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You should never wear your shoes on your bed.
I came back from the crossdress party in the morning (o^-')b
…so sorry to be out of touch for a month, It happened so quickly. Simon had to travel to Asia urgently on business. We had to leave the next day. Simon has taken me to so many wonderful places. Japan, first, then Korea and finally Thailand and Singapore. He introduced me to his business contacts as “his wife to be” and always squeezed my hand as if to say, “soon, darling, it will be, my wife”
He has been very busy and I’ve just stayed by the pool, or did a little shopping for something special to wear. I’ve been to many of his business dinners, and lunches too. It’s been such a whirl. When I get back in the next few days, we’ve got to go full on for the wedding and Hen night. Can’t believe my Hen is only a bit over a week away on the 8th July. Can’t wait to see all my friends.
Simon and I are going to a very grand dinner tonight. It is always difficult to know what to wear out here. It’s very hot, of course, but at the same time I can’t wear anything to revealing. Although, underneath my dress I can wear a little something that’s a bit sexy - just for Simon. We’ve hardly had any time on our own and when we get home I think I’ll pull him into the bedroom and lock the door.
Must go, darling. Got to finish getting ready. Just checking my make up.
Follow Lisah & Simon’s love in her Albums.
With the support of the fabulous Cindy Conti at Boys Will Be Girls.
long straight wig,Leather jacket,sleeveless :)
…tonight is a very important dinner for you. There will be senior business people and politicians from all over Asia here. So, do I look alright, darling? I’m going to show off our engagement ring anyway! I hope my dress is right for the occasion and my faux fur wrap feels good. With the strong air-con, I think I might need it.
Who will you seat next to me? Last time, that awful man spent the whole evening looking at my cleavage. At least he stopped putting his hand on my thigh when I dug my nails “accidentally” into his hand.
Oh, Simon, I know how important this is to you. I’m so nervous for you. Is my hair OK? How about my make up? What about my dress? Shall I let you into a secret, darling, for later? I’m wearing some gorgeous, sexy underwear for when we can be together back in our hotel, and the stress is over….
After tonight, we go home don’t we? Finalising our wedding, darling. Can’t wait.
Follow Lisah & Simon’s love in her Albums
Make up and photography by the amazing Cindy Conti at Boys Will Be Girls
This picture was taken a few years ago, back in 2006. The dress has long been donated to charity, ditto with the shoes. I had totally forgotten about taking these pictures, but seeing them now brought back a lot of fond memories of being young.
My bed, Museum setting wide angle. New sandals, open toes, high heels.
Nude color thigh highs. Harem idea to be developed.
Wooden trellis, Mirrors, wall of flowers. My garden being in gazebo. The ceiling is art painting of sky and clouds.
Well well, this just hit 331.000 plus.
this is house I just moved out of, I bought a smaller house, and this one is for rent...I had to tear out all this girly stuff the lattice work, the mirrors, the wall paper with flower.
( oh i see I listed these already.)
This was dream of mine, this bedroom, but renters don't want that much personality in their house.
Men are so stupid, they should have a bedroom, like they " sneaked into the girls dorm room" the only thing manly in that room should be his penis.
I am not a cd, or tv, or crossdresser, but many of my friends and followers are.
Here is other shot..I am holding a ruby necklace from my mother.
A friend took this picture of me showing off my new dress (among other things) before heading to a party.
When you make love to me, will you caress my bare shoulder? Or will you kiss my bare back? Or do you prefer sliding your hands under my dress?
My bedroom, lounging on big pillows. Nude sheer thigh highs. Not pantyhose. New sandals, open toes,
My room is decorated like a garden, with wooden trellis, and one wall of
I'm holding rubies and stones. Antiques of my mothers.
I am not a crossdresser or cd. but many of my contacts are.
Outside one of the ballrooms at L'hotel Delta Centre-ville in Montreal, feeling sexy and pretty all at once in the Alfred Sung dress that fits me like it was tailored for me.
You can read more about my trip to Montréal on my blog:
Please help me! Is this how to shoot those little balls?
(A blast from the past: this was taken back in May of 2006, when I was still in my mid-20s. Oh, the joy of being young. Until now I didn't have the software to properly edit this picture.)
At 5'10'' and adding 5'' heels (which of course are a must!), I can feel a little giant-like. But I really like how this picture gives me a more petite feminine look.
But remembering to keep my legs together!
I found this purple dress in my closet this morning. I think I bought it last summer, but I have absolutely no recollection of where it came from. Nevertheless, I think it's completely appropriate for a nice summer day like today!
By the way, I really need this job.
In front of Alexander Wood's statue on Church Street, Toronto.
Hi, sweetie, I like to stand in front of my poster. This freaks people out, they do a double take. The silk, the color, the fit of this dress is so sexy. The style is cheongsam. A popular style in Orient.
Men just stare at me. But of course I have to have fun, and get over my shyness, but it's all play.
I was a model for this company, and via photoshop, I could travel the world.
The bright colors of this street, in this city, is just brilliant.
Then, they would put me in other places. Once I was in murder mystery, with two big bad men in black gangster outfits and hats. It was fun. Poor little me.
...but of course I have to pose in front of a window!
Thankfully I didn't fall down the steps.
While shorter, tighter dresses are often sexier, flowy dresses like this one really bring out that full feminine feel.
I still look good in this Suzy Shier dress from, oh, 5 years ago.
Find this picture and more of my pictures on my new web gallery at
What do they have in common? Nothing special, they are both idioms, brought together by this ditzy red and white outfit.......
A Red herring describes the ploy used by schoolchildren through the ages, to divert their teachers attention from the laid down curriculum.......
A White Elephant is a burdensome possession; creating more trouble than it is worth. The origin of this idiom:- Albino Elephants were regarded as holy in ancient times in Thailand and other Asian countries.; Keeping a white elephant was a very expensive undertaking, since the owner had to provide the elephant with special food and provide access for people who wanted to worship it. If a Thai King became dissatisfied with a subordinate, he would give him a white elephant. The gift would, in most cases, ruin the recipient.
So what does this photo tell us......... the girl in this picture is a distraction, and a high mantenance one at that......... or is she........????
The girls drove me to Sears to get some makeup and a new dress. While I was trying on a dress, they left me in the changing room. I had no choice but to catch a taxi home.
Another picture from that morning last month when I went on the bike trainer.
Playing hookie, trying out dresses, taking pictures, letting the cold air from the air conditioner blow onto my back.
(Take on July 2016, This video is no sound.)
hi guys how your week going? been a while since posted I'm still around just been busy found this photo in my archive that forgot about :)
Thank you very much for your support in this year.
Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.
Thank you very much for your lots of lovey emails.
When you send an email to me, Please write in English.
I can't understand the Japanese email of the automatic translation.










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