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Alt Sex Stories Text Repository

"Purple Blanket" by Jonathon Earl Bowser

This story explores the shared wonders of sexual discovery
experienced between 4 children one summer vacation. Told from the
viewpoint of the youngest, 10 year old Samantha.

A young girl is bored and depressed
with her home life. The wonders of far off cities tempt her to runaway.
Her nighttime escape on a freight train with hobos and drifters turns
into a nightmare!

© 2007 Samara. Commercial use in any form requires
the written permission of the author.

Part 1 - A photographer
meets a 10 year old girl, Juliet, in the forest. He shows her how his
digital camera works by taking some pictures of her in various states
of undress.
Part 2 - The story
of 10 year old Juliet and the photographer continues as she visits his
tent late at night, keen to find out more of the things he taught her

A father tells of the day he was left in charge
of his 4 year old niece, Abigail. When she eventually falls asleep for
her afternoon nap, he takes advantage.

Mandy is left tied to a tree by her 'friends'.
A succession of passersby take advantage of the poor 9 year old child
before her father finds her.

A burglar breaks into a house to steal valuables
but he is disturbed when a 10 year old schoolgirl returns home. He ties
her to a bed then finds the situation stimulating.

A class of 11 - 12 year olds attend a special
sex education lecture in their school from a visiting teacher. To their
surprise the lesson becomes a practical session.

Fiona and her young brother, Robert return home
from play to find their mom paying the rent in kind. Mom wants to send
the kids back out but the landlord has other ideas.

Linda is discovered masturbating in the locker
room. She has to see her teacher after school for 'sex lessons' with
the help of the teachers teenage son.

Rosie & Zoe -
Greenwood Primary School has a unique fund raising program. On his first
visit a client is 'entertained' by two delightful 12 year old girls.
Eleanor - Another
story from Greenwood Primary School. In this visit, Mrs. 'Smith' meets
a recent 8 year old addition to the program.

Uncle Pete is trusted to look after his 7 year
old niece. An incident at the cinema leads to him taking advantage of
her - or is it the other way round!

12 year old Elise is bored and decides to head
out for a swim. On the way she spies on a gang of teenage boys in an
old ranch house - and suffers the consequences!

A father takes the opportunity
for a quick wank one quiet afternoon, but is caught by his 4 year old
daughter. Now he has to explain what he was doing!

Part 1 - Young Katie
is just discovering the delights of her own body. She is discovered
by her older sister which leads to them learning more of the joys of
sex with each other.
Part 2 - Concluding
the story of sisters who discover the joy of sex with each other. The
two young girls continue to learn new and exciting things.

Its 'Take your daughter to work day' and for
one father it happens to be the most important day of his career. Far
from being a burden, his 10 year old is used as a means to secure an
important contract, and his job!

A lesbian aunt takes her young niece out dinghy sailing
for the day. They stop at a secluded beach for a picnic where she is
able to fulfill a long surpressed wish.

Part 1 -
Jody takes on a baby-sitting job for her dad's boss but he molests her
when he drives the young girl home.
Part 2 -
Concluding the story of Jody as she returns to Andy's house to baby-sit
again but finds only he is home, and he isn't going out.

A middle aged woman who is flattered by two preteen boys spying on
her, turns to exhibitionism and both she and the boys get a thrill from
it. The situation develops as she takes things further...

Its Lindsey's 11th birthday and she has some friends round for a sleepover.
Lindsey's mom decides to teach the young girls a game she learned when
she was younger.

Ranch hand Jake finds himself in a compromising situation with the
rancher's 11 year old daughter Sandy. A situation he seems to have no
will power to stop.

St. Agnes Devine is a strict Convent school where 10 year old Libby
has been caught masturbating. She is sent to the principles office for
behavioral correction lessons.

Watch this space for the next exciting story!

If you wish, you can use the
Feedback form to send me your comments and suggestions about any of
my stories. Please click the link below.
Thank you for your visit - Please cum again soon!

Courier New
Lucida Sans
Gill Sans

I'm a girl who likes to write about what I know
A family finds they all like the same thing. Sex

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s
Loved it. Soooo naughty. Any more to come (or should that be cum)? Maybe father actually fucking tom, with some intense mother daughter love? Maybe include some watersports? It got me very wet so thank you.
very nice story, loved the preteen lesbian stuff. so much hairless pussy!
I loved it! The twist was cool, but should've gotten Mum involved. I also love your accent in the writing. Good job!

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Janet tied her hair back, let her dressing gown fall to the floor and admired her body in the mirror. At 12 she was just beginning to gain some curves and her breasts were now the size of small apples. She rubbed her hands over her puffy nipples and shuddered as they hardened to her touch sending a ripple of pleasure through her lithe body. Her fingers wandered down over her flat tummy and delved between her thighs seeking the little button at the top of her slit.
Just as she began to massage her clit her bedroom door was flung open and her sister stormed in.
"Gemma can't you knock this is MY room" shouted Janet moving to close her bedroom door before their brother caught sight of her naked body. Gemma was 10 and whilst the girls usually got on could be so annoying and Janet was frustrated that she had been stopped in her bodily explorations.
"Sorry, it's just not fair" Gemma whined
"What's not fair" Janet asked pulling her robe back on.
"Mum won't let me stay at Mary's house for a sleepover because her parents wont be there. Her brother is so it's not like we'd be on our own." Gemma pouted and sat down heavily on the bed with her arms crossed.
"Maybe Mum thinks her brother is the problem. Two ten year olds girls and a randy 16 year old boy. She probably thinks you are trying to get yourself felt up. or worse." Janet's pussy tingled at the thought of her little sister getting laid by Mary's brother and was surprised to see her younger sister blush.
"She'd let you go" Gemma said almost under her breath. "And you wouldn't stop Jimmy either he's buff"
Janet smiled "So how far were you going to let hi go? And what if he had some mates round were you going to let them all have a go?" Janet sat next down to her sister. "Are you ready for that?"
"I'm not a kid you know" said Gemma petulantly
"So how far have you been with a boy?" Janet asked softly.
"No where" replied Gemma, "But I so want to. I'm ready I know I am."
"So you want to have sex? Or you want to have sex with Jimmy?" questioned Janet her pussy now growing wet and in definite need of some attention.
Gemma shrugged and lay back on Janet's bed. Janet sat next to her "You know you can have fun with girls too you know. It's a great way to see what your body can do. Do you ever touch yourself, you know down there?" Gemma pointed to Gemma's pussy area.
Janet's pussy was now very wet as she waited for Gemma's answer. She had never thought of touching her sister, heck she had her hands full with Tom their brother. He had caught and taken pictures of Janet giving a boy a blow job at a party and had been blackmailing his sister into giving him regular blow jobs ever since.
Gemma looked up at Janet "Sort of, but I'm not sure I'm doing it right"
"Do you want me to show you?" Janet's words caught in her mouth as she asked.
Gemma thought for a moment and then nodded her head
"Have you ever put anything inside your pussy?" Janet asked as she lifted Gemma's robe and nightshirt.
Gemma nodded "A marker pen, but it hurt so I didn't do it again. "
Janet smiled as she slid her fingers along Gemma's pre teen slit. It was already moist and as her fingers moved up and down Gemma moaned quietly and wetness spread from her hole. Janet moved her fingers to the top of her slit and rubbed her clit with small circular motions.
"Is that good?" she asked. Gemma nodded, her eyes half closed, her hips moving gently to match the motions of Janet's fingers. "This is even better" Janet said and lowered her head between Gemma's thighs. Gemma gasped as her sisters tongue ran up the length of her hot wet slit drawing her sweet pre teen juices out of her body. As Janet's tongue worked it's magic on Gemma's clit she slowly sank her middle finger deep into her sisters pussy. Gemma moaned and her body shuddered as her first climax began to build.
"Oh God yes more, oh don't stop please" Gemma pleaded her hips now bucking hard. Janet inserted a second finger into her sister's pussy and Gemma's legs clamped around her head as the ten year old orgasmed. Gemma's pussy walls rippled along Janet's fingers as she came. The young girl's breaths came in hard short pants her whole body vibrating with pleasure as she came.
Gemma relaxed her legs releasing Janet's head from her vice like grip. Janet pulled her fingers from her sisters pussy and looked up her face covered with her little sisters pussy juice.
"Wanna taste?" Janet asked holding her fingers up to Gemma's lips. Gemma held Janet's hand and took her fingers into her mouth sucking her own pussy juices from her sisters fingers.
"mmmm" she said her cheeks rosy from her orgasm. "Do all girls taste the same?"
"Why don't you lick me and see" Janet suggested swinging her leg over Gemma's body so that she was straddling her head. She slowly lowered herself down until she felt Gemma's tongue rasp along her wet slit. Janet bit her lip as spikes of pleasure surged through her body. Gemma slowly inserted first one and then two slim fingers into her older sister's vagina marvelling at the hot wetness of pussy. Gemma worked her tongue over her engorged pussy lips and then lapped at her sisters clit as Janet had done to her. Janet began to moan quietly as Gemma's ministrations brought her nearer and nearer her orgasm. The wave of pleasure built and then crashed over her pussy juices squirting from her hole into Gemma's mouth.
Janet swung her leg back over Gemma's body and lay next to her trembling as her orgasm subsided.
"God was that really the first time you've done that" she asked "If it is you are a quick learner"
"Yeah was my first time" Gemma replied as she wiped pussy juice from her cheeks with the sleeve of her nightdress. "Hope it's not the last though, but I still want to do it with a boy. Your fingers felt so good inside me"
"You know we can sort that" replied Janet and she told Gemma about what she was doing with Tom and how Gemma could be included.
The next morning Janet woke Gemma with a gentle shake of her shoulder.
"Mum and Dad are at church and Tom's downstairs. I'll start to suck him off and when his eyes are closed you creep in and we will swap."
Gemma nodded and got sleepily to her feet and followed Janet to the top of the stairs. She waited whilst Janet went down and into the kitchen and then followed to the door being careful not to be seen by Tom. She peeked round into the kitchen and saw Janet on her knees with Tom standing in front of her his cock sliding in and out of her mouth.
"Oh God that's good I hope you are ready I haven't cum for three days so my balls are bursting" Tom said as Janet ran her tongue over his glans.
Janet looked up at Tom and finding his eyes closed motioned for Gemma to come in. The 10 year old silently padded into the kitchen and knelt next to her sister.
Gemma licked her lips in anticipation and opened her mouth as Janet slipped Tom's cock out of her mouth and allowed Gemma to take over. Janet's hand continued to jack Tom's shaft as Gemma bobbed her head up and down. Janet moved over to the sofa spread her thighs and began to rub her pussy calling out Tom's name as she did.
Tom opened his eyes, looked at Janet and then down at Gemma as he wondered who was sucking him.
"Oh fuck" he said. "I'm in heaven" He put his hand on Gemma's head and began to slowly move his hips sliding half of his hard teenage cock in and out of his youngest sisters move. "I'm gonna cum soon sis" he said his hips increasing in speed. As he said this they heard the unmistakable sound of a key being inserted in the front door. Janet dropped her legs and stood up as Tom began to shoot streams of cum into Gemma's mouth. Her throat moved as she swallowed the first two spurts and kept sucking her hands pulling at his butt cheeks forcing him to remain in her mouth.
"Hi" their Mother called from the hallway as Tom shot the last of his cum into Gemma's mouth. Gemma casually released Tom's cock and ran her tongue over the end licking the last drops of cum from it before quickly standing up and moving to the fridge. Tom tucked his cock into his boxers and sat back down on the stool by the breakfast bar as their Mum entered the kitchen.
"You all Ok? Hope you haven't been fighting whilst we were out?"
"Course not" Tom said watching Gemma lick drops of cum from her lips.
"Good" Mum said "Gemma your Dad is in his den with Father Hammond can you take this down to them. You two can help me get lunch ready." Gemma took the bottle of whiskey from her Mother and slipped on a pair of flip flops to stop her feet getting dirty on the way to their Fathers den.
"Hi Gemma" the two men said as she entered the large cabin their Father had built in the garden. Gemma handed her father the bottle of whiskey and smiled at Father Hammond.
"You know what to do" her father said taking two tumblers from the shelf next his seat and pouring a generous measure in each.
Gemma walked over to the sofa where Father Hammond was sitting and took her dressing gown and nightdress off. He reached forward as she stood in front of him and slid a hand up her thigh and across her pussy lips. .
"Nice and wet . Have you been being naughty?" the priest asked his fingers delving into the folds of her pre teen slit.
"I just finished giving Tom a blow job Father" Gemma answered "Was that wrong"
Father Hammond shook his head as he pulled off his cassock revealing 7" of rock hard erect cock. The tip oozed with pre cum. Gemma leant forward and sucked the pre cum from his cock before climbing up and positioning herself so that he could enter her hot wet slit. Gemma reached down and guided his cock to the head of her hole before lowering herself down sighing as she forced the head past the ring of muscle at the entrance of her pre teen pussy.
"I always forget how good it is to be inside you child" Father Hammond said as Gemma began to rise up and down each time forcing more an
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