Asian Long Toes

Asian Long Toes


Asian Long Toes

Home Trending Trending Globally Internet's going crazy over this girl who has toes as long as fingers

Internet’s going crazy over this girl who has toes as long as fingers

The girl says she has a Greek foot because her second toe is longer than her big toe and she considers that as a sign of beauty.

By: Express Web Desk |

June 4, 2016 1:42:27 pm

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The Indian Express website has been rated GREEN for its credibility and trustworthiness by Newsguard, a global service that rates news sources for their journalistic standards.

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What’s doing the rounds on social media are pictures of an unnamed girl’s feet with toes almost as long as fingers. Reportedly, the girl studies at a university in Taiwan and she posted her pictures on a Chinese-language blog called Dcard for university students in Taiwan.
The Internet is abuzz with her photos in which one of her fingers measures as long as 5 centimetres.
In the post she says, “Since my childhood, I have always drawn attention whenever I wear flip-flops. People would surround me and discuss about me as if I were an animal. I have even been told that I hadn’t evolved properly. Some people would ask me to use my ‘four hands’ to climb a tree,” reports Daily Mail.
The girl says she has a Greek foot because her second toe is longer than her big toe and she considers that as a sign of beauty. She also says that her parents have long toes as well.
“When I was young, I thought they were normal toes. When I first saw other people’s toes, I thought ‘how come their toes are so short?’As I grew up, I realised I was the bizarre one after all,” she was reported as saying.
The girl can be seen doing some stunts with her feet like spreading the toes apart and clutching them together.

Asian Feet, Asian Soles, Long Toes, Barefoot, Stocking, Street Candids

I found some large footed Asian chicks
which seem to have big feet.

The first girl
below has size 9 feet

Here is the link where these pictures came from
That first pic with the glasses is amazing
Most of these girls appear to be east asian like Malay, Thai, Filipina, etc who have always been known to have larger foot sizes than the more conventional Chinese, Korean and Japanese. Filipina women in particular are also known to have very long toes which I've always found to be beyond hot.

All that's a clip of 6' tall Japanese model Saki Aoyama's size 11 soles

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