Ass Down

Ass Down


Ass Down
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Citra Ass Down Against The Grain Brewery & Smokehouse

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Against The Grain Brewery & Smokehouse
Kentucky , United States
Imperial IPA Ranked #2,231
88 Ranked #15,639
3.91 | pDev: 8.95%

Aug 24, 2022
Mar 15, 2012

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Rated: 3.94 by MJ64 from Mississippi Aug 24, 2022
1,000th beer rated on BA. Enjoying down in Louisville, KY, home town of Against the Grain.

Pours a deep, golden color. Light skim of a head.

An earthy, grassy, hoppy aroma.

A delicous DIPA. Rather bitter but nicely balanced against a background of sweet malts. The ABV is well disguised.

Heavier consistency, medium carbonation.

Thanks to my brother who lives in "the Ville", I was able to get this brew and enjoy it for the first time. A definite top notch IPA. Cheers!
Rated: 3.93 by Danzifer from Ohio Mar 18, 2022
This is easy for me to find in central KY in 4-pack pint cans, and when I occasionally pick it up, I'm always surprised that it's better than I remembered. Love the cheeky name and the bizarre graphics on the can. I'm a DIPA fan in general, and this one is right up my alley, strong but smooth with a nice creamy malty finish, very tasty with just the right touch of mild bitterness. The hops seem very well balanced to me, better than many other IPAs I've tried that emphasize the Citra. I don't really drink much anymore, since I'm now an old man whose GERD gets triggered by alcohol, so I have to make them count when I do indulge. This one counts. Cheers!
Rated: 3.62 by Giggy from Michigan Dec 31, 2021
Unimpressive look. Typical “beer” look. That’s where the. “Typical” ends. So smooth I can’t believe it’s an imperial. This beer can only be arrived at after much trial and error. One of the best imperials I’ve ever had. Just the right amount of citra hops. I might get some to go!! Outstanding beer.
Rated: 3 by smartassboiler from Illinois Nov 19, 2021
Rated: 2.75 by harpus from Alabama Aug 18, 2021
16 oz can, picked up from the brewery

pours a clear dark golden, with foamy white head. strong citrus orangey aroma. taste is similar, a little sweet to start but fairly bitter underneath. sticky mouthfeel, thin to medium bodied.
Appearance: Hazy amber, 1 finger of slightly off white bubbly foam. Nice carbonation.
Smell: A bit hoppy with an alcohol aroma.
Taste: Mainly a good dose of hops with a bit of maltiness in the back ground.
Mouth Feel: Nice medium bodied and kind of slick.
Over All: Not quite what I was expecting with an Imperial IPA but still quite good. For an Imperial it seemed a little light for the style.
16 ounce can poured into a becher.

Only slightly hazy, golden, almost two inches of white head. Moderate strength aroma, light tropical hops and fruit syrup. Not much Citra in the nose or the taste. Soft medium body. Decent clean IPA, opening sweet with a clean bitterness following.
Pours gold with a thin white head. Smells fresh, not too citrus, bright, and inviting. Tastes like a chocolate stout (lactose?), but with a lot more hops on the rear. The body is malty but balanced with alcohol to make an enjoyable medium body brew.
Rated: 3.94 by blissfulNemo from Michigan Jun 06, 2021
Rated: 4.08 by LXIXME from New Mexico May 31, 2021
16oz can into a tall glass. Freshness dating illegible on the heel of the can.

Looks very nice indeed. Clear golden yellow body with amber tints. Small bright white head shrinks to a ring and faint covering, leaving a little lacing early on.

There is a light mixed fruit aroma.

On tasting, the citra is a pretty light part of his beer. It is quite sweet from a strong malt base. There is some warmth from the abv. It's likely this has been in the can for a while. The fruit seems more mixed than citrus, though there is still a hop presence.

Mouth closer to full than medium. Finish sweet, and some grapefruit shows up late.

Overall, an enjoyable beer as it stands. Curious to know if its fresh or not. Will be on the lookout for a can with clear dating.
Good straw color with okay head retention. Nose is a little lacking, but taste is silky and strong citra hop presence is definitely noted. Smooth silky finish and good malt backbone.
An orange tinged gold liquid with light haze. Head is off-white and leave a good amount lace. Spots, streaks and bits of curtain.

Nose is unique combination of malt notes. Toffee, caramel, a touch of butterscotch, light biscuit and grains, Hops have a decidedly orange and citrus profile.

Taste is along the lines of the nose. A less traditional malt presence for a West Coast IPA that recalls the old East Coast malt forward profile and actually goes past that to a more British take. Not quite but the malt speaks quite clearly here. Lots of caramel and toffee. Biscuit and toasted grains. The the hops are juicy and full of orange and citrus.. Finish has a low bitterness, clean, short and lightly dry.

Feel it a touch thick, medium weight but made heavier by the mild carbonation that give a light creaminess. More satisfying to sip than session.

A solid DIPA in the maintains the mold of a West Coast IPA while pushing the malt and adding the juiciness and bite of Citra hops.
Have seen this around and know that it was a recent selection in Half Time for IPA Cyberfest 2021. Brew date was illegible.
Pours a semi-cloudy orange with an ample head and lots of lace. Aroma is strongly hoppy. This brew is for dedicated hop-heads - it starts smooth, but then the citra hops hit and the finish is crisp, resinous and bitter. Gets smoother and more boozy as it warms. Feel is thick and sticky. This is a very well-crafted brew.
From IPAFEST canned 3/9/21 pours a light hazy orange color. Aroma is a funky dank skunkish cereal grain aroma. Tastes of malty, sweet and a little bitter. Mouthfeel was sweet, syrupy on the tongue. Different and drinkable.
Citra Ass Down from Against the Grain. 16 oz can stored at home at 42 degrees. Received from Half Time for IPA Cyberfest 2021, $127.19 (Including shipping) for 12 16 oz cans ($ 0.662/oz). Reviewed 10/5/21. Note that I use DD/MM/YY protocol.
Bottom of can stamped “05/09/21”. Served at 48.0 degrees in a hand washed and dried Jester King snifter. Final temperature 55.0 degrees.
Appearance – 3.5.
First pour – Pale Straw (SRM 2), hazy.
Body – Straw (SRM 3), murky and translucent. When rear-lite, same.
Head – Large (Maximum 4.7 cm, aggressive center pour), floral white, high density, short retention, diminishing to a 1.3 to 1.9 mm lacey undulating crown fed by moderate effervescence and a thin, rocky cap. Second pour produces a high density 0.5 cm head.
Lacing – Good. Produces a wide band of torn curtain lacing.
Aroma – 3.5 – Odd for an IPA – a bit of caramel malt. No hops, no yeast. Slowly fades.
Flavor – 4 – Begins slightly bitter-sweet with caramel malt and hints of mango. No yeast. A couple of quick belches add some hop bitterness. No ethanol (8.2% ABV, as marked on container) taste or aroma. Slow gastric warming. No dimethylsulfide or diacetyl. As the glass gradually warms, some hop bitterness remains on the hard palate.
Palate – 4 – Medium, sticky, soft carbonation.
Final impression and summation: 4.25 One of those rare beers where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Certainly not what I was expecting in a solely citra-hopped brew but incredibly good. Absolutely no citrus flavors unless mango is considered citrus. Sticky isn’t really a flavor but certainly contributes to the excellence of the flavor. Simply, this is a damn good beer!
Rated: 4.17 by Lobina from Arizona May 09, 2021
Rated: 4 by Mortarforker from Texas May 08, 2021
Clear yellow gold with a bright white head that provides plenty of lacing.
Orange aroma is very faint and fleeting.
Taste starts of sweet malty alcohol but then the hops ignite and sends this one into orbit - very nice ride.
Medium full feel that is consistent with style.
Overall would have been higher if aortas were there.
Rated: 3.83 by kramacam from Kentucky May 07, 2021
DATE: April 30, 2021... OCCASION: IPA Fest, Day One, Beer Three... AROMA: what? This is NOT the citrusy aroma expected from a Citra…. In fact, it is malt-forward, with oats, bread, and dog food-like suggestions…the darkest beer so far, an iced tea consistency with a nice ring of white head… a solid, medium-bodied, beer that grows stronger as it drains… chewy and worthwhile… this hits a great balance… surprisingly, the citra takes a back seat to the malt bill, which brings a powerful sweetness that overpowers the experience…
Rated: 4.09 by NappyB from Illinois May 07, 2021
From the can (IPA Fest in Cyberspace Provided), it pours a nearly clear amber with a modest head that eventually diminishes to a thin ring and leaves lacing. A lovely scent of citrus penetrates the nose. In the mouth, it is the same, with a bit of sweetness that seems a bit out of place.
Rated: 4 by redfox405 from California May 06, 2021
IPA Fest in Cyberspace
Pours clear yellow with a thick white head. Aroma is very hop forward. Taste is funky and hoppy, very nice. Feel is thick for an IPA but also pleasantly so. Overall a very nice IPA, a bit above the rest.
Rated: 3.75 by hseldon15 from California May 03, 2021
Rated: 4.27 by socon67 from New York May 03, 2021
Ipa fest beer

Translucent amber, one finger frothy off white foam cap, sticky lacings

Aroma is gentle orange citrus, malts

Taste is citrus. , malts

Mouthfeel is creamy , smooth, hop taste , no bite

Good beer
Rated: 3 by whicho17 from Illinois May 02, 2021
Rated: 3.43 by swierczt from Connecticut May 01, 2021
Light, golden color. Crystal clear. Solid starting head which lasts throughout the tasting. Plentiful streaks after the initial ring of lace on the glass.

Nose: Freshly crushed pale malt aroma with a touch of raw, unmalted barley. Light earthiness in the background from the citra hops...subtle.

The taste starts with a creamy body and an equally creamy pale grain malt. The carbonation feels low. There is notable alcohol presence on the tongue. The bittering hop comes in slowly and never fully takes over. This is more of a malty IPA. The smoothness of the mouthfeel makes this a very quaffable beer. The alcohol is low enough to completely throw you off from the 8.2% abv. I'm not typically a fan of citra-centric beers, but this is soft enough (and different enough) from the usual fare to make it worthwhile to seek out.
Rated: 4 by turnerhicks from Virginia May 01, 2021
04/30/21 can @ Cam’s (Beer Advocate’s IPA Fest in Cyberspace)
Decanted from a 16 oz (473 ml) can into a Willi Becher pint glass; canned on 01/09/21.
A: Pours a nearly clear, light amber color with a two finger, white head, rim plus retention, and sticky rings of lacing.
S: Malty with aromas of cookie, apricot, caramel, and lychee, but also a touch of Band-Aid® glue.
T: Sweet. Follows nose but more honey, graham, cane sugar, and (perhaps) grain husk. Band-Aid® glue definitely appreciable intermittently. Solid bitterness throughout.
M: Medium bodied with light to moderate effervescence.
O: Literally bitter-sweet. A very different and (generally) welcome take on an Imperial IPA. Unfortunately, the Band-Aid® flavor is off putting to me.
This is a nice beer but it’s hard to stack up against some on the others being offered. My first Citra focused IPA that I had years ago. I can appreciate it for what it is. Worthy of a single if you can find it.
Beer rating:
88 out of
100 with
1339 ratings

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Miles Klee
July 15, 2022


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One perfect catchphrase takes all the hot air out of performative allyship
The political right loves to make a big deal of liberals’ constant “virtue-signaling.” Most of the time they’re just complaining that someone else has shown empathy or compassion. However, it’s hard to deny the phenomenon of performative allyship — commentary, never supported with action, meant to center the speaker as acutely troubled by a social problem that affects others.
When there’s pushback against such empty, self-serving rhetoric, things get even trickier. Take the abortion debate currently raging thanks to the reversal of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court . On the one hand, you have pro-choice women saying they don’t need to hear men’s opinions on the matter, since it’s not our bodies under assault, and we can take most of the blame for the problem. On the other, women might note that “men’s silence is deafening,” that men should be speaking out more, that men have to project their solidarity with them. It’s a no-win situation; you’ve got to do two things at once. Chime in to say you’re not chiming in.
I didn’t “watch” The Cleveland Show, I sat my white ass down and LISTENED.
Thankfully, Twitter visionary @ipadbabygf has given us the ideal formulation for the guilty white person who needs to express their awareness of privilege and attention to social justice causes: “I sat my white ass down and listened .” Originally used in reference to the horror film Get Out , in which a seemingly harmless Caucasian family turns out to be abducting young Black people and using them as new vessels for the consciousness of elderly whites, @ipadbabygf’s coinage took off when applied — more absurdly — to an irreverent cartoon created by three white men, one of whom voiced the Black protagonist. The choice of The Cleveland Show pointed out the shallowness of a would-be ally’s engagement with other perspectives or cultural narratives.       
i didn't "watch" the rise of gru i sat my white ass down and LISTENED
When Justice Thomas said Roe was overturned, I didn’t question. I sat my white ass down AND LISTENED
i didn't “watch” another dude fuck my wife, i sat my white ass down and listened
i didn’t have a will smith opinion, i sat my white ass down and listened.
I didnt “watch” Euphoria i Sat my white ass down and jerked off
I sat my white ass down and listened
Good thing we now have this joke as a prism through which to see laziness disguised as interest, and narcissism packaged as respect. Like the corporations that say “we hear you” when accused of harm, the overbearing listener isn’t really offering a platform or opportunity to the marginalized — they just want it to sound that way. The good news is, you don’t have to listen to them.    
i didn't watch shark tale i sat my white ass down and listened
Miles Klee is MEL’s resident tank-top dirtbag, shitposter and meme expert. He’s also the author of the novel ‘Ivyland’ and a story collection, ‘True False.’

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