Asian Mistress

Asian Mistress


Asian Mistress

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Mistress Natasya


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Current location: Albany, New York Travel dates: TBA
I have been seeing Mistress Natasya since January of 2015, as often as I can.
The first session was the best I’d ever had, and they are still only getting
better as we keep getting to know one another. The Mistress has an amazing
faculty for connection: from the first few minutes of the first consultation,
I felt from her an openness, a curiosity, a tenacity—that she could see
right into me, see the dreams I wanted to share and explore that I wasn’t
even aware of yet. I have learned so much about myself in the past year and a
half and am doing—and greatly enjoying—forms of play I would not
have imagined doing a few years ago.
I attribute that to the Mistress’s wonderful communication. Highly
professional yet personable, I have felt so heard as I am led by her each
session to see the ideas I come with be both realized and taken in different
directions that I had conceived—the true mark of a great session, in my
opinion. The Mistress is a natural at roleplay (no doubt honed by her years
of improvisational acting experience), and she has made me—someone who
can frankly be quite shy even in everyday social situations, much less
roleplay—feel very safe and comfortable expressing myself and being
playful, even in scenes with a physical and emotional intensity that I would
not have expected I could handle, never mind adore and feel safe in! Take it
from me, if you ask her, Mistress Natasya will take you places you have not
Of course, I would be remiss not to discuss her beauty. From her powerful
(and incredibly long!) legs to her piercing eyes, the Mistress is
overwhelmingly gorgeous. When I saw, in my first session, as others have
said, that she is even more beautiful than her photos, I felt intimidated. I
have been obsessed with breasts since I was a boy, and the Mistress has the
most incredible breasts I have seen—very large for her frame yet also
firm and round. I could go on and on about her skill and body, but do not
want to take up too much of my Mistress’s website because she told me to keep
it short.

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