a girl's life. 
Keywords : inc,fic,erotic

  My Pen Name 3000 XXX Stories  (131K)
Title : My Pen Name 3000 XXX Stories
Summary : XXX Stories by mypenname3000
Keywords : , (Mf, Ff, MFfff, oral, magic, voy, fantasy), Description:, King, Edward, receives, a, troubling, prophecy, from, the, Oracle, of, Sekar

  The God's Passionate Love Book Two, Ch...  (45K)
Author : mypenname3000
Title : The God's Passionate Love Book Two, Chapter Eleven: Elf Village Delights
Keywords : HF, Fsolo, HHF, MF, fantasy, magic, exhib, voy, oral, anal

  The God's Passionate Love Book Two, Ch...  (44K)
Author : mypenname3000
Title : The God's Passionate Love Book Two, Chapter Twelve: Monster's Pregnant Delight
Keywords : MF, MFF, fantasy, magic, voy, oral, preg, monster, anal, rim, wife

  The God's Passionate Love Book Two: Th...  (40K)
/files/Authors/mypenname3000/worldoferasthay/The God's Passionate Love 02-12 - MF MFF fantasy magic preg monster rim wife.txt
Author : mypenname3000
Title : The God's Passionate Love Book Two: The Thief's Passion, Chapter Twelve: Monster's Pregnant Delight
Summary : Monica finally indulges her desire for Barg with her husband's blessing.
Keywords : MF, MFF, fantasy, magic, voy, oral, preg, monster, anal, rim, wife

  Time Machine -by H. G Hunsi - New! T...  (170K)
/files/Authors/HumblePie/Time Machine.html
Title : Time Machine -by H. G Hunsi - New! This story delves into aberrant sex practices, so be warned, and kindly leave if you find yourself offended. MMM+fff/ anal/ oral/ caution/ - Long live ASSTR: An open forum where folks worldwide can exercise their right to free speech! RIP Frank McCoy!

  Bangkok Trader - NEW by Hunsi - Same r...  (186K)
/files/Authors/HumblePie/Bangkok Trader.html
Title : Bangkok Trader - NEW by Hunsi - Same rules apply. If you are not 18+, or if it is illegal for you to be reading this smut n your jurisdiction, then get the hell out of here. Pronto!!! Asstr, the first & last outpost standing in defense of your right to free speech on the web. Good things are here & better are to come, I can feel it in my bones. R.I.P Frank McCoy.

  A Curious Fact For Naturalists  (8K)
Author : A subscriber
Title : A Curious Fact For Naturalists
Summary : A Curious Fact For Naturalists

  Pearl - Volume Sixteen  (5K)
Author : Editor of the Pearl
Title : Pearl - Volume Sixteen
Summary : Pearl

  The Lover's Kiss  (8K)
Author : Anonymous
Title : The Lover's Kiss
Summary : The Lover's Kiss

  (New) Sister's Five Kisses  (57K)
Author : Maracorby
Title : (New) Sister's Five Kisses
Summary : Rowan lost the bet: she owed five kisses to whomever her brother Jamie designated. It was up to him, but there were definitely right and wrong choices.
Keywords : mf, ff, pett, oral, piv, first, cons, inc

/files/Authors/Lasiter/Tales of the Taboo.htm
Author : Lasiter et al
Summary : Erotic sex stories involving young girls and/or young boys

  THE BETTING POOL by Lasiter (Mg, fond,...  (125K)
Author : Lasiter
Title : THE BETTING POOL by Lasiter (Mg, fond, oral, inc, mg, 1st, cons, exhib, MMMMMg)
Keywords : Mg, fond, oral, inc, mg, 1st, cons, exhib, MMMMMg, ped

  NIKKI'S NOOKIE Ch 1  (36K)
Author : Lasiter
Summary : A six chapter series. In Chapter 1, seven year old Nikki learns to play naughty games with the boys next door...
Keywords : bg, bbg, exhib, voy, nudity, mast, fondle, ped

  House Arrest  (44K)
Author : Lasiter
Title : House Arrest
Summary : A boy must pay a price after being caught trespassing on private property, naked and masturbating...
Keywords : Fb, mast, voy, oral, ped

  Homestyle Sex-Ed  (58K)
Author : Lasiter
Title : Homestyle Sex-Ed
Summary : Young Billy learns all about sex from his big sister and her boyfriend...
Keywords : Mf, Mfb, fb, reluc, voy, exhib, inc, fondle, oral, mast, buk, anal, 1st, ped

Author : Art Martin
Summary : Licentious erotic stories by Art Martin and others...
Keywords : MF, MMFF, Mf, FF, oral, anal, bi, etc etc

Author : Art Martin
Summary : A young teen learns all about sex with the help of his comely older step-cousin...
Keywords : mf, 1st, oral, anal, exhib

Author : Art Martin
Summary : Times are tough, and a young wife and mother of two finds a job promising high pay to help her family through a rough spot...
Keywords : MF, voy, exhib, M+F, oral, reluc, rough, 1st anal, interr, cuck

Author : Art Martin
Summary : Of Boys and Men - Young Mindy Lou is vexed when a cute boy asks her out, but not as vexing as her new babysitting jig turns out to be...
Keywords : fb, exhib, lac, ped

Author : Art Martin
Summary : Mindy's First High School Party - In a dimly lit party room, Mindy resists Mark's advances, but his persistance pays off...
Keywords : mf, 1st anal, reluc, exhib

  The Coyote's Den -- Male Stories witho...  (77K)
Author : Y Lee Coyote
Title : The Coyote's Den -- Male Stories without sex Directory (July 8, 2022)
Summary : Y Lee Coyote's strictly male stories without sex. Many with spanking and shaving activities as aspect of domination and submission in relationships. Most are gay stories but there are also mixed and straight stories.
Keywords : Y Lee Coyote, Coyote, story, gay, shaving, spanking, castration, fiction, fantasy, domination and submission, humil, Goldilocks

  The Coyote's Den Directory (July 8, 20...  (27K)
Author : Y Lee Coyote
Title : The Coyote's Den Directory (July 8, 2022)
Summary : Y Lee Coyote's stories many with spanking and shaving activities as aspect of domination and submission in relationships. Most are gay stories but there are also mixed and straight stories.
Keywords : Y Lee Coyote, Coyote, story, gay, shaving, spanking, castration, fiction, fantasy, domination and submission, humil, role reversal

  Awakening - by Isabella  (134K)
Author : Isabella
Title : Awakening - by Isabella
Summary : Some women only have one sexual awakening...some like June, have two, one in childhood and the other when she reached the seven year itch with her husband! (24,300 Words.)
Keywords : Story Code:M/F, M/g, MM/g, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Underage sex, ped

  Awakening - by Isabella  (134K)
Author : Isabella
Title : Awakening - by Isabella
Summary : Some women only have one sexual awakening...some like June, have two, one in childhood and the other when she reached the seven year itch with her husband! (24,300 Words.)
Keywords : Story Code:M/F, M/g, MM/g, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Underage sex, ped

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