Asian Literotica

Asian Literotica


Asian Literotica
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An Asian man notices something odd about his newborn baby.
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The water was warm and the lights were just the right level of brightness, creating a cozy environment in which to relax. Alicia was submerged up to her breasts, resting her head against a cushion and her back against the wall of the giant tub. The whole atmosphere was so incredibly soothing -- or it would have been, were it not for the pain.
Another contraction came and she let out a feral cry of agony and maternal rage as she pushed, squeezing her husband's hand like a stress ball. Terence was crouched down on a cushion behind her, half-kneeling and half-bending over to embrace his pregnant and birthing wife. He was doing his best to keep calm and be supportive, but she could tell he was freaking out inside.
Terence was always supportive, but he was rather mild-mannered and more than a little squeamish. Apparently, labor was too gross a thing for men to handle, even though they had all entered the world that way. Still, he was doing his best to keep strong, or at least keep up the appearance, and that was enough.
There was a medical basin opposite the birthing tub with a big mirror for some reason. The expectant couple caught sight of their reflection and paused to gaze at themselves and one another. Their expressions softened into dreamy contemplation.
Alicia had beautiful silky skin, thin lips, and small eyes, reflecting her Chinese heritage. Her silky black hair was tied back in a top knot bun, the better not to distract her as she labored to bring a new life into the world. She truly was beautiful. Her parents had even compared her to the Four Beauties from Chinese lore.
Terence was second-generation Korean-American. His hair was jet black and cropped short, a nice change from the bangs he used to have. He was thin and bookish, even without his glasses on. Without his glasses, though, he couldn't see very far. In fact, without his glass, he had a bad squint. Alicia had once joked that he looked almost like an Asian stereotype: quiet, hardworking, and nerdy.
Another wave of pain roiled Alicia's gut, rippling down the walls of her vagina and pushing the baby another few inches into the world. She gritted her teeth and snarled through them, crushing poor Terence's hand in her own.
One of the attending nurses stuck a waterproof camera on the end of a flexible wire under the water to view Alicia's crotch.
"You're crowning!" the nurse said excitedly, "just a few more pushes."
Alicia wanted to snap at the nurse that she'd been crowning for the past half an hour, but being in the throes of labor had robbed her of the energy to be rude to the medical staff.
The contractions were coming faster. The time between each one was shrinking. Her body was as eager to get the baby out as she was. No doubt the baby would be glad to be out of there as well.
The next contraction was a big one. She could tell as soon as she felt the first few tremors rumbling inside her. She took a deep breath and pushed with all her might, letting out an almighty feminine roar. The lump lodged in her vagina slid inch by inch out of her before...
"It's out! The baby's out!" the nurse cried excitedly.
Alicia heard those words and felt the intense pain and pressure in her crotch evaporate in an instant and a wave of exquisite relief washed over her. She barely noticed as the nurse reached in and scooped the baby out of the water.
"It's a girl!" the nurse announced. "Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Lee!"
Alicia cried tears of joy and relief as Terence held her close, kissing her neck and cheek. She turned her head to one side so that they could share a kiss on the lips. She had brought their first child into the world, and he loved her for it.
Alicia slept for ten whole hours while the baby was kept in the natal care unit. She hadn't torn anything downstairs and there were no complications to sort out. Once the newborn had gone through her own medical checks and immunizations, mother and baby were sent home.
Terence drove them both home, visibly buoyant at being a new father while his wife and daughter slept in the back. He pulled carefully into the driveway and brought the car to a stop before getting out and escorting Alicia out of the car. She cradled the baby protectively in her arms, reluctant to let even her husband assist in holding her. But she was still exhausted from eight hours of labor and was clearly grateful for the help.
Once indoors, Terence started brewing some tea for the both of them while Alicia took the baby upstairs and laid her in the crib. They had bought the crib months before placed it in the master bedroom, a constant reminder of their impending new arrival. Now it would be a permanent feature of their life for the next few years.
By the time Terence had returned with the tea, Alicia was already in bed fast asleep. He didn't blame her. He laid the tea down on the table and got ready for bed. It was only about six or seven, but they would both need all the sleep they could catch.
It was the middle of the night and Terence awoke first. He groped about in the dark before finding the bedside light and switching it on. Then he grabbed his glasses from the nightstand and put them on before climbing out of bed and approaching the crib. The baby was wailing, demanding to be fed, and he tenderly scooped her up and took her to her mother.
Alicia was stirring under the covers and she rolled over and extended her hands. Terence placed the baby in her arms and helped her sit up in bed as she pulled down the front of her shirt and brought the baby up to her nipple.
The baby latched on with its mouth and began suckling, her cries ceasing much to the very temporary relief of her parents.
"Here's to the next year or more of our lives," Terence said jokingly.
"Good God, don't even remind me of that," Alicia replied wearily.
"Oh," Terence said apologetically, "sorry. I didn't mean to..."
"Oh, don't be like that," Alicia said, hitting him playfully on the arm, "you're completely right. I'm just not looking forward to it any more than you are."
Terence smiled weakly but opted not to say anymore.
Once the baby had finished feeding, Alicia handed her back to Terence and rolled over back to sleep. Terence carried her back to the crib, rocking her gently in his arms all the way there. The baby was fast asleep again by the time he placed her back in her crib.
Alicia hadn't turned out the bedside light before going back to sleep, so Terence had light to see as he laid the baby on her back and tucked the tiny covers over her. Her cheeks were chubby and cherubic, and her tiny little fingers were so adorable. Her little button nose was cute too, a bit narrower and thinner than either of her parents, but adorable nonetheless. And she looked so precious with her eyes closed in sleep.
It was hard to tell when they were closed, but they looked rather big...and round...
Alicia lay awake in bed. Staring at the hands on the alarm clock as they ticked inexorably towards 7:00 am. It was a few minutes past six, and Terence would be getting up at around the same time. He was asleep next to her, snoring like a pig with a cold.
She wanted to sleep, but she was so annoyed she also wanted to slap him awake and kick him out of the bedroom. His snoring was a constant problem, and it was keeping her from sleeping as a result, something she resented him for.
At the same time, she wasn't all that tired and her hands were restless. Slowly, they wandered down between her thighs. She pulled up her nightshirt and ran two fingers over her crotch, dipping them gently inside herself before moving them in circles around her clit.
She let her imagination run free, and the image they produced looked nothing like Terence. She pictured a muscular male model on top of her, his face and physique a mental amalgamation of various guys she'd dated in high school and college. Until she'd wised up to their Asian fever and lack of faithfulness, they had all been White -- a fact she'd never disclose to Terence.
Her imaginary lover pinned her down with his body weight, grunting and thrusting inside of her. She pictured his penis inside her; long and girthy, filling her undersexed womanhood up to the hilt before pulling out and ramming back inside her.
An orgasm was approaching. It had only taken a minute of rubbing to start feeling an impending climax when usually it took longer. She rubbed herself more vigorously, bringing on the pleasure as it became harder to suppress. The heavy duvet was a bit of an obstacle, but not so much that she couldn't work herself up to a quiet frenzy.
Alicia felt a rush of pleasure bloom in her crotch which worked its way up through her belly and blossomed inside her. She closed her thighs and curled her toes reflexively, her legs twitching and trembling in response. She bit her lip as well for fear that Terence might wake up if she squealed. Slowly, the pleasure subsided and her body returned to normal.
That was a good orgasm. Not the best ever, but a good one. She wiped the excess juices from her fingers onto the covers and rolled over again.
Terence was still fast asleep. What a surprise. He slept like a log and snored like an animal, making it pretty easy to masturbate in bed without him noticing. She could probably have mind-blowing sex with the neighbor or the mailman right in their marriage bed without rousing him from his slumber.
They'd been married for about three years now, and since then the romance had grown stale. It wasn't an unhappy marriage, just stale. They'd settled a little too easily into a routine where they both went to work and came home to boring small talk. He worked later hours while she went out to drinks with friends, and they both came home in time for dinner.
Their sex life wasn't much to brag about either. They did it maybe once or twice a week, and most times he was done in ten minutes. She nearly always had to finish the job herself once he'd rolled over and gone to sleep.
Plus, he was definitely Asian-sized.
The alarm clock went off and they both got up. They showered together, ostensibly to be intimate, but really just to save water. The excitement of seeing each other naked had long since diminished, although not so much that she no longer got him hard.
Alicia lathered shower gel over herself until it was a creamy white foam and tended to her own body while Terence stole some of her gel to rub himself down. Sometimes he would put his hands on her, and she would let him. Sometimes it led to some decent sex.
She saw that he was stiff and took the initiative. Taking his penis in her hand and jerking him off, much to his delight. Its entire girth fit in her hand and it wasn't much more than four inches long. He really was an Asian stereotype, from his nerdy glasses down to his manly equipment.
Eventually, he took some initiative, putting one hand around her waist and hooking the other behind the back of her knee before hoisting her leg up into the air. That was unusually adventurous of him. Normally he was afraid of slipping in the shower, but not this morning, apparently.
She edged a little closer to him to help him out as he guided his penis towards her pussy lips, sighing with pleasure as he dipped the tip inside. Alicia resisted the urge to roll her eyes. He was acting like some geek about to lose his virginity. Finally, he entered her.
She gasped at the fullness inside her, louder than the actual feeling warranted, but enough to encourage him. He started thrusting awkwardly, trying to maintain his balance while he fucked her. Her walls were slick from the shower and a little bit from her own juices, and he settled into a steady rhythm as he pumped his cock inside her.
They continued their mutual movements for a few minutes. It wasn't too bad. The thrusting steadily became more vigorous and Alicia wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him close to encourage him but also to avoid losing her own balance. Already, he was close to finishing and the sooner he was done the sooner they could be out of the shower and start the day.
Terence grunted with pleasure and held himself inside her. She felt a little burst of warmth within as he ejaculated, shooting a modest jet of his seed into her pussy.
Four out of ten, she thought, if she was being generous.
An hour later, they had both eaten breakfast and Terence was out the door on his way to work. Alicia had the day off from work and had the house to herself.
Before long, she realized that having the house to herself was actually pretty dull. All her friends were at work and couldn't hang out, and Terence was good enough at handling his share of the chores that there wasn't much to be done on that front either.
With no one around to see her, Alicia boldly stripped down and wandered about the house in her bra and thong. The weather was hot, a bit too hot for her liking. It would've been nice to go sunbathing, but it wasn't worth the risk of getting a tan.
Before long, the bra was off and she was swigging from a jug of icy water to keep the heat at bay. She had long demanded that Terence buy a proper air-con for the house, but the cheap bastard had refused, denying that it ever got that hot. That was easy for him to say, he always insisted on working so late that by the time he got home it had already cooled down.
It felt liberating to parade around the house with no clothes on, and warm enough to make it a viable dress option. As long as she stayed indoors, she didn't have to worry about anyone seeing her nearly naked either.
Alicia flopped down on the couch and picked up a magazine, flicking through it until she got bored and lay down again. Then she stood up and went upstairs to the bedroom, wondering if she should just take a nap until Terence came home.
Something wet trickled into her underwear. The sensation caught Alicia by surprise and she half-wondered if she had just peed herself. Feeling down below, she realized the substance was sticky. It couldn't be blood -- her period had ended over a week ago -- and to her relief, it turned out to be cum...Terence's cum, not the most exciting thing to have inside you.
The ding dong noise made her freeze up. She was basically naked and there was a visitor at the door. Maybe she should just not answer and pretend nobody was home.
"Give me a minute!" she shouted down from the top of the stairs.
Then she raced back to the bedroom and pulled her cum soaked thong off before putting on a clean pair and grabbing a t-shirt from the drawers. She hastily buttoned it up as she scurried down the stairs, not wanting to keep the visitor waiting too long. She was
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