Asstr 8

Asstr 8


Asstr 8
copyright 2007 by Steam Train, all rights reserved
* * * * *
This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains
depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are
not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or
if such material does not appeal to you, do not read
further, and do not save this story.
* * * * *
A series of unrelated short stories capturing the humiliation and embarrassment
suffered by the stories character when their late or early development is exposed upon
being made naked in public.
The most embarrassing moment of my life occurred last summer and there was nothing I
could do about it!
During the recent summer holidays I went to the beach on many occasions but on this
particular occasion it was a real family affair. Mum's sister and her family were coming
and like the other occasions, lots of my friends from school were also going to be at the
beach as well.
When my Aunt Sue and my cousins, 13 year old Liz and 11 year old Robby arrive my aunt
commented, "Well haven't you grown, why you're taller than your brother".
The trouble was she was not referring to me but to my step brother Alex. This statement
was unfortunately very true, as over the last 12 months he had shot past me in height and
had begun tormenting me about the fact, as of course any 'good' brother would do. He was
13 Β½ and I was just over a year older.
Mum didn't help my self image and greatly embarrassed me in front of my aunty and
cousins by replying, " Yes hasn't he grown, he's really started developing, unlike Ben
who's still waiting to start puberty". Now why do mums have to say things like that?
Well to say I blushed as my private secrets were publicly discussed was an
understatement! Even Alex looked a little embarrassed but noting compared to how I
Little did I know that within hours a lot more of my private secrets would be revealed
than just my mum talking about me!
A couple of hours later I was with some of my friends and Alex, chatting up Sarah,
Rachelle and Kate, three girls from school on the beach. Rachelle in particular was the
envy of most girls at school due to her well developed breasts which attracted many more
boys to her than seemed to be attracted to the other girls. I was certainly attracted to
them as was my step brother.

I had been swimming earlier and was wearing a towel wrapped around my board shorts. I
didn't notice some of my other friends sneak up on me whilst all my attention was focused
on Rachelle, or should I confess her breasts!!!!
A couple of the guys grabbed me then the others raced over to join in the fun. With 6
of them I had little hope of struggling loose though I tried, rest assured. Four of them
held my arms and feet and lifted me up whilst the other two who included my step brother
Alex removed my towel from around my waist without too much trouble.
Luke who was holding one of my arms and Rachelle joked about my lack of pit hairs which
made me start to blush real bad; I could feel the heat radiating from my face. My board
shorts though were a problem, and my savior. Still being wet and tightly tied at the waist
they wouldn't slip down when Jono, Dean and Alex tried to lower them. Eventually Drew
tried to undo the waist cord, but this distracted the attention of my captors and with a
huge twist and jerk I broke their grip and raced down into the water.

'Beat them' I thought. No way was I going to get pantsed in public!
I stayed in the water and when the guys attempted to come in after me I deliberately
swam out into deeper water so as not to give them the chance to capture me and drag me
back onto the beach or to pants me there and then on the spot in the water.
What happened next I don't really remember? The guys were waving at me like they were
trying to warn me but I took their antics as a means to trick me into coming closer to
them, then whoosh a wave hit me. I remember the air being forced out of my lungs, my
swimmers sliding off my hips and a shot of fear running through me.
The next I knew I was on the beach, coughing and spluttering, the lifeguard performing
resuscitation on me. When I opened my eyes the life guard was leaning over me but my
friends and family were all standing around me looking concerned.
It took a few seconds to gain my senses but when I did I realised I was naked. The wave
had stripped me of my swimmers. I was lying naked on the beach in front of girls I knew
from school, my cousins and my family.
Instantly I went red in the face with embarrassment and most of the guys and gals who
up till that time had looked worried suddenly burst into a smile at my embarrassment and
humiliating situation.
I was naked, totally exposed before people I knew and some total strangers as well. It
was like my worst nightmare come true!
Yep, mum was right when she said I hadn't started puberty at all. I was still
preadolescent in appearance down there where it really counts for a guy. I had no pubic
hair on my genitals except for some fine peach fuzz similar to that growing on my belly,
arms and legs and my penis and testicles are still childlike in proportion. To make things
worse, I was shrunken even smaller than normal as I had just been pulled from the cold
My cousin Liz was the first to say anything, making a derogatory remark about my puny
genital size and hairless state to Alex who was standing next to her, ending her comment
with a statement about needing a magnifying glass.
Alex my step brother of course used this opportunity to boast about his own size
compared to my meager resources, whilst at the same time I thought I saw Sarah take a
picture or a short movie on her cell phone and then move away to hide it so she wouldn't
get caught.
Now that everyone has seen my most private secrets exposed I guess I will definitely be
the little brother to my step brother Alex, even if he is 14 months younger than me, till
I finally start puberty!

Strings and Sacks, Inc. - Chapter 8
By Sir Cum Sizemore
copyright 2006 by Sir Cum Sizemore, all rights reserved
* * * * *
This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It contains
explicit depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If
you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such
material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not
read further, and do not save this story.
* * * * *
"Good morning, Sharon. You ready to get those thongs
finished?" Andrea greeted her friend. Standing right behind
her was her naked son who gave her the cursory hug and peck
on her cheek.
"How'd he behave last night?" Sharon asked.
"Oh as you might see faintly, Karen had to use the strap on
him for not doing as he was told, but generally he was good.
Aunt Andrea gave his little penis and his testicles a good
massage last night. Didn't she, Steven?"
The boy looked to the floor and mumbled, "Yeah, I guess…"
"Well that didn't sound like you appreciated it young man.
What about the good night kiss? You liked that didn't you?"
"What was disgusting?" Sharon inquired.
"Aunt Andrea kissed my wiener and balls good night."
"And, that didn't feel good to you?" Sharon inquired
"No, adults aren't supposed to do that stuff to kids."
"My guidance counselor at school, she says that's abuse."
"Do you think it's abuse? Did it feel bad to you?"
"No, it felt kinda good to me, but it's wrong."
"It's wrong to feel good?" Andrea entered the discussion.
"What else did this guidance counselor say?"
"She said parents could touch the parts of your body your
bathing suit covers if they need to clean it or inspect it
for rashes and stuff, but to just touch it like you did is
"Well, Honey, if you don't want me to rub it anymore, I
guess I won't." Andrea offered.
"Oh nonsense Andrea you can touch it whenever you want.
Fuck that shit. And, you young man, can just ignore what
the counselor told you. If your Aunt, or for that matter
anyone else I want to let touch it, wants to touch it they
can. Do you understand? What that lady told you is wrong,
it's just a way for the government to come and take kids
from their parents." Sharon was livid. "Do you want to live
with someone else?"
"Well then forget what you've been told. Your penis and
testicles belong to me until you're eighteen. Then you get
to take charge of them. Do you understand?"
"Look at me. Do you really understand?"
"Yes, Mom, I understand, all right?" Steven was angry at
being asked the same question twice.
"Now get out there and let those little girls play with it."
Sharon pointed to the pool deck.
After he left Sharon threw her hands up in the air, "That
just pisses me off. He's my kid and the government seems to
think they can call all the shots. He's my kid and if I
want to make his boy parts open to anyone Big Brother can
just go fuck himself. Who in the hell empowered the
guidance counselor to discuss such things with my kid?"
"Just calm down. It doesn't matter. We'll still do what we
feel is best for him. And, us!" Andrea tried to calm her
"I have half a mind to send him to school in his thong just
to make a point."
"They'd just suspend him, or send him home for 'more
appropriate attire'. Forget it, Sharon we have work to do.
The others will be here in a half hour. Let's have a cup of
Momentarily the door bell rang and out on the front porch
stood Marjorie with two completely nude seven year olds.
Both had erections as they entered the house. "I'd suggest
you boys do something about those little woodies you've got
there. Jamie is on the prowl with the lanyard." Andrea
cautioned. Then she continued with Marjorie as the boys ran
to the pool with their little dicks bobbing back and forth
with each step. The women sat at the kitchen table, "Last
night I thought about the shorts. I think they're a go. If
we market enough the whole damn school system will have to
change their dress code. At the very least we'll have a
whole lot of baby meat roaming the range. Sharon did you
get any fabric?"
Still pissed from the exchange earlier she said, "Yes, I
did. It's in the car let me go get it." She walked out and
when she returned she was smiling, "You know I want three
pairs to dress him in for his first day back at school.
Make them short enough the bottom of his ass cheeks are
visible when he stands up. Here, I've got some cotton and I
thought a pair of dressy ones would be great for church and
formal gathering so I also bought some wool. By God, he
won't wear underwear with these either. I hope his little
ass doesn't break out from the wool, but we won't know until
we try. Oh and Andrea, the wool shorts should have belt
"Nope, no fly. He'll have to pull them down."
"Good enough. I have a pattern that I've doctored. Before
Susan gets here let's go up and try to knock off a pair."
Andrea suggested. With that the three women coffee cups in
hand adjourned to the large sewing area upstairs. "I made
twenty more last night. Couldn't sleep."
The sewing machine hummed. And quickly a pair of elastic
waist cotton short shorts was produced. Total time from
material to finished product was twenty seven minutes.
"Steven, come up here," Sharon beckoned from the upstairs
window. Anxious to get away from Jamie's prying fingers he
almost jumped over a chair in an attempt to get to the
sewing room. "Here, try these on."
"Mom, shorts aren't this short. I can't wear these in
"Why not, Honey, you have been wandering in public with that
mesh thong on?" Marjorie inquired.
"I don't want to do that either, but that's just a beach and
most other people don't have much on."
"Well, their wieners weren't showing." Marjorie tried to
"No, but a lot of the girls and women had their butts
showing like I did. At least I wasn't alone."
"No, but no one had their wiener showing. Didn't that
embarrass you?"
"Okay, Steven, just put these on." Sharon called his
attention back to her. Reluctantly the eleven year old took
the shorts and pulled them over his nude backside and
"Oh aren't they cute? Look his ass line starts here and so
does the hem. I do like the sweep up his thigh too. It
gives maximum leg exposure and this little notch makes them
look finished. Now, Steven sit here and spread your legs."
Steven sat in the chair his mother had turned for him.
"Yes, his boy parts are well exposed. I believe if he gets
a woody it'll stick out the leg so at least his little dick
head will show. I love them."
"I love them. Here let me reach up in here and give his boy
parts a little tug." She did. "I think you're right an
erection should expose at the very least the tip of his
"What are these shorts for?" Steven was beginning to worry.
"They for school and every day play wear." Sharon answered.
"Mom, I can't wear these to school. I'll get teased by the
girls and the other guys will make fun of me."
"They're against the dress code." He argued again.
"Maybe today they are, but you watch. The dress code will
change." Sharon replied.
"Hey, there's no fly. How do I go to the bathroom?"
"How did you do it when you were wearing you Speedo? It
didn't have a fly either."
"Well, I would pull my penis out the leg and go that way."
"With these, you'll pull them down to your knees and just
"Little kids do that. I'm not going to do that."
"Yes you are, and besides that thong has helped tan those
ass cheeks of yours to a beautiful bronze and I want people
to see them."
"Mom, come on don't do this to me. You said I could wear
boxer underwear this year. That'll really look good my
underwear hanging out form under my shorts."
"Who said you'd be wearing underwear? In fact, you won't."
"No underwear, come on Mom. Please don't do this."
"It's done. And you can visit that counselor and tell her I
said you were to dress like that."
"Please, Mom. I'll wear these when I'm home playing, but
don't make me wear them to school."
"You'll wear them to school, young man. Andrea let's get
two more out of the rest of the material and make those wool
shorts while you're at it."
"Steven here's a long sleeve shirt. Put it on and go stand
over there so Marjorie can take some pictures of you in the
shorts. Here's a pair of white ankle socks and some Nikes.
Be sure to tuck the shirt in as best you can so it doesn't
show outside the legs of the shorts."
"Andrea, after we get the initial order of thongs done,
let's make some of these shorts for my boys. We can start
marketing them too. Strings and Sacks is now expanding to a
line of shorts. Mark my words, we'll soon work our way to a
household word. The females will make a statement. Maybe
basketball and soccer shorts will return to a respectable
length up around their asses."
Angrily Steven removed the shorts and threw them on the
floor with a violent thrust. "I won't wear these gay things
to school. I won't, Mom. I'll leave home, I won't wear
Without a word Sharon went to the window and hollered,
"Karen, bring your strap up here."
"You can whip me, but I won't wear them." Steven naked
again folded his arms across his chest and huffed.
"Here it is Aunt Sharon. Is Steven going to get a whipping?"

"Yes, Karen he is and you're going to give it to him."
"Get over here young man. Bend over this stool."
"I won't wear them." Steven repeated as he was forced over
the stool.
"How many do you want me to give him," Karen inquired of her
"Let's begin with twenty and we'll go from there. And,
Karen, I want you to hurt him. I mean really hurt him so
make each one count."
"Yes, Ma'am." Momentarily there was a swish and the belt
landed squarely across his ass. The snap of the belt was
sharp and it was apparent by the stripe she took Sharon's
direction to heart.
"I won't wear them," the crying boy mumbled. Sharon got
more irate with him. She got up and unplugged an extension
cord connected to the sewing machine.
"Here, Karen, use this instead. Tear him up."
The preteen took the extension cord and doubled it.
Suddenly it was flying through the air and as it made
contact wrapped itself around his hips. The sting was twice
the pain of the belt and the boy broke into a scream
followed by blubbering through his tears. After several
vivid stripes were left crisscrossing his backside and
thighs his attitude mellowed. On the fifteenth lash he
begged, "I'll wear them. Please, Mom, make her stop I'll
wear them." His face reddened by the crying and his nose
running he begged.
"Keep going Karen. I'm not sure he's serious."
Karen continued to tear him up. "Aunt Sharon, that's
twenty. Should I stop?"
"Please, Mom, let her stop. Please."
Immediately the extension cord made contact again and every
five seconds landed squarely on his backside, often wrapping
around his thigh. Once or twice the tip of the cord made
contact with his penis.
"Okay, you can stop." Sharon then said to her crying
offspring, "Don't you ever tell me you won't do what you're
told again, Steven." The blubbering boy sobbing and leaking
discharge from his nose lay on the floor on his side.
"Yyyuh, uh, uh, es, Mmmmuh, uh, a', uh, uh, mam, uh, uh,"
was all he could choke out to acknowledge his mother.
"Good, now get downstairs. You might want to get in the
pool to cool that off. First let the girls put some lotion
on it. Go ahead, Karen, take him downstairs."
"Can I take the extension cord too?"
"No use the belt. We need the cord for the sewing
machines." Sharon was now sullen over becoming so irritated
with her boy.
"Sharon, stop it, he deserved it." Andrea again was in the
position of comforting her friend.
"Absolutely, he asked for that," Marjorie joined in.
The doorbell rang. "That must be Susan and her kids. I'll
let them in and be right back up." Andrea went downstairs to
answer the door. There on the front porch was an eager
little girl holding her brother's penis in her hand. "Come
on in. You kids go outside and play while your Mom and I go
As they entered the sewing room, Susan picked up a pair of
shorts off the floor. "Oh what's this?"
"Those are Steven's new shorts for school and general play
wear." Marjorie answered.
"Well if those just don't fit the bill, I don't know what
will. Is there anything left to the viewer's imagination?"
"No, and that's the way we want them, isn't it?" Andrea
"Oh yes, we sure do. So have we got some for Sammy?"
"No but we will. You can be sure of that. At least Steven
won't be the only kid at school in them."
"He sure won't. Maybe if we market them well, there'll be a
few more showing up to class displaying what they've got. I
assume no underwear is worn with these. It'd just show
under the legs."
"Nope, no underwear." Marjorie answered.
"What's the matter, Sharon? You look a little down." Susan
was perceptive of the sullen look.
"She had to have Steven whipped already this morning for
sassing her back."
"Hey, girl, you're his mother and you don't have to take
backtalk. You needed to teach him that. Let it go." Susan
attempted to further console her.
As the ladies began the production of the thongs to fill the
orders, Angela Petrie was walking in to her boss' office in
a New York business center. "Melissa, I was walking Jones
Beach this weekend and I passed this little boy with a thong
on that had a mesh front. It was the cutest thing. Then as
I walked further there was another one and a set of twins
further down. Are we seeing a trend toward exposing little
boys in beach wear?"
"I don't know, Angela, where did these thongs come from?"
Well, the mother of the twins gave me this flier." She
"Oh they are adorable. Lit
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