Ass Clean Up

Ass Clean Up


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Don’t just minify & combine CSS/JavaScript files ending up with large, bloated and slow loading pages: Strip the “fat” first and get a faster website
Faster page load = Happier Visitors = More Conversions = More Revenue
There are often times when you are using a theme and a number of plugins which are enabled and run on the same page. However, you don’t need to use all of them and to improve the speed of your website and make the HTML source code cleaner (convenient for debugging purposes), it’s better to prevent those styles and scripts from loading.
For instance, you might use a plugin that generates contact forms and it loads its assets (.CSS and .JS files) in every page of your website instead of doing it only in the /contact page (if that’s the only place where you need it).
“Asset CleanUp” scans your page and detects all the assets that are loaded. All you have to do when editing a page/post is just to select the CSS/JS that are not necessary to load, this way reducing the bloat.
The plugin works best in combination with a cache plugin (e.g. WP Rocket, WP Fastest Cache, W3 Total Cache), a hosting company that offers packages with server-level caching available (e.g. WP Engine, Kinsta) or a service like Cloudflare that has page caching enabled.
Each option can be turned on/off depending on your needs. Instructions about each of them are given in the plugin’s settings page.
This is an API service used by WordPress for 3rd party applications, such as mobile apps, communication between blogs and plugins such as Jetpack. If you use or are planning to use a remote system to post content to your website, you can keep this feature enabled (which it is by default). Many users do not use this function at all and if you’re one of them, you can disable it.
Plugin works with WordPress Multisite Network enabled!
Asset CleanUp Pro
This plugin is the lite version of Asset CleanUp Pro that comes with more benefits including managing assets (CSS & JS files) on all WordPress pages, unloading plugins site-wide or via Regex(es), apply “async” and “defer” attributes on loaded JavaScript files which would boost the speed score even higher, move the loading location of CSS/JS files (from HEAD to BODY to reduce render-blocking or vice-versa if you need specific files to trigger earlier) and premium support. Click here to purchase Asset CleanUp Pro!
People that have tested the plugin are so far happy with it and I want to keep a good reputation for it. In case something is not working for you or have any suggestions, please write to me on the forum and I will be happy to assist you. BEFORE rating this plugin, please check the following post and then use your common sense when writing the feedback
Give Asset CleanUp a try! If you want to unlock all features, you can Upgrade to the Pro version.
When editing a page, a meta box will load with the list of loaded CSS & JS files from the active theme & plugins
Plugin Usage Preferences (From "Settings")
If you’re planning to use the Lite version of the plugin:
Go to “Plugins” -> “Add New” -> “Upload Plugin” and attach the downloaded ZIP archive from the plugin’s page or use the “Search plugins…” form on the right side and look for “asset cleanup”
Install and activate the plugin (if server’s PHP version is below 5.6, it will show you an error and activation will not be made).
Edit any Page / Post / Custom Post Type and you will see a meta box called “Asset CleanUp” which will load the list of all the loaded .CSS and .JS files. Alternatively, you will be able to manage the assets list in the front-end view as well (at the bottom of the pages) if you’ve enabled “Manage in the Front-end?” in plugin’s settings page.
To unload the assets for the home page, go to “Asset CleanUp” menu on the left panel of the Dashboard and click on “CSS & JS MANAGER” (“Homepage” is the default tab).
I have purchased the Pro version. How to do the upgrade?
Go to “Plugins” -> “Add New” -> “Upload Plugin”; You will notice an upload form and an “Install Now” submit button. Download the ZIP file you received in your purchase email receipt (example:, attach it to the form and install the new upgraded plugin.
Finally, click “Activate Plugin”!
Once the plugin is activated, make sure to grab the license key from the purchase email receipt and activate it in the “License” (plugin’s menu) page in order to be eligible for plugin updates from the Dashboard. That’s it
5.6+ – I strongly recommend you to use PHP 7+, if you’re website is fully compatible with it, as it’s much faster than any PHP 5.* and it will make a big difference for your website’s backend speed.
Although Asset CleanUp is guaranteed to work with self-hosted ( websites, it can be used on ones too, but with limitations. Features such as minify/combine CSS/JS files or combine Google Fonts (if any loaded) aren’t guaranteed to work (basically, anything requiring writing files to the caching directory). However, if you want to unload CSS/JS files, which is the key feature of the plugin, then this has always been tested & working for websites. Note that at the time of writing this (June 21, 2020), you can only install plugins on websites if you sign up for their Business plan:
There are various ways to check the speed of a website and this is in relation to the following: front-end (the part of the website visible to your visitors), back-end (PHP code, server-side optimization), hosting company, CDN (Content Delivery Network) setup, files loaded (making sure CSS, JS, Images, Fonts, and other elements are properly optimized when processed by the visitor’s browser).
Check out to do an analysis of your website and see the overall score your website gets in PageSpeed and YSlow.
Web assets are elements such as CSS, JavaScript, Fonts, and image files that make the front-end which is the look and functionality of your website that is processed by the browser you are using (e.g. Google Chrome. Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera etc.). Asset CleanUp deals with CSS and JavaScript assets which are enqueued in WordPress by your theme and other plugins.
No, Asset CleanUp does not do any page caching. It just helps you unload .css and .js that you choose as not needed from specific pages (or all pages). This, combined with an existing caching plugin, will make your website pages load faster and get a higher score in speed checking tools such as GTMetrix (Google PageSpeed and YSlow).
Yes, this plugin was tested with W3 Total Cache, WP Rocket and WP Fastest Caching and should work with any caching plugin as any page should be cached only after the page (HTML Source) was rendered and all the enqueueing / dequeueing was already completed (from either the plugins or the theme). Asset CleanUp comes with minify/combine files feature. Please do not also enable the same feature on a caching plugin. Example: If you already minified CSS/JS files with Asset CleanUp, do not enable Minify CSS/JS in WP Rocket or other caching plugins.
There are a few known reasons why you might see different or no assets loading for management:
Those assets weren’t loaded properly into WordPress by the theme/plugin author as they were likely hardcoded and not enqueued the WordPress way. Here’s a tutorial that will help you understand better the enqueuing process:
You’re using a cache plugin that is caching pages even when you’re logged in which is something I don’t recommend as you might have conflicts with other plugins as well (e.g. in W3 Total Cache, you can enable/disable this) or that plugin is caching pages even when a POST request is made to them (which is not a good practice as there are many situations in which a page should not be cached). That could happen if you’re using “WP Remote POST” method (from version of retrieving the assets in the Dashboard.
You might have other functions or plugins (e.g. Plugin Organizer) that are loading prior to Asset CleanUp. Note that Plugin Organizer has a file that is in “mu-plugins” which will load prior to any plugin you have in “plugins”, thus, if you have disabled specific plugins through “Plugin Organizer” in some pages, their assets will obviously not show in the assets list as they are not loaded at all in the first place.
If none of these apply to you and you just don’t see assets that should definitely show there, please open a support ticket.
Whenever you unload certain CSS/JS files, you expect to either see an immediate increase in the Google PageSpeed Insights / GTMetrix score or not loaded when you test the page in Incognito (visiting it as a guest, while you’re not logged-in). However, this doesn’t always happen. Pleae check this post to find out the possible reasons:
You can get access to more features, priority support and automatic updates by upgrading to the Pro version. It’s strongly recommended to avoid using any Asset CleanUp Pro nulled versions as they might contain malware and you will also not get any official support and access to plugin updates (e.g. bug fixes).
The known jQuery library is being used by many themes and plugins so it’s recommended to keep it on. jQuery Migrate was created to simplify the transition from older versions of jQuery. It restores deprecated features and behaviors so that older code will still run properly on jQuery 1.9 and later.
However, there are cases when you might not need jQuery at all on a page. If that’s the case, feel free to unload it. Make sure you properly test the page afterward, including testing it for mobile view.
Yes, the plugin has been tested for WordPress Multisite and all its settings are applied correctly to any of the sites that you will be updating.
The plugin makes AJAX calls to retrieve the data from the front-end page with 100% accuracy. Possible reasons why nothing is shown despite the wait might be:
Your internet connection cut off after you loaded the edit post/post (before the AJAX calls were triggered). Make sure to check that and refresh the page if it’s back on – it happened to me a few times
There could be a conflict between plugins or your theme and something is interfering with the script that is retrieving the assets
You are loading the WordPress Dashboard through HTTPS, but you are forcing the front-end to load via HTTP. Although Asset CleanUp auto-corrects the retrieval URL (e.g. if you’re logged in the Dashboard securely via HTTPS, it will attempt to fetch the assets through HTTPS too), there could be cases where another plugin or .htaccess forces an HTTP connection only for the public view. Due to Same Origin Policy (read more here:, you can’t make plain HTTP AJAX calls from HTTPS connections. If that’s the case, try to enable “WP Remote POST” as a retrieval method in the plugin’s settings if you want to manage the assets in the Dashboard.
You’re using plugins such as Wordfence that block the AJAX request. At this time, if that’s the case, it’s best to enable managing assets in the front-end view (Settings).
In this case, it’s advisable to enable “Manage in the Front-end?” in “Settings” of “Asset CleanUp”, thus making the list to show at the bottom of the posts, pages, and front-page only for the logged in users with admin privileges.
Although I’ve written the code to ensure maximum compatibility, there are factors which are not up to the quality of the plugin that could interfere with it.
In case the assets are not loading for you, please write to me on the forum and I will be happy to assist you!
With the recently released “Test Mode” feature, you can safely unload assets on your web pages without affecting the pages’ functionality for the regular visitors. It will unload CSS & JavaScript files that you selected ONLY for yourself (logged-in administrator). That’s recommended in case you have any doubts about whether you should applying a specific setting or unload any asset. Once you’ve been through the trial and error and your website is lighter, you can deactivate “Test Mode”, clear cache (if using a caching plugin) and the changes will apply for everyone. Then, test the page speed score of your website
This plugin really helps to get above 90 scores in GTmetrix and Google Page Speed.
Helped dequeue some stubborn assets. Nice not to do it all by hand!
Gracias por ayudarnos con tu Plugin, es una excelente herramienta. MERECEN CINCO ESTRELLAS. Mil gracias
Best plugin, if you disable the unnecessary things, it improves speed better than any cache plugin.
I'm referring to the Pro version of Asset CleanUp. Gabriel's plugin is one of the best I've come across in the world of WordPress. It's regularly updated, is invaluable for easily unloading unnecessary plugins from any page, can unload plugins from the Oxygen editor, can also handle the sorts of optimisation you need on-site if you're using server caching and don't want to use a caching plugin (minification, deferring scripts etc.) and his customer support is outstanding. Not to mention the entirely reasonable price of an unlimited license. Outstanding stuff. You should absolutely support this dev and use the pro version.
Does what it says and does it well.
“Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
“Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster” has been translated into 2 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.
Reduce the total number of submitted fields whenever the form from the CSS/JS manager is used to avoid having problems if “max_input_vars” (php.ini) is equal with 1000 or lower / read more:
UX improvement: The state of an asset row (contracted or expanded) is now done via AJAX on click (to reduce the number of inputs from the form)
UX improvement: When CSS/JS groups are contracted / expanded, make sure the change is preserved (Setting’s value: “On Assets List Layout Load, keep the groups:”) for future visits
Do not add any CSS/JS manager link to the post’s actions (when the list of posts is viewed) if the post does not have the status of “publish” or “private”
Highlight the fact that in the “Page Options” area within “Overview” (plugin’s menu), there are posts that are not “publish” or “private”
FlyWheel compatibility: The WordPress root directory has to be different than ABSPATH in relation to the assets from the plugins or the theme
Added the plugin version under the “Lite” text next to the logo
Do not show any “Manage CSS & JS” link when viewing certain post types (e.g. “ct_template” from Oxygen Builder)
Fix: “Uncaught ReferenceError: wpacuLoadCSS is not defined” by updating the fallback script for async preloading CSS
Fix: “Warning: Constant WPACU_PREVENT_ANY_FRONTEND_OPTIMIZATION already defined”
Fix: More accuracy in detecting all the loaded assets when they have to be filtered for alternative loading of different content / read more:
The meta box “Asset CleanUp Pro: Page Options” has had its contents moved to the “Page Options” area from the CSS/JS manager in any location the assets are managed
Added “Page Options” for the homepage as well (e.g. latest posts) besides posts, pages, and any public custom post types (e.g. WooCommerce product pages)
Prevent the plugin from triggering when WooCommerce API calls are made
Make sure the following option works well when non-Latin characters are in the URI: “Do not load the plugin on certain page”
Fix: When hovering over the post’s title in the Dashboard’s posts list (either post, page, or custom post type), make sure “Manage CSS & JS” is only shown to the right admins to avoid any confusion
Fix: When assets’ list is fetched, WP Rocket was disabled which made some plugins/themes that are directly calling WP Rocket functions to generate fatal errors
Fix: Make sure the handles with the following option always get unloaded: ‘Ignore dependency rule and keep the “children” loaded’
Fix: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare assetCleanUpClearAutoptimizeCache() – if both plugins (Lite & Pro) are activated
Option to skip Autoptimize cache clearing via using the “WPACU_DO_NOT_ALSO_CLEAR_AUTOPTIMIZE_CACHE” constant (e.g. set to ‘true’ in wp-config.php)
Fix: Make sure that applying to unload on all pages of a certain post type works from “CSS & JS MANAGER” (which is the new place for managing CSS/JS files within the Dashboard, outside the edit post/page area)
Fix: Manage assets didn’t work on “CSS & JS MANAGER” -> “Homepage” tab if the actual page was a static one set in “Settings” -> “Reading”
New Option: Manage assets loading for posts, pages, and custom post types within “CSS & JS MANAGER” -> “MANAGE CSS/JS” without the need to go to edit post/page area which is often bulky and could have too many fields from the theme & other plugins leading to a higher number than the one set in php.ini for “max_input_vars”
Higher accuracy in preventing the plugin from triggering when there are REST requests
Improvement: Make sure “&display=” is added (if enabled) to Google Fonts links if their URL is changed to fit in JSON formats or JavaScript variables
Divi builder edit mode: Allow Asset CleanUp Pro to trigger plugin & CSS/JS unload rules when the page editor is on to make the editor load faster via define(‘WPACU_LOAD_ON_DIVI_BUILDER_EDIT’, true); that can be set in wp-config.php / read more:
Cache Enabler (compatibility with older versions): Make sure the deprecated “cache_enabler_before_store” hook is in use
Unload “photoswipe” fix: If WooCommerce’s PhotoSwipe was unloaded, empty dots were printed at the bottom of the page from unused/unneeded HTML (hide it by marking the DIV with the “pswp” class as hidden)
Improvement: Only use ‘type=”text/css”‘ when it’s needed (e.g. an older theme is used that doesn’t support HTML5)
Improvement: Make SweetAlert2 independent (styling, functionality) from other SweetAlert scripts that might be loaded from other plugins/themes (e.g. “WooCommerce Quickbooks Connector” export in an edit product page was not working)
Minify CSS/JS improvement: From now on, the minification can be either applied to files, inline JS code, or both (before, the files minification had to be enabled to files first and then to inline JS code; sometimes, users just wanted to minify inline code and leave the files untouc
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Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster – WordPress plugin ...
Ass Clean Up

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