Asstr 5

Asstr 5


Asstr 5
(Mg, gb, MF, nepi, voy, exhib, nudity, fondle, oral)
Be careful for what you wish for, the old adage goes...

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Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit
material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please
leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read
or view sexually explicit material in the community you view such material,
please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any
resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you
are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are
offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex
between minors and adults, or any other situation, please check the story code
before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not
promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to
unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.

We watched several more "Little Sis" video clips.
There was one where she's sitting on the floor naked playing with a toy. She
stops playing and puts her fist against her snatch and begins rocking back and
forth masturbating. The camera zooms in
to show her knuckles clearly within her demure lips. She never looks at the camera until she's
finished, then she looks up, gives the biggest smile and then resumes playing
with the toy.
Another was a bit more graphic. She climbs naked into the lap of a naked man. His face isn't shown, but I presumed him to be Mike, except he looked
to be stockier than Mike. She sits with
her legs straddling his legs, giving a clear shot at her smooth hairless baby
pussy. The man, begins to stroke her
bare legs and soon is rubbing her pussy, then penetrating her and fingering
her. Before the molestation began in
earnest, she was obviously very happy and alert. As her pussy is played with, she takes on an
increasingly faraway look until she looks like she's been drugged. The fingering stops and for a moment the
camera focuses on her expression. 
Suddenly, as if she'd been hypnotized and the hypnotist snaps his
fingers, she comes out of it beaming. She
looks up over her shoulder and says, "Do it again, Daddy. Do it again." Once again the man's hand goes to her crotch,
his middle finger sliding into her now swollen gash and disappearing to the
second knuckle; the camera fades out.
Another featured her older "brother," Bubby. "Little Sis" is again playing with
her dolls on the floor naked. Bubby
comes in also stark naked.    
"I had to clean up your mess, Sis," he says,
"so Daddy won't be mad and spank you."
"Kay." She
puts aside her doll and rises to her knees while he steps up to her. She grips his slender pecker and takes it in
her mouth. Again the camera moves around
to view the two kids from different angles and zooms in and out to capture the
blowjob. Lisa who has been cuddling with
me the whole time, lifts up and kisses me, blocking my view. Not that I minded her sticking her tongue
into my mouth while I massaged her bare buns. 
Besides, as far as blowjobs go, the videotaped one wasn't a very
interesting one, except for the ages involved. 
Besides I figured I was about to get a live one from the little angel
any moment now.
"We'll save the rest of it for later," Mike said
stopping the DVD.
"Lisa, tell Granpa
goodnight. You have to go to school
tomorrow," her mother said. 
Lisa broke her not-so-childish kiss, turned to her mom and
replied, "Kay."
She turned to me and cheerfully said, "'Night, Granpa !"
Hopping off my lap, she dashed into the back of the house.  Damn!
With Lisa out of the way, Staci moved in on me. She kissed me much like Lisa had been doing,
but then began kissing me lower and lower and lower. Just as she was about to get to my dick, Mike
pipes in and says, "Let's take this to bed." Damn!
Sleeping with the Higgmans was a
new experience for me. First of all, I'd
never gone to bed with a man and his wife before. There was plenty of room in
their king size bed, but someone had beat us to it; Lisa. They made no attempt to get the child to go
to her own room, nor did they make any attempt to shield her from what was to
take place on that bed. Actually, what
took place was pretty straightforward. 
Staci sucked me for a little while and then we fucked. 
Meanwhile Mike had his video camera going. I wasn't quite used to that yet, but what was
really uncomfortable for me was Lisa in bed with us and watching everything we
did. Well, if her parents were alright with it...
I lasted a good long while, changing positions frequently...
missionary, cowboy, doggie, spooning, scissors, reverse cowboy.  The woman wore me out. By the time I had cum and we were finished,
Lisa was out cold. I suppose she'd seen
quite a lot of that sort of thing by then. 
It was just what her parents did. 
I was pretty wasted by then too, rolled over and went to sleep myself.
I was surprisingly refreshed when I woke up the next morning
when the alarm clock went off. Lisa was
snuggled up in the crook of my arm, her face buried in my hairy armpit. Mike and Staci rolled out of bed and hit the
shower. I extracted myself from Lisa,
plodded into the living room and finding my shorts, slipped them on. I was about to leave when Mike came out still
drying his hair with his towel.
"Don't leave yet. 
We need your help," he said.
"No, no, no. 
She's going to day care, so you get a break. But what we need is, uh, for you to go with
Staci and drop her off. That way you'll
know where the place is so you can take her and pick her up some days."
"You want me to take and pick up Lisa from
"Or you can keep her with you all day. But we figure you could use a break from that
all day every day."
"You will take her and pick her up when we need you to,
won't you?"
"Uh, yeah, sure." 
I really didn't have anything better to do, but spending all day with
Lisa was exhausting.
"Well, then come and get some coffee. Staci and Lisa will be ready to go
So I went and had a cup of black coffee and waited
around. Finally Staci makes her
appearance in the kitchen with Lisa. By that time I was working on my second
cup. Staci really was a looker,
especially since she hadn't gotten dressed yet and was still nude, as was Lisa.
Ogling the young mother I stammered, "Uh, Mike says you
want me to go with you to drop off Lisa at day care."
"Oh, would you, Daddy? 
That'd be so much help." She really had this Daddy thing in her
head. I briefly wondered what she might think if I just bent her over the
kitchen table and...
"Would you like some cereal?" she asked
interrupting my train of thought which had been focused on her fine naked
"Uh, no thanks. 
I never eat that stuff.
"I'm just going to pop over to my house and get a shirt
and some shoes," I stated, my eyes following the shapely naked woman as
she went to the fridge to get the milk. 
It was still hard for me to believe that I was now having a carnal
relationship with her and with her husband's blessings.
"Oh, don't bother," she replied. "I'll just get you something of
"No. I know it
doesn't look like we're ready to go, but I promise I won't be but just a
minute. I'm already running late."
I should have known better. 
Whereas Staci was nothing like my late wife, she was at the same time
just like her. Five minutes, ten
minutes, fifteen minutes passed and I was still drinking coffee in just my
cargo shorts. Hell, I could have gone home,
shit, showered, shaved and still had time to scarf down a boiled egg or two,
but here I was waiting for a woman to get her act together. 
Mike came in dressed for work. "Staci said you needed a shirt and
shoes. Hope these will do. See ya , I gotta run, Bill."
Now I'm a bigger guy than Mike. Not taller, but bigger in the chest and the
waist. I examined the wife-beater shirt
he'd handed to me and slipped it on. It
was a tight fit. So tight that my
nipples clearly poked out. Not only that, but chest hair was sprouting from the
neck and arm holes. The "shoes" he gave me were cheap flip-flops and
at least a size too small. I slipped
into the half-bath adjacent to the kitchen and had a look. Not a pretty sight! Besides being dressed like some backwoods
hick, I had a day old beard and my hair was unruly, completing the look.
"Daddy, are you ready?" Staci called out.
I carried Lisa out to the car and put her in her car seat,
fumbling around with damned straps for a minute or so before I had her
secure. She was dressed in purple shorts
and a lavender Hello Kitty t-shirt, along with white sandals, but I wondered
how long that would last.
It had been raining off and on that morning and it was
starting to rain again. "Come on, Daddy, get in. You're going to get wet and we've got to
I barely had my own seat belt on and we were backing out of
the driveway. On our way, I asked, "So where is this place?"
"Just outside of town," she replied. "It's over here," she said
gesturing forward, "but my work is back there," she said gesturing
with her thumb towards the back. 
"I'll practically have to go past the house after I drop Lisa to
get to work."
We lived fairly close to the edge of town, so I figured a
ten minute ride there, ten minutes back to the house and another ten minutes
for her to get to her job. Thirty
minutes, that wasn't too bad. Turns out
it was nearly twenty minutes to the day care, as it was well out of town and in
the next county. That made it closer to
an hour each way, every day. No wonder
they wanted me to take Lisa and pick her up.
I followed Staci into the new day care faculty carrying
Lisa, who was visibly agitated. New is a
misnomer, as this place was so run down and smelly it made my flesh crawl.
Staci went to the front desk and engaged the rather gruff looking older woman
sitting behind the desk. I tried to keep
Lisa occupied while her mom took care of business. In the background you could hear several kids
screaming or crying.
"I don't wanna go here,"
Lisa whined softly hugging me tightly around the neck. "I wanna stay with you, Granpa ..." I couldn't blame her, I wouldn't want to stay
there either. 
After Staci paid the fees and signed Lisa in, we followed
the gruff old lady into a room crowded with little kids. I handed Lisa off to one of the workers with
Lisa now in full blown cry-mode. Staci
and I then beat a hasty retreat. We went
back to the front desk where Staci identified me as someone whom the day care
could release her to. The woman regarded
me contemptuously. Unshaven and dressed as I was, I must admit I looked like a
bum. Ignoring her disapproving looks, I
gave her my phone number as another emergency number. With that done, Staci and I headed out.
"Oh, I do hope we've made the right decision,"
Staci said on the way back to my house.
"She didn't seem very happy about it," I
unhelpfully added.
"Once she settles in and makes some friends, she'll be
fine," Staci rationalized.
'The place is a dump,' I thought to myself. 'God, I need a bath!'  "So where did you find that
"It's been on the bottom of our list for quite some
time," Staci admitted. 
"So, if you had that place on your list, why have me
babysit her for three weeks?"
"We like you. 
And Lisa adores you. You know,
you really do remind me of my dear pervert daddy. And you seemed to like Lisa... a lot, and we
figured that if you baby sat for her for a few days, you'd... you know..."
"You said that, I didn't. But yes, and you, ah... you played with her,
didn't you, you bad, bad man!" She
laughed. "And now you can't keep your hands off her, can
you? Or," she giggled, "your
mouth... or keep her mouth off you!
"My daddy was like that with my sister and me. Couldn't keep his hands off. Nor could he keep his dick out of us, not
that we ever wanted him not to. Lisa's
just like me, and I'm fine with that. 
And you, you handsome devil, are just like my daddy, Daddy. So Mike and I thought... perfect! And best of
all you live alone next door!"
Having confirmed for me that she and Mike had played me, she
started her car and drove away. We
chatted on the way back in, with me asking questions about her real daddy. Boy, did I get an earful! And a few kinky
After Staci dropped me off at my house, I made it around
back to the back door which I never locked. 
I was almost starving by that time, so my first order of business was to
fix me some scrambled eggs and toast, along with a glass of orange juice.
After stripping off the too tight wife-beater shirt and
discarding the ill fitting flip-flops, I took stock of my upcoming day as I ate
my breakfast. I needed to shower and
shave, but decided I would hold off on that until I went to the gym for a
workout. Then, before leaving for the
gym, I threw my dirty towels into the washer, along with a few shirts and
shorts, and started a load of wash. 
What can you say about going to the gym and working out
other than you did it? Back home and
clean from my post-workout shower, I shaved. 
Then remembering the towels, I moved them from the washer to the
dryer. My "must do's" for the
day complete, I found a book I had started the week before. 
I'd no sooner settled in when my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number and dismissed
it as a junk call from some pesky telemarketer. 
I let it ring until it stopped. 
Then a moment later to my surprise, the call went to voicemail. Telemarketers usually didn't bother leaving a
message, unless it was some obnoxious robocall , so I
checked it out.
"Mr. Bill, please call Happy Days Day Care as soon as
you get this message," the voice said adding, "it's urgent."
"Oh my god, she's gotten hurt!" I said out
loud. Immediately I dialed the call-back
"Happy Days Day Care," the disinterested voice
"Uh, this Lisa Higgman's
grandfather," I said.
"Her mother said for us to call you about this. Come get her right away!" the voice
"No, she's most uncooperative. She 
won't put her clothes back on! We
can't have that sort behavior here and we won't tolerate it! Come get her now or we'll call someone with
the county to come and get her!"
"I'll give you fifteen minutes!" the unpleasant
woman replied.
I hung up, gathered up my keys, wallet and glasses and
hoofed it back out to Happy Days, making it there in a little under twenty
Seeing me walk in, the gruff old bitch behind the main desk
huffed, "Well, it's about time you got here!"
"Uh, okay... So Lisa's being a problem?"
"Well, she's naked for one thing and refuses to put her
clothes back on. But before that she was
pulling her pants down and showing off. 
Then she was getting two of the boys to pull down their pants and
showing off! We just can't tolerate that behavior. I suggest you get her in to see a child
The woman got off her fat ass and lead me to this little
room. There all by herself, looking sad
and pitiful, was Lisa in her natural state, her clothes in a pile on the floor
next to her. Seeing me, she leaped up,
ran to me and hugged my leg.
"I'll take it from here," I told the woman, who
promptly left, leaving the door open. 
I'd liked to have never pried Lisa off my leg, and only after promising
to take her home after she put her clothes back on, did she relinquish my
With her dressed, I
carried her out with her hugging me about the neck tightly. As we passed the desk, the woman, said,
"You have to sign her out." I
signed her out. 
"We'll be sending her mother a refund," the woman
added, "in a week to ten days."
"Yeah, I'll be sure and let her know," I
Lisa hadn't eaten and as it was past lunch time, I hit the
drive thru of the first McDonalds I came to and bought her a chicken nugget
Happy Meal. Of course she was more interested in the toy than the food, but by
the time we got home, she'd eaten most of it. 

Pulling into my garage, I stopped my car, got out and
unstrapped her as the garage door closed. 
As soon as she was free, she bounded through the door to my
kitchen. By the time I got there she had
her shorts halfway down to her knees.
Whoa! Whoa! Did I tell you that you could undress?"
"No," she replied holding her shorts halfway
She looked at me and said, "I don't want to wear any
clothes, Granpa . I wanna be
nakki ."
"Do I have to?" 
I just gave her the look and she pulled her shorts up.
"Now, put your hands up above your head. All the way up and touch the sky." She stood there with her hands stretched upward
looking at me questioningly. I then lifted her shirt up and off. She started to lower her hands.
"Did I say you could lower your hands?" Immediately her hands shot upward again.
Topless she waited for me to tell her what to do next. I didn't make her wait long before I slowly
worked her shorts down. Again she
started to lower her hands. I corrected
her and with her hands held high above her head, she stepped out of her shorts.
I hadn't bothered to put her shoes or panties on at the day care, so she was
now naked.
Again I waited a moment until she started to put her hands
down. "Hands up!" I ordered
and she shot her hands upward.
I was kneeling before her looking her straight in the eye,
holding my gaze for a long moment as she waited and waited.
" Ckckckckckckckck !" I
loudly clicked with my tongue while
quickly reaching out and grabbing her by the pussy. She jumped back and shrieked at the same time
at my unexpected attack, ending up nearly doubled over with laughter.
"Hands up!" I told the giggling little girl. She held her hands up. I looked her in the
eye for a moment before suddenly goosing her between the legs again accompanied
by my loud tongue clicking sound. Again
she jumped back and shrieked at the same time at my playful attack. 
"Hands up!" 
This time she could barely raise her hands at all. Half bent over, she was doing her best to
stay in place, but the anticipation of the next attack was almost too much to
bear. I feigned an attack, she shrieked
with glee and took off running.
"Come back here! 
Did I say you could leave?" 
Bless her heart, she came back and held her hands up, doing her best to
keep her giddiness under control. 
I reached out, slowly getting closer and closer until she
couldn't stand it anymore. "Now be
still... stand up straight... hands up.... Ckckckckckckckck !" She squealed loudly, but this time she stood
her ground and let me cup her smooth bald pussy.
I withdrew my hand without molesting her too much, pulled
her to me and sniffed around her. " Poo woo!" I exclaimed. 
"You're all stinky."
"No, you're the big stinky!" she countered.
"No, you are! 
Tell you what. How about if we go
take a bath and then you'll smell all sweet again?"
We headed off to the bathroom. As I drew the hot bath, she rummaged around
under the sink and pulled out some bath toys. 
By this time I had quite a collection of bath toys. She chose a rubber duck, two boats and a Barbie
doll that had seen bett
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