Ashley Ch. 06

Ashley Ch. 06

The rain relented after three straight days, and Ashley could not have been more relieved. She needed the sun, and feeling trapped inside the house had been a terrible experience. Bored and restless and insanely horny, all she had done since the day the unexpected shipment arrived was play with herself. Frankly, it was embarrassing, both from her new-found addiction and from having withheld it from herself for so long. Okay, so maybe it wasn't the most Christian thing she should be doing, but it wasn't like she was out having sex, either. And besides, it felt really, really good.

She padded around the house naked, another new habit she developed. Everything seemed to irritate her skin lately, especially early in the day. Once she'd been up and around for a few hours—and masturbated a couple of times—she usually managed to put on some clothes. And today, with the rain finally gone, that meant she could finally get the pool in order.

The pool wasn't large—only 10 × 20 feet—but still, Ashley knew the work would be hard. She diligently cleaned off the cover, wearing a bikini with a pair of shorts over the bottoms and some crocs. It wasn't her sexiest look, she knew, but for the moment, this was about work. And work she did. It felt good to put her body to use, and while this wasn't nearly as much fun as a good jog could be, there was definitely something satisfying about doing this kind of labor when she could see the results.

By lunchtime, she'd done what she could for the day. The chlorine would need to work in there for a few days before she could actually enjoy being in the pool, and that was fine. Summer wasn't in full swing just yet. Besides, now that this icky part was done, she could concentrate on the most important part of her summer prep: her tan.

First, she went inside for a quick shower. She had touched too many gross bugs and slime and chemicals for her liking. Once that was done, she put on what she thought of as her backyard bikini. It was white and skimpier than anything she ever wore in public, but it also produced the least amount of tan lines, which is what she wanted for now.

Somehow, though, it didn't feel right. She glanced in the full-length mirror and found the top barely covered her areola. And the bottom was similarly indecent. "What on earth?" she asked her reflection. She had been the same bra size since her sophomore year in high school, but this bikini top was at least a size too small. She untied it and tugged on a bra. She grunted and struggled and finally got it fastened on the last row of hooks in back. Wearing it only made her squished boobs look bigger than they were, and she couldn't breathe. It was an odd relief when she took the stupid thing off.

She folded herself down to the ground and frowned at her reflection. Okay, she had been a little hungrier lately, and she assumed it was the after effects of that food poisoning bout she'd had. And she hadn't been jogging in a good week, between sickness and looking for Chester and the rain. But shouldn't she be getting fat everywhere? She hefted her breasts, and they were definitely bigger. Then she pulled herself up to her knees and studied her profile. Her butt, while remaining in good shape, was also definitely rounder while well toned. And, if anything, her waist seemed smaller, so it wasn't like she was just ballooning.

When Ashley rose, an image flickered across her mind of standing here, naked, with someone behind her whispering in her ear. She shook her head to clear it and the vision vanished. "Okay then," she told her reflection with a shaky laugh. She put the bikini top back on, ignoring how hard her nipples had become, and padded to the kitchen for a sandwich. Even if her boobs and butt were magically growing, she still needed to eat.

Ashley grabbed a towel, some of the new sunscreen she'd gotten, and a magazine, then slid into her flip flops and headed back to the backyard. She set those things near the edge of the pool as she went and got her chair out of the shed. It was a little dirty, but that's what the towel was for. She laid the towel down, made sure her mess of blonde curls was tucked into a messy bun, and slathered up with sunscreen. Man, she sure loved the way it smelled! It was like aromatherapy she could wear all the time, and she found it super calming. That done, she laid out on her stomach to work on her back first.

The sun felt so nice, and she was so relaxed, that she dozed for a little bit. Her dreams were hazy and filled with the smell of honeysuckle. She thought there was something in there about getting a full body massage, but all at once. It felt so good.

But eventually she got sore laying one way, so she peeled herself up and turned over. As she readjusted her aviator sunglasses, she spied something glint in the window next door. She froze for a split second before setting her jaw in irritation. Ugh, Dale was up there staring at her! He even had his binoculars out! God, he was such a damn creep! She had half a mind to march over to his house and berate him for being a disgusting old man.

That wouldn't do any good, of course. He'd lie and say he was bird watching or something comparably false. Then a little smile spread across her face. Fine, he wanted to ogle her, then she would really give him something to stare at.

Her eyes, covered by her shades, made sure she could still see him in the window first. Yes, there he was. Ashley pulled the back of her chair up into lounging position, and then grabbed the sunscreen again. She started with a small slow dribble on her legs, which she massaged in slowly and, she hoped, sensually. Then she put some on her shoulders and worked it in on her arms.

WIthout really thinking about how far she was going to take this, she untied the top of her bikini and draped it across the arm of the chair. As she squeezed some of the sunscreen directly onto her chest, she glanced up at Dale's window. His mouth was open as he leaned forward in whatever chair he sat in. Yeah, here's what you were always hoping for, you old pervert, she thought angrily. But the smell of the sunscreen helped her anger float away the more her hands roamed over her breasts. That did feel incredible.

She almost forgot about teasing her neighbor as a spike of arousal hit her. Soon she felt it in her pussy each time her fingers danced across her nipples. She fell back onto the lounge chair, grasping at herself, when the glint hit Dale's binoculars again. When she glanced back up this time, he was standing there, one hand holding the device to his face while the other was moving slowly up and down inside his shorts.

That yanked her awareness off of herself for the moment as she blushed a deep red across her entire body. Was...was he...oh hell, he was! Who did he think he was, jerking off while looking at her?!? She felt disgusted and humiliated and...and flattered? She hated to admit it to herself, but it was flattering to think he found her attractive enough that he needed to rub one out just from looking at her. The scent of the sunscreen overwhelmed her for a moment, making her want to gag, and then it dissipated and took her horror with it. All it left behind was her shameful desire.

As she returned to pinching her nipples with one hand, the other untied the bottoms of her bikini. She peeled the front of it down, ignoring how it stuck to her wetness, and began to rub her clit. Yes, now that felt good. It felt right. She was horny and her body was ripe and it deserved the attention she was giving it. This was natural and what she should be doing with herself right now.

This time when Ashley looked up at her neighbor's window, he had his shorts down as he stroked himself harder. Though his hand was moving fast, she still got enough of a look at his dick to be impressed. She'd always assumed he was a shriveled up coot, but she supposed fifty wasn't as old as she supposed by how large and red his cock was. And now that she'd seen it, seen what he was doing to it, she had a hard time taking her eyes off of it.

She didn't think he knew she'd spied him just yet, so she slid her legs off the sides of the chair to fully expose her pussy to him. His hand paused as his binoculars tipped up to her face. She smiled as she started to rub herself harder and faster, never turning her face away from that angle.

Dale's fist redoubled its efforts.

Meanwhile, Ashley found herself in a haze of lust and confusion. There was an alarm bell again somewhere in the back of her mind, reminding her how horrified she would be later to know that she was masturbating in front of her creepy neighbor while he was doing the same to her. But laid over that warning was a voice. It was familiar and scary but seductive at the same time. You need to shed these puritanical notions you have of modesty first, Ashley. I don't care how humiliating you find it to do. But I need you stripped of that before I can finish molding you. Whose voice was that? Recognition was right at the edge of her mind, but the burning fire in her loins kept higher thought from functioning.

Her other hand quit playing with her tits and joined the other hand at her pussy. But rather than just playing with her clit, it slid a finger inside of her. She shuddered for a moment before shoving two more fingers in with it. Every nerve in her body pulsed in time with those fingers, which were bringing her closer and closer to a climax.

She looked back up at Dale, who'd dropped the binoculars and was holding onto the window sill as he furiously pumped his cock. As she watched, his head flew back and suddenly something splashed across the pane. She jumped, shocked, when it happened again. He'd cum. She had made him cum. That thought tipped her over the edge as her own orgasm ripped through her. She squeezed her eyes shut as the ecstasy tore through her, and her mind replayed that image of him shooting his seed across the glass over and over. Every time the image started over, her climax would crest again until her body ached with how hard her muscles clenched.

Finally, slowly, she drifted back down into herself. Her breathing was ragged, and her fingers ached. She slid them out of her, and she could feel wetness spilling out of her onto the towel in their wake. When she glanced up, Dale still stood there, his shorts down and cock growing flaccid, but still watching her. Ashley slid her sunglasses up so they rested on her head. Keeping her eyes up on Dale, she lifted her fingers up to her mouth and sucked each of them clean before licking the rest of her juices off the palm of her hand. She didn't think she would enjoy that taste if it hadn't been mixed with the floral flavor of the sunscreen that lingered on her skin.

Somehow, that action had Dale's cock back at attention.

With a smile and a wink, she slid her sunglasses back down and resumed her normal sunbathing position, not bothering to put her bikini back on. After all, Dale had literally already seen everything she had to offer, so why worry?

She dozed in the sun and dreamed about lessons in indecency from the voice she'd heard earlier. The alarm that had sounded for her earlier remained silent, unplugged and never to be heard from again.

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