Ashley Vex

Ashley Vex


Ashley Vex

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Performer, director, editor and producer of the Four Chambers project, in collaboration with a partner and other performers.
Wilhelm Reich theorised a powerful bioelectrical sexual life force he called orgone energy, it...
Wilhelm Reich theorised a powerful bioelectrical sexual life force he called orgone energy, it could be harnessed with the use of a device Orgone Accumulator.
Religion and power / sex and power. The act of giving up control; devotion and subjugation. Dual...
"Recursion" occurs when a thing is defined in terms of itself or of its type.
The Archetype series is exploring classic porn stereotypes, archetypes, aesthetics and cliches and...
Our attempt to harness or homage the glitter and mess of a Marilyn Minter painting in a film.
This is the first part of a 2 part meditation we've been thinking about for a while on obscenity,...
The ‘Proximity’ project uses the triggers of intimacy with the narrow distance between the camera...

@vextape — I make pornographic films with Four Chambers. Not a model, not a muse.







The line between art and pornography has long been a contentious issue within the creative community — with pornography at times be overlooked, swept under the proverbial carpet, in favour of more cultured artistic pursuits. However, for independent porn producer and performer Vex Ashley, pornography is a beautiful and highly creative source of inspiration for her work. A medium that has merits in itself. With her Four Chambers project, she has created a series of independent, conceptual and creative films that touch on a deep reservoir of cultivated culture, from psychoanalytic concepts to the experimental visual art of Carolee Schneemann. Vex Ashley’s aims are bold and ambitious, attempting to reclaim significance for pornography and decentralise the entire process, taking back power from the traditional practices of the pornographic industry as a whole. No longer are the films solely produced by a single demographic, but through her Four Chambers project, a new perspective has been unleashed, pushing the boundaries of what porn is really capable of showing and articulating. With a background in analogue photography, digital sex and art school, this coalescence of stimulating fields has resulted in Vex Ashley creating a truly unique viewing experience that encapsulates many positive points of the avant-garde and DIY culture. GATA took the time to talk to this ambitious creative force, in an attempt to understand the roots of this project, and the various visual references and energies that are expressed in her work. 

“ Sex is fascinating because it’s simultaneously an object of cultural fascination and disfunction. There are very few areas of making art that still feel like they have somewhat unexplored territory, sex is maybe one of them? ”

— VEX ashley

“ Sex and eroticism to me is magic, it has the ability to tap into the deepest, most base and primal parts of our psyche and also simulatenously connect us to something that sometimes feels almost transcendent and divine. ”

— Vex AShley

“ We wanted to keep the project and the films deliberately ambiguous to allow the viewer not to become trapped looking for what they already know they want to see, hopefully, that means they go into our films curious for new experiences. I am a woman who makes porn but I’m not just making “porn for women” ”

— Vex AShley

“ My artwork often centred and featured my own body as a site of visceral exploration, influenced by artists like Carolee Schneemann, Ana Mendieta, Helen Chadwick and Francesca Woodman who all used their physicality, their naked body and their sexuality as vehicles to create. ”

— vex ashley

Art , Cinema GATA Magazine 30 November 2021

Photography GATA Magazine 28 November 2021

Hi GATA, I’m Vex, I’m a visual artist, director, performer and independent porn creator with my DIY porn project called Four Chambers. 
I always wanted to create; my artwork often centred and featured my own body as a site of visceral exploration, influenced by artists like Carolee Schneemann, Ana Mendieta, Helen Chadwick and Francesca Woodman who all used their physicality, their naked body and their sexuality as vehicles to create.
I started exploring sex work online as both a way to pay my way through university and as a way to push and explore the use of my body. I started making films as Four Chambers to see if I could bring the same focus on aesthetics and concepts to pornography, as I was doing with my artwork. Sex is fascinating because it’s simultaneously an object of cultural fascination and disfunction. There are very few areas of making art that still feel like they have somewhat unexplored territory, sex is maybe one of them? It’s been used, talked around and touched on but rarely explored explicitly and without boundary. It’s such a huge part of what drives us, what makes us human and yet we keep it in the shadows or push it to the margins, which means it’s still such a rich seam of untapped creative potential and exploration.
Sex and eroticism to me is magic, it has the ability to tap into the deepest, most base and primal parts of our psyche and also simulatenously connect us to something that sometimes feels almost transcendent and divine. It’s about connection, about learning, pushing and investigating our bodies and ourselves. It’s the power that’s within us all, which is endlessly exciting. 
The project started as a little experiment, we didn’t intend to do anything more than making some weird, hot videos with my friends for fun. We just put them up on Tumblr for free and the response was more than we could have imagined, I felt like the creative potential of porn as a medium for ideas just wasn’t really being explored and the audience was there so we went for it.
I named the Four Chambers project after the Anais Nin diaries called The Four Chambered Heart. I liked the word chamber because I can think of our films as different chambers in a house, where you walk through the corridors, opening doors into different scenes, where you get to enter and watch the action unfolding; transported for a few minutes into a new world and then moving on. It also references the physiology of a heart, the blood, the heartbeat, the pumping, the visceral feeling of being alive.
It was always important for me to be on film right from the start,  as well as behind the camera because only having a voyeuristic photographer’s gaze wasn't that interesting to me. There's still an inherent risk of putting your sexual self on film and I wouldn't ask or expect someone to do anything I wasn't prepared to do myself. I hope that being a performer makes me a more understanding and thoughtful director?
As the head of the project and as a woman, my own perspective is always going to be pretty prominent, I can only make work from what I know. But with the project we’ve always tried to step away from catagorisations on the basis of type: gender, bodies, sexualities, type of sex etc. so much of porn nowadays is dominated by these labels that can be limiting. We wanted to keep the project and the films deliberately ambiguous to allow the viewer not to become trapped looking for what they already know they want to see, hopefully, that means they go into our films curious for new experiences. I am a woman who makes porn but I’m not just making “porn for women”
I think the main issue with porn is that we don’t give it the same value as we would other creative media we create and consume; we have been sold the lie that it’s culturally worthless, vapid and indulgent and so we let it be defined by it’s imagined primary consumer, your basic straight white guy who is resistant to change and doesn’t want to challenge a cultural idea of sexual politics that serves him quite nicely. So that’s who the majority of porn is made for because that’s the majority of the people who fund it. It doesn’t have to be this way. I don’t buy into saying “all that kind of porn is bad” because it’s not, it totally works for some people.
The issue is when only one type of sex becomes the only thing you can find and therefore the only thing considered “normal”; sex is infinitely more complex and interesting than that. We need more creators with more perspectives, exploring sex from every angle.
I think it’s interesting because actually female directors or makers of porn are quite common, certainly there are more women directing in mainstream porn than in Hollywood etc! Sex work has always been a place where women and people with diverse or subversive sexualities and gender expressions have always had some power because, at the end of the day, they are the ones that people were paying to see. This doesn’t mean it doesn’t still exist within the climate of the misogynist society we all know and that those sexual dynamics of creator and consumer aren’t infinitely complicated, but porn is more and more becoming decentralised from old, big business porn sites -  so many creators have emerged doing everything themselves, it’s become much more personal and independently directed which is really exciting. 
I think that art is too invested in being a luxury item to sell, which rich people spend unimaginable sums of money on — this means that it has to preserve itself as a cerebral commodity dealing with the highest forms of consciousness and understanding. It needs to be seen to be clever and exclusive to remain profitable. Sex is the opposite of cerebral - it’s bodily, it’s base, it doesn’t need education or social status. Anyone can and does fuck and the people that do - sex workers, porn performers are still thought of by polite society as disposable, as trash. I think the art world doesn’t want to get its hands too dirty, but it’s really missing out.
Yeah, I think there’s a tendency to break work about sex into “art” or “porn”, “worthy or unworthy”, “acceptable” or “unacceptable” - based on if we consider something to be in "good taste”, which for me, is kinda bullshit; tastes are subjective. If you think what I do is art, that’s fine, if you think that what I do is porn, that’s also fine. Deciding what category it fits into is so much less important than what it’s saying and how it makes you feel.
Sex and pleasure are rooted in community building and bodily autonomy, ideas that challenge the capitalist ideal — that the endless spending of money on things is the path to happiness. Pleasure is an act of resistance.
I find it too hard to pick one favourite, it’s like picking a favourite child; you can’t do it! I think I have a fetish for gelatinous, viscous liquids on the skin, so anything, where I can get weird, is the most fun to shoot— where we are fucking covered in lube or wine or gel or glitter.
I love the film we made last year called Orgone Theory because it’s the most ambitious, but also the most minute idea, a bunch of people fucking in a bespoke metal box in Berlin-based on the esoteric ideas of Wilhelm Reich’s Orgone Accumulators; everything about it came together perfectly at the very last second.
The way that social media and the internet is going with hard censorship of sex we need a space away from big business and algorithms telling us what we can and can’t make. Porn is meant to be subversive, to push limits, challenge the status quo and expand our understanding of sex and ourselves. We need freedom from puritanical censorship and a return to community and exploration over profit.
Too many to list - definitely the films of Claire Denis, especially Trouble Every Day and High Life , David Cronenberg’s Crash and Videodrome , The Witch and The Lighthouse by Robert Eggers.
I love anything with a creeping, oozing, dystopian sexuality. The intensity of Gaspar Noe films and the lighting in films by Wong Kar Wai. Also just music videos! A lot of the inspiration for making short films with quick, intense edits to build atmosphere, comes from the style of music videos.
Now more than ever, the illuminating nature of photojournalism is needed. For Magnum Photos, this illustrative power is central to their philosophy. Their mission is simple; to record the human condition in a compassionate way, while maintaining the artistic integrity of their photographers.
GATA recently took the time to uncover the roots of this culture, through the lens of legendary CHITO BANDA , a Mexico City-based photographer who documents the day-to-day life of these urban tribes and is still active to this day.
Gaspar Noé is no stranger to provocation. In fact, the French director seems to delight in finding opportunities to make his audience squirm.
Godfather to the weird but delectable, industrial-cyborg aesthetic that is prominent these days, Chris Cunningham is a British video artist and director who shaped the style of the underground, music video scene of the mid-90s.
MIDNIGHT REMORSE is a 2:14 minutes short film about revenge and sorrow. Produced in Tokyo and filmed in Yamanashi by a team of creatives from Tokyo. Music by KING WOMAN.
Halloween is here, the most sinister time of the year, the days when the most evil forces unite to cast spells and curses. The Spanish artist and “Darkest Angel” Virgen María shares with us an incantation performed on a full moon, exclusively for GATA.
Cristóbal Lopez is the name behind the provocative profile of KERBCRAWLERGHOST , an artist and illustrator from Chile. Raised in an environment of artists and Jehovah's Witnesses, in his childhood it was customary to find books full of dramatic images, full of divine punishments, miracles, diseases, plagues and tests of faith, that marked and inspired him to this day.
GATA sits down with the queen of fetish, lady boss and performer Kat Toronto, a.k.a. MISS MEATFACE to talk about this fascinating world, her life and her love for BDSM. What is the truth behind this seductive and plastic world?
For KIDILL 's Fall/Winter 2021 “DESIRE” collection, GATA dives into the depths of subculture to create a very progressive editorial inspired by the punk rock wave of the 1970s. The collection features collages and images by artist JESSE DRAXLER , who accompanied the brand to highlight the mystery and sass of the collection. At the same time, GATA collaborated with Australian band VOWWS and Jesse himself on an original soundtrack for the editorial video in form of the song "Them".
With four full-length albums in her back catalogue, the artist known as Eartheater has experienced a journey similar to that of the life of a phoenix, reborn from ashes with strength renewed.
Fashion and music have long been partners in crime. Influencing and informing one another to the point where it isn’t clear where the genesis point is. The Madrid-Tokyo based brand Shoop understand this connection very well, fusing elements from 90s hip hop with 2000s music videos and creating a look that is both fresh and exciting while simultaneously inciting a reverence and respect for the past.
From the early days of Bacon’s artistic career, critics were repulsed by his imagery: disfigured teeth, mutated limbs and soulless backdrops. Yet while other artists around him were exploring social movements and revolution, Francis Bacon was taking a more introspective approach. Diving into the depths of his unconscious to find an outlet for his darker desires.
A self-proclaimed voyeur and pervert, NYC-based photographer Lanee Bird is fearless and unrelenting in her creation of art. Drawing influences from queer and fetish culture while engulfing it all in a hazy 80/90s aesthetic, Lanee Bird has made a big impact on the GATA team. What follows is a conversation with the artist in which we explore the convergence between these special subcultures and dive into the depths of this mysteriously kinky mind.
20 años después del lanzamiento de su primer álbum Lujo Ibérico, hablamos con una de las pioneras del rap español María Rodríguez, aka Mala , la llamada ‘madre del hip hop español’.
Coming from a deep history of dark times and thoughts, Canadian singer Dana Dentata is building up energy and strength right now. Her albums and live performances are powerful, and beautifully disturbing at the same time. Accompanied by a demon on stage an in her head Dana is never alone.
Gata Magazine alongside fashion brand John Lawrence Sullivan explores the hauntingly beautiful craft of Argentinian, Tokyo-based artist Iilgaba through a video piece. We invite you to her studio to explore the depths of her mind and watch as her masks come to life. Please, come in
Several years have passed since her first single “Ratxeta” was released, showing that with her very strong fan base, La Zowi is not just another single hit wonder. In January 2020, the Madrid-based artist La Zowi released the mixtape “ Elite ”, which is her most ambitious work so far. It is a journey through her life and trajectory in the trap game, from a hoe to a boss . Everything about this new project shouts progression, and GATA is hooked.
Kazuyoshi Usui catches the Japanese soul like no one else. His images are impactful and profound. They show the life and emotions of the real streets, the real people and he fuses them with a lucid, dreamy fantasy of the world that captures the beautiful struggles of a generation
These objects are luxuries, one can live without them. But if you want to have them, I think it's good to see it as something rare and to think about it as such. Let it become sentimental…
For the second time, GATA meets Misstress Hinako, ⁣⁣⁣the queen of the Tokyo fetish underground world.⁣⁣⁣ This time we enter her home where she tells us everything about her passion and fetish. ⁣⁣⁣ Filmed on an old mini DV we present you:⁣⁣⁣ This is RUBBERIZED Vol. 2. ⁣⁣⁣⁣

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