

Mbah tyo

Good evening, everybody .. I hope we are always given mercy and health. What pride in me, if you take a moment to read my article, I will tell you about this project from the world of cryptoculture. A project that is very interesting to me what is it? let's consider the following information:

The demand for digital content continues to grow. People are increasingly buying e-books, music and movies. One of the obvious signs that this is a growing digital market in Japan, which is 67.9 of the global content market. In 2016, its growth was 5.7 percent, and its volume increased to 8.4 trillion yen. According to statistics, the annual growth rate of demand for products of the gaming industry is 100 percent, in video content - 96.2 percent, in music and audio files - 65.4 percent. percent, image and text file - 7.3 percent.

These are Japanese companies, they make online games, great experience, as much as 15 years and 600 employees around the world. Some of their games are Avabel online, Toram online, Iruna online. The number of downloads is 50 million, sales in the game Avabel online are 200 million dollars.

The goal of this project is to create your own platform where you can buy products and sell them, the name of the Asobi trading platform. It should be noted that the platform already exists, but the disadvantage is that users are not entitled to own the product. For example, if one of these platforms is closed, users will not be able to use the purchased product. The Asobi market will provide the right to content, and a decentralized security system will be used that will protect transactions.

Principle of operation

The main selling point of secondary content is ASOBI MARKET, using Blockchain technology. After downloading content that was previously acquired and is boring or not related to users, this market retains ownership of the owner.

Why do you need Asobi Coin?

Perhaps each of us at least once in their life buys video games or other digital content. In Western and developed countries, this has long been the norm, but in spoon countries this standard of behavior is rather late =). But still, slowly but surely, we are moving towards the fact that he still needs to buy digital content. Manufacturers are making great efforts to prevent pirated copies of their products.

Thus, companies are doing everything possible to reduce their losses and losses from piracy.

But what if you are an economical person and do not want to pay more for content that is not new enough?

The output for you can buy used / y content that was previously purchased by someone else.

At the same time, you can also sell or resell content to other members!

This is an opportunity provided by Asobi Coin.

You can buy or sell the following:




Game item

You can buy products from manufacturers and users at lower prices. After the sale of goods, the money will be credited to your wallet. This platform will also be attractive not only for users, but also for manufacturers. If we look at the Amazon platform, then when they sell used books, the publisher will not benefit from it. Smart contracts will be used on the Asobi market, and profits will be distributed and distributed automatically.

For example, a book costs $ 10, a smart contract will distribute the following benefits:

Seller will receive 5 dollars

Publisher will receive $ 3.5

The author will receive $ 1.5

how to work asobi coin

Asobi Coin will be a decentralized platform based on Blockchain technology, which will provide an opportunity to buy, sell content that has been used and purchase items in Asobimo inc.

This system will work on a decentralized security system (DSS), which will not only get all the pleasure from a fast and secure transaction, but will also receive information about rights holders and many other important things that may be required.

All transactions and important aspects will be recorded in a blockchain, so the risk of fraud when buying or selling content will be minimized to almost zero.

In general, the company's policy will be reduced to two words: money - content.

And what are the benefits of this project?

When you buy any content in the ordinary world, you only buy the right to use it. You do not have the right to distribute it.

Asobi Coin offers everyone who buys the rights to resell the platform to third parties, which radically changes the situation. With the internal security system, DSS and BDM guarantee each user the integrity and security of each transaction. This approach is beneficial for everyone and for those who sell and those who buy, because you can buy the same product, but it is cheaper and the seller receives money for content that he does not need.

This platform will provide each user with an ASOBI WALLET internal wallet that allows you to perform all operations with content.

It should also be noted that the copyright owner will automatically receive a gift when reselling his books or other content.

If you look at the current site, then after the initial sale the right holder will not accept anything that at some level is unfair.


Trading digital content in distributed secondary markets. A new economic era of blockhains for publishers and users. The Asobimo DApps platform will make digital content in the secondary market a valuable asset for all parties and provide a safe trading experience with minimal cost and without friction.


Digital content is sometimes too easy to copy. How to allow redistribution of content that works for users, content creators and publishers?


Asobimo DApps will provide a distributed secondary content platform with “Decentralized Security System” (DSS). blockchain will provide proof of ownership of undisputed content.


Secure data content platform

We will provide a cloud system called “Decentralized Security System” (DSS) using blockchain technology.

Distributed content platform

We will create a distributed P2P secondary content platform.

the details

You can buy and sell digital content such as comics, games, music that you want to share with others.


ASOBI MARKET uses blockchain technology to provide a secure system for distributing secondary content (used).

Play goods






When you make purchases on ASOBI MARKET, we can guarantee you a safe exchange between secondary content (used) and cryptocurrency through the DSS system.


Hard cover: 5,500,000,000 yen (about 50,000,000 US dollars)

Soft cover (range ※): 550,000,000 yen (about 5,000,000 US dollars)

Coins: 16,500,000,000

ERC-20 marker



Selling Tokens

At ICO, we will sell 50% of tokens to ensure liquidity.

Our team and advisor

will provide 20% of tokens for teams and advisors.


we will have a gift program. Without locking.

Water drops

We will distribute 10% of tokens to users of ASOBIMO games.

Without locking.


We will save 10% of tokens as a backup


Software development

We plan to allocate ASOBI MARKET DSS for developing system updates.


Used to promote ASOBI MARKET and ASOBI COIN

Business development

After ICO, we plan to look for partner companies and work more efficiently.


Used to confirm and resolve problems with legal problems.

Road map


For more information go to the following link:


Technical documentation:

Yellow paper:

Telegram: https: //



Btc name: Mbah Tyo

btc link https: https: // action = profile; u = 926777

my eth: 0x5Da79C72A3325b214FFee140C66b444d571F17a1

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