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Asian Men Dick
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Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth
Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth
Stop Saying that Asian Men Have Small Penises
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Not only is it unfair to them, it's unfair to us Asian women who have to endure scrutiny about dating white guys.
Confused? Then let Tiffany Wang explain for you. She writes in The Bold Italic about how this particular stereotype connects to the judgment she gets for dating a white man:
We met living abroad in Beijing, China, where yellow fever among expats runs rampant, and subsequent suspicion from the local population stokes racial tensions. It took me months to call him my boyfriend. When I walked with him hand in hand, I saw smug expressions from white dudes, dismissive sneers from Chinese men, and judgmental looks from white and Chinese women alike.
She also asserts that how in racially diverse San Francisco, her hometown, people so commonly denigrate Asian men for having small penises that it's taken as gospel, and not racism , and bleeds into everybody assuming that she is dating a white man because of this incontrovertible fact.
So in order to set the record straight, Wang writes about how her current boyfriend's race is no reflection on her dating preferences, and about how she hates having it seem that way to other people. She also discusses how Asian men are portrayed in popular culture, as unsexy or unvirile, with the lone exception of Steven Yeun's character in The Walking Dead, for whom Wang constantly prays to survive, because of this reason.
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The whole essay is worth a read, but I can't resist putting in Wang's parting shot:
Sometimes our dating preferences are no accident, but not always. It's important to make the distinction. So the next time you hear someone say, "I'm just not into Asian men," do me a favor and slap them across the face. That, or show them a picture of Takeshi Kaneshiro.
Seriously, check out how good-looking Takeshi Kaneshiro is.

The Asian Penis Size - Fact Or Fiction?

MLA Style Citation:

W., Larry "The Asian Penis Size - Fact Or Fiction?."
The Asian Penis Size - Fact Or Fiction? .
7 Nov. 2009
10 Jul. 2022 <­Asian-­Penis-­Size-­-­-­Fact-­Or-­Fiction?&id=3224585 >.

APA Style Citation:

W., L. (2009, November 7). The Asian Penis Size - Fact Or Fiction? .
Retrieved July 10, 2022, from­Asian-­Penis-­Size-­-­-­Fact-­Or-­Fiction?&id=3224585

Chicago Style Citation:

W., Larry "The Asian Penis Size - Fact Or Fiction?." The Asian Penis Size - Fact Or Fiction? .­Asian-­Penis-­Size-­-­-­Fact-­Or-­Fiction?&id=3224585

Larry W.  |  

Submitted On November 07, 2009

Seriously what is the deal with the Asian penis size? Being of Asian ancestry myself, this issue always comes up in my mind especially on the dating seen. But is it true what they say about Asian men? Do we really have small penises?
Do Asian men really have small penises? The truth is, yes, but so do Whites, Hispanics, Blacks, and all of the above. Every ethnicity has their share of small and big people. We all come it various shapes and sizes. Plus, it has never been proven that all Asian men are lacking in that area. It makes me wonder how the whole Asian penis size myth came about (I assume adult movies). But in either way it puts us in a very horrible category.
The True Asian Penis Size? I am Asian. I know firsthand how it feels to be put under a stereotype. Honestly, I could not care less what people think of me, but why did it have to be on the size of my junk? A brief description of myself, I am a Chinese American. I stand around 5'10" tall and weigh about 175 lbs. And despite the stereotypical views of the Asian man, I am a very active guy who does go out on dates. The Asian penis size myth in my opinion is stupid. The average penis size is roughly around 5" 1/2 - 6". Over 50% of males in America are in this range. If you happen to be in this size region then you are part of that fifty percent. Now what about those outside of that range? Well I consider them to be lucky, very lucky.
I am not going to lie to you. I want a bigger penis, and it is not because I am small either. Truth is every guy would like to be well endowed, impress the ladies, have more confidence maybe? Besides I really want to prove that the Asian penis size myth is just that, a myth! Now if you still feel that you lack in the size category here are a few things to consider:
It is not the size that counts it is how you use it And it is true. You do not need a massive tool to have a good time in bed.
Not all women like big penises It is the same for guys who do not care about their girlfriends having big breasts or not.
There are ways to enlarge the penis, If you are still unsatisfied it is possible to make your penis bigger.
At least you do not have micropenis Some men have a condition where they measure less than 3 inches so stop whining.
So guys, do not let the Asian penis size myth get in your head. There is no such thing as the Asian penis size! We are no different from anyone else so why should we be categorized? Sometimes we just have to grit our teeth and just get on with our lives. We cannot let a stupid stereotype bring us down.
Name's Larry H. Wu and I am Asian:)
Still unsatisfied with the current size of your manhood? I totally understand because I am one of those to! However you don't have to sit and do nothing about it. There are safe and effective ways to enlarge the penis. For more information visit [].
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Many men treat penis size by race as if it is a rule of thumb. While average penis size does vary slightly by race and ethnicity, it is a myth that one race always has a bigger penis than another race.
Why is this an issue? Because many men tie their penis size to their confidence. This leads many men to try penis enlargement pills and procedures that are unsafe. In reality, 85 percent of women are satisfied with their partner’s penis size, yet 45 percent of men feel like their penis is too small.
The only FDA-cleared procedure for penis enlargement is the Penuma implant .
Penis enlargement surgery can increase the girth or the non-erect length of your penis on average approximately 1.5 inches. The erect length of your penis will also increase, but usually to a lesser extent. When considering this procedure, it’s important to be realistic about your expectations. Many men feel inadequate, but in reality, they most likely fall in the average range of size.
Boston Medical Group compiled data from 20 studies on penis size from around the world and they found flaccid penis length to be 3.61 inches and flaccid penis girth to be 3.66 inches. When erect, the average penis length was found to be 5.16 inches in length and the average penis girth was 4.59 inches.
The range of average penis size by race is pretty big, with the smallest being 1.6 inches and the largest being 10.2 inches. With that being said, race and ethnicity matter very little.
Penis sizes vary by ethnicity, but only when it comes to average size for an ethnic group. In other words, a man of one ethnicity will not always have a larger penis size compared to someone of another ethnic group with a lower average size. In general, the average penis length is slightly longer in black or African American men compared to other ethnic or racial groups. The average length in this group is 14.75 cm, but by comparison, the average white or Caucasian penis size is only a quarter of a centimeter smaller, at 14.5 cm. The average penis size among men of East Asian ethnicity is slightly smaller, at 12.9 cm. The global average is 13.71 cm. This is ranking of the average penis length by ethnicity:
Penis girth or circumference also varies across ethnicities. The rankings are similar:
Again, it’s important to note that an individual’s penis size cannot be predicted by race or ethnicity. Within each ethnic group, there is a large range of sizes. Among the African-American ethnic group, there appears to be a larger variety of sizes than in Whites and Hispanics, which means there are more extremely small or large penises. There is a lot of diversity within racial groups with respect to penis size, just as there are variations in height and weight among men in different ethnic or racial groups. Some of this variation is due to genetic factors and some of the variation is due to environmental factors like diet and health.
There have been a number of studies measuring penis size in different countries and age groups, but none of these studies can conclusively help predict an individual’s penis size. These differences between racial and ethnic groups are also diminishing as the world becomes more interconnected. Genetic differences between racial and ethnic groups are no longer as pronounced as they were when people lived in greater isolation.
Data from a 2002 study published in the European Journal of Urology shows that women don’t care about penis size as much as men think they do. Only 20 percent of women surveyed said penis size was important, while only 1 percent said it was very important. Conversely, 55 percent said it was unimportant and 22 percent said it was very unimportant.
Penis size by weight actually provides more meaningful data than penis size by race. Studies show that for every 30-50 pounds over the average weight, men lose an inch of visible penis length.
The best thing obese men can do to increase penis length is to get suprapubic fat removal surgery.
Studies show that 12.5 percent of men think they have a micropenis, when in reality only .06 percent of the male population have a true micropenis.
A micropenis is defined as being 3 inches or smaller when flaccid and smaller than 5 inches when erect.
If you do have a micropenis, then you may be a candidate for the Penuma implant. Contact the Penuma consultants to learn more about how the Penuma implant can bring you into the range of average penis size.
James J. Elist, MD. © Copyright 1982 – 2022

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