Asian Rocker

Asian Rocker


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Когда люди говорят о музыке в Корее, большинство из них подразумевают R&B и K-pop, но мало кто знает о рок-музыке. Этот недооцененный жанр, безусловно, заслуживает большего внимания, особенно учитывая, что многие K-pop группы используют элементы рока в своей собственной музыке. Поэтому ниже представлен список некоторых лучших рок-артистов Кореи. Вы будете удивлены, насколько они талантливы.
Bursters важны для всех, кто интересуется такой музыкой. Что касается современного рока, эмоциональная глубина их песен и текстов навсегда оставит вас удовлетворенными.
Если вам нравится мелодичный спокойный рок, которому вы сможете подпевать без потери голосовых связок, тогда Boohwal идеально подходит для вас. То, как они объединяют балладу и рок вместе, никогда не перестанет вызывать  мурашки по коже.
В отличие от традиционных групп в K-pop, CNBLUE играет рок, используя поп-мелодии, чтобы придать своим песням оптимистичный настрой. Если вы больше предпочитаете K-pop, чем рок, то эта группа выступит как отличное введение в оба жанра.
С Guckkasten вы никогда не будете разочарованы. Мало того, что их барабанные и гитарные навыки на превосходном уровне, так их вокалист способен петь в разных тональностях.
Чон Джун Ён выглядит очень молодым, но его мощный глубокий голос хорошо сочетается с жанрами баллады и рок-песен. Это его самое сильное оружие, особенно когда речь заходит о лирических рок-балладах.
The Rose только что дебютировали в этом году, но сочетание мягкого рока и прекрасного голоса в своих балладах, дает каждому ощущение, что они не будут похожи на типичную мальчиковую группу. Они профессионально играют на инструментах, а их голоса обладают таким большим потенциалом, что заставляет нас надеяться на их яркое будущее.
Просто, слушая Sugar Donut, вас сразу же отправят в начало 2000-х годов, откуда берет свое начало пост-хардкор. Независимо от того, сколько лет их песням, они навсегда закрепят за собой ту золотую эру, полную хардкорного рока и творческого самовыражения.
Crying Nut — абсолютная легенда. Их бешеная энергетика никогда не оставляет аудиторию равнодушной. Даже если вы потеряете голос и слух после концерта, но это будет того стоить.
Как группа, Norazo не стремится делать хэви-метал, но у них, конечно же, есть потенциал, чтобы порвать ваши барабанные перепонки в клочья. Их чрезвычайно высокий вокальный диапазон настолько пронзителен, что каждый, кто их слушает, остается в страхе.
Джэджун пытается петь рок, который отлично подходит, когда у вас сильная депрессия. Он обладает бархатным голосом, затуманенным взглядом и образом падшего ангела. Будьте уверены, его музыка вызовет эмоции у всех нас.
Многие говорят, что FTISLAND — это группа, которая сочетает в себе различные рок жанры, которые подходят для любой аудитории, и это абсолютная правда. Группа существует более 10 лет, за это время музыканты экспериментировали практически со всеми жанрами рок-музыки. Для любого новичка в мире корейского рока FTISLAND имеет важное значение.
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Yes they are too amazing yoshiki the drum destroyer, toshi the best voice your ears will ever hear, hide the most badass and most crazy guitarist ever. Pata amazing guitarist and awesomist hippie, sugizo the perfect newest addition to the group, taiji epic as hell when it comes to bass every band he joined had great success, and now heath'he is the youngest in the group but he is really amazing at the bass too and not to mention he really cute! Well I think all of them are hot in their own way I like all of them!
X Japan is the best! They are legendary. Nothing to question about their talent and professional. They Rock your heart every time they are on stage. They produced the great and very impressive shows that no one can resist! Beware your heart when you listen to their music because their ballad songs can fire your soul! They also inspire their fans to fight for their own dream, just like X-Japan. Let's prove my words by yourself.
The band X Japan, as most of Asia. A beautiful melody. With emphasis on the risk of Yoshiki's drums. Asia is well-known band of music fans across Asia, Europe and America and the world tour. Recent times, in 2011, which was previously demonstrated that Now in Asia, you can not overlook the possibility of this band. We are X!
There simply is no other band. X are everything. WE ARE X!
At least, this band was and still is the start for so many J-Rock bands. If there was no X-Japan, there won't be many bands there are now. X-Japan is named as the main influence of many, many Japanese musicians. And this is awesome.
I do not understand a word of Japanese but their music is what makes me listen to it! I listen to English bands but nobody makes music as good as them! Tetsu is the god of bass just ask anyone who plays bass and check his lines of shout at the devil, heaven's drive. They are super difficult to play. Hyde's voice is amazing, very unique, his range is the best I've heard!
Their music is full of style and attitude. The exhilarating drum beats, the sexy guitar, the stunning base, and the voice that can only come from heaven; this is the band that you definitely cannot miss. Their music is not merely superb skills, but touches the deepest part of your heart.
Larc en ciel rocks! There's no doubt about it that laruku is awesome+legendary+oh well, words can't describe their awesomeness, greatness, everything! If I don't know laruku, I wont be able to love music like I do now. I love them, because of them, I love japan. And I love music. Music in my heart, because larc en ciel is my heart.
They are the best rockband I know! I adore their skills in playing instruments, writing lyrics and having charisma both live and on T.V.. They are simply amazing!
GACKT is the best, because He has the best voice... He can sing beautiful but He has a rock voice too... And.. It's very important:
James Hetfield (Metallica's singer) knows him and they (Gackt & James) are friends!
He's also a rock artist and a hell of a good one, so bare with it, he's the best in many aspects! If you listen to his vocals, melody and lyrics and if you know what a really good music is, you'll see it in him!
Gackt is a remarkable person - extremely talented in every respect with passion and artistry, witty and athletic! He is truly gifted.
He is one of the most wonderful persons in this world for me. His voice is amazing, and he isn't just a singer, he is a true performer.
I love them so much! They've really evolved with their music while still staying true to their image! I think they've just gotten better with time. I'm definitely looking forward to their new projects and can't wait to see what the future will bring.
I'll never get tired of listening to them; GAZEROCK IS NOT DEAD!
I love The GazettE. Whenever you feel down, listen to them. Whenever you feel happy, listen to them. They are so amazing and they light up my world by just existing. They absolutley deserves first place, everyone of them saves my day. They love their fans and they are amazing musicians. Gazerock is NOT dead!
GAZEROCK IS NOT DEAD! They are the reason why I smile every day.. My mentor, my role models... My idols... They saved me from most of the desert and I opened the door to a wonderful world... They are the best musicians who ever heard, and the best people that I met... Simply the best... Latioamerica love them..
Honestly, they are one of the best bands in the world let alone Japan. They have amazing and meaningful lyrics, sound unbelievable and at the end of the day are all down to Earth, humble guys.
Grew up listening this amazing band. Aushomapto one and two is my most favorite albums from Aurthohin.
There was a time when they had Kamal guitarman as their guitarist and Rafa as drummer. But this band never failed to amazed with even after the departure of their members. Mark Don is a beast and Shishir Bhai, you are best we could ever have. The best of the bests. Nothing much to say about Bassbaba. Thank you for making our childhood awesommee.
If they guys born in a country like USA or UK then they had the possibilities to become the best in the world. They need a greater platform where metalheads are prevailing in numbers. Legends born in wrong country.
Just meserising sound of the band it has covered almost all genres of Rock & metal... Fighting cancer Bassbaba has returned every time & has hit the deck hard... Undoubtedly deserves to be in top 5!
Amazing band with realistic lyrics and aggressive music. Aurthohin is also good at romantic composition. I personally want them in top 5 list.
I had a chance to see him at Anime Expo when he played the House of Blues. Man, he rocked hard! I came away a big fan! His guitar skills were way beyond my expectations.
He explores the upper stratum of rock music, and the depths of emotion. His voice, his lyrics, his melodies, his driving guitar...all the raving about him is not as good as listening to him. What a sexy angel he is, too.
new to being solo yet ultimately one of the best
Best japan rock, you can hear many songs and you don't get boring
Electric or acoustic, hard rock or ballad, Miyavi is brilliant and fast and intricate. He plays his instruments like they're alive, and they like it. Raw and tender, experimental, ridiculously joyous and mercurial, a voice with a growl under it that's absolute, dead faint sex.
Originality just define him, he create the new rock, his lyrics are deep and wonderful, he is stylish and rocks. He do his music with pleasure and not for money. He loves his fans, this is why I love him.
He's just unstopable, his skill is undenyable. He can rock the place so well, while at the same time he can make you emotional till the very end. He has a skill, a feeling, and you can feel his soul with all the songs he plays.
They are amazing,... Their song also inspire to the youth, like "Ceria" and "meraih Mimpi"
Best Indonesian rock band.. Like l'arc en ciel..
Artcell is the best! They are legendary. Nothing to question about their talent and professional. They Rock your heart every time they are on stage. They produced the great and very impressive shows that no one can resist! Beware your heart when you listen to their music because their ballad songs can fire your soul! They also inspire their fans to fight for their own dream, just like Artcell. Let's prove my words by yourself
Artcell is one of the best Asian bands. It should be on top 5 at least. And if you really want to know why then just listen to them. You will surely get your answer.
Artcell is one of the best progressive metal band in the history of metal..they should be in number 1 in Asia zone! if anyone doubts about it then they may check their song called "Aniket Prantor" Hail To Artcell!
I think they are just neglected only because they are from Bangladesh but there songs truly competes against the best bands of the world like Metallica,iron maiden,etc.Ershad bhai truly nails it with his awesome voice and Lincoln bhai is just extra ordinary
11 Kim Hyun Joong Kim Hyun-Joong is a South Korean entertainer, actor, singer, dancer, and the leader and main rapper of boyband SS501.
Seo Taiji is a great singer and he should be #1 on this list (no offense to other band's fans). Check out Feel The Soul, Ultramania and Internet War, great songs.
He's a musical genius. His songs are intoxicating. Powerful arrangement with catchy tunes.
Korean Rock God! Majesty, power, passion - he'll send you into rock heaven.
He's the president of Korean modern culture.
Arnel may not be the original vocalist of the band "journey" but whenever he sings the journey songs he nailed it! His voice is very powerful, even oprah and ellen degeneres was blown away by his vocal prowess despite the fact that he didn't undergo any formal vocal training, his voice was molded through singing experience and hardships he endured... His soprano husky voice and growls makes his performance remarkable...
You can't go wrong with AP! He is definitely one of talented and pure vocal wonders..A very humble personality is not bad either...
Obviously Arnel Pineda, being the vocalist of the 3rd most successful rock band in the world is just enough to vote for him.
Arnel Pineda, Soar High for OPM! PH is the #1 country with the best singers & bands!
SID can't be ranked like this. Their reached perfection in music. Their vocalist Mao has the most amazing voice which is the most recognizable voice ever. Guitarist Shinji, Bassist Aki and Drummer Yuya plays their instrument in such passion. They worked hard to get where they are now. For that, SID simply is one of the bests.
listen and you'll know why they should be here! former vocalist of rivermaya that is well known throughout asia as well
the vocalist of bamboo is great.. nice band...
They are more to pop rock. But they still rock in they performance because they really can sing live and play they own instruments.
They're good.. But I don't think they rock enough.. They did great singin beautiful simple, cheerful song..
They're young but perspective and truly talented
Talented with great vocals... Soft and sweet songs!
He is a pop artist. What are he doing here folks? I am not kidding anyway
He is a rockstar? Are you kidding me? Go get a mental hospital folks.
I don't listen to Bollywood music. But he isn't a rock artists.
His voice and singing style totally different.
Voting for them because BUCK-TICK is not on the list and I really want at least one good band to stay in the top 10.
very underrated, it doesnt mean if youre popular youre the best
Dir en Grey is an amazing band. Kyo manages to break past language barriers and he delivers an amazing range of vocals. If you are looking for a great band with meaningful lyrics, non disappointment, and a stupendous live performance. Then Dir en Grey has is it. From Visual Kei to hardcore Metal.
Hands down one of the best and most unappreciated bands of all time. music ranging from rock ballads to death metal, Kyo hits one of the largest ranges of vocals ever and puts in additional in human vocals. Whether you prefer something abit pop rock (Old Diru) or something with abit of a western metal feel but still maintaining its originality, then check out anything by this band.
This is the prestigious Rock/HardRock/Metal band that was founded in 1984 by Ibrahim Ahmed Kamal (Guitarman) in Bangladesh when to think to establish a Rock/Metal band in India/Pakistan/Bangladesh 1984 was unthinkable. But they did it. Warfaze's 1st album was in 1991 and can anyone show an Album of Rock/Metal genre in 1991 from entire Asia. Perhaps there were but of course maybe from very few countries. Warfaze is Bangladesh's pride...
Atif Aslam, even Kunal Ganjawala is over Warfaze. May be marijuana becomes so cheap because of economic crisis.We should understand rock music before voting. Rock music doesn't depend on vocal only, all other members of a rock are equally ( I repeat equally) important...
Atif Islam is over warfaze. Was this list made based on YouTube views? Kill me, I don't wanna live in this planet.
Pioneers of Hard Rock in Bangladesh. Warfaze is one of the legendary rock bands in Bangladesh.
Marvelous band just love it... And I mostly like Panchi and Aadat... I think it should be on top of the list!
So please produce more and more songs
I'm an indian but they are my best rock band. I love their every song especially dil haarey pukaarey.
The are best rock band of Asia and gohar mumtaz being the best guitarist
Jal is one of my favorite bands and the songs woh lamhe and adat makes my heart joyous
I don't know a lot of Asian bands, only the gazette, one ok rock, cnblue (well at least people say that it's a rock band) It's hard to choose between the gazette and one ok rock, but I choose one ok rock, cause I understand and like their lyrics. though I love the gazette guitar and boss. Really hard decision... Ok I'm giving this vote for one ok rock cause let's admit it they deserve a better place on this list!
This band is really underrated, I hope they'll grow a lot in the future and their international tour will help them with winning popularity over the world because they have to be discovered yet by many people! Love their energy and their variety of different types of music!
I never found a band whose live performance was better than the studio version except ONE OK ROCK. And the gap between that is so far. Really.
Well...although I am not Japanese,I still love this band because I think their songs are always wonderful and powerful.
Ayub Bachchu is a big LEGEND to the billions of people in South Asia... His music entertained 3 generations from 80's. He is a rockstar to the bengali people...
The BEST guitarist in Asia and lead vocalist of number 1 Band LRB in Bangladesh. All Banladeshis are really proud of him. He as a versatile music composer as well. He is the best. No doubt.
He is a leading rock star of Bangladesh... I hope he will be top of list. From Bangladesh. And also Nogor Baul James.
Ayub Bachchu is a very good drunk, fat, overrated, annoying, arrogant singer.
Amulok is the best because Songs of Amulok band it's really nice.
We love amulok... best of luck amulok and best of luck Bangladesh
This band is the best... I wish all the best.
Amulok band is too great...all the best
4 000 votes
92 listings
13 years, 232 days old
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