Ass Stretching Stories

Ass Stretching Stories


Ass Stretching Stories

Home Masturbation Male Solo Ass-Stretching Methods

Posted by: SoloTouchArchive
Author: Me
Posted on: 22 Dec 2002
Category: Masturbation Male Solo

I've been into stretching my sac for many years, but ass stretching has been my favorite for only 6 or 7 years. Yes I've got it pretty big by now. The method I started with was basically just anything that would fit in. You can imagine fruits, veggies, bottles, and homemade items, all warm and ready for play. An old favorite was as simple as an apple. With this I would get it in and on all four ass in the air, I would bounce it in and out with my hand making a kind a bye-bye motion. It was great fun! Then I moved on to 'bigger and better' things. I found that hard surfaces and rigid items are not as ass-friendly as softer, more flexible items. It is only natural that soft things will be more enjoyable. Foam pipe insulation. Various sizes and densities make it ideal. I was practicing with a small diameter and was not getting the 'stretch' I desired, so I simply folded it over once to increase the size. Playing with this for a while wasn't cutting it either so one more fold was so intense. Now, while in the shower I soap up my hand, front and back and my ass and start with four fingers in my ass then my thumb and then when up to my knuckles I curl my fingers over my thumb making a fist. Rather than reach around my backside for this I find greater penetration is achieved when I have a foot up on the edge of the tub and I come at it more from the side. Putting my elbow into the corner of the walls gives me the leverage I need to bury my hand up to my wrist. Sitting down on the back of my hand/arm does wonders as well. All these methods were stretching both my anal entrance and inside. Lately, I've been focusing on stretching only the entrance of my ass. I have been doing this by sitting with my asshole just over the front edge of the seat, reaching around I spread my cheeks apart wiggling down to find a comfortable spot, and with some lube on my middle and ring fingers I dip them in and out and all around to maximize lubrication spread. I stretch by pulling up on my hole with fingers curled just inside the rim, rocking side to side on the seat is intense as is rocking forward, kinda bucking with my hips, all the while stroking my cock of course! Last nite, found something new. with a swollen anus I squatted down pushed out like I was havin a crap. and reached around and just grabbed all that was hanging and kinda pulled on it and massaged it all between my thumb and forefinger. Unreal! I hope everyone who is in to anal adventures like myself can benefit from me sharing these methods. I will write again and tell of my self-coitius and ball-coitius. PS Do Not Put breakables in any hole!

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Ball Streaching

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By Pins in my Balls
First let me tell you a little about myself. I'm a married, Bi, white male, 55 years old, balding head, 6'1" tall. I've always been interested in ball play and over the years have tired tying them up and various other ball play games. It wasn't until 2 years ago that I really got into heavy ball play. I sort of got bored with the normal stuff and thought that getting into ball pulling and pumping would be a big turn on.
The actual ball stretching part got started on a trip to Spain and Portugal. Being on a long vacation and away from my videos and toys I was thinking about ball playing a lot and decide to try ball stretching. So at night after we were done traveling I would lie in bed and start to stretch my balls using my hand as a stretching device and also as a gauge. When I started I could only wrap 3 fingers around the base of my balls up to the balls themselves. After a short while of doing this about 5 times a night and also getting used to the feeling of have my balls pressed hard against the sack I got to stretch them so that I could put 4 fingers around them. Now that I could put some pressure on the balls and also getting to like the results I started to really started to pull on the balls and ball sack.
At first I noticed that the ball sack was not to loose and needed to be stretched out so that the balls themselves could start to get lower. So at night while lying in bed and while in the shower I concentrated on pulling the ball sack and stretching them. Being that the ball sack is very stretchable it was easy to get them stretched out enough to have some fun with. The balls themselves first needed training to get used to the pain of being squeezed and have hard pressure put on them and also to get used to being pulled.
So I start to hit my balls and press them very hard with my hands. The more I did this the better and more pleasurable it became and the better I liked it. Towards the end of the trip I had got my balls very used to being squeezed and hit hard and also that I could put my whole fist around the ball sack with a little bit of pulling.
After getting home I decided to pursue this action and having access to all gets of devices I started in earnest to try and stretch the balls more and more and also getting the balls used to pain.
I start by using weights as play toy. I would put C clamps on the ball sack and then add more and more clamps as weights. I found that with some doing I could put 15 lbs. of weights attached to the C clamp. That looked great and felt great seeing the weights pulling on the ball sack and feeling them stretch and also watching them swing around. What a rush.
This was good for a while but stretching the sack and not the balls was not what I was after. So I started to look around for some thing to help stretch the balls themselves. Looking on the Internet I found lots of devices that were for sale. But being married I would have a hard time explaining a package with ball stretching devices coming in the mail. One day while passing in Home Depot I was looking for something to do the stretching, when I looked in the piping department and found copper rings about ยฝ" wide with the center hole being just the right size to squeeze one ball through at a time. They also weighted about ยฝ lb. each. Just the right thing. So I bought two and couldn't what to try it on. I needed to file the inside edges down on the rings and to my surprised discovered that with some trying I could get one ball thru the center hole and then with some squeezing I could get the other ball thru the hole also. Once they were both in there was no way they would slip out and the rings stretched both the balls and the ball sack.
I started to wear the ring to work everyday and also after work at home. After a time I was able to get the two rings on and had 1 lb pulling my balls all day long. It felt great to have the balls brushing the pant legs all day. I didn't wear any underwear not wanting to stop the stretching. I noticed that with time two rings were not enough so I went and bought a third ring and with some more stretching and squeezing I could get my balls into all three rings. This was not an easy task as only one ball would some squeezing would fit thru the center hole at one time. So I had to squeeze one ball thru all three rings and then squeeze the other ball thru all three rings. Lucky I was still practicing on getting my balls used to pain by continuing hitting them with a wooded spoon. Soon I was walking around work all day with 3 rings and 1.5 lbs. of weights stretching my balls.
Next I decided to continue with the rope training and started to use bung cords also. I would tie my balls up with a rope starting just a little bit in back of the balls themselves and then hook the bung cord on the rope and hook the other end to a doorknob and then pull the balls by standing back. This was a great turn on because the balls and ball sack stretched way out. I would then tie an add ional rope to the part of the ball sack that was left exposed and then release the bung cord. This made the balls and ball sack stretch out very far and I could easily wrap my whole fist around them.
I have got my balls used to some hard pressure and now like to tie them up and hit them with a wooden spoon and also stick pins into them but that part is for BDE hard.
I'm now at the point where I can easily hold my balls sack with a closed fist and pull them out so that there is about another 2 inches left. I can easily stand up and pull the balls up to and beyond my belly button with no problem or pain. It is such a turn on to see the balls stretched out very hard against the ball sack just begging to be hit or pinned. I am now trying to be able to get both fists completely closed around the ball sack below the balls. To do this I have been pulling the balls very very hard up and out. The ball sack is now no problem now. The problem now is getting the ball cords to stretch more and more. These are considerably harder to stretch then the sack. I have been trying different methods of doing this. One method that seems to work is to tie the stretch the balls out and tie them with a small piece of rope when they are pressed hard against the sack. Then bend them around a wooden dole and tie the balls together and pull on the wooden dole. The end results would be to get both hands around my balls. Then I guess I will come up with something to do with them.
I have also taken up ball pumping big time and found that I really enjoy this a lot and really have gotten into it. But will save that part for BDE hard.

submitted by: Anonymous on: 10 Jan. 2000 in

Genital Stretching

Artist: myself

Studio: home

Location: rochester+ny

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This story is about something that happened to my wife April that changed our lives.
April is a small woman just five feet four inches tall and one hundred pounds soaking wet with red hair and a thirty six c-cup chest. She looks very young for her age of 35 and works out on a regular basis at a club near her work.
April I had noticed on a few occasions had been very flirtatious with women, especially when she had been drinking at parties. It all seemed innocent enough, and sure I had fantasized about scenarios involving her and another woman, but would have never guessed it would ever come true.
One evening after working late I had noticed the bed was a little messed up on my side and as well one of my magazines had not been pushed under the mattress all the way. I asked my wife jokingly if she had been reading it and to my surprise she cooed and replied, "Yes I was, and I have something I'd like to talk about."
Fearing the worse I settled in for what I thought would be some sort of ass chewing over a new magazine she found distasteful or who knows what. You could only imagine my surprise when April came right out and asked what I thought about swinging.
The first three words out of my mouth were, "What...I...Well," and then English kicked in for a very carefully sorted comeback, feeling as if I could be setting myself up at any time. Red faced, dizzy and into the conversation ten minutes or so, I sat quiet now as my wife April began to explain why she had brought it up.
As April spoke she asked very specific questions bringing answers from me like, "Yes I would like to watch you with another woman," and "No I wouldn't be jealous."
The long and short of it was my wife wanted to try sex with another woman to explore her adventurous side. April also explained she had what she called a bi side sense she was young and had decided now might be the time to explore that venue if I was ok with it. More so she wanted the other woman to be in charge so to speak, someone who new what to do and had done it before.
At this point I was all smiles as it appeared my wildest fantasies were about to come true.
I spent the rest of the evening reassuring her I was game and couldn't wait for the time to come.
From that point on I kept a distance from the subject thinking the time would come but perhaps sometime in the future when she felt more comfortable with the whole situation.
A week later I worked hard not to drop my mouth open when April announced she had been talking to a woman on the internet that she wanted to meet that weekend.
The week crawled but Friday finally came and we were off to meet this mysterious woman at a predetermined place. April had definitely dressed for the occasion with high heals, short skirt and a flimsy top that all but hung on her breasts, leaving her stomach just slightly exposed below. I swear I had a perpetual hard on from the time I saw her outfit to the time we got to the lounge located at a fancy down town Hotel.
The woman was older perhaps even fifty five years of age and to my surprise looked to have a knockout body for a woman her age.
The talk was just idle, seeing if every thing jived socially with the three of us and making sure I was ok with what they were considering doing, as well as my part.
"I want him to watch," April said quickly as if she had already worked out the details in her head.
I said nothing and smiled, knowing that I was lucky at this point just to be watching.
Several hours into the evening the older woman began to caress my wife's leg as they spoke and seemed to be sending me off more and more often so as to have more time alone and talk in confidence.
When I returned once more with another round of drinks the two announced we were going to get a room and just see what happened.
I was in another world as we entered the Hotel room, a large suite to boot. I quickly looked over the layout as the woman we now knew as Maxine asked my wife to go get freshened up and to take as long as she wanted.
April was pretty much drunk at this point and smiled while staggering into the bathroom then locked the door.
Maxine smiled a
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