Asst Stories

Asst Stories


Asst Stories
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Your Name is Anna. You have just established your private practice in a Big city with the help of some clients you that you found with the help of some dark web forums. You are gay but have always had a lust for children. This is why You are about 5’6” a solid 120. You are almost always working out, kickboxing and yoga. You are gay but have always had a lust for children. You have never found a partner because of this. You Long black hair with purple and pink streaks. Your always well groomed, you have average size breast (32c) You where a prodigy and graduated top of your class and was able to breeze through your residency.

It was when you start jokingly looking for a job in the “community” was it told your loans were bought and you would be working at “your own” private practice. Your agreement was that you would record all your visits and leave detailed notes. You arrive at your office and your nurse and partner Celina is already there getting the place ready. She is a Hispanic female, more athletic build then you dark hair and bigger breast. She shares your same taste but she is bi.

Celina: "Good morning, Doctor…." which was punctuated with a deep tongue kiss "…you have 5 patients today and 4 of them assessments for further action." Her mouth curled into a evil smile.

Celina: We have Tina Johnson age 10 in for an activity assessment, Jason Tashman 14 in for surgical assessment, ooohh Lana Hernandez 6 in for assignment assessment, she ought to be fun…Nania Patel age 5 first visit.. and…" she pauses looks at me and smiles, "….acup! And it's her birthday!!!"

You: "Ooooh today!" you actually are blushing "...omg..i look like hell..i need to change.."

Celina: "Honey..." Celina says patting you on the shoulder "…you will look great. Plus… you two are a perfect couple so relax."

Acup’s name is Cheryl henderson she is just turning 10 (your favorite age). You call her "acup" cause she has in your opinion has the perfect breast. You two have developed a friendship over her 6 years visiting you as well as her parents. She is in your eyes perfect and would love to date Cheryl. You know a club where you can go to have this kind of fun. You can’t wait to see her.

I am in my mommy's tummy
I hear a voice
It's my daddy
I hear him say her or me
Why does she got to pick?
Why does he say what he did?
why did he drink and beat her to the limit?
Why or why?

Two years later
I hear a girl and guy say I do.
I have a smile
And I think to myself I got a new daddy
Yeh or yeh!

Now eight years later
I hear yelling and fights.
I try to hide to get away
I hate this thing that going on.
My mom don't need this
She's been through a lot
I'm crying in my room saying
Why or Why?

One year later
I'm at my friends parting and drinking
Having a blast.
Smoking and toking
Having our laughs
We go to bed
Me only awake
Their dad comes in and says
f___ me or you can say goodbye.
Goodbye to my best friend that he can take away.
I love her so much she is my best friend.
I take the risk
I lay there crying to myself.
I lay there hoping that it will be over soon
He finaly gets gone and I run.
I run to the bathroom crying so much
I hear him bang on the door.
Yelling and screaming at me.
I stay there all night until he went away.
My best friend waking up at the cry of me.
She asks me "What's wrong?"
and I told her it was just a dream
I tell myself why oh why? Why me?

Two years later
I am all alone
Days are getting better
My mom and step dad are not fighting as much.
I am doing better.
I see a guy that's looking deep in my eyes.
We start to talk and know each other more.
One month later we are in each other's arms
and kissing each other,
holding on to one another.
I'm so happy I never felt this way
But then one day he went away.
I cryed and cryed.
Why Oh
why, Why me?

five months later I am fifteen now
I sit here thinking of my past.
And I know how much I have to live.
My life was not great but I am getting better.
I sit here thinking of how much I wanted to die.
But then I didn't know why.
Now I know where I was wrong.
Cause with out the one I found
There would never been a good life in me.
But after I grow up it all gets better.
I am but fifteen and I am happy with the one I love.
And will forever. Yes oh Yes it is true.

Your story was very touching! I am 46 yrs and 3 months old now. I was molested at 12 years old until I was 15. I ran away from home, got married but only to make things worse. I have never known my own mother`s love! Thank god I now have a wonderful husband. I still cry almost everyday about what my Dad did to me, But what is even sadder is that knowing my mother doesn`t care or love me. My prayers go out to all the heart broken souls out there! Debra

I am 60 years old now, have had counseling for this once and was told that "that's just the way men are." I cannot put it behind me after all these years because there was no closure, and accusing before this PED died. When I finally told my mother at 14 she said that I was a lyer and a home wrecker and through me out of her house. I have hurt so bad and never have been able to have a decent relationship with a man. The only way that I will ever put this behind me will be to try to forget...but I can't.
I feel dirty, below men, and dislike them all except for a half brother from this pedefile that was also abuse by his father. I want to talk to my brother about our past, but it is hard for both of us. We have been called low-down lyers at such a young age with no one to protect us from this demon. Even my christian grandmother closed her eyes to what was happening, but before she died she told me that she suspected this, but didn't think that the courts would believe a young child.
I have prayed to the Lord to help me to forget this, but he won't allow my mind to put it away as I should.
Thank you all for listening to me, and it's great to be able to vent without being ostracized by family and told to keep quiet then I will forget it.


I've worked hard to suppress the anger. I am now finding out that my
youngest child may be going through the same thing with her father. I
have great friends and a good support system. I hope that everyone
knows that we have choices. Sometimes our choices take strength and
conviction to make, but you can do it.

Eventually, time does heal all wounds. Thank you for the stories, they
are all very encouraging and help me in facing this difficult time

When I was about 2 years old my mother remarried, and her new husband decided very quickly that my mother wasn't "satisfying" so I rather quickly became the victim of his lustrious desires. At 2 years old I was raped by a man 3 times my age also sexually molested and abused. I lived with that guilt and pain for a year. I couldn't tell my mother who constantly worked because I thought it was me, I thought I deserved it for being a "bad girl". And I would try very very hard to be a good girl but the tiniest things out of place would either get me beaten or raped. It would have continued if not for one fateful day my mother came home early and when she did she, she umm saw me being this is hard to say, but she saw him raping me, and it was so brutal, that I was rushed to the hospital because I was ripped open. 4 months in the hospital and 7 stitches left me permanently scarred along with a measly 6 months of therapy. I am 18 now and I have some of the most terrifying nightmares of that man who now is free to do it again. I was so afraid to attend his parole hearing that he got out of his 22 year sentence in a mere 10 years. I deal with my pain now through God, and my own support. I lost my childhood and I had to grow up very fast, and now I am slowly becoming able to interact with men. Although most men terrify me I am slowly realizing not all men are bad. I have once again found God, and I deal with my pain and nightmares through art and by being a big sister.......One thing I have learned is that its never your fault, never and your not alone in your pain, if you think you have reached the end of that dark tunnel all alone you haven't because there is always someone with you with that light of hope guiding you along a better path. Don't hide from the world either, embrace it because for every evil man or woman there are hundreds more angels on earth there for you guiding you and giving you all the happiness and love you can ever want...

Sweet Lissa
wonderful painting is ©Tom Sierak, artist and used with his permission. 
The painting is available at his site and is entitled Beach Blonde.
midi is entitled My Sweet Love and is ©Bruce DeBoer, composer and
performer. It is used with his permission. You may visit his
site HERE .

Aren't there gradations of evil? Is evil a great perilous gulf into which one falls with the first sin, plummeting to the depth?

June 22, 2018


Copyright © 2020 STORIES BY XPANTHER — Escapade WordPress theme by GoDaddy

Check out her ASSTR site @
Here’s one of my all time favorites. I’m note sure how many times I have read this, but here’s the links if you haven’t read it yet:
Hello. My name is Amber and welcome to my site.
Let me tell you something about myself. I am a 38 year old female living in Scotland and I first began writing erotic stories about three years ago only for my own enjoyment. When I began posting them to the Internet, I was very surprised and overwhelmed at the favourable response I got. I guess the rest is history, and my sincere thanks go to ASSTR for providing me with this web site. With regard to the stories – you will have to decide what you want to read. Although some of the stories form a series, there are many different topics covered within them. Below the title of every story are the content codes. If you are unsure as to their meaning, click on the “CODES” button below.
If you want the full story list, and an indication of the length of each story, click on the link below. This will show the stories in alphabetical order, the codes for each story and a very brief description. You can jump from this list direct to whatever story interests you.
Again, thanks for visiting my site, and please enjoy.
If you want to contact me, you can e-mail me at:
PS. If you like my stories, it would be nice to hear from you and I would strongly urge you to think about sending a donation to ASSTR. Remember that this site is completely free for you to use whenever you want and contains thousands of stories. Surely that’s worth a little of your hard earned cash! Think about it!
Writer: XP Subject: What's Yer Fav? Link: LS666 / 28.06.2022 What's Yer Fav? So, what's yer favorite story on LS666? Here's my choice. Let me know what you think! I don't know why, but when I want to read an old favorite, I sometimes cannot always find it (among the…
Writers: XP & Amanda Blonde Subject: Interview with Amanda Blonde Link: LS666 / 21.08.2021 / Evil Unleashed / The Wicked Queen / All In The Mind / A Satanic Fantasy / The Succubus / Satan's Daughter / The Devil's Advocate Interview with Amanda Blonde So Amanda, you’re…
Writer: XP Subject: Deleted Again Link: LS666 / Social Network Sites / Deleted Again No sure if this has happened to you, but it seems my MEWE account has been deleted again. WTF. This time, my login just stopped working and when I requested for an update of my password,…
Hello Ms Amber and I don’t have Yahoo but my email is and I want to hear from you and I want to talk and Since you started Writing Your Stories and I am Really into Your Work and You Said you Lived in Scotland and I never been there and I Really want to Come for a visit and I Live in Columbus Georgia in the United States and Please can you Send me a message and I Really want to talk to you and You are my Favorite Female Sex Stories and Please let me know and I just want to talk to you

MF, ff-teens, inc, bi, reluc, ped, oral, glory
MFfg, Mdom, cuck, slow, inc, bi, reluc, nc, ped, gangbang, oral, anal, beast, glory, ws, preg, blkmail, extreme
M+/Fgg, ped, inc, oral, bi, beast, prost
Mf, ped, voy, orgy, nc, bi, swing, beast
M/f, teen, ped, rom, inc, intr, bi, beast, huml
MMf, ped, inc, nc, rp, 1st, orgy, mc, beast
M+ff, ped, inc, orgy, ws, nc, v, mast, oral, bi, beast
Mf, family, ped, inc, nc, bi, beast
pedo, inc, beast, Mf, Ff, anal, oral
M+f, ped, inc, nc, rp, 1st, bi, beast
inc, ped, M/M, M/F, M/f, beast, gangbang, piss, rape
Mg, ped, inc, exh, drugs, rp, orgy, v, beast
M/Ff-teen, ped, inc, rom, bi, beast
M/Ff-teen, ped, inc, rom, bi, beast

Blonde Spreading Legs
You Pornsexy

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