Asian With Natural Blue Eyes

Asian With Natural Blue Eyes


Asian With Natural Blue Eyes

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Is it possible for an asian to have natural blue eyes?

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Guest xspringrollsx , September 26, 2009 in soompi hangout

If one was to be 100% Caucasian and the other is 100% Asian is it genetically possible to have a child that has blue eyes?

ive met at least 2 asians with blue eyes althought its more of a hazel blue.. i read somewhere that wayyyy back then some asians in the China area had blonde hair and blue eyes... but throughout time they began to change to black hair and brown eyes.. nowadays you can still find some that have that very recessive gene...
I wasn't so hot in biology but if I actually learned something from that class, the child should have brown eyes unless the Asian has a recessive gene that makes blue eyes. So I would say it's possible, but the chances are very very very slim.

ahhaha such a random question . why'd you ask? well, there's always contacts!
I was just wondering cause my friend has blue eyes and his mum is 100% Caucasian and he knows his dad is 100% Asian with no know blue eyed relatives in past generations. I question myself a bit if hes adopted?
Not unless the Asian parent carried a recessive blue eye trait.
Yes it is. I have two cousins in Hong Kong with blue eyes. Actually, one has two blue eyes and the other cousin has one blue one brown. It's blue-ish/gray-ish though. Not like the caucasian aquamarine blue blue if you get what I mean haha. They are the only one in my family known to have blue eyes though... My mom says its from malnutrition from the mother (who's usually very sick) but... ::shrugs::
Yes, not only blue eyes but also green. It has to do with melanin.It's also possible for them to have natural blonde hair.

However, when you say "100% Asian" I question what kind of Asian you're referring too...I'm assuming you're referring to mainly East Asians.
It can happen since but I see very slim chance, like only 10%. It can be a rare trait fallen from your parent's genetics.
my brother has blue eyes. though we're not full asians though. we're part american too.. and he got it from my dad. he has blue eyes too. but also, he's only half asian. lol
It's really rare since the dominant gene is brown eyes unless the asian parent has blue eyes as their recessive gene.
It's rare, but yes. My dad has blue eyes and he said even my grandfather had them. Wish I had them too lol jk.
i guess it could be possible.. surgery, strange DNA, even mixing of cultures blood (white +asian)

ive seen some people with light brown eyes or even gray/yellow eyes. but i think the grey eyes is a disease? i see it lots in old people... my moms eyes are lighter than mine. i wish i had that, mine are almost black..
Yes, it`s possible for an asian to have natural blue eyes but it`s only few asians who do.
Hmm, I learned about something in biology about this last week, but I wasn't too keen on paying attention sadly LOL. Though from what I do remember, yes it's possible but chances are slim since the gene for brown eyes is dominant while the gene for blue eyes is a recessive trait. Both parents need to have the gene for blue eyes for it to happen, though as I said, chances are slim.
My grandma has blue eyes, so yes it's possible. And, she's full asian btw.
I'm not too sure although my friend knows somebody that is asian with natural blue eyes. I've never come across anyone with blue eyes, but hey, that's cool.
If that was possible, I think that Asian will be beautiful.

I wish I had blue eyes. Unique, and random at the same time.

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Started November 25, 2021

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Do many East Asians actually have blue eyes/green eyes?
Lives in Japan ( 1989 – present ) · Apr 12 ·
This helps us sort answers on the page.
Why can’t "pure" Asian people (from two Asian parents) have coloured eyes (blue, green, etc.)?
Can Asians have other eye colors than Brown?
Why do I have very dark blue eyes with light blue rings? I am Asian.
How common are blue eyes in the Chinese world population?
Author has 7.2K answers and 7.3M answer views · 1 y ·
Why can’t "pure" Asian people (from two Asian parents) have coloured eyes (blue, green, etc.)?
Can Asians have other eye colors than Brown?
Why do I have very dark blue eyes with light blue rings? I am Asian.
How common are blue eyes in the Chinese world population?
My mom is East Asian and my dad is white. I have blue eyes like my dad. How is this possible?
Which ethnic group in Asia has people with blue eyes in their population?
What does it mean that someone has "China blue eyes"?
My parents are both Korean but my father has curly hair, a high nose and light brown eyes. In addition, I look really mixed and have dark brown/redddish hair with big eyes, is it possible I have European ancestry?
How is it possible that some half-East Asians have blue or green eyes?
Why are some Chinese people born with blue eyes?
Are Asian people's eyes really black?
I have heterochromia. One of my eyes is green and the other one is blue. I am half Korean, but for the first time I am moving to Korea. Are my eyes ugly for Korean people?
Who are some Asians with grey eyes, or what are some pictures of Asians with grey eyes?
Why can’t "pure" Asian people (from two Asian parents) have coloured eyes (blue, green, etc.)?
Can Asians have other eye colors than Brown?
Why do I have very dark blue eyes with light blue rings? I am Asian.
How common are blue eyes in the Chinese world population?
My mom is East Asian and my dad is white. I have blue eyes like my dad. How is this possible?
Which ethnic group in Asia has people with blue eyes in their population?
What does it mean that someone has "China blue eyes"?
My parents are both Korean but my father has curly hair, a high nose and light brown eyes. In addition, I look really mixed and have dark brown/redddish hair with big eyes, is it possible I have European ancestry?
How is it possible that some half-East Asians have blue or green eyes?
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It is true that there are Asians who have blue eyes/green eyes or other eye colors.
There are many Central Asian and Mongolian/Turkic peoples who have light skin/hair/eyes.
This is usually explained by the fact that, over the millennia, these Asian Tribes inter-married/absorbed many nearby Caucasian Tribes into their Nation/Empires.


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When you think of the native people of Southeast Asia, you know, the ones who actually call the region's lush rainforests home, it's rather difficult to imagine what would set them apart from the general urban population.
Aside from their way of life, customs, and traditions, there isn't much to physically distinguish them from regular folk.
After recent photos of the tribe, taken by geologist and photographer Korchnoi Pasaribu , went viral on social media, many have been wondering how it's even possible for this one group of people to have natural blue eyes, especially considering the fact that most Asians have brown eyes.
It turns out that the tribe developed these piercing blue eyes as a result of a rare genetic disorder called Waardenburg syndrome.
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine , Waardenburg syndrome is a group of genetic conditions that can cause hearing loss, and changes in pigmentation of the hair, skin, and eyes.
But before you start thinking that every single person in the Buton tribe has blue eyes, think again. According to a Facebook post by Discover ASEAN , the Butonese people mostly have normal brown eyes, but a small sub-group have developed blue eyes.
And even then, some only have one eye blue, while the other stays brown, like these two:
Read more eye-opening tribe stories:
Cover image sourced from geo.rock888 / Instagram .

Can an asian be born with blue eyes?
Disclaimer: I'm asking purely out of curiosity and do not condone genetics experiments or bollocks racial theories. I have also enough common sense to know genetics don't make anyone inherently superior in an ethical and metaphysical sense. Each person is unique, but fundamentally we're equals.
From what I heard the gene is recessive which makes blue the rarest eye color. My siblings have blue eyes while I don't (and so doesn't one of my parents) and I know for a fact that both my grandfathers have them, meaning both of my parents at least carried the gene.
I also know that some asian people with mixed ancestry may inherit green or blue eyes, but my question is more about how long can the gene "stay" in the family? let's say a half-asian marries an asian, their child marries an asian, their child... could two descendants of caucasians end up with an almost fully asian child with blue eyes? can a gene lay dormant for several generations and not just one like it did with my dad?
If I am not mistaken certain Asian groups, like the Brokpa (or Minaro) people in Kashmir have often green or blue eyes.
Thank you! just googled it to confirm
They have European ancestry...many nw indians afghans and high caste people have enough European ancestry to have blue eyes
Some people in the Middle East (still Asia?) have blue/green eyes. Not so uncommon in Turkey/Iraq/Syria.
Some people in the Middle East (still Asia?) have blue/green eyes. Not so uncommon in Turkey/Iraq/Syria.
I know a lot of Iranians and Syrians that have Green eyes. Look at bashar al assad. I would say around 15% of the population has green eyes, 5% for blue for both countries
That's interesting! now that I remember, I had a buddy in my home uni who was a blue eyed Turk
Yes, am Asian, my grandad had blue eyes
my grandmother gray eyes and brown hair
My husband and I are both white (with mixed Native American ancestry). My extended family on both side (mother/father) for at least three generations back all have varying shades of blue eyes. My husband’s extended family all have brown eyes. We have two children, one has blue eyes and one has green eyes.
I don’t have anything to add scientifically, but it’s a fun mystery in our family where the green eyes came from and how the heck all the dominant genes were overcome by recessives.
(Additional info: my husband also has jet black hair where I have much lighter dark blonde hair, both our children have lighter hair)
Green eyes are actually just a mutation of blue eyes. Blue eyes are blue because they lack melanin, green eyes have low levels of melanin which makes them appear green. Really neat how the recessive genes came through in your children though!
Thank you for your input. They are indeed a funny thing. For instance I might look a lot like my dad but hisgreen-brown eyes are a lot brown-er than mine. I suspect that I've got some blue/green from my mother but I don't know exactly how it works.
It's a hidden trait, without testing there's no way to know. Several years ago a black couple (I think in England) had a Caucasian baby. DNA proved Parenthood. The baby is not albino. There are no white people in the family as far back as the family can trace. They apparently both had a white ancestor for a very long time ago.
Wow, that's unusual. Nature works in strange ways sometimes.
It would be helpful if you specified what type of "Asian." Middle Eastern? Eastern Iranian? Central Asian? Turkic? South Asian (North Indian or South Indian)? South East Asian? East Asian? My understanding is that the farther East you go from Europe, the likelihood of lighter eyes goes down. Out of all those listed groups, I've never seen an East Asian or South East Asian with natural lightly colored eyes.
Sorry, I should've specified that I mostly meant far-Eastern asian people (Korea, Mongolia, China, Japan...). I live in Japan currently and the overwhelming majority has brown eyes with different shades of brown, though mostly dark.
ye. My family is Indian and I was born with blue eyes.
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