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Tears: Bloody Eyes #05 by ~Quadratus Demise ~
Claws and Ring: Orwar by Kartel Originals'
Pants: The Essential Jeans by [COMPLEX]
Backdrop: AntiSocial (Grey) by .PALETO.
Tiago is pretty exactly the prototype of the handsome guy with a damn body. He could be a complete asshole but he’s nice. His mind is just a little messed up because he takes too much shit.
Here's the album where I'll put everything about Malone, Eli and the others :
Part of a series about 'being watched'. I took some more shots today (might post some more on my blog later) but this one is definitely staying in the series.
I will delete comments that contain either of the following: group awards, group invites, admin invites, other sparkly images or .gifs.
..ok, Racoons are cute..very cute...but they are also little assholes...they eat almost everything, they destroy roof inulations, they rummage in the trashcan and they are egocentric photobombers...
I want to thank each and everyone who took the time to visit my little space here on Flickr. Have a super day!
The unfortunate sight that awaited me when I got back to my truck after the weekend. They just wanted to break something, took the relays out of the fuse box so the motor would not start.
How do I feel right now?? If I find him I would like to break one finger a week for 10 weeks, not decided if it will be a new one every time..............
my parents told me i could be anything so i became an asshole lmfao
the thrown rock was a bullseye on baldie's head.
James steps away from the keyboard and busts out the guitar for a performance of a new song, Anonymous Asshole, about those spineless cowards that post comments on internet forums - they know who they are. Scotty J on bass and Storm in stripes.
The color was pretty good on this but I liked the crisp energy of B+W, and thought I'd shift it sepia-ward just for a contrast to the red red red of Dante's lighting.
This was from the 21 April 2010 Storm and WTF? show featuring Eric McFadden and the Crazy Enough band, with guests including an amazing classical guitar player and Stephanie Smith of Kleveland.
In the right-turn lane, next to a curb painted red, and a sign that says "NO STOPPING ANY TIME." But he had his hazard lights on, so I guess it's okay.
...just a stupid, but dangerous (i.e. powerful) puppet of the American establishment.
Up to 80.00 people! ...demonstrating, showing unity in diversity and celebrating their life at the 1st of May in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Several demononstrations, political meetings, 200 bands at 18 stages and a lot of spontanious street performances.The biggest May Day event I've ever seen!
me: if i ever get my arms around you again, I'm never letting you go.
happy birthday rabbit, i love you more than you'll ever know.
Avion tower...I can see it right outside my apartment window every day, getting taller and taller as the days turned to nights. And yet I have no idea what the hell it's for, outside of just being another stupidly huge tower in the Diamond District. By the looks of it they're nearly done, too. Or at least they were until those Company B assholes had to come in and take it for....whatever the fuck they want it for. Now it's up to me to kick them out. Just me. Not the sea of squad cars below. Not J. Nope, me. No-one's gonna be here to grab my hand if I fall, no big final battle we'll take together, nobody to lift me up in the air, hug me, kiss me, tell me how amazing I am when it's over....nope, just go in, get it done, get out.....I've handled worse on my own, I can handle this. Alright J, time to make you proud....
White is the blending of all colours.
Between black and white resides a spectrum of colours,
Choosing black and white, or rather choosing either black or white, comes with risk.
If we choose black – are we choosing nothing?
If we choose white –are we choosing everything?
On the flip side – we want things to be black and white.
Johnny – don’t touch the hot stove.
Jose – go talk to that asshole letting his pit bull run amok in the park.
Conflict is rarely a world of black and white.
Rather, conflict lives in the spaces, the colours, between,
Between black and white is your story, your imagination.
The black and white photograph draws its’ power from your imagination, in all its’ color.
Held up to our biases, and logical fallacies.
Between black and white is acceptance,
That each of us is unique, our own shade of human, deserving of respect and attention.
The black and white road is a colourful one.
I'll give everyone three guesses as to who's drone is intruding in my shot. Definitely worth the 400 mile drive from Maine to get this. Fortunately, I got another shot without fuckface's drone in it, but seriously...
I’m fairly confident that my real personality comes across to people that know me. I certainly hope so because I do kinda like the person that I am. I’m not perfect, none of us are but I think I’m generally a nice person. I like to support other people and see them flourish and I get a buzz from that too. But there’s a caveat to all of those things. I don’t suffer fools very gladly and I certainly don’t suffer asshats at all. I have a zero tolerance policy for assholes and will cut them dead, metaphorically, without a second thought.
Read more and get all the details on the haul from Tres Chic at The Glamour Sauce
Front elevation - This is the "new" state Capitol building, which is 100+ years old -AND- has Tiffany stained glass windows! As well, there are solid glass blocks in the interior upper floors to allow natural light into the area. It's the second time I've been to Jackson, and I recollect that from my first visit, when I actually went onto the unoccupied legislative floor. That was "back in the day," when people didn't elect assholes to govern.
Kinda like RL but way more assholes who wanna kill ya.....
I'm back... found some inspiration again. I'm sorry I haven't been around much to offer my friends & contacts the same support you've continued to show me. Just remember that you're all superstars in my opinion, even though I haven't put that in writing much the past few months.
I turn(ed) 27 today, and decided the first thing I should really do is pick up my camera. So I did, and shot some new stuff for Jilted.
I will delete comments that contain either of the following: group awards, group invites, admin invites, other sparkly images or .gifs.
is the reward made to "honor" that particular nobody who showed "special qualities" we can't really forget ...or forgive :)
You can take this gift and transfer it to the "lucky winner".
Enjoy the sweet taste of revenge! :D
The events that night in the parking lot changed me forever.
I used to look at things as so much more 'black and white.'
And 'our government existed to serve and protect the people.'
There was a certain bliss in living with that ignorance.
One night shattered that and life itself would never be so simple again.
But the systematic coverup I was witness to...
Since then I've made quite a few friends who happen to be cops.
I'd say that in my experience about half of them are an honor to the badge.
you'd be shocked that they're nothing but another street gang bunch of thugs...
only they hide behind those badges and blue uniforms.
And they're authorized by the state to carry guns and use deadly force.
I don't think anything's ever offended me so much as seeing that bullshit up close.
It was like some fog was lifted and I saw what went on 'behind the curtain.'
I'm talking about people who've not only got no problem murdering someone...
but they've got the understanding and the means to get away with it.
There's more than a few people in prison who've been sent there wrongly convicted of crimes these guys have done.
The only thing that they really fear are the half of the cops who wouldn't tolerate that stuff.
The problem is that in some departments the ratio's pretty skewed.
The whole place is filled with bad apples.
The stories I started to hear were unbelievable.
firebombing the garbage dumpster in front of my office.
Or that phone call I got about the Police Commisioner's federal conviction for selling a couple of kilos of the white stuff.
The same guy that owned the bar that installed the illegal poker machines.
The ones that were all gone when the county went to raid his place because Iron Fist supposedly got tipped off and told him he'd better get rid of those things fast.
Not because his Police Commissioner had an illegal gambling operation going on in his town...
but because he'd kept it a secret from him.
There's some dark shadows on the other side of that 'thin blue line' and I'm telling you that I hope you never see them.
The corruption is so endemic to the system that I have no faith at all that it can ever be eliminated.
If you've ever gotten a ticket and the cop thought you were an asshole all he had to do was to make sure that when he stapled your drivers lisense to the paperwork was that he put the staple through your picture.
The next cop that pulled you over knew right away that some other cop had a problem with you.
Because you had staple holes there on your license.
That's the kind of shit that they do.
One thing that they do better than anything though is to stick together.
'Professional courtesy' they call it.
In Chicago givin' another cop a ticket for DUI is an instant career dead end.
The older cops with more experience know how it works.
The young guys get sucked into it in order to prove themselves.
You gotta tow the line if you want backup to help you out in a timely manner when you call for it.
you're gonna get your ass kicked on the streets or worse...
and no one's gonna drive really fast to help you out.
Over the years the cops have developed an 'us or them' mentality.
They become jaded about the way it all works...
they socialize amongst themselves and the women who they call 'holster sniffers.'
They start to hate the legal system...
and then all of the sudden they're one of the 'bad apples.'
You hear about them every once in a while...
either they're busted by the feds or they're turned on by the guys around them because they pissed someone off.
You got no idea how bad it is really.
Not until you start hearin' what's going on 'off the record.'
You'll never sleep as well as you did before you heard the stories.
What makes it all worse is when corrupt politicians start to use the police as a 'personal army.'
That only makes everything dirtier.
The cops know that they're gonna get away with so much more when the guys above them are corrupt too.
That's the way it went in Deadwood.
Iron Fist used the police like they were his own little militia.
If he had a problem with you then you had yourself a problem with the cops.
And keepin' Iron Fist happy took precedence over 'law and order' any day of the week in Deadwood.
You got old Iron Fist pissed off at you that'd be a real quick end to your career in 'law enforcement.'
While Iron Fist ran the place the town was known as a really desirable place to live.
You didn't put a 'for sale' sign in front of your house if you wanted to sell it when he was in charge.
The old man would never tolerate that.
He had a list of people who wanted to live there and him and his cronies would figure out who they were gonna let buy your house.
They didn't want any 'undesirables' moving in.
And by 'undesirables' I mean black people.
Iron Fist thought that 'for sale' signs on people's homes made him look bad.
Dude should have been a cult leader the way he operated.
and some people did because they felt that Iron Fist's little policy was cutting their profits on the sale of their homes...
Iron Fist would send the cops out late at night and snatch that 'for sale' sign right out of your front yard.
The guys I talked to said 'Secret Squirrel' was always up for the job.
He was the guy that drove around with the trunk full of machine guns.
The Village was sued in federal court for the practice by real estate agents and the Village lost on First Ammendment grounds...
Iron Fist reduced the police to commonon thievery.
For a lot of them I think that was the line that they'd first crossed into the corruption that soiled the place.
Kind of like a little 'initiation' into the way things were done in Deadwood.
They wanted to make damn sure no 'undesirables' were ever hired on to the police department too.
They asked applicants to provide a picture of themselves with their applications.
You better not have a dark complection if you wanted to get a job there.
The thing that really made everything so corrupt was that the Chief would always end up with a big old bag of dirt on Iron Fist...
just as much as Iron Fist'd end up with a big old bag of dirt on the Chief.
The relationships never seemed to last too long because Iron Fist knew the game better than any of the clowns he'd make Chief.
He'd take 'em down before they really became a threat.
When Skeevy left there to run another department it wasn't too long before the feds were all over his ass.
It was Skeevy who'd installed the guy that'd become the next Chief...
The one I sent the 'nutcracker' letter to.
Where I told him 'I was gonna squeeze his balls until they popped.'
The letter I had to read in front of the jury with all the good stuff blacked out.
Man I really thought I was gonna be charged with some serious felonies for that action.
Even my lawyer said he was worried about it.
'You don't go around writing that kind of stuff down' he said 'say whatever you want but you don't write letters like that and send them to the Chief of Police signed with your name.'
Fortunately the statute of limitations has run out on that one and I ain't got no problems that way.
I really tortured poor Chief Hotdog...
got inside his head and fucked with him big time.
I mean... he was the boss... and he coudda done something to make things right for me and my family.
He was given the chance to do the right thing.
But when he came out lying to the media about what happened that night and defended the actions of his street thug cops I knew I was goin' after his ass any way I could.
Right after the case against my wife was thrown out Chief Hotdog resigned.
Of course The Kid said it had nothin' to do with the bungling of that case...
and insiders said it was because he didn't do really well at fundraising for The Kid politically...
He was just one more corrupt motherfucker that I had in my crosshairs that went down in flames.
Whatever it was it ended his career.
The department went without a Chief for a few months and everyone speculated on who was gonna be named Chief Hotdog's successor.
I was shakin' the place up with allegations about the use of the contaminated well but that was all kinda behind the scenes...
the media or the feds hadn't picked up on it just yet.
When The Kid appointed the new Chief, me and The Mole both let out a collective gasp at the same time.
He appointed a woman who used to run the water department.
It was such an obvious payoff and anyone in the know could see that right away.
The Kid wasn't just 'ball-less' he seemed to be brainless too.
That was the first time I knew I really had those assholes and I knew I had them good.
They knew the feds were comin' sooner or later because I wasn't letting up and appointing Stewbauer as the new Chief of Police was a sort of premptory strike.
They wanted to keep her quiet and they wanted to keep her loyal...
I think she was scared shitless about what was comin' down the line and thinkin' about makin' a deal herself with the federales.
The Kid appointing her as the new Chief was probably a confidence builder for the woman.
She was working part time as a detective for the department before she was appointed Chief and I'd heard she wasn't a bad cop.
But she knew the truth about the use of the contaminated well and I knew that in appointing her that The Kid was hoping she'd never tell that truth to anyone.
I heard that her husband was a convicted drug dealer who was sitting in prison at the time she was appointed as the new Chief too.
She couldn't have been a very good detective if she didn't know that the old man was dealin' drugs out of her house.
Or she was a very corrupt detective.
She was working as the Chief of Police in Deadwood when she was indicted on something like twenty three felony counts by the US Attorney.
She had to surrender her gun and her firearm owners identification card to the feds right after that.
Deadwood gave her a paid 'leave of absence' so now she gets paid for doing nothing.
Except takin' a fall for Iron Fist and his crew and keeping some serious secrets.
Of course they're paying her legal bills too.
I can't believe they get away with that shit but they do.
If I was a reporter I'd tear 'em a new one over that story.
I guess that made her the second Chief of Police that I'd end up takin' down in a row over this whole thing.
The Mole once pointed out that 'fucking with you doesn't seem to be a really good career move.'
We shared a good laugh over that one.
I was makin' enemies there almost as fast as I'm known to make friends.
And I was using the enemies of my enemy pretty effectively too.
That's why I'd reached out to Congressman Bobby Rush.
I'd read that when Rush was first elected to Congress that Iron Fist was pretty pissed off that now a black man would be representing Deadwood in Congress.
He was quoted in the newspapers saying that he wanted to secceed from the congressional district because 'there was no way that that man could represent the white ethnics of Deadwood.'
That comment really pissed off Congressman Rush and I don't think he ever forgot it.
I remember thinking 'this guy will really be a help in nailing Iron Fist to the cross' and I was right.
Congressman Rush and I are not the kind of guys who you'd ever accuse of seeing 'eye to eye' politically but we had a common enemy in Iron Fist and that's all it takes in Illinois politics... or politics in general to gain a strong ally.
I remember the Congressman pulling me out of a big meeting saying that he wanted me to get in front of the cameras with him and talk to the press.
Right after he'd given the best political speech I've ever had the great pleasure to witness.
I'm telling you I swear he channeled the spirit of a baptist preacher from the deep south of the seventies on that one.
I think the Congressman wanted Iron Fist to see him with his arm around me there smiling.
Kinda like twisting the knife if you know what I mean.
I also remember the Fox News reporter with that tight sweater and the most amazing pair of tits I'd ever seen...
I thought it was pretty funny that I'm standing next to a Congressman with about a half a dozen tv cameras in my face blowin' the lid on Iron Fist and his dirty and despicable deeds and I can't take my eyes off of this woman's rack
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