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Homoeopathic remedies for flat chest in woman
Flat breasts especially if associated with scanty periods respond miraculously to homoeopathic treatment
Swollen breast tissues in men or boys caused by hormonal (testosterone and estrogen) imbalances is called gynecomastia . Both breasts or one breast, can be affected by gynecomastia. At any point in life, from birth to puberty, even in adulthood, you might develop gynecomastia. Most of the times, gynecomastia is caused by hormonal imbalances, but there might be some underlying causes as well.
Gynecomastia is normally not a serious condition, but it can be difficult to deal with the pain and embarrassment.
It can be cured with surgery or medication, if it doesn't go away on its own.
Symptoms and signs of gynecomastia include :
The causes that trigger gynecomastia include :
Gynecomastia can be cured either with medication or surgery. Surgical options for gynecomastia are, however, limited.
There is no definitive medical treatment. The main answer for Gynecomastia is -SURGERY. It is a daycare procedure in most situations. It is done by a Surgeon, usually, a Plastic surgeon does a better job.
Anesthesia - Either Local or General anesthesia is given to make it painless.
Procedure- Through a small incision in the areola, the swelling is removed by both Liposuction of the Fat part and Excision (removal) for Breast gland part. As the incision is through the areola, the final scar is hardly visible. In extensive swellings, skin also needs to be removed, where in a scar around the areola border is visible.
Recovery- usually can go back to work in 2-3 days time. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon .

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Friday, Sep 9th 2022

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The young mother lives in an area with one of the worst rates of under-age pregnancy in the country.
But even so, the neighbours are shocked.
Not content with getting pregnant at 11 and giving birth at 12, she is now expecting her second child at the age of 14.
Her unborn baby's father is 17 and out of work, so the financial burden of supporting her growing family will continue to be borne by taxpayers.
One neighbour on a council estate in Rotherham said: 'She is giving out the message that it's OK to keep getting pregnant and the state will just keep paying for it.'
The schoolgirl's family background makes depressing reading.
Her own mother was just 14 when she had her, and went on to become Britain's youngest grandmother at 26. The girl's first baby was fathered by a man of 23 who was also her mother's lover.
He had fathered a child with her mother, too, which was born ten days before hers.
He was convicted of having unlawful sexual intercourse and jailed for seven years at Sheffield Crown Court, but the sentence was halved on appeal.
The girl did not realise she was pregnant until she started giving birth on the lavatory of her family home.
The family had to be rehoused because of the ensuing publicity and she later claimed she had been raped by the man.
However, the background to her second pregnancy, now in its seventh month, appears to be the more familiar one of 'illicit' teenage romance.
Her boyfriend is a daily visitor to her mother's semi-detached council house on the outskirts of town.
According to neighbours he often stays late, and is sometimes there overnight. He claims he will stand by her and help bring up both babies.
But for the time being at least, the family will have to rely on welfare payments.
The young father-to-be is believed to have been questioned by social workers and police, but not to have been arrested.
He said of the pregnancy: 'I'm not bothered about it, it happened. But her mum is worried about her kids being taken into care.' One of his friends said: 'They are a very quiet couple. They don't go out to pubs or clubs or anything like that.
'They seem very close. It's a longstanding relationship, he has been going out with her for at least a year.
'He is a bit of a rogue - just one of the lads.
'The girl never wears make-up or flashy clothes. She might act a bit older than she is, but with already having one kid to bring up that's because she has no choice.'
Yesterday the girl's mother would not discuss the situation.
Asked about her daughter's predicament she replied: 'So, what am I supposed to do about it?'
She added: 'A lot of nasty rubbish is being talked about my daughter and I don't want to say anything more.' Then she slammed the door.
Neighbours said the teenager had tried to hide her pregnancy for as long as possible, and now spent most of her time at home awaiting the birth
One said many local people blame the girl's mother for what has happened.
'Nobody really blames the girl or social workers - they are at the house almost every week and they seem to be doing the best they can for her,' she said.
'It's her mother that everyone resents, and people are shunning her on the streets.
'The mother has encouraged the relationship with the boy and there is a lot of ill-feeling.
'It looks as though she will have to move to another area because of the animosity towards her.
'Most people around here are decent and hard- working and wouldn't let their kid get into this sort of mess.'
Local Labour MP Denis MacShane called for better sex education in schools to prevent more such cases arising.
He warned: 'Children are under immense pressure to behave as adults when they should be allowed to live as children.
'Britain has unacceptably high rates of school-age pregnancy compared to the rest of Europe.
'We need more support for families and need to reintroduce the idea of personal responsibility at all ages.'
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Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd
Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group

Friday, Sep 9th 2022

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Even though I was convinced Tamsin had been telling the truth, still a tiny part of me had hoped it was all a mistake


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In seconds my world came tumbling down
Emma Charles thought that she and her family were living a normal life. But then she discovered that her husband had been sexually abusing their daughter Tamsin since the age of ten. Twelve years on, Emma recalls that devastating day and the traumatic events that followed
In many ways, we were an ordinary family – mum, dad, two kids, a Volvo in the drive. And in some ways we weren’t so ordinary. As a ship’s engineer, my husband Daniel worked away from home for up to four months at a time. But I never for a moment dreamt that we were extraordinary – until that day.
It started out fine, that Tuesday in December 1996. Our younger daughter, Claire, 13, was at school, and I was looking forward to spending some time with Tamsin, who had just broken up for the holidays. At 15, she was a weekly boarder at a specialist school for high-ability dyslexics.
We chatted about what she was going to do. That was when the first hint of discord arose. Tamsin and I squabbled, like all mothers and daughters. But that day she was impervious to reasoned argument. She began making hurtful personal attacks on her father and me, something she had never done. At bedtimewe kissed goodnight, but for the first time we parted with a coolness between us.
The following evening, I was in the living room when she burst in, flung a piece of paper at me and stormed out. ‘I have to leave or he has to,’ she had written. ‘And you seem to need him. And f*** you, you probably won’t believe me anyway.’ She was talking about her father – telling me that he had been sexually abusing her for the past five years. In the seconds it took me to absorb her words, my world came tumbling down.
I found her down the road with her dog. ‘Come home and tell me about it,’ I begged. She looked into my eyes and must have been reassured by what she saw. ‘He won’t leave me alone,’ she cried. ‘He’s always feeling me up. He brushes against my breasts so I know it’s not accidental, but he could persuade someone else it was.’
Hope blossomed in my mind. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding, an over-tactile father who would have to learn to respect his daughter’s personal space. ‘Has he ever touched you between your legs?’ I asked. ‘Last time he was home on leave,’ she sobbed.
Tears were falling from my eyes as I looked up the number for social services and picked up the phone. I just knew I had to do the right thing. 
Daniel and I had been married for 18 years. I was 27 when we met, working as a medical photographer; he was a year older and at college, studying for his Second Engineer’s certificate. He was tall and slim with auburn hair and blue-grey eyes and a full beard and moustache. And he was gentle, laid-back – all the things I wasn’t. Within a week, I had decided he was the man with whom I wanted to spend the rest of my life. We married the following year.
I hadn’t wanted children. It was Daniel who felt that we wouldn’t be a ‘proper family’ without them. Tamsin was conceived two years after our wedding, and Claire came along two and a half years after that. As it turned out, I loved being a mother and Daniel was good with the girls as babies. But as they grew up, he changed. His own parents had been authoritarian, and not reluctant to use a belt to hit their children. He, too, resorted to smacking and violence.
One incident in particular stands out. When the girls were seven and four, I noticed ‘fingertip’ bruising on Claire’s arm. I really went for Daniel, threatening to kick him out if he couldn’t control his temper. He was angry with me for taking him to task; but when he realised I was serious, he backed down and apologised. Over and over again, we talked about what was reasonable behaviour and over and over he agreed with me. But his efforts to improve never lasted long.
Why did I stay with him if things were so bad? Well, they weren’t bad all the time. Mostly, we had a good family life. I knew the harm that divorce causes to children. I still loved Daniel and I thought we could make it work. Until that day.
Tamsin, aged four, and her 18-month-old sister, Claire
Daniel was in the Far East when Tamsin wrote her devastating note. Social services set up an appointment for the following Monday. Meanwhile, I had to address another horrible thought. Gently, I asked Claire if her dad had ever touched her. ‘He used to come and give me back rubs,’ she replied. ‘But I liked that…’ ‘Nothing else?’ I asked. ‘He asked me to take off my T-shirt, but I just said no. And once he tried to give me a tummy rub, but I wouldn’t let him.’
It was becoming clearer now. Claire has always been an upfront child. Whenever anything was worrying her, she would come and tell me. If only Tamsin had been the same.
I’m not going to describe Tamsin’s statement to social services. Listening to her engraved pictures on my mind which I still have trouble banishing today. The police also took statements and arranged a medical examination. Several weeks later, Daniel was arrested as he stepped off a flight from Jakarta. DC Barbara White from the sexual offences unit called later to tell me: ‘He’s admitted everything. It’s a very credible confession. He wants me to tell you that he’s never raped Tamsin, and he’s never been unfaithful to you with anyone else.’
I cried my eyes out. Even though I was convinced Tamsin had been telling the truth, still a tiny part of me had hoped it was all a mistake.
Daniel was bailed, with strict conditions not to approach either Tamsin or me. I had imagine
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