Asian Submissive

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Asian Submissive

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On the flip side, are American men soft and naïve? Many Asian women think so. According to Jenny, who moved to the U.S. from Taiwan in her 30s, “For those Caucasian guys who like Asian women, their personality tend to be softer. They’re not very masculine.” Another interview subject, who moved to the U.S. for, and later divorced, an American white man, found them “simple” and “less sophisticated” than Asian men.
Others don’t believe the myth but know how to exploit it, according to Elaine Kim, Professor at UC Berkeley. These women “know what they need to survive and to help their extended family. They saw an opportunity in that (Asian) fetish,” then marry Western men “who wake up to find themselves among 20 of her relatives and he’s totally outnumbered.” She concludes, “the old colonial relationship between Western superiority and Asian inferiority is becoming an ever more distant memory that would be foolish to try to resuscitate.”
The racist myth that “all Orientals look the same” was debunked long ago, but it bears reminding all Asian women are not the same either. By grounding our relationships in reality we get past our expectations and truly get to know each other as individuals — we can’t debunk all the myths, but it’s a start.

The Awful Origins of the Fetishized ‘Submissive Asian Woman’ Stereotype

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The “submissive China doll,” the “exotic geisha” – these stereotypes of East Asian women are highly fetishized. As a result, East Asian women have to deal with being dehumanized as objects of so-called “yellow fever.”
It’s disturbing to realize just how long these stereotypes have been around. In this video, Stuff Mom Never Told You’s Cristen Conger takes us through history to show how the image of the submissive East Asian woman was created.
These horrifying origins really put the harm of these stereotypes in perspective.
With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism
When it comes to women of East Asian heritage, there are stereotypes aplenty to choose from. There’s the “cunning Dragon Lady,” the “severely strict Tiger Mom,” and the “model minority math whiz.” But in this episode, I want to focus on one of the most persistent and highly fetishized of these stereotypes that women – especially young and single – still encounter today: the submissive China doll or Japanese geisha. The so-called “yellow fever’s object of affection.” Emphasis on object.
Officially, East Asia comprises eight distinct nations with a population of more than 1.5 billion. So it’s no wonder then that we assume that any woman with any connection to that region whatsoever – even if she was, say, born and raised in the United States – must meet the criteria of being a submissive China doll, right?
Being diminutive, coy, and sexually permissive at the end of the day? No?
The overarching theme to this stereotype is ascribing ultra-femininity to prop up masculinity. While the submissive Asian girl is a vast oversimplification, of course, it represents a highly complex geopolitical history spanning almost 200 years.
First up: Orientalism. Ever since Marco Polo’s 13 th century jaunt to China, the West has lusted after what the East has to offer. But of course European and British forces didn’t want to just go over and make friends!
They wanted the power; they wanted the riches; they wanted the glory!
This gave rise to what culture critic and theorist Edward Said referred to as Orientalisim, or the persistent exoticizing and feminization of images of the East in order to, by contrast, masculinize and project the power of the West.
This related exoticizing of the local women became a major export in the wake of the mid-19 th century Opium Wars which opened up trade access to China. Around the same time relations between Japan, Britain, and other European nations began to defrost.
Which leads up to stereotype clue number two: Not a fan, but a book.
In the late 1800s, French naval officer and part time novelist Pierre Loti loved writing about all of his travels in the Middle East and South Asian seas and eventually his trip to Japan. That was the site of his 1888 breakthrough hit Madame Chrysanthéme – pardon my poor French pronunciation.
The book is a fictional diary account of a French naval officer’s sojourn to Nagasaki, where he takes up a so-called “temporary wife” called Chrysanthéme. And he marvels over her diminutive doll-like sex appeal and how all of her girlfriends in Nagasaki are super-feminine and submissive and sexy, too.
The book is a sensation. It’s reprinted over 200 times and scholars today consider it the seminal text for cementing our Westernized idea that East Asian women are all so diminutive and super-feminine, docile, and essentially ripe for sexual exploitation.
But Chrysanthéme’s legacy doesn’t stop there. It would ultimately inspire Puccini’s famous opera Madama Butterfly, which is the most performed opera in the United States. And it’s all about this naval officer named Pinkerton and his temporary wife named Cio Cio-san.
And if those two names ring a bell, that probably means you’re a Weezer fan.
“Listening to Cio Cio-san. Fall in love all over again.”
So far, our ingredients are a healthy dose of imperialism, a massively popular book that we don’t really know about anymore, and an opera that a lot of people went to see. Is that it?
Oh no! We’ve got a few more wars to talk about. World War II and the Korean and Vietnam Wars fully revived this geopolitical image of the hyper-masculinized West led by Uncle Sam going to invade the feminized and by virtue weaker and cunning East.
Quite literally, relationships – consensual and not – were being formed between GIs and local women. But unlike during the Opium Wars era, this submissive Asian stereotype was more of an import than an export, with GIs encountering local women-many of whom were part of military-centric sex trades.
Pop culturally during this time, Madam Chrysanthéme busts out of her cocoon yet again with very familiar themes popping up on stage and screen. Only this time with the white guy playing a little bit more patriotic hero in productions like South Pacific, The World of Suzie Wong , and Miss Saigon.
And spoiler alert: One thing Chrysanthéme, Madama Butterfly, and Miss Saigon have in common is that when the romance when the white dude fails, they kill themselves.
One bit of good news is that recently Hollywood has done a noticeably better job of portraying Asian women in less stereotypical and more nuanced roles.
And while that’s certainly cause to celebrate we have to remember that actually dismantling the stereotype – which I have a feeling a lot of viewers have encountered one way or another – involves dismantling an almost 200-year-old assembly line that has consistently collapsed this diverse group of women into these porcelain silent figurines that are meant to be ogled rather than truly known.
To learn more about this topic, check out:
Cristen Conger joined up with and Discovery Communications in 2009 as a staff writer. That same year, identifying a need for more intelligent digital media by and for women, she co-created Stuff Mom Never Told You and has since honed her expertise in women, gender and sex. Cristen also contributes to Huffington Post Women, and her writing has additionally appeared on Jezebel, Bitch, MSNBC and ABC News. Follow her on Twitter @ CristenConger .
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Pretty Asian brides often become the victims of misconceptions and false stereotypes. They are considered timid, shy, unable to stand against men's opinions and purely patriarchal by behavioral nature. Well, it's only a tiny part of the whole truth. Numerous reasons make Asian brides perfect not only for dating but for the successful development of relationships with well-bred kids and satisfied husbands. Nevertheless, they have their flaws that many men can't discern because of the wrong position of humanity.
Firstly, not all Asian brides of today are family oriented. The modern world has taught them to express their opinion on different issues, including family, work, politics, and more. Besides, they are very persistent in everything they do. If you opt for an active business development excluding the kids, but including busy social life, you'll quickly find yourself an ideal variant.
Secondly, not all Asian brides for marriage have the intention to be dependent on their potential husbands. Quite a lot of them were born or raised in European countries, and their charming look is probably the only thing that makes them Asian brides. Their inner world and psychology have significantly changed. They are looking for independence, personal ways to earn money and support their kids as well as elderly parents.
Finally, such thing as patriarchy is no longer constantly present in their charming minds. They do have respect for their elderly parents. However, caring about parents doesn't make Asian brides dating unique. It's natural for all people of all genders and nationalities.
Now let's have a closer look at real Asian brides, their actual characteristics, and their overall attitude toward men and their behavior in relationships. Still hesitant about choosing Asian mail brides? We'll help you out. Willing to do it fast and safe? LadaDate specialists and mediators are already on the way to your family happiness and well-being.
You have to consider a lot before you pass on to dating online and building a relationship with an Asian woman. There's a tremendous cultural gap between the people of the west and people of the Asian countries. Exceptions are possible in case if your potential partner was born in an Asian family but on the territory of Europe or the United States. Social environment dramatically affects the way of thinking regardless of the traditional upbringing.
If you're looking forward to meeting your love in Korea, Japan, China, or anywhere else in Asia, study the following summary table to gain an overview of Asian brides' peculiarities.
The thing is that real Asian brides of today have nothing to do with the past. Pretty Asian brides have drastically changed with the years. There's a number of misconceptions surrounding them, and we're finally going to list them. Let's start with the first one.
They consider that the emotional and intellectual development of a person cannot happen in isolation from his/her cultural peculiarities. That's the reason why Asian brides are inclined to:
Beautiful Asians raised in decent families on the territory of their historical motherland are modern but still rather traditional in matters of family environment, religion, and household issues. They are practical, but the emotional and intellectual components are crucial to them.
Quite a lot of men dating Asian women nowadays agree that there's something unseen and compelling inside of these cute little women making men develop non-habitual inner qualities. Are you a brutal bodybuilder devoting yourself to regular training sessions and strict eating habits? Well, get ready to be a gentle and caring "owner" of a tiny Asian princess by your side.
They know how to manipulate men and make them do what they want. Hundreds of years of social and historical development turned these humble and quite ladies into foxy manipulators. It doesn't mean that she wants to have control over you. She is ready to serve her man in any way he might wish to, but she wants the same kind of attitude in return. A beautiful Asian girl will:
Living with a cute Asian wife by your side can become unpredictably hard. There's a list of things you should think over before you proceed to online dating with one of the female representatives from Asia;
All of us hate generalizations, and we don't want our website to spread false information.
Nevertheless, most men dating beautiful Asian women put particular emphasis on the following characteristics:
One of the first things coming into mind when we talk about their sexuality is their behavior in bed. Asian mail brides: are they submissive and innocent?
Well, this misconception was created by a man who has never experienced communication with real Asian brides. Russian and Slavic women, in general, can be a lot more gentle and submissive. Asian brides dating websites always try to mislead their users using such terms as:
It's just a stereotype! Asian brides are as loyal, dependent, and obedient as many other women in the world. Nevertheless, we need to confess, that what makes Asian brides for marriage special is their ability to control their temper:
They know how to support their husband and other family members on the public even in case if they have been offended by them. It's because they understand that the reputation of the family matters. She will surely faithfully support you on a preliminary arranged business lunch with your co-workers even if she holds a grudge on you. However, you'll still have to make things clear with her on private – your family life will never get down on course until you sincerely talk to her.
Asian brides for marriage know how to control their kids, and they make good mothers. Keep in mind that their kids may be a lot more vital for her than you are.
Asian brides will never say rude things to your parents even if they don't like them. They understand that silence is golden in case if it comes to the senior family members. None of us can change our parents, and the only thing they can influence is your attitude. Asian mail brides are looking for mutual support. If they have one, they will stay calm even if their husbands' parents strongly dislike them.
If you're looking for Asian brides for marriage, remember, that all of them are true psychologists by nature.
Singles willing to meet pretty Asian women looking for men are often interested in the physiological component. There's a bunch of things except for the peculiar appearance that makes most men adore single Asian women:
It's wrong trying to give general physiological characteristics about certain races, but if we define the Asians geographically, we can say that the traits listed above are typical for the Eastern Asians.
This is almost true. It will be better to say that Asian brides dating with potential husbands prefer to keep their worries and hesitations in mind. The trouble is that in most cases, it's evident that a girl is trying to hide away something. It's not the same as women from Asia. They know how to keep their emotions hidden, and they have a natural ability to disguise the strongest of worries. As soon as she gets closer to you and knows you better, she will be ready to show off her sincerity.
The truth is that most Asian brides dating internationally stay reserved until you open up to them. As soon as they understand that a man can be trusted, they become quite straightforward. The level of emotional transparency can be different with the years. The older your potential significant other is, the more revealing she will be. All of them tend to be reserved in the beginning.
Keep this in mind before you step into a relationship with one of the Asian mail brides:
Sincerity is one of their central values. But you'll have to decide whether you're ready to be the same in return.
K-beauty, as well as the other innumerable fashion trends of today, are no more awkward or peculiar. Following the Asian culture became a must for people of all genders and ages. The culture is especially adored in Europe and the USA. Probably, that's the reason why dating an Asian girl is widespread.
Japanese and Korean beauties are now in trends of the cinema industry, on runways and in advertising. Besides, the market of make-up and clothing is swamped with their high-quality products. The most powerful fashion empires try hard to promote Asian women as something incredibly exotic and rare.
Asian culture is now so popularized that online dating cannot remain on the sidelines. Single men started demonstrating an interest in Asian ladies, and a massive wave of singles flooded the market of online matchmaking. Finally, men found out that the Asians have something to add to their charming appearance.
This popularity comes in handy for the Asian singles – they get more chances to leave their motherland and see what opportunities the world can offer. Unfortunately, not all oriental countries can be considered developed. Besides, their laws and regulations are not always convenient for the citizens.
We've already discussed the majority of reasons. Nevertheless, such an aspect as intimacy cannot be ignored. You should try hard not to trust the misleading stereotypes and insulting fabrications of the lustful tourists, as well as your pals. The best way to find out more about the people in the country you're interested is to find someone to communicate about it online.
Get yourself a pen pal and ask what you want about the traditions and real characteristics of people within the potential destination country. Be wise and don't be tempted by the rumors and unconfirmed information.
Most men regard Asian brides as bent on sex and explicit eroticism. They make better lovers, and they're able to make any man experience a thrilling ecstasy of the coitus. Date charming Asian girl to enjoy sensuality and mutuality in the bedroom.
One of the most humiliating truths for women from Asia is that 'they all look the same.' This is as disgusting as calling them all hooked on sex. They are not perverted, they don't have any sexual superiority over women of other races, and hate to be considered looking and behaving the same as if they were a mass with a collective mind.
Each woman is unique as well as each man. Numerous perverts and fetishists, all together with the authors of freaking fantasies in perverted anime series and manga comic books did their work and created a fetish that is wrongly accepted as a universal truth. No, Asian mail brides are far from being excessive lovers.
Some of them work in the sex industry; quite a lot can be seen in porn films. There are girls brave enough to become transgender for the sake of earning money from perverted tourists. Unfortunately, these girls are victims of particular misconceptions. One of the most horrible truths is that sex traffic of Asian girls is the most significant. Asian girls falsely considered obedient, submissive, and sexually impressive are trafficke
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